Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 190

Episode 190: The True Eyes

Survival is a primal instinct that mankind has had since the beginning.

Not only humans, but all living things want to survive, and even if they can’t, they sow seeds for the prosperity of the species. However, that is also an extension of survival. Hoping that their seeds will survive and honor them.

Survival is the struggle to live, and the cycle continues to create life. The selfishness of wanting to live even if it means harming others is the most correct evolution for survival. At least that’s what Choi Seol-ah thought.

‘Choi Seol-ah, why did you become a villain?’

Suddenly, my lord asked me this.

‘You know how villains are more evil than demons? Demons are usually careful not to start a war, but villains wear human skins and hurt people.’

‘But isn’t that the case for fellow humans, not just villains? And I don’t prey on humans that much, so it’s okay… … .’



‘Okay, it’s something that happened in the past, so it’s petty to bring it up now. So, what made you become a villain?’

‘Actually, there was no special reason. I just thought I would live longer and better than others.’

‘What the hell are you talking about? If you become a villain, you live a long and prosperous life.’

‘If you’re strong, you won’t get killed by anyone. Villains use magic, and that makes them much stronger than others! I don’t have even a single bit of talent when it comes to protection or combat, so I gave up early, hehe.’

‘You… have a strange sense of self-objectification. Then let me change the question. Is there a reason why you want to live a long life even if you become a villain? Even if you have to sell off your humanity?’

Choi Seol-ah widened her eyes like a carp at Kang Geum-ma’s question. She asked back with an expression that said she really didn’t know.

‘I want to live a long and happy life, but is there a reason for that? From the moment we are born, it is basic to say, ‘I don’t want to die!”

‘Hey, but there is such a thing as a line. You should think about living well without harming others. You live without worrying about such things. Honestly, I’m not in a position to lecture you, but… ‘

The faces that flashed through Kang Geum-ma’s mind. They were the sacrificial lambs of Sashimi. Of course, he was different from Choi Seol-ah. They were all evils of society that deserved to die.

‘Anyway, since you’re not a villain anymore, live like a human being. Oh, and come to think of it, you’re an instructor at Joaquin Academy, right? The person who trains heroes, the epitome of self-sacrifice, is on the other side?’

‘Hey~ What is self-sacrifice, in this day and age. Our lord is too romantic~’

‘Self-sacrifice from you? I don’t expect anything like that. Just please live with human dignity. You’re not a villain anymore, you’re just a normal human. Live like a human.’

‘Yes! But I think I’ve said this before, but you speak really well, my lord. Isn’t this really your second life or something? Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to an old man… … .’



* * *

The hazy memory was torn apart into pieces just like Choi Seol-ah’s body. There was no pain because the petrification progressed from head to toe just before hitting the ground.

Her bullets pierced through the darkness and raced forward. The meteors were still raining down. However, Matan dodged the meteors as if she had a will.

The bullet that had been piercing through the gun finally hit the target, the retina of the left eye. Clean hit. It was a hit.


The Basilisk screamed, covering its left eye. Even though it was an S-class demonic beast, it took damage from bullets with little magical power.

Rather, the fact that he managed to end it with just one eye was proof that he was a monster. If it had been a normal demon, his head would have exploded like a grenade on the spot.

“This fucking human being! How dare a bite-sized prey like you hurt me!”

The thing rolled around and flailed. The lava and debris on the road popped like popcorn. At the same time, the meteor that had been pouring down like a shower ended.

An eerie silence descended as the area began to melt into a red glow. The Basilisk was still howling at the top of its lungs.


I feel dizzy. I feel nauseous as if I have motion sickness, and my head feels like it’s rumbling. Is it because the meteor has stirred up my axis so much? I don’t think it’s just because of that. He doesn’t get motion sickness.

I can’t hear anything. Oh, I see. The silence is because the white noise blocks out the outside world.

Kanggeomma took a step. It was not a step towards the guy. It was a step towards the stone fragments a few steps ahead.

Damn it.

Stopped. A rock completely shattered beyond recognition. The artificial curves are a sign that this was once a person.

“… … .”

Choi Seol-ah turned to stone and died. Ironically, it was when she turned into a stone statue that she felt the most human emotions. Kang Geum-ma muttered as he looked down at her death.

“I told you that I didn’t expect self-sacrifice. Why would you do something like that at the end… … .”

There was a faint hint of reprimand in his voice. He wasn’t sincere. It was a self-deprecating monologue. I was about to pick one up without thinking, but I stopped. It was because of the sound of some kind of swearing.

“You are like a foolish □ liver●! You are so lowly and foolish! Your sacrifice was in vain. Look! Although I have lost my left eye, thanks to your energy! I have finally reached that level!”

The basilisk laughed like a clown. The scenery behind him was visible through the hollow left eye socket. But the creature’s face was filled with joy.

“Mr. Bora!”

Meanwhile, the spirit that had released the dragon’s transformation landed next to Kanggeomma. She sat down weakly in front of Choi Seol-ah. Crumbs of stone dug into her pale knees.

“Da, you can’t die here like this. Please, please… … .”

The soul swept Choi Seol-ah as if it was tightly wrapped around her. The human body is made up of curves and has many gaps. He desperately tried to hold Choi Seol-ah with his clawed hands, but it fell through the gaps in his body. No matter how many times he tried to hold her, more leaks came out.

“Ah, no. No… … .”

The soul tried several times, covered in tears and snot. Soon, her thin arms fell limp. A deep sense of loss spread across her eyes.

The basilisk licked its lips with its long tongue as it watched its sister in despair. Its skin was stripped of dark scales, exposing its flesh.

“This human is filled with both magic and humanity, and is very delicious. Thanks to this, one is enough. My sister, Horntail. How can a demon weep for a human? Your tears are proof that dragons are weak.”

