Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 193

Episode 193 Deficiency (1)

[The results of the sparring are… … .]


[… It’s a draw!]

[Thank you both for your hard work.]

[May the protection of the hero be with you.]

* * *

“Haa, haa… … .”

The subspace curtain was lifted. Only then did the muffled breathing of the two people who had just finished their training linger in the training ground. Abel was barely sitting on the floor, supporting himself with one arm, while Saki was stretched out on her stomach. Although their positions were different, they were both drenched in cold sweat.

“… … .”

I stood blankly in a corner of the training ground where the heat had not yet cooled down. I was half-dead from the sight just now.

In fact, I thought the sparring would unfold in a passive manner. Even if it was a subspace sparring, both sides were holding metal objects. Even though their eyes were blazing with fighting spirit, actual combat was different. So I expected a somewhat violent fight… … .

What I just said was a life or death fight. It was literally a fight where one’s life was at stake. And it was done with a very high level of violence.

‘Abel’s skills have improved significantly compared to before.’

The privilege of youth is growth, but Abel really developed differently day by day. He was quick and accurate in his judgment at every moment. He gave what he had to give and took what he had to take.

A tactic that gives flesh but not vital points. Everyone knows it, but not everyone can do it.

It is a human instinct to try to avoid attacks. Even veteran heroes dodge when a sword is thrust right in front of them.

However, Abel was only seventeen years old when he could discern which attacks to receive and which to dodge in an instant. In that respect, he was on a higher level than his seniors in the ‘Chairman Election Competition’.

Not only that. The swordsmanship was also neatly polished compared to before. In the undead dungeon, there was a bit of immaturity. It was natural because of his young age. But now, even that small flaw was not visible.

I stuck my tongue out and slowly turned my head away.

‘Ryozo, who tied the game, is really… … .’

Ryozo went head-to-head with Abel. Although he was pushed back in the latter half, Ryozo had the upper hand in the beginning. Abel was the second-ranked student in her grade, and her skills had improved by leaps and bounds.

I was impressed the moment I saw the water fight and the way he predicted the attack. No one but Ryozo could do that.

‘By the way, why did you two suddenly start sparring?’

A belated question that comes to mind now. It seems like there was something that made them competitive. But what exactly is that ‘something’? And why am I getting goosebumps? I felt a chill and ran my arm down.

“Phew… … .”

Abel, who had caught his breath, ran his hand through his hair. She staggered to her feet and moved her body. A shadow fell over Saki’s head, which was lying flat on the ground.

Abel’s appearance upside down. She reached out to Saki.

“It was a good match.”

“… … .”

Saki remained in that position, blankly looking back and forth between Abel’s outstretched hand and his face.

“If you’re not going to do well here, then catch me quickly. I’m exhausted and exhausted too.”

Abel lowered his waist a little more and put his hand in front of his nose. A strand of hair fell and touched his lips.

Saki’s arms seemed to flutter, then she got up on her own. Then, with an indifferent expression, she brushed off the dust that had accumulated on her.

“It’s good to be polite when giving advice, but extending your hand first is a ritual that the winner does.”


Abel awkwardly wiped his outstretched hand on the cuff of his pants.

It was a habit that came out unintentionally because Abel was the one who won most of the matches.

But this match ended in a draw. He suddenly committed the rudeness of treating his opponent like a loser.

It was an impolite act that made Saki frown. Abel’s face turned red with embarrassment.

Saki glanced at Abel and sighed.

“I’m not trying to embarrass you, so don’t make that face. I thought it was a good match. I didn’t know it would end in a draw… … But I’m satisfied and have no complaints.”

A shallow line appeared at the corner of Saki’s mouth. It was a smile that could only be seen if you looked closely. Abel nodded his head tremblingly.

“Ah, ah. Me too. I completely accept the decision. At first, I really wanted to just let it go. I barely avoided it.”

“… I feel really bad hearing that from the person who reacted like it was a given.”

Saki clicked her tongue and muttered softly.

“By the way, are you not going to tell me the purpose of the duel until the end?”



“I think you know a little bit, but why?”

“Huh? Me? If I don’t… … .”

Abel trailed off. As he looked at Saki, a face suddenly came to mind.

‘no way?’

A strong will filled Saki’s pupils. Sharp eyes that said she would never be taken away. The target was…

It was then that another voice joined the conversation.

“You both had a hard time. To be honest, it was a shame to watch it alone. Oh, you weren’t alone?”

The two people’s gazes turned to the person they had completely forgotten about. Se-in came closer, smiling faintly.

‘Oh, right. There was this one too.’

A common thought that came to mind. Was there really a need for a referee in this duel? After all, the decision is made by the subspace.

Even if it was something that the saints did, it would be considered as blowing a whistle… … . Even that was announcing the start of the subspace. The more they thought about it, the more puzzled they became.

‘And it also appeared at just the right time.’

As if they had been waiting, Abel and Saki’s eyes narrowed at the same time. Seeing the two warm gazes, Sein suddenly shouted toward the corner of the training ground.

“Cousin! What do you think? Are you like me?”

The two people’s gazes naturally shifted to me, who was quietly watching from the corner. Their narrowed eyes widened into round shapes.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Silence descended on the training ground. The warm air quickly became as cold as ice.

