Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 182

Episode 182 Dragon (2)


‘Something big happened to Hon?’

I stared blankly at my phone for a moment. Then I left the dorm and headed straight to Choi Seol-ah’s house.

Instructor Joaquin’s residence.

I knocked on Choi Seol-ah’s door. I felt something inside, but there was no response.

I rang the doorbell. It was still quiet.

‘Open the door and go in.’

I always carry a master key with me. It’s just a minor security measure, like a door lock.


As soon as the sashimi was taken out, a loud crashing sound was heard.

Then the door opened wide. Choi Seol-ah came rushing out, looking embarrassed.

“My, my lord! Oh, what is it!”

“I came running because I heard something happened to Hon. Anyway, what happened? Did you get caught raising a dragon around here? I warned you to be careful.”

“Oh, no. That’s absolutely not it! It’s just… … .”

Choi Seol-ah mumbled the end of her sentence. I grabbed the door that was open about an inch and pulled it open.


Choi Seol-ah fell over and hit her buttocks. He passed her and quickly entered the room.

“Just a moment, my lord! I have privacy too!”

“go away.”

It was when I was leaving the begging behind and trying to look around the room.

I felt a presence coming from the kitchen. I put on my shoes and strode briskly towards the kitchen.

“… … ?”

The first thing I noticed was the messy kitchen. Next, I noticed a soul sitting on the floor with a chair thrown around.

The sight of him munching on sausages. My expression changed strangely. The soul that met my eyes suddenly stood up from its seat.

“Huh, huh? Why back then?”

I manifest [the protection of communication].

I started talking to a dragon with a piece of meat all over its mouth.

-Is it delicious?

“… … .”

Nod… nod… … .

* * *

Dragons are depicted as powerful and mysterious beings everywhere.

A good being who bestows blessings on humans or weaves legends by giving back to the protagonist.

Or an unknown creature described as a calamity that brings destruction. That is a dragon.

So, in this world based on the Miracle Protection M, which faction is it between good and evil?

I can only give an ambiguous answer to that question.

To conclude, dragons are classified as demons.

It is not difficult to see that their home is the Demon Realm.

However, it is difficult to conclude that ‘dragons are the enemy of humanity’ based on that alone.

Because there were very few cases of damage from them.

There was even a rumor going around that if they ever encountered a human, they would just pretend not to see them and pass by.

A non-aggressive demon race. In that respect, they clearly differ from other demon races who frequently kill humans.

‘It wasn’t for nothing that the pigs who participated in the auction house tried to harvest the dragon without fear.’

To begin with, dragons were a very small number and were reluctant to be exposed.

They just lived their own leisurely lives.

A truly strong person does not necessarily show off his power.

They were not involved in the First World War 700 years ago either.

I was just observing the war from afar.

Some say that the aggressiveness has been weakened because the beings are so overwhelming.

There is no need to exercise force since there is no force to threaten.

But the whole world knows.

That they are by no means a peaceful race.

That was something the legion commanders were clearly aware of.

All legion commanders are transcendent beings.

However, dragons that are united as a species are comparable to that.

Even if the two forces had clashed, the result would have been mutual destruction.

So the legion commanders did not come near the dragon’s territory.

In response, even though the Demonic Realm was under the control of the legion commanders, they remained silent.

In this way, a non-aggression pact was naturally concluded between the two sides.

But the end of their uneasy cohabitation was slowly approaching.

Another great war broke out three years later.

This was because it was unclear which side the dragon would join.

It was the same during the playthrough. When Leon builds up friendship with them, the dragons give strength to humanity.

The opposite case was obvious. He would turn his back on humanity and join the Demon King.

Or, it could be a case of assistance, like 700 years ago.

In the future, no one knows whether the dragon will be on the side of the demons or the side of humanity. Not even the dragons themselves.

However, it was clear that this uncertainty would change the course of the world.

* * *

“… So what you mean by big trouble is that it was just a lot of money for food? Are you kidding me?”

As I frowned, Choi Seol-ah suddenly thrust the receipt into my hand. She insisted with a tearful face.

“Not just that, just that! Look at this. The money that was sucked into that dragonfly’s belly in just a week!”

1 million won… … .

There certainly were a lot of them. There wasn’t any grass at all, and they were all meat.

I turned my head towards the soul. She had her face bowed down like a sinner. As I looked at her, something felt sad.

I turned my head again and looked at Choi Seol-ah. She flinched as I furrowed my brow.

‘But I eat it sparingly.’

If you’re poor, that’s what happens. But Choi Seol-ah has a lot of money. And it’s all black money earned through illicit means.

On that topic, can’t you even buy this much for a hungry kid? It’s much better to go out and eat than to burn 3 billion at the auction house.

If you have the money but save money on food, you look petty.

‘Of course, spending 1 million won in a week is amazing, but… … .’

The soul is a dragon. It now has the appearance of a delicate human, but its true nature is that of a phantom beast floating in the sky.

Rather, it feels like the dragon ate less than it should. If the spirit had been determined, the grocery section of the mart would have disappeared.

