Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 223

Episode 223 Concept (2)

As soon as day broke, I climbed onto the soul’s back.

“Please do what I said yesterday.”

He gave his final words of advice to the inspector and the chief of police.

“Don’t worry. I’ll do it no matter what.”

“I will also show you results that will satisfy Your Majesty in the near future! Drive safely… … ? Anyway, fly safely!”

In that way, as the two people saw each other off, the soul flapped its wings and flew up.


In the middle of the flight, the spirit suddenly opened its mouth and asked.

“Master Sword, you haven’t forgotten the promise we made back then, have you?”

Promise? What promise? Was there a promise you made separately from your soul?

When there was no answer, Hon turned his head back slightly. She muttered, narrowing her eyes.

“Triple Hanwoo… … .”

Ah, that. That blatant lie about trying to trick my soul. I had completely forgotten about it.

The problem is that triple beef is a mythical meat that doesn’t even exist. Double beef is the Maginot Line for triple beef.

But I was too shameless to keep my mouth shut. The soul helped me in so many ways that it was hard to put a price on it.

I opened my mouth as soon as I thought of a solution.

“Hon, have you ever heard of Wagyu?”

“Wagyu… …? What is that?”

When this guy is in dragon form, he always ends his sentences with a slur. Is that a concept? The intimidation is definitely reduced.

“It’s similar to triple hanwoo, but it’s so expensive? It costs 300,000 won per serving.”

“T-Thirty thousand won!?”

The back of my soul shook.

‘Until recently, I thought of Shin Saimdang as just a piece of tissue to blow my nose with… … .’

Now, the value of money seems to be engraved in my mind. It is an economic sense that was awakened by beef.

‘Let’s think positively.’

It would be better for her soul to be absorbed into the universe quickly. Even if it is shallow, she should fill in some human common sense so that her academy life will be easier.

… But apart from that, I can’t help but feel bitter. Is this how it feels to watch a newborn baby grow up? It’s just a feeling. If this continues, I think he’ll ask me to buy him a smartphone later.

I smiled bitterly and continued speaking.

“Anyway, since you worked hard, I’ll buy you as much as you want to eat.”

Of course, with Choi Seol-ah’s money.

Even though I receive sponsorship and have income from Chilseong, I can’t afford the enormous amount of food that Hon eats.

Even if I can’t do it, 20 servings of wagyu will be sucked into my soul’s mouth.

‘And once you buy me some Wagyu, you have to keep buying it.’

The zeros stamped on my bankbook will evaporate into a single zero. Oh my gosh, it’s dizzying.


The wings flapped even more vigorously, tearing apart the clouds. Land was visible between them. Return home was imminent.

* * *

At that moment, Weapon let out a long sigh.

“Whew… … . I expected it, but preparing to create a new class is harder than I thought.”

While the headmaster was away, Weapon was faithfully carrying out his assigned duties. He even split up his spare time between classes and even his sleeping time.

Weapon had been living the hardest he had ever lived in his entire life for several days. Saki was amazed at his enthusiasm.

“Weapon, aren’t you overdoing it?”

Why do we do this? Because it is a mission given by the manager himself.

Kanggeomma was a Seven-Star Hero. He was a big shot who had the authority to give orders to anyone.

However, the manager asked him to do it. This was due to the trust they had built up over time.

‘This speed weapon was chosen by the Heavenly Sword Master!’

He could never disappoint his manager. He was a man whose duty it was to live up to expectations.

In addition, there was a strange thrill that came with the ‘creation of a special class!’ This was also the same as when Kanggeomma became Chilseong. It was an unprecedented event.

The Joaquin Academy has a reputation for being conservative. To put it positively, it is solidly based, but to put it differently, it is lukewarm to change.

It wasn’t just the Joaquin Academy that was unique. Rejecting change is a trait shared by all institutions with a long history.

“That’s why the academy easily rots.”

There are even nobles who are trying to get into schools illegally by paying bribes. Weapon shook his head.

‘This theory won’t work.’

The wind of change must blow through this academy, which has been established as a university.

‘This special class will be the first step.’

And he himself is stamping his stamp on the history of enlightenment. Weapon clenched his fist.

“You can do it.”

It’s something I’ve recently come to realize, but Weapon is exceptionally good at this kind of practical work. Much better than Saki.

A meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

‘Well, just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re good at doing things that require running around like this.’

Weapon carefully looked through the folder in his hand.

“It’s almost finished now.”

Special class creation. Weapons had to do three main things.

First, the recruitment and organization of the members that the manager had mentioned. The most important first step. If it was blocked here, everything would have been in vain.

Weapon has painstakingly analyzed the three Holy Class members.

We organized a personality chart for each student, ran an interview simulation, and even guessed their MBTI.

With such thorough preparation, Weapon walked towards the Holy Class. He approached each person with a friendly smile and asked them carefully. The answer was… .

“Okay, fine. I’ll go in. Thanks for the suggestion.”

The next warrior, Leon van Reinhardt ☑

“Wow, the new class that the Sword Demon is creating? You want to recruit me there?! I’ll go in! I’ll definitely go in! If you don’t let me in, I’ll break down the door and get in!”

