Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 216

Episode 216 Sashimi is better than words

The elder elf, Rogue, lowered his eyes and looked only at Kanggeomma’s shoes. He didn’t dare raise his head.

‘It’s not death that I’m afraid of.’

He was an elder who had lived a life that no human could ever dream of. He had long since escaped the fear of death. Rather, he had grown tired of living. He had no purpose or direction in life anymore.

That worn-out old man was sweating profusely. It was like water flowing out of a dry towel when you twist it tightly. This was because the monster in front of him, the Ganggeomma, had stimulated the elder’s trauma.

The deep humiliation he had suffered from the hero of the first century. Rogue was reliving that humiliation hundreds of years later. From a human who called himself the disciple of Balor Joaquin.

‘It’s different from Balor Joaquin.’

Heavenly Sword, Ganggeomma. He was still weak compared to the heroes of the time. The human who cut down the 1st Corps Commander Lycan, who was called the strongest in the past and present, was Balor Joaquin.

The Ganggeomma is definitely strong. However, if you compare it to Balor Joaquin, it’s a different story.

‘It’s something that can be dealt with by the 2nd Corps Commander Kuarn.’

It seemed that Ganggeomma had not yet fully demonstrated his strength. It was difficult for him to be on par with the hero of the first poem.

Still, the demon’s intuition sounded a warning. This boy would one day become an indescribable being.


Kanggeomma, who was rubbing his eyes, said. His eyes were sore from using ‘Sword God’s Protection’ for nearly a minute.

“Are you done pretending to be crazy?”

“… … .”

Kanggeomma crouched down and looked at the elder. Rogue’s wrinkled face twitched.

Meanwhile, the situation on the swordsman and the spirit side was also sorted out. With the leader of the group, Rogue, captured, the remaining elves lost their will to fight. The elves put down their weapons, clasped their hands behind their heads, and knelt.

Only then did the sword master come running. He stopped the swordsman in an urgent voice.

“Heavenly Sword! Wait, wait!”

Kanggeomma tilted his head. Geomje spoke while panting.

“Don’t kill them right away. And look over there. There are less than twenty elves left, and even those have all surrendered. So no more needless killings… … .”

“I have no intention of killing.”

The elder elf raised his head reflexively. You have no intention of killing him?

Kang Geum-ma concluded his speech.

“Not yet.”

If the ‘Painless Protection’ time has passed, the ‘Protection of the Sword God’ can no longer be manifested. Even if I kill him, I plan to leave the aftermath to the Sword Master or the Association.

‘It’s good to have a clean finish, but not while enduring the pain.’

Besides, this old elf seemed to know something about the boss. And that’s not all. ‘The fifth fragment’. I had to find the fragment that was somewhere on this Hawaiian island. The area around the Demon Gate was the Dark Elf’s territory, so I’m sure he knew the geography very well.

‘I was going to save a few of these guys and use them as guides anyway.’

If you’re an elder elf, you should know the way. After considering this and that, it would be better to keep him alive for now. Of course, if he shows any suspicious signs, I’ll deal with him right away.

Kanggeomma lowered his gaze. Should he start by cutting off the old dark elf’s fingers? He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. He was not a white man, so touching a body part was a bit much. If I were to cut it, I would just cut off the head.

“Tea… I’d rather kill you!”

It was Rogue’s last words. It was his last stand as an elder elf. There were still a few dark elves alive. He had to save face even when he had to go.

“I would rather die with my sword than tell you anything!”

“… … .”

Kang Geum-ma frowned.

‘Even if I try to talk it out.’

It was always like this. The demons and villains didn’t understand at first glance when I spoke to them.

‘After all, words speak louder than words… … .’

Kang Geum-ma let out a sigh and stretched out his right arm to the side. Everyone’s pupils grew as big as lanterns. It was a sight that was hard to believe even after seeing it with their own eyes.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh… … .”

Eyes as slit as a rotten fish. Unnatural movements. Daiso sashimi pierced through the throat. The close elf rises with clear evidence of death hanging from his body. Like a zombie.

The elder elf’s gaze wandered. He pursed his lips.

“Galemfield… why… no… what is this… … .”

The elder elf’s mind turned completely white. Even though he had lived for nearly a thousand years, he had never heard of anything like this. A corpse coming back to life? Kanggeomma, is this guy really a demon?

The complexions of the sword master, the chief of police, and everyone else sitting there were pale. It was the first time they had seen the ‘power of the King of Hell.’ Even the experienced Hon shrugged his shoulders.

‘It’s a cool ability that you can see twice… … .’

The shock didn’t stop there. Kanggeomma waved his outstretched hand in the air. Then, the close elf-undead froze like stone. It wasn’t a metaphor. The close elf, petrified from the soles of his feet, became a single stone statue. Looking at that, Hon’s back felt cold.

‘The Eyes of Petrification… …!?’

This is the power obtained by strengthening Murasame after defeating Basilisk. It is the ability to petrify the target stabbed with a sword. However, it was difficult to use in practice because there were several conditions attached. I thought it was a dud, so I kept it aside, but I never thought I would use it like this.

‘I feel uncomfortable because it seems like I’m being insulted.’

It was necessary to instill fear in this old elf. This was called shock therapy.

‘I think this is enough.’

Kanggeomma withdrew his outstretched hand and looked at the elder elf again.

“They say the dead don’t speak, but you just saw it. I can even bring the dead back to life, if only for a little while.”

Kang Geum-ma stretched his neck from side to side.

“Rather than bothering those annoying people and bickering, I can just revive them and ask them.”

