Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 23

Episode 23 Midterm Exam (4)

Light has its shadow.

In fact, trying to divide all phenomena in the world into light and dark is an extremely dichotomous way of thinking.

But at least in this world, humans were clearly defined as good and demons as evil. The standard for this was the difference in the power they used.

Humans manifest blessings, and demons cast magic.

To explain the difference between the two simply, protection is about strengthening physical specifications, while magic is about recombining elements to form skills.

For reference, buffs and healing protections are in a different context from other strengthening, but since I was the type who only focused on dealing damage when playing Miracle Protection, I don’t have much information on it.

Moreover, not only protection but also magic is an academic field that is full of countless abstract theories and can be interpreted differently depending on the viewpoint.

In fact, it is meaningless to discuss such things right now when the fire is at our feet. Instead, I can say this one thing for sure.

The current situation is so desperate that it makes me want to curse.

Even though it’s still the beginning of the story, the main character Leon is on the verge of death from a single attack from that pseudo-fish-human. It’s ridiculous that he can’t even react.

However, it was evidence of the difference in strength between humans and demons. No matter how much you strengthen your body, it was usually impossible to defeat a demon who used magic without forming a human party.

In terms of games, the demon merman group is a field mob that spits out experience points, and the mine mermaid is a boss that must be attacked by a party.

Ironically, I am now in a situation where I have to fight one of the bosses that the system has set up for raids alone. Even with the protection of the swordsman, it is difficult to guarantee victory.

Even up until now, I had some knowledge based on my experience playing the game, so I was able to deal with it to some extent.

However, I had little understanding of the mines and magic that appeared only in the latter half of the story.

Judging from the scar on Leon’s side, it seems he uses long-range water-attribute magic?

I fixed my gaze on the mermaid. Rough scales covered her entire body like armor, and where white teeth should have been, serrated shark teeth flashed menacingly.

If I think about it, would I be a worthy opponent when I can only use a knife? I was confident that I could dodge most attacks, but what if an attack came that I absolutely could not dodge?

‘Oh, shit.’

Anyway, I crossed the river from which I could not return. Even if I lamented my situation uselessly, nothing would change. Chloe, who had gone to request rescue, would take more than ten minutes to arrive no matter how fast she was.

There was only one immediate goal. To cut that guy down. As I made up my mind to do that, the sense of crisis that had been creeping in gradually calmed down.

A smile appeared on my face without me realizing it, as the tension that had been calming down seemed to scratch my tingling insides. Then, the mermaid tilted her head with the slippery face characteristic of fish.

I shook the hilt of the sword I was holding in both hands and took off the scabbard.

“Let’s have some proper sashimi for the first time in a while.”

[Your spirit will rise as you demonstrate your courage.]

[The feeling of pressure increases with words and actions.]

[Use the restraints to start adjusting to suit the user.]


[The protection of the Sword God is manifested.]


《May God bless you.》


* * *

Fortunately, Leon’s condition began to improve little by little as he unleashed the highest level of healing protection, even though he was deeply wounded.

Speed Weapon, who had checked the situation, immediately turned his gaze towards the puddle. All he could see was the back of a woman holding two sashimi sticks and the Mine Mermaid whose body trembled at the mere glance.

I knew full well that Kanggeomma was incredibly strong from the subspace duel that took place a few days ago. I had clearly seen his swordsmanship based on overwhelming speed.

The only problem is that, unlike that time, the opponent is not a human being, but a mine.

It wasn’t such a far-fetched idea to fight a mine one-on-one, but that only applied to those as strong as the Seven Star Heroes.

Kang Geum-ma was still a cadet at the academy. Even a first-year student. It was a brave thing to not die in one blow.

Moreover, the Mermaid was a demon that could only be matched by three instructors. Although she was not a demon with outstanding physical strength, she was quite difficult because of her skill in handling water-attribute magic.

In the first place, isn’t it common sense, or rather, logic, that no matter how amazing the swordsmanship is, it can’t physically cut through water?

It was clear that he was crazy.

Should I stop it now? Will stopping it make any difference? Shaking off his distracting thoughts, Speed Weapon turned his head slightly.

Rachel was swinging her sword around, looking a little tired, as she cut down a group of approaching mermen.

I wanted to grant some buffs to Kanggeommana and Rachel, but it was too much to just heal Leon.

… … !

In that moment, a creepy sensation from the pool enveloped my whole body. It was an unfamiliar feeling at first, but I knew it instinctively.

The resonance of magic. It felt like my bones would crack just by getting close.

The distance must have been at least 50 meters, but just looking at it made my teeth chatter so much that my jaw shook. I wanted to cry and snot run down my face.

Even in the midst of the suffocating ominous atmosphere, Kanggeomma approached the mermaid without any fear. Rather, a murderous aura emanated from the sashimi blade that was gleaming.

Immediately afterwards, Kanggeomma took a light step forward.


As he approached, the mermaid snapped her fingers. Blue magic burst out through her webbed feet.

At the same time, a crescent-shaped underwater cutter extended straight out from the pool, accompanied by an inaudible noise.


The trees that had grown densely in the forest were all cut down like corn. Rachel, who had been fighting the merman group with a hundred men, also turned her head reflexively. Confusion and fear filled their eyes.