Rachel de Murat, niece of Changseong ☑

“He called me personally? Oh, I’m not saying I don’t like it! I’m just a little flustered! I don’t need time to think about it… … . I’ll go in for now. Uh, I have one favor to ask.”


“It’s nothing special, but… can you keep it a secret from the swordsman that I told you I would find out right away?”

“Uh, well… that’s about it… … . But why?”

Golden eyes filled with compassion.

“Weapon, you noticed too… No. Just pretend you didn’t hear what I just said.”

“… … ?”

Granddaughter of the Sword Master, Abel von Nibelungen ☑

The three members of the Holy Class readily agreed. There was not a single hesitation or question.

Just by saying the magic word ‘Ganggeomma’, he nodded quickly. To the point where his efforts were in vain.

“What is this?”

Weapon felt empty. If this was going to happen, what would become of me, who had been naked all night? I know the manager’s popularity is thick, but this is too easy. This is not just a high pass, it’s a super pass.

‘It was all for nothing!’

The weapon was a little mouth-watering. Anyway, the first step was successfully completed. It was time to move on to the second step.

The manager gave us another task: naming the classes!

Originally, it was a procedure that the manager was supposed to do. However, since the manager left in a hurry, Weapon ended up taking over that role.

Weapon was overwhelmed by the burden. He spent the night clutching his head again.

“No, that’s not it either.”

Crumpled papers piled up like a mountain in the trash can. After a long struggle with dawn.

“This… this, this is it… … !”

The weapon was finally written down.

『Heavenly Class.』

A class name that reminds me of Ganggeomma’s nickname, ‘Cheongeom’. It feels grandiose, but I like it even more because of that.

Shouldn’t it be higher than the word “star”? The sun and the moon are not enough. The sky that encompasses them! This really hit home.

‘Of course. This is the class that the Seven Star Hero Cheon Geum will reside in, so it has to be at least this good.’

Weapon, who was proud of himself, danced around at dawn. It was a habitual antics that came out when he was having a hard time containing his joy. Cousin Rachel called it monkey magic.

So far, it was smooth sailing. The only remaining procedure was the final one. It was, of course, the approval of the principal.

In fact, the proposal to establish a new class came from the head of the academy. Therefore, the request for approval was merely a formality. However.

Weapon, standing in front of the principal’s office door, was covered in cold sweat. He just stared blankly at the glossy nameplate. The hand that had been raised to knock kept going down.

The weapon was tense.

‘A private meeting with the principal.’

It was rare for alumni to have a conversation with the current dean. This was because the dean was so busy with work that it was difficult for him to find time. Even professors had to make time six months in advance.

‘The head of the academy visits the principal’s office like it’s an arcade from the beginning of the first semester.’

That’s what’s unusual about the manager. The weapon’s reaction was actually normal.

“Don’t be nervous, Weapon. If we just do this, it’ll be over. I can live up to the boss’s expectations.”

As Weapon was muttering to himself, an agitated voice was suddenly heard from beyond the door.

“What?! Why are you calling me out of the blue?! Where have I been stuck for ten years!”

Following the principal’s voice, another voice flowed in.

-How have you been, Doori?

The voice is a bit noisy. It seems like the call is on speakerphone.

“I, I told you not to call me that! What kind of country bumpkin are you!”

-Why~ If it’s second, why don’t you do it~!

Weapon pressed his ear to the door. The tone and voice of the person on the other end of the call were familiar.

Who is it?

* * *

As soon as I got to my dorm room, I threw myself on the bed.

I lay there like a corpse for a few minutes. I buried my face in the blanket and slowly got up.

“Even if you sleep, you have to wash before you sleep.”

I felt really uncomfortable because I hadn’t washed properly for three days. I saw too much blood in Hawaii. I got covered in the blood of dozens of dark elves. And I just wiped it off with a wet towel.

There was a shower room in the barracks, but I couldn’t use it because I was staying with my soul.

You might wonder why I’m being so sensitive, but sharing a shower with a girl? As someone who’s been single my whole life, it’s beyond common sense.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my smartphone and listened to some music while taking a shower.

It was then. Boo-woong- The phone trembled several times. Missed calls, text messages, and other notifications came rushing in. The Hawaiian Islands were outside the call area, so they were only just now coming.

I undressed one layer at a time and checked the contacts. A list of status reports from Weapon. Weapon organized them neatly and sent them to a file.

A snicker escaped my lips. You’ve been doing a good job while I was gone.

‘But I can’t check each and every one of these.’

Public and private communications were all mixed up. At this rate, I wouldn’t be able to sleep, let alone wash.

I quickly figured out a way. I spoke into my smartphone.

“Bigsbig, please sort out only the private contacts and recite them to me orally while I shower.”

[I thought I had some free time… … .]

A soft sigh bounced off the bathroom tiles. Bigsbig sorted through the contacts while ticking.


Bigsbig was surprised that it didn’t match.

[Sir, the sender is a bit strange.]

I was concentrating on controlling the water temperature, so I answered calmly.

“If it’s spam, block it.”

[It doesn’t seem to be spam. But what should I say? The first number is 019, and it’s a really old phone number format. So I tried backtracking and… ]

There was silence. Bigsbig’s mouth opened again.

[This is a text message from the former headmaster of the academy.]


The shower head blasted out icy cold water.

Oh, shit. The temperature control is failing.

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not work with dark mode