Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 210

Episode 210 My own little classroom (2)

During lunch time, the principal’s office was evacuated from the crowd.

“So how was your day, Geommaya? Is this your first time at the Academy since becoming Chilseong?”

Media asked me, who was sprawled out on the sofa, with a sly smile. She seemed to find this situation quite amusing. She obviously knew what I was like that morning, but she insisted on asking. I sat up straight with difficulty.

“… I expected this, but the aftermath was worse than I thought. Honestly, I thought it would be impossible to have normal classes.”

“That’s true. Looking at your face, Geomma, it definitely looks like you’ll need to calm the students down or direct traffic every day before class.”

“Isn’t there any way?”

“It’s a bit hard to introduce any method right now. The succession ceremony has just ended, so the faculty and administration are busy with the cleanup. Hmm- but there is one real stopgap measure. I don’t know if you’ll like it, Geomma.”

“I don’t think it matters whether I like it or not. It’s to the point where I can’t really live a normal life.”

“Sword Demon, if that’s what you ask!”

Media’s eyes widened meaningfully. She quickly went to the desk and tossed a piece of paper. The paper fluttered in the air and settled on her thigh. Media began to explain as if telling us to look and listen.

“Actually, while preparing for the succession ceremony, I had expected something like this to happen today. That’s why Ttak-ttak and I came up with this idea. We named it Opening a New Class!”

Media continues with a “Bam!” sound.

“To put it more simply, it’s a class to isolate you, Kenma, from those countless fans. In any case, you and your friends have to attend classes, and if you continue to be in Lang’s class, the same situation as today will repeat itself, right?”

“I guess so, I guess.”

“Geumma, I don’t think things will change even if you transfer to a different class. Tiger, Wolf, Dragon, Saint. All four classes, no matter where you go.”

I nodded in agreement. Media continued.

“While we’re at it, I’m going to create a class just for you! Oh, of course, since it’s an academy, it’s not just for you, Kenma. You’ll be organizing a class of about 10 members. That way, wouldn’t that solve the crowding problem a bit?”

“The class I’m running… I don’t know about anything else, but I think there will be controversy over fairness. From the students’ and parents’ perspectives, it’s like a ‘special class’ being created all of a sudden.”

In my opinion, Media smiled faintly and shook her head.

“Our swordsman, it seems like you still don’t fully realize what position you are in. Here, you need to remember once more that you are no longer an ordinary cadet, but a Seven-Star hero.”


“If you, Geomma, agree to the proposal I, the headmaster of the academy, have written, do you think people will be able to raise significant objections to our intentions?”

The media now reminds me of the power I have come to wield.

How burdensome it is for the other party to spit on the words of the Seven Star Hero, and how to utilize that psychological pressure.

If someone heard this, they might exclaim, ‘How can that be the mindset of an educator!’

That’s right. To summarize what Media said, ‘The two Seven Star Heroes are doing it, so what’s the point?’

It is a feudalistic idea that does not fit well with a democratic society. However, coincidentally, this world is closer to the latter, a ‘feudal society’, than to democracy.

A society strictly divided by status and class. And the Seven Star Hero reigns at the top of that pyramid.

If you are going to be rude, then be rude. This was the way of this world, different from Earth. Since the public enemy, the ‘Demons’, are holding out, a strong hierarchy is essential. That way, we can respond quickly in the event of a disaster.

“Remember, Sword Lady. If you have power, you can do anything, even if the cause is shallow. Opposition from the parents? I guarantee you that not a single person will be able to raise an objection.”

The side of her as a person of power, not as an educator. A somewhat cold-blooded appearance, this may be her true personality.

Maybe it is because you are teaching me as an educator and as a senior in Chilseong. Education is not limited to ‘academics’. If you teach tricks and scheming, that is also part of education.

The different side of Media that I encountered unintentionally came as a fresh shock to me.

Media is a world-class figure who has been through many hardships to reach this position. He is the head of Joaquin Academy and the wise man of the Seven Star Heroes. If he had been too soft-spoken, he would never have made it this far.

Media flopped down on the sofa to my right. Her mouth seemed dry from talking so much. When I handed her some green tea, she smiled brightly and moistened her lips.

Kiya-! A burst of admiration filled with the emotions of an old man. Later, Media spoke while fiddling with the cap of a green tea bottle.

“Not only the parents, but also the students, even though it’s a class made up of your ‘connections’, you have nothing to say, right? To put it bluntly, until the beginning of this year, they used to discriminate against you. You must have had plenty of time to build a bond with you, but you kicked away your own luck. It might sound a little harsh, but you should think of this as a life lesson and learn from it, you too.”

A refreshing breath like cool green tea. It seems like he’s determined to put me on a plane today.

“I hate the last two among school ties, regional ties, and blood ties. But I think school ties are important. Kids like Ttaktak and Gorilla all met at Joaquin Academy. That’s why the connections you make at school are very important in life!”


