Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 150

Episode 150 I also have a sense of loyalty (3)

The bloody battle of the moonlit night is over.

“… Oh my, I’m dying.”

Choi Seol-ah groaned and sat down. She was usually a joker, but this time she was serious.

I just squeezed out all the strength I had left to bite the Ripper’s hand. As a result, my strength completely drained and I couldn’t even move my fingers.

Choi Seol-ah checked her condition. Her entire body was a mess. Her lips were cracked, and her right eyeball was swollen and bloodshot. Her limb bones were also in a strange position, as if something was wrong with them.

Still, the corners of my mouth twitched. My joy soared. It was a situation where I had literally died and come back to life. If not now, when would I feel joy?

Choi Seol-ah slowly opened her eyelids. A disaster that had not yet cooled down was unfolding.

Corpses with their eyes open and lifeless. The blades were stuck only in vital points such as the forehead, navel, and dantian, like dart targets.

There was a saying among the villains: if you were caught in a vendetta, you had only two choices: take your own life, or be tortured to death. In the end, both options resulted in death.

But, they disappeared into the back alleys of the shadows in an instant. They attacked with various magics, but they were all destroyed. In less than a minute, by just one person.

Choi Seol-ah looked at Kang Geum-ma with her left eye, which was still relatively healthy. The faint moonlight illuminated his back. It was as if he had a halo. He looked like an angel or devil wearing a cloak.

Tears formed in Choi Seol-ah’s eyes. Honestly, she had been begging Bentetta for her life. She had a small hope that if she confessed everything, he would let her live.

But Choi Seol-ah kept her mouth shut. Because her obsession with life had told her that the only way to survive was to die. And that judgment saved her from the brink of death.

‘As expected, my choice was not wrong.’

Hehehe- While laughing softly, suddenly, sweat started running down Choi Seol-ah’s spine.

Choi Seol-ah shifted her gaze to the side. The villain was holding the sashimi with his eyes wide open. His eyes were as blurry as a fish with flies around it.

At that, Choi Seol-ah’s eyes grew three times larger and she was startled.


Choi Seol-ah stepped back with a step towards her buttocks. This was a villain who sold his humanity, and it was a foolish thing, and her instincts rejected it.

A corpse moving! I have never heard or seen such a strange magic.

Or is it the black magic that the Villain Alliance is secretly researching? Is that it? I knew the Alliance was crazy, but they really have gone too far.

Whatever it was, it gave me goosebumps. Choi Seol-ah stepped back and crouched down, shivering.

At that moment, Kang Geum-ma, who had wiped the blood off the sashimi, approached the corpse. Choi Seol-ah screamed, “Oh my god!”

“Hey, Master Geomma. The corpse is moving. It might be black magic, so don’t come near!”

“Black magic?”

“I heard this before. I heard that the Villain Alliance is researching their own magic, not elemental magic. That, moving corpses could be a type of magic!”

Kanggeomma sighed at Choi Seol-ah’s warning. He didn’t like the idea of Murasame’s special ability being considered black magic.

‘Well, from his perspective, it could seem that way.’

No matter how you look at it, this was black magic, necromancy. The context wasn’t much different.

Instead of responding, Kang Geum-ma approached the laptop villain. His face was pale and his eyes were covered with a grayish film. There was dark red blood around his mouth that was wide open.

Certainly… it was a bit creepy when I saw it up close. The guy I killed was acting for me.

But that was the extent of my appreciation. This guy was a villain anyway. What good would it do to feel guilty?

In the first place, it was too far to consider ethics. Up until now, they had not hesitated to even kill. Nowadays, Ganggeomma’s creed was extremely simple.

The evildoer thinks and then kills, the villain kills without hesitation. If you feel responsible for everything, it will be difficult to survive in this harsh world.

In the future, I will have to use this ability to fight many enemies. If it can reduce the damage to my allies, is it worth using the corpses of those enemies?

After finishing his thoughts, Kanggeomma retrieved Murasame. Only then did the notebook villain’s eyelids cover his cloudy eyes. He too must have fallen into the pit of hell, hand in hand with his comrades.