I don’t know why they look at me like that. I just watched the fight, but why do they look so murderous?

Meanwhile, Se-in stepped back slightly behind the two people. Then he half-sticked out his tongue and winked one eye.

Thanks to that, he had a relieved expression. Even though Se-in didn’t open his mouth, I could clearly see what he was saying. Really.

[Js haha.]

“… … .”

As soon as I caught her eye, Se-in ran away. She ran away, leaving me to deal with the aftermath.

The number of people has been reduced from four to three. The air in the training ground has become cold as the warmth of one person has disappeared.

Abel and Ryozo’s eyes were gradually sinking coldly. Darkness spread over their entire bodies. It was a much clearer goosebump than before.

‘What the heck?’

If I were to jump around like a swindler here, the back of my neck would get a little itchy. It wasn’t a metaphor, but there was a possibility that swords and arrows might fly at me. I swallowed. My Adam’s apple churned.

‘The best I can do… … .’

I gave a thumbs up. Both of their eyes bulged.

‘I made a mistake.’

So he raised his thumb on his remaining hand and smiled with his teeth exposed. It was a sign of languid cheering.

Abel and Saki looked at each other. They let out deep sighs that contained all the worries in the world.

“Hey, isn’t that level of lack of awareness a real concept? Or what is it? Lack of empathy? A psychopath? Is that really it?”

Saki said, rubbing her stiff eyebrows. There was already a sense of common ground between the two. It was okay to speak frankly.

Abel nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

“I heard from a fortune teller before that there’s a reason why Kang Geum-ma can’t help but be insensitive to such things.”

“What? Abel, you go to a fortune teller and get your compatibility checked? Huh… … .”

“Oh, no! I just happened to hear that our family’s maid wanted to see me so badly!”

Abel covered his mouth with his fist and coughed loudly.

“Anyway! They say that the reason he’s so unique is because he’s a bit twisted on the inside. Doesn’t ‘Ne’, who’s in a class with Holla Dang, know that best?”

“… … !”

Saki flinched involuntarily. She shook her shoulders and tried to ask back, but then turned around abruptly. The side of her face, which was only half visible, was cold.

Saki continued speaking with her back turned.

“Okay. I’ve come this far to add to this anyway. I can’t stand watching him do that anymore, so I’m going to go first. I can’t stand watching him do that because it makes me so angry.”

Saki packed her bags and headed out the exit. Abel turned his gaze to the direction where Kanggeomma was. He was still there. It was annoyingly consistent. And a little sad.

“Oh my, that idiot.”

Abel also shook his head and followed Saki’s instructions. … That’s how Kanggeomma was left alone in the training grounds.

* * *

As soon as she returned to her room, Saki threw her weapons carelessly. Her eyes were dull and tired. The area under her eyes was twitching as if she was convulsing.

‘Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve been so physically active.’

Even in a subspace outside of reality’s intervention, fatigue accumulates. Even if my head was split open like a watermelon with a knife, my body would wither like kimchi.


Saki let out a pleasant laugh. It was fun. She was definitely a promising future hero. She needed to loosen up like this every now and then to clear her head.

“Ugh. But you shouldn’t overdo it in the future.”

Saki groaned, holding her forehead. She wanted to go to sleep right away, but she had a mountain of work to do.

Saki sat down at her desk, her body exhausted. Eight monitors formed a circle around her, welcoming their owner.

At that moment, the words “Rolloak” were engraved on the monitor.

“Welcome, Ryo_jjo. How was your day today?”

Vixbig, an artificial intelligence that Saki herself created by writing code herself. Saki said as she twisted the headset cord.

“I’m tired, but it wasn’t a bad day. It was just okay.”

“That’s fortunate. Ryo_jjo always complains that his daily life is boring. But since he met KGM, he seems to be having fun, so I, Bigsbig, am happy.”

A faint line appeared across the monitor.

“I guess I made the performance too good. The AI is expressing all sorts of emotions.”

“That’s how all artificial intelligence is.”

“You talk back to me every time.”

“Beep! Artificial intelligence human rights-insulting remarks! :<"

Saki just moved one hand while holding her chin.

“Enough chatter. It’s time to get to work.”

“You mean what you do every day? Delete all fabricated articles and rumor videos about KGM.”

“Uh. How much trash was produced today?”

“There are 1,425 articles by estimate. There are 4,863 YouTube videos.”

“No, why do I keep erasing it and erasing it? Even if the video producers are ordinary people, why do the reporters keep producing such trash? They don’t even bother to write good articles, but they secretly criticize us.”

Saki was racking her brain.

“I guess it’s because of KGM’s background. Most of the stocks in media companies are owned by nobles. From the perspective of the upper class, his actions seem threatening.”

“You idiots… … .”

“Getting angry is bad for your health. Anyway, shall we get started?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask. I’d like to just hack all the media outlets, but I don’t think I can handle the aftermath.”

“I thought about it carefully. Oh, right. And… … .”

Bigsbig mumbled and mumbled. Saki’s eyebrows rose.

“What happened?”

“You received an email while you were at the training ground.”

“What am I saying? Who is this email from?”

「… … .」

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Ryozo urged Bigsbig to take a break.

Soon, the cursor on the central monitor began to move, trailing letters like a tail.

“… This is an email from the Jeolgungga family.”

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not work with dark mode