The bastard was taunting the soul with his scorn. The whole place was a complete ruin. The atmosphere was like between a sheet of ice and hell.

The corners of the snake’s mouth grew into an evil smile.

“At this moment, I, the Basilisk, will cast off the stigma of being the ‘unclean serpent’ along with my skin! This is the moment when my clan is proven wrong and I am right. I am in no way inferior!”

Jeez… … !

Soon, the membrane split open and a human figure walked out, tearing through the skin. Unlike before, when there was a gap, it had the appearance of a human. And yet, it had a strange appearance.

Bloodless skin, a single line of madness flowing from his eyes. Black vapor rose from his skin and enveloped him like armor. It was an evil aura that seemed to devour the light.

The basilisk lifted his palm and caressed his face. The feeling of soft skin. The mouth of the thing, which had been dazed for a moment, let out an exclamation.

“Ah, finally.”

The Basilisk turned to the direction of the soul. Its eyes were no longer those of a demon. It had evolved by eating humans and had a new name. It spoke as if it was announcing something.

“I am the one who will dye the world with evil.”

The serpent that tempted the first ancient man to the path of corruption. Because of that, mankind reached the forbidden point of original sin.

“It’s Alduin.”

The black dragon, Alduin, looked around with sunken eyes. The stone eyes were shining transparently.

My heart, which had been throbbing with emotion just seconds ago, was as calm as a clear mirror.

Existence outside the boundaries of ‘survival’ has no fear, sorrow, joy, disgust, or anger. All of these are exclusive to mortals. They do not apply to the transcendent.

I felt neither a longing for recognition nor a sense of resentment at losing my left eye.

He only had one thought: to quickly get rid of them and then swallow up the world. And he felt that the strength to do so was flowing through his body.

In fact, his strength was comparable to that of a legion commander. I agreed with this. The guy was truly a crackpot.

Damn it.

Alduin walked slowly towards the two. Black filth crumpled the ground where he passed. The entire surrounding area followed his footsteps and turned into a sticky swamp-like mud.

“Human, it seems my sister has caused you a lot of trouble.”

It was a strange voice that seemed both inorganic and humorous. But inside it was a greed that seemed ready to explode at any moment.

“So I will personally punish my sister for her sins, by dying. Don’t worry. After I send my sister away, I will send you away too.”

“… … .”

“But since you have mocked me, savor your suffering until you beg for death… … .”

Before he could finish speaking, Hon raised his body. His lips, pale from the draining blood, trembled. His liver and gallbladder were so cold that they were almost chilling.

I felt a sense of powerlessness. It was because I had casted the spell by squeezing out all my magical power.

But that doesn’t mean I can just sit there and wait for death. Hon bit his lower lip.

Then, she suddenly felt a weight on her shoulder. It was Kang Geum-ma’s hand.

“Hey, you told me before that you were ‘back’?”

“… … ?”

He said. His gaze was fixed on Alduin. However, the meaning of his words and the timing of his words did not match.

It was obvious. Because only I could see this.


[【???】 The third piece, ‘Reincarnation of Ouroboros, Horntail’ has been acquired.]

[You can use that power only once.]

[However, there is a high possibility that the causality will be distorted as a result. The caster must bear all responsibility for this.]

[Would you like to use it? (Y/N)]




Kang Geum-ma turned his gaze away from his enemy and turned to Hon. With a strange expression, he continued speaking.

“If the holder of this power was reincarnated, then it’s not completely impossible.”

Kanggeomma encouraged the discouraged soul with a smile. The soul’s pupils, which had been staring blankly, soon swelled to the size of lanterns. The golden rings floating inside the black pupils were spinning like cartwheels.

“Those, those eyes!”

At that moment, the ring of light continued to accelerate and soon emitted a strong flash of light. Her mind was also bleached white like the light.


A loud noise, as if a strong earthquake had occurred. In reality, the ground did not shake. However, an even more unbelievable sight was unfolding.

“What is happening… … ?”

The first change occurred under Hon’s feet. Suddenly, she felt something catch on her foot and looked down. The traces of Choi Seol-ah that she had tried to pick up somehow flew into the air and were assembled in three dimensions like a puzzle.

Alduin was terrified. He immediately looked around widely. Meteors were hurled from the walls, floors, and everywhere. The fireballs returned to where they had been created and disappeared as if they were sucked into a dot. Even as a transcendent being who had washed away his emotions, this strange phenomenon was hard to believe.

The results that have already occurred are suspended, and the process is dismantled and rewound again.

“… Ah, no, what!”

There were other signs. The Basilisk was feeling distinct emotions. Fear and dread.

Why? All of that should have been stripped away by becoming a transcendent being. The Basilisk scanned my body with its widened eyes, and I could see why.

The scattered plastic also clung closely to the skin. The shed skin began to wrap around the body like a bandage.

The Basilisk sensed that his immense strength and power were being robbed in real time.

The Basilisk, which had been staggering, straightened its upper body and shouted in shock.

“this person!”

“¡ㅣㅇ ,ㅣㅇ”



The snake’s face turned completely pale. Kanggeomma watched him and opened his mouth. A chilling voice echoed in the snake’s mind.

“Your time will circulate forever from the time you are currently in.”

“… … !”

“¡… … ”

“Well, even if I say it like this, you won’t understand. To put it simply, you are trapped in the chains of eternal death. To put it more simply, the ‘result’ of your death is already set.”

Kanggeomma spoke calmly and took out his scabbard. Even though the entire space was shaking chaotically, the blade’s brilliance remained clear.

“But I feel bad about sending you straight to the afterlife like this.”

Kang Geum-ma spun the sashimi around and held it upright. His once calm eyes turned into pitch-black sparks.

“I will kill you until you beg me to kill you.”

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not work with dark mode