Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 162

Episode 162: What is a Hero?

“Didn’t you all eat lunch? Why are you all so clueless! Look at your movements. I can see your legs. Move your feet quickly and diligently, let’s do it!”


A shout came from the woman in the lead.

“I know you’ve worked hard, but the situation is urgent. I’ll take care of it once the situation is over. For now, let’s focus on moving.”


The emergency response team answered at the top of their lungs. They were clearly exhausted, but they ran as fast as their calves could.

They followed the woman like a morning cadet guiding a cadet. They didn’t even have time to wipe the blood off their uniforms.

Lee Won-bin somehow vividly recalled the old days of Latte. He learned the teaching method of turning students into students from this person.

The fight with the villains had just ended. The result was a victory for Joaquin Academy.

The factor was neither numerical superiority nor the results of consistent training over time.

While the team members were all moving diligently, Lee Won-bin glanced to the side.

A woman running with the hem of her black robe fluttering. She was Media, the head of the academy and the immediate superior of the emergency response team.

Her expression was distorted into a fierce grimace. Her teeth were chattering, and her eyes showed urgency. Lee Won-bin sank to his knees.

‘I never thought the situation would change with the appearance of the academy director… ‘

Yes, the tense fight quickly came to an end with her appearance.

Of course, Lee Won-bin and his teammates also fought hard. Even though the odds were against them, they fought bravely.

However, the villain pups were much stronger than expected. Despite being uncooperative villains, they attacked with considerable teamwork.

Not only that, even when viewed separately, it was an extremely difficult enemy.

As the standoff continued, the situation became more unfavorable. As the situation was getting worse, Media fell vertically from the sky.

She clenched her fist and hit the ground with her right hand, and knelt down on her left knee. Dust rose up around her. It was a scene reminiscent of the Terminator.

Right then, one of the villains who had been tearing things apart had his face shriveled up like a pancake without even being able to be surprised.

Immediately afterwards, the villains responded immediately. Their rebellion was fierce. They cast all kinds of magic and attacked Mediah alone.

And they were helplessly crushed by the force of the media. They fell helplessly and miserably into the fires of hell at the fist of the tyrant.

‘The skills you showed me earlier are not at their peak… … .’

Even the principal has a twin sister who is stronger than her. Wanli Meain Poison.

Lee Won-bin swallowed dry saliva without realizing it. What on earth happened to the Poison clan?

Strength is a pain to talk about. As a descendant of ancient people, they live hundreds of years longer than ordinary humans and maintain their youth. Just like the perceived lifespan of humans and dogs is different.

Although he is a school director who has lived for nearly 70 years, his actual age, or in other words, his physical age, is around 20.

Even my appearance was altered to make me look older. Even so, I still looked like I was in my mid-twenties.

“Wait a minute, stop!”

Media stretched out her arms and pushed her subordinates back. Several instructors, unable to overcome inertia, buried their noses in the mud. Among them was Choi Seol-ah, who was panting.

Kugugugugugugugugugugugu… … !

The earth is shaking. The heavy rain seemed to have subsided, but now the ground is shaking.

The instructors were unable to hide their bewilderment at the sudden earthquake. The ranks lost their balance and collapsed, and they soon fell to the ground.

Only Media stood alone and cast her gaze in the direction of the election building in the distance.


A huge new shape towering high in the sky appeared before her eyes.


Media’s eyes shook violently. The monstrous snake that should have been coiled in the magical Gehenna suddenly appeared within the Academy grounds.

Only then did the composure I had been trying so hard to maintain start to crack. This was because the seriousness of the situation had become apparent.

Jormungand is a monster that cannot be handled alone. It looks like a demon beast, but it is a demon classified as a demon.

At least if Ttak Jikna and Gorilla Murah join, there is a chance of subjugation.

If you rush in alone and blindly, you’ll only end up with a bite.


Media bit her lip. Her white upper teeth were stained with blood.

The most important thing is the safety of the cadets. However, once the punitive war begins, the cadets will inevitably get caught up in it.

That one point really hurt my heart. It was the reason why Media hesitated.

She herself lived long enough, but what sin did those children have? All of this was the result of her own shortcomings.

There have already been casualties, so we can’t allow the damage to increase any further.

Moreover, as the head of the academy, would you be afraid to throw yourself at that monster?

He has a duty to protect the Academy from outside forces. To do so, he can fight to the point where his bones crumble.

I learned that here at Joaquin Academy too.

Now that I have become the principal of the academy.

That’s what it means to be a hero, as he teaches his students.


Media clenched her fists and placed them at her sides, then stepped on the ground. Then, she thrust the dragon power she had in both hands into her danjeon.

[The poet’s protection is manifested.]

[The protection of the oath is manifested.]

[The protection of openness is manifested.]

Greenish irises flowed out of Mediah’s eyes. Steam rose from all her muscles. She bared her teeth and shouted.


As soon as I shouted, my thighs and calves swelled to about five times their size.

