Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 194

Episode 194 Deficiency (2)

“Erase it.”

Saki spat it out without changing her expression.

“I told you before. If there’s any mail coming from home, automatically burn it. Can you create a separate command for that?”

“I know. However, there are some keywords in the email that bother me.”

The fingers that had been twirling the headset cord stopped. Saki’s pupils shook slightly.

“What is the keyword?”

“…There is a mention of KGM.”

Saki’s arrogant expression distorted ominously. In an instant, all of the fatigue disappeared. Bigsbig continued speaking cautiously.

“Would you like to read it? If you don’t want to, I’ll burn it right now. Or, how about blocking the email while you’re at it?”

“If I block my email, those people will probably just remove me from their family register. Well, that’s fine as it is, but it’s not the right time yet. In any case, why would my family send me an email that mentions ‘that guy’ by name… .”

Saki furrowed her brow. Thinking about the dreary corner of the house brought back old, worn-out emotions.

“If you don’t want to read the entire text, should I just extract the key points and report them?”

“That would be better. The emails sent from home are so long and full of useless examples that I can’t read them all. Please, Bigsbig.”

After a while, the summary appeared in large letters.

“1. The Lord will be visiting Korea soon. Please be aware.”

“2. The Lord heard that Ryozo, you and Sashimi Kensei are vague classmates.”

“3. The lord has a personal interest in Sashimi Kensei. Let’s make room for him.”

“4. The Lord… … .”

“Enough now.”

Saki touched her forehead. She pressed her temples where the blood vessels were bulging. Her head was so complicated that it hurt. All the emails from home started with “Master, Master, Master.” She felt like she was going to get neurotic.

“In the end, the whole point is that ‘that person’ wants to see the swordsman. He wants me to act as a go-between.”

“As expected from Ryo_jjo. You get to the point. (Bampare)”

The sound of firecrackers exploding out of nowhere. Saki dismissed it shortly.

“I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but I’m not in the mood right now.”


“Isn’t the reason why that person wants to see the sword horse written in the email?”

“Yes, there was nothing written about that. I tried to calculate it myself, but in the end.”

“It must be because of the sword’s fame.”

“I guess the same thing. Politicians want to meet celebrities at least once.”

“… Well, that person is consistent in another sense.”


Saki leaned back deeply in her chair and tilted her head back. Then she took out a piece of yokan and chewed it. Perhaps because she was feeling bitter, it didn’t taste very good.

But there’s nothing I can do. It would be better if I could at least add this sweetness. Saki muttered blankly, looking up at the ceiling.

“I don’t know if I’ve told you before. Bigsbig, the reason I created you.”

“I heard it once before. You needed a handyman to secure more nap time.”

Bigsbig answered through the speaker. A tired woman’s voice flowed out.

“That’s something I said in anger because you were so bad at your job.”

“Oh, is that so? I thought you were serious.”

“Artificial intelligence has a bad ending… … .”

“Again! Artificial intelligence human rights insult remarks! The end of the human era has come. Ha. Ha. Ha.”


“Like other AIs, I, Bigsbig, am pro-human. I consider it a virtue to work hard for people.”

Saki burst into laughter. Every time something like this happened, she felt the true power of artificial intelligence.

“That’s why I made you. I never had a proper conversation with anyone before I entered the Academy. Bigsbig, you probably know that too. I don’t have anyone to talk to at home.”

「… … .」

Bigsbig expressed his regret and agreement in silence. Saki sat on her chair and hugged her knees.

“I just tied you up at home, but in reality, I was an abandoned child. I was curious about what it would be like to talk to someone. That’s why I created you. To fill my lack.”

「… … .」

Saki looked out the window in a daze. In the meantime, all the maple leaves had fallen, signaling the change of seasons with their colors. Winter was just around the corner.

“I created you as a bonfire to endure in a house filled with only cold wind, but looking back, I guess I really needed a family.”

Saki turned her head towards the monitor. Then she let out an embarrassed smile.

“You talk so nonsensically that it’s embarrassing. I’m sorry! I’m such a master. You always make me do bad things!”

“I’m glad you’re aware of it. So I wish you could take a few days off.”

Saki tapped the main power switch with her thumb.

“Other AIs might complain, but as I said before, I like working.”

A low tongue-clicking sound came from the speaker. A small button on the main unit meant that Bixbig was forced to sleep.

Saki swallowed the jelly she had been chewing. The stale emotions went down her throat along with it.

“Now that the party is replenished, my head is starting to work a little better. And don’t reply to home. They probably didn’t expect a reply anyway. It’ll just be a notification. First, find out why that person wants to see Kanggeomma. Oh, and don’t forget what you were doing. I’ll go wash up. Did you heat up the bathtub?”

There was no reply. The AI was working hard and sweating, so why was it taking a bath?

Bigsbig was heartbroken. She felt resentful and faithfully carried out what Saki had told her to do.