Of course, it was a joke. A corpse resurrected by power is just a corpse. However, those who do not know this fact will spread their imaginations.

“You can kill the surviving dark elves one by one and then ask them to come back to life. But I am giving you room to negotiate.”

“… … .”

“Choose. If you cooperate with us, you and your compatriots will be spared. Of course, you will be dragged to the Hero Association prison.”

“…If you’re going to save the life of a dead person, why are you making such a suggestion?”

He replied briefly.


The elder elf gritted his teeth. Kanggeomma arched an eyebrow and shrugged.

“Yes, if you want to kick away the opportunity to negotiate. There, that… hero?”

“Oh, is that you? Your Majesty.”


Kanggeomma nodded his chin at the male hero who was standing there awkwardly. The man was armed with a greatsword that a scoundrel would wield.

“For every minute the Elder remains silent, behead one dark elf.”

“But, but… … .”

The man hesitated. He wondered if it was right to behead the enemy who surrendered.

Kang Geum-ma gave an order like a roar.

“I’m speaking as Chilseong. If you disobey an order, be prepared to be punished. And you saw it too, Hero. I clearly gave him a chance. But he refuses, so what can I do?”


“It would be fine if the dark elves cooperated, but if they don’t, it will be a disaster in the end. What kind of things would the demons do when they are so poisoned?”

The man swallowed hard and answered.

“… There is a possibility that it could go ‘berserk’ and cause additional damage.”

“Yes. So wouldn’t it be right to cut the buds off before that?”

The man nodded.

“I guess I was short-sighted.”

He approached the elf, raising his greatsword in a flash.

“I will follow the command of the Heavenly Sword Master.”

And then, at that moment.


The elder elf sank to the ground, half unconscious. He hit the floor and cried. His heart had finally broken.

Kang Geum-ma watched the scene with a blank expression.

‘I feel like I’ve become a villain.’

There’s no way around it. Humans and mines, two races with completely opposite attributes, are each other’s villains. There are exceptions like the soul, but that’s because the soul is special.

Above all, dark elves enjoy cannibalism. Cannibalism is common among the demon race, but dark elves have a vulgar way of doing things. They approach with a kind face, lower their guard, and then attack.

Also, from what I’ve seen in the community, he sided with the human side during the Second World War and ended up getting stabbed in the back of the head. It’s not for nothing that he’s called a ‘sly little bastard’.

“I will cooperate… … .”

The elder elf sobbed. For a moment, he looked two hundred years older.

Kanggeomma looked at him like that and nodded to the man holding the greatsword. The man nodded back and lowered his hand. The vicious greatsword was stuck right next to the elf who was on the verge of being decapitated.

The swordsman sat down on a tree stump. It was the spot where the elder elf had been sitting.


Kanggeomma wiped the blood off the sashimi.

“Now let’s start the real negotiations.”

* * *

Late afternoon, with the sunset hanging over the horizon.

The inspector was staring blankly at the sunset. The chief approached him with a limp. This was because he was not completely used to the prosthetic leg.

“Your Majesty, I have finished capturing all the dark elves.”

“Good job.”

“What about the hard work? Isn’t this kind of follow-up work the responsibility of our Hero Association? The hard work was done by the Sword Master or the Heavenly Sword Master.”

As the conversation went on and on, the topic changed.

Vice President Sung reported the results.

“After collecting and sorting through all the Dark Elf weapons, I found that they were made of rare materials that could not be found in the Human World. If I were to dispose of them, they would probably be quite valuable.”


The swordsman’s thoughts were brief. He spoke immediately.

“How about keeping half of it in the association and disposing of the other half and depositing it in Cheon-geom?”

“Ah, uh! Yes. According to the association regulations, anything that comes out of a demon or mine subjugation belongs to the hero involved. There’s no problem.”

“Then, please dispose of it at the association level and send it to Cheongeom’s account. If you stay in Chilseong, you’ll probably spend a lot of money here and there. You should also earn some small money like this. Do you have an idea of ​​how much it would be?”

Chief Sung thought. It must be a huge amount of money for a small amount of pocket money.

“Let me calculate it now.”

Chief Sung took out his smartphone and tapped on the calculator. A long number appeared on his retina.

“… The amount to be deposited to Cheon Geum is approximately 31.6 billion Korean Won.”

“The enemy, compared to the Heavenly Sword that saved our lives.”

The inspector chuckled and turned his gaze to the early evening sky. A faint crimson color spread across the old man’s face.

The appearance of the strong sword horse at an incredible timing, and the dragon disguised as a human. The sword master had a lot to ask about this.

When things calmed down, I wanted to ask Kanggeomma for an explanation. But I never did. From dragons to resurrecting corpses to petrification. There were too many questions to ask. So I decided to put aside my curiosity and just accept the results.

‘I’ll tell you when the time comes.’

Suddenly, the image of Kanggeomma negotiating flashed through my mind. He had stolen all the information from the elves.

When does Permish appear, is there a special place around Gehenna Gate, and what happens in the Demon Realm?

But the only thing they actually gave us was beans in the prison. Elves were supposed to eat only vegetables and fruits…

The dark elves nodded without making a sound. They were only negotiating in words, but they had no choice.

Thinking back on the situation at the time, the inspector sighed.

“It’s a negotiation where you suppress the opponent with fear… … .”

He added that at this age, he had gained a lesson from the boy.

The swordsman laughed without a word and walked towards the temporary outpost where Kanggeomma was resting.

“The place that Cheongeom said he had to stop by tomorrow.”

There was something to be said about that place.

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not work with dark mode