“Anyway, our swordsman is amazing. He’s the top of the elites, and he’s even seventeen and a Chilseong. Oh my, Heavenly Sword. How high will you go from here~ My sword will go beyond the sky and pierce through the universe! Is that it?!”

For a long time, Media chattered to me with endless favoritism, even adding teenage vocabulary that she didn’t normally use.

‘Is the principal’s speech always this childish?’

While I was wondering what kind of compliment would be appropriate, I just sat there dumbfounded. The two of them were over 100 years old together, but it was hard to talk to them in a tone like ‘oh oh oh’.

My lips wouldn’t move as I thought about the self-loathing that would come over me before I went to bed. Then, suddenly, my gaze went down to the paper that Media had handed me.

“Hey, Principal, there’s already a name on the student roster for this new class here?”

“Oh, that. Hehe.”

At my question, Media scratched her cheek with an innocent smile. Now, I can tell just by looking at her expression. She’s trying to gloss over this. And that’s understandable…

『1: Ganggeomma, 2: Media Poison.』

Why is the principal’s name written in the student section?

I didn’t know if it was the head instructor or the professor in charge, but for a moment I thought I was seeing it wrong because it was right next to my name.

But looking at that reaction, I wasn’t seeing things wrong. The media’s name was clearly written as a student.

‘I should have figured it out the moment I got on the plane with my teenage speech.’

As I narrowed my eyes, Media twisted her hair on the side for no reason. As I continued to stare, she opened her mouth as if she had given up.

“I, I think the ink spread over there when I printed it. Or maybe it was written wrong. I didn’t notice it when I checked it earlier, but thanks to you, I figured it out!”

“Is it real?”

The media nodded coolly.

“Of course! Otherwise, how could the principal be listed in the student section?”

“I understand that you say so. Then, I will start by removing the name of the academy director.”

“… … .”

There was no answer, so I urged him.

“The principal?”

“Yeah… … .”

I drew her name with a ballpoint pen.

Media, cut.

* * *

Media couldn’t hide her regretful expression. I left the principal’s office behind her.

There were 10 minutes left until lunchtime ended. Lang’s class would still be bustling with people, so it was best to arrive just in time for class to start.

I walked down the empty main hallway. With each step, Media’s proposal took shape in my head.

“Because the media said they have done the work behind the scenes to ensure that the procedural part can proceed quickly.”

What I had to do was recruit people. The maximum number of people was ten. Regardless of class, I just had to fill about ten people. This wasn’t difficult.

There are five members of the travel club, including me. If you exclude Hana, a second-year senior, there are four people. Almost half of the members are club members.

Then what about the other six? As soon as I heard about this, a certain face came to mind.

My own special class. I plan to use it more usefully. To be exact, I am planning a special headquarters for the Second World War.

The world’s attention is focused on me. But this attention should have been directed at Leon van Reinhardt, not me.

Even though I somehow received the burdensome nickname of Cheon Geum, in the end, it is the warrior who kills the Demon King.

As I said before, his unique protection and the symbol of the game, the ‘Miracle Protection’, is the only key to defeating the Demon King. Even if the other heroes struggled, they would be in trouble without it. This is because the system of this world was designed that way.

Is it possible to subdue the Demon King with the protection of the Sword God? I am considering it, but there is no confirmation.

If I could kill the Demon King, why would Leon appear? Besides, he has proven his worth as a hero by being chosen by Balmung and receiving the ‘Miracle Protection’.

Even if you think about it a little, you can see that it is Leon’s job to subdue the Demon King. Even at this point, when I have messed up the political situation, that fact has not changed.

Leon needs to grow as much as I do, or even more than I do.

So I plan to keep an eye on Leon’s growth and see how he progresses and how I can help him in the future.

When I was running for student council president, Leon didn’t seem particularly hostile towards me. Rather, he was the one who reached out to me first and showed his friendliness. If I offered him a special class, he probably wouldn’t turn me down outright.

“Then, five people including Leon and the club members. For the remaining space, we can add Abel and Rachel.”

Their growth is just as important as Leon’s. In particular, the synergy between Abel and Leon is said to be the keyword that will turn the tide of the Second World War. I remember seeing it in the community.

In short, Leon alone cannot defeat the Demons. Abel must help him for humanity to win. Same goes for Rachel. I don’t know much about Ryozou since she’s an air heroine, but anyway.

This is how I came up with seven. It’s not the maximum number of ten, but it’s not like it has to be filled.

But when I thought about it carefully, I felt a little empty. It felt like something was a little lacking. At that moment, a ray of electricity flashed through my mind.

“There were genes.”

One person to keep a close eye on. And another cadet, not even a human, but someone you want to bring into a special class.


At that moment, the bell rang to signal the start of the 5th period class. I quickly moved my legs.

The outline is set. All that remains is to attract them. No need for persuasion.

It’s not like I’m the only one who likes it, I’m Chilseong.

If you want to be picky, you have to be picky.

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not work with dark mode