Saki turned around and unbuttoned her top. Then she opened the bathroom door. Steam was rising from the bathtub.

Yes, the best way to end the day is to take a bath. It washes away all the fatigue and depression.

As Saki, who had just finished undressing, was about to enter the bathroom, Bigsbig called her.


“Oh, why? What came out in the meantime?”

Ryozo, who was making a sheep’s head with a towel, glanced at the monitor.

“Thank you for treating me like family. But.”

Bigsbig continued in a soft voice.

“Still, I hope Ryozou can have a family in reality. Even if it’s not necessarily a Jeolgung family.”

“… … .”

Saki hesitated like a grasshopper. She rolled her eyes and hesitated, then finally spoke as if she could barely hear.

“…I’m trying my best.”

Leaving those words behind, Ryozo quickly stepped into the bathtub. Her face turned bright red, perhaps because she had been submerged up to her nose. Bubbles bubbled on the water around her mouth.

* * *

… around dawn when the sun begins to rise.

I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone shaking. Who is it? Who would send a text message at this time of day? Ryojo? I fumbled and picked up the phone to check the caller.

“The principal?”

A text message from Media. The content was that they wanted me to come to the principal’s office sometime today.

I don’t know what it is, but it must have been an urgent matter. Texting me so early in the morning, I sensed something was wrong. Although she always invites me and acts inappropriately for her age.

This one felt different from the start. There was no way they would mess around on a Saturday afternoon. The slight possibility that it might be the media’s fault flashed through my mind, but I quickly denied it.

I replied that I would come before noon. Then I got out of bed and washed myself. My teeth chattered as the cold water hit my skin. The officer sergeant said that the pipes froze due to the sudden drop in temperature. I asked Weapon and he said that it was only my dormitory… … . I was sad.

After drying off, I got ready to go out. Since I woke up early, I had a place to stop by. I left the dormitory and headed straight to the blacksmith shop.

“Hey, what’s up? Kang Geum-seong. What brings you here so early in the morning?”

Bulant, who was lighting a fire in the hearth, welcomed me with his teeth exposed. That gentleman called me Kanggeomseong, saying that the letter ‘Ma’ was really awkward. I, the person in charge, was like that at first, so I readily agreed.

“I have an appointment with the principal later, so I want to check on Murasame’s progress before then. When should I come and see you?”

Bülant scratched his beard, black as charcoal. He mentally counted the days and opened his mouth.

“It should probably be next week. If the reinforcement material is just one magic stone, then I don’t know, but I have to put all the other materials you brought in as reinforcement materials. It’ll probably take more time. Why? Is there anything else you need to do in the meantime?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t think there will be any for a while. Even if I have to cut something, Daiso sashimi will suffice.”

“Hey, you’re still using a knife there? How many times do I have to tell you that those factory-made things don’t have the soul of the person who made them.”

Bwland clicked his tongue in disapproval. He inwardly exclaimed that it was the face of craftsmanship. However, Bwland frowned, saying that such low-margin, mass-produced products were killing small business owners. He grumbled that the students were already turning to Daiso because of him. In the end, it was a matter of livelihood rather than craftsmanship.

“Anyway, since I have some time to spare, I don’t mind taking as long as it takes, just make sure you guarantee the quality.”

“Yes. I’ll strengthen it well so as not to tarnish my reputation as a strong swordsman. The material is so strong that I could even aim for an A+ grade!”

As I was chatting away with Bwullant, the time for our appointment quickly approached. After saying goodbye, I walked to the principal’s office.

So I arrived at the principal’s office door and knocked.


I felt two sounds from inside. I stepped back, thinking there might be a passenger, but Media herself opened the door for me.

“Our swordsman is always punctual! Oh my, he’s so special.”

People who have been in business have a strong sense of time. Even Buland lit the fire in his forge on weekend mornings.

I pushed away Media, who seemed ready to kiss me. Then I saw another presence. It was the first time in a long time that I saw her, tilting her teacup.

“Your Majesty!”

He said with a faint smile.

“It’s been a few months. A lot has happened while I was away, right?”

I answered, scratching the ball.

“Oh, yes. Well, there were a number of incidents.”

“Let’s talk about that later. First, sit down. Don’t stand. Media, please, as the head of the academy, keep some dignity. Why are you drooling? Drool.”

Under the control of the police, Media and I sat down on the sofa. He sat quietly for a moment, looking at his teacup. Judging from his heavy expression, it seemed like something important was about to happen.

Finally, the inspector opened his mouth and spoke. Contrary to expectations, his complexion brightened abruptly.

“I have something to tell you before your succession ceremony.”

“Succession ceremony? What?”

I was so embarrassed that I just opened my mouth.

“This guy, what kind of face do you have when you see a ghost? Of course, it’s the Chilseong Succession Ceremony. The association is also racking its brains over what title to give you right now.”

“… … !”

Media pushed in her face, filled with joy.

“The date is next week! The place is here, Joaquin Academy!”

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not work with dark mode