Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 204

Episode 204 Succession Ceremony (6)

It was noon and the sky looked high even though it was late autumn.

The sunlight was shining so brightly that it stung my eyes. Underneath, hundreds of cameras were shooting out lights, looking in one direction. It looked like humans on the ground were fighting against the sun.

The subject had not yet appeared. This uneconomical work of the journalists was preparation for a time to come, not now.

The reporters alternately looked at the camera and the main building gate. Their eyes, filled with solemnity, were as transparent as the lenses they held in their hands. They tightened and loosened the shutters and checked the focus of the lenses.

It was a delicate and cumbersome task. But the reporters did not hesitate. They simply touched the lens aperture with their hands that contained the desire to capture the moment when the door opened as quickly, more, and more accurately.

Weapon was staring blankly at the sight. He was waiting for the succession ceremony with the members of the travel club.

At that moment, someone tapped Weapon on the shoulder and passed by. The person who had hit him apologized half-heartedly and continued on his way. Weapon let out a hollow laugh at that.

Normally, this would have been a cause for outrage. But today, it was just another common occurrence.

Weapon looked around the area. The procession of people was so huge that it was majestic in itself.

‘Oh my, why are there so many people? It’s a weekday, aren’t you all going to work?’

The Joaquin Academy, boasting a large area, was filled to the brim with no space left. It would have been difficult to guess the number of people who came to the succession ceremony.

A red carpet stretched across the crowd like a red river. The carpet, which started from the main gate, continued to the stage in the distance, which could only be seen if you squinted your eyes. As I looked at it, the red of the carpet seemed to suck my mind. The intensity of primary colors can also absorb a person’s soul.

Weapon shook his head. Then he poked Ryozo in the side with his elbow and spoke to him for no reason.

“Hey, Saki. Look at the eyes of the reporters. Don’t they look like war correspondents just by looking at their faces?”

Her eyebrows arched. Weapon, who was excited as she spoke, looked pitiful. I was thinking of stepping on him with my shoe, but I soon decided not to.

Ryozo replied with a calm expression.

“That makes sense. It’s the biggest incident of its kind in half a century. And we know who Chilseong is, but the reporters still don’t. It’s us who are acting strange, not those people who are overreacting.”

“Anyway, these reporters can’t hide their excitement. When they find out who the new Chilseong is, they’ll probably go completely berserk and drop their cameras.”

The weapon clicked its tongue and spit out a slur. Ryozo looked at that side profile and thought. This kind of kid will grow up to be a jerk someday.

Weapon was currently in a state of arrogance. He knew it, and they didn’t. Such shallow vanity transformed the teenage boy into a curmudgeon in an instant.

Ryojo turned his attention away from the great old dream tree. Then he tilted his neck back and looked up at the sky. The clear autumn sky filled his light blue eyes.

The sky colors were touching each other. The only difference was whether there were clouds or not. Ryozo felt the chilly wind and refreshed his mind. That was the time when he stared at the clouds, the sun, and the sky for a long time.

Someone tugged at her clothes. Ryozo lowered her head. A pair of glasses, glinting in the sunlight, met her vision. It was Sanha. She said.

“You seem to be feeling quite agitated, Saki. Well, that’s understandable, when someone who was a member of your club until the day before yesterday suddenly rises too high.”

“… … .”

Ryojo looked at Sanha with puzzled eyes. Has his senior ever spoken to him so gently? She usually takes the lead and doesn’t speak first.

Ryozo hesitated for a moment and then answered.

“Just like what my senior said, I feel like I’m floating. But it’s not like it’s so amazing or unbelievable. Think about it. Aren’t the things that Geomma has done so far more absurd?”

Sanhana smiled faintly at her words.

“That’s true, to be sure. The murder of two legion commanders, and… and so on. Anyway, it’s not exactly an accomplishment that a teenager can accomplish. If I had to name one, I can only think of ‘one.’”

“That’s why people compare the Black Knight to Balor Joaquin the most.”

“Well, well. What I was talking about wasn’t the hero of the poem. If you think about it that way, Ryozo, then that could be right.”

“Is there any ‘human’ other than Balor Joaquin who can be compared to the Black Horse?”

Ryozo asked back with a look of bewilderment. Sanha continued speaking with a quiet, calm smile.

“I didn’t say the subject was human?”

“Then who was it that the senior was talking about… … ?”

“That’s… a secret. I’ll leave it as a mystery, since you seem to like these kinds of puzzles. If I may give you a hint… don’t think in black and white terms. Is that about it?”

As she said that, Sanha turned her gaze back toward the main gate of the main building. She seemed quite happy, even humming a tune.

‘Sanhana, you are the most enigmatic person to me.’

Ryozo looked at her like that and became lost in thought about the person named Sanhana.

‘This person, the more I look at him, the more I feel that there is something there.’

It was Kang Geum-ma who immediately noticed that Sanhana was unusual. He asked if she looked like someone. At the time, I didn’t know what she meant, but now I vaguely understand it.

‘Surely Sanhana has a clear connection to someone we know.’

The problem was that the more I tried to think back on who it was, the more vague it became, like sand seeping through my fingertips. When I tried to think of it strongly, I felt dizzy.

‘I need to keep a closer eye on this person from now on.’


