Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 165

Episode 165 Unintended Luck (1)

The next morning.

As I came out of the dormitory, a red sedan was parked at the entrance. It was so well maintained that it was shiny and sparkling.

It was an appearance that did not fit with the place where the dormitory fees were the cheapest. The eyes of the students passing by stopped at the car at least once.

‘Who’s taking it?’

Curious stares. But I could guess whose car it was because of the gold-plated license plate. I remember seeing it in the Miracle Protection M setting book.

A gold-plated license plate. As far as I know, there are only a few places in Korea where you can freely test drive that car.

The President and the Seven Star Heroes. Since the President would not have attended, the latter is obviously the possibility.


The darkly tinted car window rolled down. Through the gap, a woman wearing stylish sunglasses was visible. She lowered the sunglasses with her index finger and placed them on the bridge of her nose.

My gaze met with the green ring of eyes. It was Media. She smiled brightly and waved at me.

“Geumma, over here! Get in quickly!”

“… … .”

I was momentarily taken aback. Last night, Manager Sung sent me a text message saying that someone else would take me to the association instead of him. Who would have thought it was the principal?

I should have noticed something from Manager Seong’s strange way of speaking.

Somehow, the text seemed to drip with caution. I didn’t know you would hide such a secret.

‘Manager Seong?’

Even without that, when we arrived at the association, Chilseong Changseong volunteered to be our guide. The one who took us there was Chilseong Sage.

How did things get this big? To exaggerate a bit, it’s like two presidents are interfering with my personal affairs.

No, my international status is higher than that of the president. Anyway, it’s excessive. I feel suffocated by the burden.


Let’s think positively. The subspace portal is not for personal use. It takes about an hour and a half by bus from Wonju to Seoul.

If you take that car, it’ll take 40 minutes. That’s because there’s a separate lane for state guests.

It may seem absurd, but there’s nothing we can do about it. I emphasize this, but this world is strictly a class society. Democracy is romantic here. Damn it.

I clicked my tongue. Then I slowly approached and climbed into the back seat. As soon as I got on, the media’s warm welcome began.

“Oh my, our swordsman. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen you~! Do you know how much I’ve missed you?”


Media pinched my cheeks with her index fingers. I bit her hand.

“Director, I understand for now. Let’s talk after we leave.”

“I’m so happy to see you. Sir, please let’s go.”

Inside a car driving on a bumpy road.

Media and I talked about this and that. The beginning wasn’t anything particularly important.

In short, it was like, ‘These days, you’re really causing a stir, Sword Master!?’, ‘Sword Master, I don’t know how grateful I am to you.’ She praised me until her lips were dry.

However, Media’s raised tone felt subtle to me. She was trying hard to hide her feelings now.

As the head of the academy, Media has a special sense of duty. She always grumbles to me, saying, “My salary is low,” “There are no benefits,” and “The workload is murderous,” but she cares for her students more than anyone else.

But a few days ago, a bunch of cadets died. The guilt and pressure must be weighing heavily on her shoulders.

I stared at Media. Through the black glasses, I could see the black fatigue that had settled under my eyes. It was proof that I hadn’t slept for days.

The world admires her as Joaquin’s academy director and the sage of Chilseong.

But she is also a human being after all, suffering from guilt and losing sleep at night.

After a while, Media’s eyes suddenly became deeply fixed. The driver who was driving closed his ears. The atmosphere in the car became very solemn.

Media folded her hands and took a deep breath. She asked me in a low voice.

“Actually, I should have asked you this first… That time you dealt with me… Was it by any chance the ‘level’ I was thinking of?”

“Yes. At that time, I introduced myself as the 3rd Corps Commander Vesna. And as someone who has dealt with her in person, I think it is true.”


The fierce reaction to my words came from the front. The knight’s appearance was reflected in the rearview mirror. His face was bleached white and his hands holding the steering wheel were covered in cold sweat.


Media gently massaged her temples. Her expression was feminine. Because her expectations and the testimony of the person involved were exactly the same. She added.

“The cadets didn’t know who the enemy was at that time. Not even the instructors. Honestly, if they saw a corps commander who they had never seen before in their lives, would it make sense? They would just think of him as a formidable enemy.”

“That’s right. And it would be less shocking for the cadets if they didn’t know exactly who the enemy was.”

When I nodded my head, Media’s eyes widened. Then she gently stroked my head.

“How can a child be so mature? He really acts like an adult. But, Geommaya, if things have gotten this bad, it won’t be hidden no matter how hard you try.”

“That’s true… … .”

“So, the Academy and the Association will work together to organize this fact and then make it public. What kind of enemies you faced for the cadets, and who they were. That way, people will be alert.”

Media took her caressing hand away and gently took hold of mine.

“Also, I got a call from Ttaktak a while ago, and he said preparations are almost finished.”

“Ready? What?”

“How can a young person be so absent-minded? Of course it’s about your Chilseong succession!”

“… … !”


The driver began to hiccup. Media continued talking.

“We’ve already subdued the 5th Corps Commander Agor and the 3rd Corps Commander Vesna. We should keep pushing forward while we’re at it. Everything will probably be ready within two months. The reason I’m going to the Korean branch of the Association today is to discuss with Gorilla. Of course, that includes other matters as well.”