He leaps forward in one breath and smashes the tongue-licking snout with his fist. Media said with a bloodshot face.

“I’ll deal with that guy, you secure the safety of the cadets!”

Just before the media that had given orders to the instructors took their steps, Choi Seol-ah felt a familiar aura.


She lifted her head from where she had been quietly resting on the ground. Her eyes immediately sparkled like beads.

“My lord!”

“Master?” Everyone, including the principal, raised their heads. A silence mixed with shock began to spread across the room.


Silver lines are etched into the snake’s scales. Pier crumpled with a scream.

Media’s face, which had been as hard as stone, relaxed. She squeezed her eyeball. Then she opened her eyes again. Her green irises had widened even more.

Jormungandr flinched, his body undulating like laundry as he tried to dodge here and there. The bundle of blades pursued him relentlessly, stripping the snake of its skin.


The giant that had been howling for a long time came down. Media, who was staring blankly, thought.

As expected, it’s obvious who killed Jormungand without me having to tell you.

* * *

Saki blinked. She stared at the back of Ganggeomma.

The sashimi spread out like a peacock’s tail behind Kang Geum-ma’s back. It was a strange and mysterious sight at the same time.

The blades that floated in the air crushed the enemy with a single wave of the hand. In addition, they brought down a monster so large that it could block out the sun.

The monster’s death was a good thing for Saki. After all, she had come this far and her reasoning was not working. The only thing on her mind was the safety of the strong swordsman.

Saki looked at Kang Geum-ma’s back again. His black hair was fluttering pleasantly in the wind. Suddenly, tears welled up in her eyes.

“… You’re back.”

Kang Geum-ma looked back. His colorless expression was now filled with emotion. He smiled faintly.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, my head has cooled down a bit. When I finish this work, I’ll buy you a whole box of rice cakes.”

“… … ?”

“Something expensive.”

After leaving those words, Kang Geum-ma looked straight ahead. He stared at the enemy with narrowed eyes.

A faint groan was heard from ahead. Vesna could only twitch her hands and toes, unable to move.

The battle was almost settled. So it was time to wrap things up. Kanggeomma slowly walked towards Vesna.

As he approached, Vesna was overcome by a chill. Destruction was imminent.

I gave it my all. I charged with vision magic and summoned the most evil retinue.

But all those numbers were meaningless, and he himself was dying. At the hands of that monster that was gradually getting closer.

Humans fear the demons. The reason is very simple. We are far superior to those insignificant creatures who huddle together like a herd of rats.

It is a natural and ingrained instinct that the strong prey on the weak.

But why, while the beasts live in a land overflowing with milk and honey, we, the strong, are driven into a barren and devilish realm?

Vesna was furious at this situation that was against nature. So she would kill all the humans and then take over this fertile land.

Moreover, when He opens His eyes again soon, the human world will be filled with sorrow.

A bloody future was naturally drawn in my mind. Just imagining it made me smile, until I met that crazy person.

Damn it.

Kanggeomma stood about seven paces away from Vesna. His low-set eyes looked down at the 3rd Corps Commander.

An unknown emotion touched Vesna’s soul. She screamed.

“You look at me with those eyes, you insignificant little bug!? No matter how strong you are, human! He will return and dye this land crimson… …!”


Kang Geum-ma’s single word cut through the seizure like a knife. He said, picking his ear.

“Don’t you know that villains who talk the most die the most miserably? Your younger brother was quiet and died relatively peacefully, but in one blow.”

“What, what!?”

“And the ‘him’, ‘him’ thing. You’re so below standard that you’re just bragging about your backside, and it sounds like you’re calling him a bug or something.”

“Oh, oh, oh, how! How dare you! Aren’t you afraid of him!”

“I’ll think about that when I get there.”

Kanggeomma lifted his hand from his pocket. Thousands of sashimi were pointed at Vesna like the muzzles of guns.


The blades cast sharp shadows, covering Vesna’s face in silver. Then, as if waiting, Sashimi lightly fell down. A few screams were heard, but they died down after a while.

… When the surroundings were filled with blood, a pile of meat that was hard to recognize sank to the bottom of the lake.

One, two swords flying through the air.

They began to stick into the water like tombstones, as if mourning the cadets who had fallen victim to the disaster.

The setting sun pushed away the clouds. The cold wind that had been blowing disappeared and my skin felt warm.

Although the cadets each had different expressions on their faces, their thoughts flowed in the same direction.

The special promotion students that he had casted contemptuous glances at. Kang Geum-ma went into battle without pushing a single one of them.

It wasn’t that he was hoping for recognition or understanding. I guess he just did it because he had to.

The sight brought to mind a word. The cadet pondered for a moment whether this word could fit so well.

I looked up. The sunlight was pouring into Joaquin Academy. My eyes were stinging.

He closed his eyes and opened them. The cadet, who might be a boy, a girl, or both, couldn’t take his eyes off the lake.

I looked at the hero standing there quietly.

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not work with dark mode