Suddenly, a drum sound erupted from the front. The solemn silence was settled by the drum sound that sounded like a heartbeat. It was a silence that bound hundreds of thousands of eyes together. They looked at the main building’s tightly closed door.

Instead of anyone opening their mouths, the sound of saliva being swallowed could be heard here and there.

Phew… … !

The trumpeters who had been standing up suddenly blew their sounds. The trumpets and drums sounded low and intertwined. People could vividly feel their hearts pounding.

Excited imaginations raced through my head, wondering who would come out when that door opened, whether it would be my favorite hero, or what his nickname would be.

In fact, they didn’t really care what or who they were. A moment in history was imminent. That alone was enough to make people’s eyes sparkle with excitement.

“The newly enthroned Chilseong Hero has appeared.”

The gates began to open. The reporters pressed aggressively against their cameras, as if they were holding them up to a sniper scope. And at this moment, the crowd was so full that it was almost overflowing. All of them had cheers loaded at the top of their lungs.

Soon, a new figure shimmered through the gap between the wide open gates. At the same time, the eyes focused on it grew wide as if they were being torn apart. The reporters also took their eyes off their cameras. In case they were mistaken, they wanted to see it with their naked eyes.

Damn it.

Black shoes step on the bright red carpet. People rub their eyes and open them again. Thick double eyelids appear. Someone opens their mouth absentmindedly.

“That guy, isn’t he Sashimi Kensei?”

Starting with him, the commotion spread quietly through the mouth. It was extremely rare for anyone to not know about Kanggeomma. Wasn’t he the hero of the Joaquin tragedy, the genius cadet who had truly educated heroes from prestigious families?

So the world regarded Kang Geum-ma as a promising hero. People also agreed with him without complaint.

One, that was only meant to be ‘promising’. Unlike the members of the travel club, people don’t know the inside story. Therefore, the appearance of that young boy in blue was enough to give them a shock.

But still, isn’t that too young? Everyone thought the same thing. The reporters’ eyes flashed like wolves that had found their prey.

Damn it.

Meanwhile, the steps continued through the crowd that was divided like a wall. The white clothes that were bathed in sunlight fluttered white. As Kanggeomma advanced step by step, the commotion became quieter.

Damn it.

The four heroes, Geomje, Hyeonja, Changseong, and Jeolgung, followed behind Ganggeomma. At first glance, it seemed as if Ganggeomma was leading them.

Everyone’s eyes were once again on the footsteps of the one walking in front. An expression that was utterly indifferent. A face that at first glance seemed languid. It seemed as if this was not the first or second time that they had experienced such strange gazes. Everyone stared blankly at Kang Geum-ma, who was not at all intimidated even in this huge crowd.

Those black eyes that were filled with indifference. Because of that, everyone felt something rising in their hearts. It was awe. For a teenage boy who wasn’t even an adult yet.

“Manager… … .”

Weapon muttered. He was holding back his excitement to the limit.

When he first owed his life to the chief, Weapon vaguely imagined this scene. The sight of him holding two swords and throwing himself at the Mermaid. Not only that, he also stood up for everyone in the Joaquin disaster.

Weapon knows that there were many hardships and anxieties behind the appearance of Kanggeomma. In that sense, the captain was also a human being, and a cadet like himself.

That’s why the captain was even more amazing. He endured all that and stood up to the strong. And yet he didn’t expect recognition or understanding. He didn’t even speak to his fellow club members. He just silently wanted to shoulder the burden on his own.

Weapon’s eyes turned red. He was human and superhuman, and his friend was finally being acknowledged. He decided not to tolerate this support. His friend deserved to be cheered on. If so, it was his job to stop it from starting.

He took a deep breath and shouted through his distended lungs.

“You idiots!”

Weapon shouts once more, as if stirring up the serious atmosphere.

“Cheer louder! It’s the new Seven Star Hero! The one you’ve all been waiting for!”

For a moment, everyone looked dumbfounded. They glanced at each other briefly. Then someone stepped forward and intervened.

“Strong Sword Horse!”

A male cadet shouts at the top of his lungs, his teeth showing. He is the male cadet from the Dragon Class who previously ignored Ganggeomma. He is also a survivor of the Joaquin disaster.

Then a young voice rang out.

“Your Majesty!”

It was a soul stuck in the crowd of people. Choi Seol-ah, who was next to him, tried to cover its mouth, but soon gave up. She sighed and finally gave her mouth to the soul.

“Congratulations, my lord!”

It didn’t end there.

“Strong Sword Horse!”

“Strong Sword Demon!”

“Gang Gum-ma!”

Languages from all over the world sporadically rose up. The air was heated up with the cheers that started like that.

The entire Joaquin Academy was in an uproar. The reporters who quickly came to their senses took pictures of the scene.

At that sight, a smile naturally appeared on the corner of the swordsman’s mouth. He looked at the white robe walking in front. The two letters engraved in gold thread were vividly displayed on his retina.

Some might say that this nickname is a bit too much. It is a nickname that is almost arrogant. But it suits the boy so well.

“Heavenly Sword.”

The inspector slightly raised his head as he savored the texture of the two letters.

Even though it’s fall, the sky looks unusually high today.

Could it be just my mood? Maybe not.

With that thought in his mind, Geomje continued walking.

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not work with dark mode