The knight heard so much in this cramped space that he felt like he was going to vomit.

The hands holding the steering wheel trembled. The driver rolled down the driver’s window. The wind blew across his sweat-soaked face.

… In the meantime, the golden license plate entered Seoul.

* * *

A vehicle pulled into the Korean Association branch. The waiting agents quickly opened the car doors.

A straight leg stretched out through the crack in the door and stepped on the carpet. The agents all bowed toward the leg and saluted it.

“Welcome to the Korean branch of the Association! The head of Joaquin Academy, the sage of the Seven Stars, Media Poison!”

Media stood up straight. The sunglasses that caught the midday sunlight shone sharply.


The next moment, the door on the other side opened. The agents shouted again.

“Welcome to the Association’s Korean branch! Kang Geum-ma, a cadet of the Joaquin Academy and a hero of the Joaquin Incident!”

“… Yeah, well.”

Kanggeomma stood next to Media with a bashful expression. He asked Media in a whisper.

“Do you really have to do it this way?”

The hospitality was so grand. It was as if they were going to give me a flower necklace. Media answered.

“That’s because the Hero Association is originally conservative. People in government originally follow orders strictly. Well… that’s not the only reason though.”

That was when.

Knock, knock – the road vibrated with the sound of footsteps. The agents cleared the way without saying a word.

Media’s eyes narrowed slightly. She muttered something barely audible.

“You’re here.”

Kanggeomma raised his head. He saw a new figure approaching from afar, showing off his presence. A man with a dignified appearance and a beast-like face. It was Richard de Murat.

“Hahaha, I can’t believe how many years it’s been since I’ve seen you. How have you been, Grandma?”

Changseong laughed loudly. Media stood in front of him, her shoes clicking.

“Hey, gorilla.”

“Why, Grandma?”

Changseong tilted his head with an innocent face like a child.


Hoo- Media exhaled deeply. She took a short breath.

“…I told you not to call me that!”

Love liquid!

Media fired a sharp scream at the regime. The fist tore through the air and landed in Changseong’s lower abdomen.

Boom! The sound of a crash echoed like the sound of a drum. The aftermath of the collision sent a fierce gust of wind blowing.


Kang Geum-ma found this situation absurd.

Is it a greeting between the Seven Star Heroes to immediately throw a punch? It wasn’t even a fight between friends. The stone floor cracked and the wind blew back. It was definitely an attack with a murderous intent.

While everyone’s eyes were wide open in shock, Changseong spoke with a bright smile.

“You’ve gotten older, too. It used to feel like my stomach was turning, but now it just hurts a little.”

As he spoke, blood ran down his chin. Media snorted.

“Oh, you’re bluffing. It’s been a while since I last saw you, so I gave you a little kick, but do you think you can handle it? And you haven’t slept in a few days, right? Gorilla, your abs are as soft as pudding, aren’t they?”

Changseong’s smile turned a little redder with blood. The pain came a beat later. My internal organs were hurt. Changseong touched his stomach and tried to look calm.

“I’ve been slacking off on my training lately, and this is what’s going on. Kukuk- Still, you seem to be in good health, considering you’re sitting at your desk. Don’t worry, hal… … .”

“will do?”


Only then did Media turn around, creating a cold wind. Kang Geum-ma, who was watching the scene, had a look of worry in his eyes.

Was it really the right choice to succeed Chilseong? If greetings were like this, I seriously hesitated.

While everyone else was unable to do anything, Kanggeomma met Changseong’s eyes.

“It’s so nice to see it in person!”

Changseong approached him in a hesitant manner, despite his excited expression. Although he didn’t show it, it seemed like he was in a lot of pain.

“I wanted to see you so badly that I cancelled all my plans and came running here! Since I’m here, let’s all have lunch together first.”

Changseong offered to shake hands. Media roughly slapped his hand away.

“Don’t be so harsh. Your job, Gorilla, is to guide the swordsman to the Monolith. Besides, while the swordsman is doing his business, there are a few issues that we need to discuss among ourselves.”

“Hey, I was thinking that we guys could have some meat together and strengthen our friendship.”

Changseong whetted his appetite. Media growled and threatened.

“Are you a bandit? Are you just trying to eat meat? And do you think I don’t know that you’re just using food as an excuse to gently wrap our swordsman around? That gorilla got involved in politics and turned into a snake.”

“Mediah, I know you care about your students, but sometimes I wonder if you’re overprotective.”

The media harshly dismissed it.

“In order for something like the Joaquin tragedy to happen again, it’s better to be overprotective. That’s why, in these times, no one can approach my students. Even if they are comrades who died together in battle. That’s my duty as the headmaster.”

“… Heh heh.”

Changseong scratched the back of his neck hesitantly. Media took off her sunglasses. Her haggard eyes, which had been up for several days and nights, glared at Changseong.

“You and I both have our own share of debt for this disaster. Remember, today is the day to talk about responsibility. It’s not the day to eat meat and drink.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.”

Changseong took the lead with slumped shoulders.

“Follow me. I’ll take you straight to the monolith.”

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not work with dark mode