With one spell cast, the lush landscape of trees and forests was instantly transformed into a barren plain.

A groan escaped from the incredible destructive power. A thick white fog covered the area, perhaps as an aftereffect of magic.

The swordsman is not visible.

Speed Weapon’s puzzled gaze quickly searched for the black hair. His heart pounded.

“Strong Sword Horse!”

With a short whoosh, the swordsman leaps through the thick fog toward the mermaid. As if expecting this, the mermaid fires the sharply-shaped water auger she has created.


Kanggeomma uses the momentum from his run to dodge the water augers that shoot out like bullets by lying down in midair, one inch apart.

What the heck? You’re reacting to that?

The child’s movements were like a stream of water, as if time was flowing slowly only for him. Speed Weapon felt proud of himself just by barely catching the shadow with his eyes.

The Mermaid fires water augers like machine guns, but as the Sword Horse buries itself in the hazy mist, the trees behind Amen fall, spewing out debris.

The mermaid’s expressionless face gradually became filled with confusion and shock.


The refreshing sound of footsteps that had been heard from the right suddenly appeared on the left.

In the blink of an eye, Kanggeomma quickly twisted and swung the sashimi he had caught in reverse.

The mermaid, whose face had lost its composure, flinched back. Then, she tried to spread some distance and deploy a red-colored defensive shield.

Now I couldn’t even tell what was what.

How many fights have taken place in a span of less than a few seconds? Before the fragmented information can be converted into a single mass, something happens.

If the performance that Kanggeomma showed the other day was to crush the enemy with transcendent speed, now he approaches the enemy while deflecting attacks with quick and accurate techniques.

I thought it was just purely fast, but the speed adjustment and stance switching according to the enemy’s attack type. The battle sense that Kanggeomma showed was engraved in my mind.

Speed Weapon thought. At the point where he was already dealing with one demon, Kanggeomma’s level was far beyond that of a mere academy cadet. He would not be ashamed to be praised as an unparalleled genius.

Is she an instructor? No. Although it is overshadowed by the swordsmanship of the strong swordsman, the killing power of the magic used by that mermaid is so great that it makes your body tremble just by looking at it.

Then, what level is that kid? After a brief moment of contemplation, Speed Weapon quickly decided to take in the fierce battle with his eyes. He thought that perhaps he was witnessing a legendary moment.

The swordsman took a big step forward and twisted the sashimi. The blade flew like a bee and struck the fish’s right leg.


The severed leg fell down with a crunching sound.


The long fish eyes slowly open horizontally and a scream is emitted between the serrated teeth.

A thin liquid spurts out from the cut surface and the body begins to slowly tilt to the right.

Speed Weapon was speechless. How could a human be that strong? He felt a chilling blow to the back of his head from the absurd strength that seemed to deny reality.

He couldn’t even count how many times the swordsman had struck in the span of a split second. He probably missed at least twenty, if not thirty, movements.

Just as a skilled swordsman skillfully handles a live fish flapping on a chopping board, he is consistently overwhelming and outclasses Mine.

“Ah …

The mermaid cried out in anger as she wrapped her severed leg. At the same time, the fallen leaves in the mud fluttered and swayed.

The mermaid trembles and then folds her hands over her chest.

Ss …

A bright blue magic ball emerged, condensed from the thick fog and puddles of water into a hand-drawn circle.

Overflowing magic.

Speed Weapon and Rachel, who were there, could tell that a different dimension was coming. It seemed that this time, it wasn’t the scenery that would change, but the map of the island.

That’s impossible to guard. You have to run away right now. Leon, who had collapsed at that moment, groaned and caught his breath. Judging from the fact that he came to his senses in a matter of seconds after the protection was activated, this kid is no ordinary person.

But what mattered right now wasn’t Leon’s safety.

“Kang Geum-ma, you little shit!!!! Get out of here, fucking shit!!!!”

Speed Weapon roared with bloodshot eyes on his neck. If it weren’t for the strong swordsman, he wouldn’t have had his head on his shoulders. He’s a brat who doesn’t know anything, but he can’t help but cheer.

Kanggeomma still doesn’t look back. Even though his life is at stake, he doesn’t turn his back on the enemy.

Speed Weapon muttered to himself, wondering what the world would call such a person.


“Sword! Kill that little fish!”

Rachel, who had almost finished the battle, turned her head back and shouted at Kanggeomma’s back. It was a cry of trust, not desperation.

With those words, Kanggeomma took a similar posture as before and lowered his upper body as if suppressing his body.

The murderous aura emanating from the frosty sashimi engulfs the mermaid’s magic like a wave.

“Ah …

A mermaid with bristled scales fired a cannonball.


A loud noise that hits the eardrums. The magic ball, which sweeps away the remains of the previous son-in-law and draws a straight spiral, heads towards the strong sword horse like an electric current.

Both Speed Weapon and Rachel let out a silent scream.


A bundle of veins began to appear on the arm holding the sashimi.

Kanggeomma throws his body towards the torpedo that is fired with a roaring sound.

All the trucks on my body stood up at once.


A blue sphere split exactly in half.

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not work with dark mode