Choi Seol-ah doubted her eyes. What is it? What did she see? What is it? Thoughts that started with ‘what’ continued to occur.

Thud, thud.

Kanggeomma twisted his toes toward Choi Seol-ah. Choi Seol-ah silently covered her mouth.

A feeling of weakness came over my body, which had been holding up well. A feeling that was hard to express spread through my entire body like crazy.

Kang Geum-ma stopped in front of Choi Seol-ah’s feet. He looked down at her, who was wrapped in chains, and then immediately pulled out the sashimi.


The hairs on her head stood on end. Choi Seol-ah closed her eyes tightly. The next moment, her body, which had been as heavy as lead, became lighter. She opened one eye slightly.

The iron chains that had bound my entire body were cleanly cut off. I was able to move freely.

‘How did you break it?’

It was no ordinary chain at first glance, since it was filled by Ventetta. It must have been a binding magic overlapping. It was easily cut by the swordsman’s sword.

Kang Geum-ma said to her, who had a confused expression.

“Take off your top.”

“… … ?”

Choi Seol-ah swallowed a sharp breath. Her pale face turned bright red. It was so sudden.

She just raised her eyes. She saw Kang Geum-ma looking at her with deeply sunken eyes. He spoke as if urging her.

“I don’t want to bother saying it twice. Just take it off.”

The lord was sincere.

“Okay, ok, ok, just wait a minute! I don’t hate it since you’re my lord, but, ah, not yet, not yet mentally prepared… …! And it still looks like this.”

Kang Geum-ma’s mouth twisted at the hesitant response. He pointed to Choi Seol-ah’s shoulder with the end of the sashimi.

“Shoulder joint, it looks loose even at a glance. If you leave it alone, you’ll have to eat with only one arm. If you think having two arms is too much, just leave it as is. Judging from your useless imagination, it doesn’t seem like you really need any treatment.”

“iced coffee…….”

Choi Seol-ah sighed briefly. She immediately lowered her head. A chill ran down her forehead where it had touched the concrete. In that position, she confessed.

“I am truly sorry for imagining such profane things, my lord!”

“That lord, lord, what’s the matter with you… how can it not be?”

A long-lived swordsman on Earth in the 21st century. The strange title of lord was very awkward.

“Then master―”

“Just call me whatever you want. Anyway, let’s do it quickly. We don’t have much time left.”

Choi Seol-ah begged cautiously.

“… If you allow me, can I stay like this for a little while longer?”

“… … .”

Kang Geum-ma was dumbfounded. He suddenly bowed and then stayed like that for a while. It wasn’t like he was paying his respects on New Year’s Day.

Kang Geum-ma nodded, thinking that he would just leave. He thought that he must have lost some of his senses due to the torture.

Above all, if emergency treatment was delayed, Choi Seol-ah would have been in a coffin +1. It was a miracle that she was still breathing.

‘Look, I’m lying face down but my body is still writhing.’

However, it wasn’t pain that shook Choi Seol-ah’s body. It was shame and embarrassment.

It’s been years since I’ve felt this way. Maybe it’s the first time since I became a villain.

… In that way, Choi Seol-ah cooled her head with the cold air from the road for a long time.

* * *


[The protection of rebirth is manifested.]

“Kkiya-aah-ah! Okay, okay, stop for a moment! It hurts so much! I think I’m going to die! No, I’m really going to die!”

“It’ll be over soon, so stay still. Or bite that broken chain as a gag. Your tongue can’t be fixed, so keep your mouth shut.”

“Ah, ah, y, really, let me just rest for a bit―!”


[The protection of transfer is manifested.]

“―Go… … .”

Choi Seol-ah’s pupil rolled back. She lay down and wiped the floor with her body. Her tears and snot were pouring down without mercy, but it seemed that her life was not in danger.

After the surgical operation was over, I clenched and unclenched my hand. Something felt strange. Choi Seol-ah’s recovery had slowed down considerably. Now, she was only slightly better than a growing teenager?