A dragon’s diet is often compared to that of an elephant.

Soon I let out a sigh. I feel too shameless to criticize Choi Seol-ah.

Even though she has a lot to say, she is still taking care of the soul. And… … .

Overall, the condition of the soul has improved significantly. The fat on the sagging cheeks and the improved hair quality reflect the state of nutrition.

Even though she whines, it seems like Choi Seol-ah is taking good care of her. I guess it would be okay to throw her a carrot once in a while.

I said to Choi Seol-ah.

“I know how hard it is. To be honest, it may be hard to communicate, but taking care of a child is not easy.”

“Your Majesty… praises you?”

A strange light appeared in Choi Seol-ah’s gloomy eyes. I continued to praise her.

“You even bought me new clothes.”

“How did you know that?!”

“The tag is dangling over there. Take it off. Anyway, I know you spent a lot of money on this and that. But I’m not asking you to live with me forever. It’s a month at most. After that, I’ll take responsibility and do something about it. Until then, just keep doing what you’re doing now.”

“Okay, I understand!”

Choi Seol-ah had a big smile on her lips. She was smiling like that, which was quite annoying. Maybe it was because of her physiognomy.

“And didn’t I tell you to call me Hon? Why are you calling me Yonggary Gwijaengi instead of a nice name? It’s not because of how I look, it’s childish. How would you feel if someone called you Bora-dol? Call me by my name from now on.”

“Hehe, yep!”

He was whining so much just a few minutes ago, but now he’s all smiles after hearing a compliment.

‘Is it simple or stupid?’

I was going to whip him, but I stopped. I guess he’ll do better next time since he’s motivated. That’s all I need.

I approached the soul and sat down in front of it. I thought I would take this opportunity to talk to it again.

Clue for the fourth fragment. The status window said that it could be found through the soul.

-Son, you can raise your head now.


I spoke without filtering because I was in the process of manifesting [the protection of communication].

―I told him something sharp. So don’t worry and eat it. If he says anything else, tell me directly. I won’t end it with words then. He often doesn’t listen, but when I hit him, he listens.

Only then did Hon cover his mouth and giggle at my honest words. On the other hand, Choi Seol-ah tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

There is quite a bit of fun in talking in front of the person involved.

―You still don’t remember what I said before, ‘You’re back.’

“Yes, actually, I unconsciously said those words at the time. But I still remember how I felt at that time! What should I say? Should I say it was very hazy?”

―That’s fine. I’ve been curious about this for a while, but dragons only reside in the Demon Realm, so how did they end up in the Human World? They had to go through the Gehenna Gate.

The soul answered with a nod.

“Oh, you didn’t know. Our dragons can cross the Gehenna Gate at any time!”

―… A dragon? Why?

Although he didn’t show it, I couldn’t help but be very surprised.

Dragons are some of the strongest beings in the world. It’s amazing that they can freely travel between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm.

In other words, humanity was always exposed to the threat of dragons, without the person responsible knowing it.

“You said that 700 years ago, you made a pact with our chieftain and our ancestral hero. It was on the condition that we would not participate in the First World War.”

It was a wise decision. Even if he was the hero of the first century, it would have been impossible for a demon tribe to be joined by a dragon.

The soul continued speaking.

“We accepted the offer and became the only species that could pass through the gate.”

This is a pact that is possible because the dragon has a neutral disposition. It is also a part that gives a glimpse into Balor Joaquin’s will.

I will not turn the dragon into an enemy even if it means taking on the burden of risk.

“But since my power is greatly reduced compared to the Demon Realm, I have to take on a human form in the human world. Of course, it’s not exactly the same, so I have to be careful about my actions.”

Ah, so that’s why you became a nobleman in Yonggari. I understand.

-I know how you came to the inheritance. What about the kidnapping?

Suddenly, the soul’s body twisted like a twisted egg. She lowered her head and spoke as if squeezing it.

“… He said he’d give me food if I followed him, so I followed him and stopped.”

―… … .

Falling for an old trick that even a preschooler wouldn’t fall for. This is the moment when your fantasy about the fantasy creature, the dragon, is shattered.

“That’s because I starved for two days straight! I, I’m not some naive dragon who would just say hello and move on!”

The soul waved its hands hurriedly as if it were embarrassed. It was the typical attitude of a person whose feet were numb.

―… Okay. Then, what business did you have in the last place? Even if you could come and go freely, you wouldn’t have come to take a walk. From what I’ve heard, it seems like the dragon side has its own procedures.


The expression on her face was frozen as ice. She opened her mouth heavily.

“I came to destroy my fallen younger brother, Basilisk, with my own hands.”

At that moment.

== ==

[NEW! A surprise quest occurs.]

Defeat the evil serpent, Basilisk, with Horntail!

[※ It is possible to obtain the fourth memory fragment of 【???】. Total number of acquisitions (3/7)]

[※ Additional reward – Fallen Dragon’s Magic Stone.]

== ==

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not work with dark mode