It was strange that the 5th Corps Commander, who was the supplier of magical power, was absent. Even his eyes were filled with guns, making him look like a human.

‘… Is it possible that the humanity that was sold to the commander is coming back?’

After a moment of commotion, I asked her.

“By the way, how did you get dragged here?”

“Ah, that’s… … .”

Choi Seol-ah, who had been swayed by the situation, explained the series of events. The story was long, but it could be summarized in a few words. Most of the words that followed were complaints.

The gist of the story is that those cold corpses are a hitman unit sent by the Villain Alliance, and their goal is to punish the traitor Choi Seol-ah.

I looked around. The sight of corpses strewn about, the heat beginning to fade. For a moment, I clicked my tongue in discomfort.

‘I thought it was a bit too much, but it was Ventetta.’

I know a little about them. They are the Villain Alliance’s retaliation task force. They were a group that clashed with Leon once in the game.

I don’t remember how the incident started. It was probably just bad guys doing bad things.

‘This is starting to give me a bit of a headache.’

I frowned. It wasn’t the first time a villain had been turned into a villain/run, but with Vendetta, things were a bit different. More precisely, the problem lay beyond that.

Villain Alliance. An enemy force that appears around the middle of the settlement, when Leon is in his second year. To put it simply, it is the mid-boss of ‘Miracle Protection M’.

The starting point of Leon’s full-scale confrontation with them was… after Leon killed Ray Shen.

The leader of the Undertaker. In the real world, she was the trigger for the conflict with the Villain Alliance.

For reference, Miracle Protection M had branching points in the middle of the story. Depending on the choices you made, the direction of the narrative changed.

However, there were some checkpoints that never changed. These were usually events that were directly related to the ending.

For example, the subjugation of Ray Shen, who became a villain, also falls into this category. Her death was the catalyst for the start of the villain alliance’s movement. The prelude to this was the appearance of Vendetta.

… But when I thought about it carefully, it was me who killed Ray Shen. There was a twist in that she was used as a vessel for the 5th Corps Commander Agor. It was clear that she was Ray Shen.

‘Could it be that the affair was brought forward because of the incident at Avalon Island…?’

As my thoughts continued, my expression became more and more heavy. Choi Seol-ah spoke with a fidgety look on her face.

“My, my lord. You don’t have to worry about being labeled as a villain because of me. Since it’s already been revealed, I’ll take a break from the academy. Well… … .”

I turned my gaze to Choi Seol-ah. Her mouth was smiling faintly, but her eyes were not. Her pupils were trembling with anxiety.

“Choi Seol-ah.”

I called her name. The guy who had been mumbling with a haggard face answered quickly.

“Yes, yes! My lord!”

I relaxed my hardened expression. The scene of her biting the gunman’s hand came to mind.

Even though my whole body was tied up, the way it bit me reminded me of a guard dog.

She could have just laid there like a dead rat, but Choi Seol-ah insisted on cooperating with me. Maybe she had feelings for me.

I still wonder how she, who was obsessed with life beyond attachment, could do something like that.

There may be some reason for this. But that is why I cannot throw it away. It is the law that we must keep our allies close and our enemies even closer.

And the confrontation with the Villain Alliance is close to a prophecy that we will inevitably face. Choi Seol-ah’s role will be important at that time.

There was a long silence. I opened my mouth to Choi Seol-ah, who was looking at me with a nervous expression.

“Just stay at the academy like you are now.”

“… but if I stay.”

Parrani’s trembling voice was filled with a mixture of emotions.

I shook my head.

“If the Villain Alliance has decided to target you anyway, you know best that you’ll die wherever you go. And from what I saw earlier, it’s only a matter of time before they track my number.”

“… … .”

“Honestly, is there a safer place than Joaquin Academy? And when did someone so obsessed with life ever think of me like that?”

“I’m serious!”


Since it has come to this, to her who treats me like her master.

“You have a lot of work to do by my side.”

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not work with dark mode