Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 149

Episode 149 I also have a sense of loyalty (2)

“Damn it, why is that kid popping out all of a sudden and acting like this!?”

Sashimi Kensei, Kang Kenma. He was a widely known cadet even within the Villain Alliance.

A cadet who has been eyed by the 2nd Corps Commander Kuarn, the master of the Reaper himself. The reason for his interest was to use him as his vessel.

Certainly, Kanggeomma lived up to Kuarnim’s expectations. As a result, there were three of them at Reaper’s feet.

Two of them had their heads cut off, and one fell down with a knife in his throat. Even though it was a surprise attack, it happened in an instant. It was true that he was swinging his sword like a ghost and slicing his opponents apart.


The atmosphere changed as Kanggeomma appeared. However, the shock was short-lived, and Bentetta quickly reorganized his formation. After each person took off their gloves and threw them away, they prepared to snap their fingers.

They were the Vendetta, the elite soldiers of the Villain Alliance. This was not the first time, though it was not uncommon.

And for a grown man to be a professional hitman and get beat up by a kid who can use a knife, how can he possibly show his face when he’s being treated like that? To be honest, at the point where he’s beating up a kid, Gao’s already been seriously damaged.

What can I do? What I’ve learned from doing this for years is that you can never let your guard down. And since that guy is a target that needs to be captured alive, it’s efficient to attack him with several people.

Hoo- Ripper sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He applied the blood on his gloves like wax and held his hair in place.

The Reaper gave orders to all of the Vendettas.

“Everyone, wake up. Line up in formation according to your attributes. You’ve all probably seen the skills of that bastard Sashimi Kensei in the video, so attack skillfully.”

“Boss, instead of torturing that little bastard, why don’t you just kill him?”

“No, if possible, capture them alive. If you’re going to kill them, kill them with their limbs intact. Just think of them as high-quality goods. Make sure they don’t get hurt as much as possible. It’s okay if they get punctured by two or three bullets.”


… Hehehehehehehehe.

Choi Seol-ah, entangled in chains and slumped against the concrete. She let out an ominous laugh like a virgin ghost. She was clearly a madwoman, revealing her blood-stained, bloodshot teeth.

“Boss, why is this kid laughing?”

“Leave him alone. He must have lost his mind. And Choi Seol-ah, make sure he doesn’t get caught up in the battle. I need to take him to the Union Headquarters and personally take care of him.”


“Starting with those corns, I’ll have to pull out all their fingernails and toenails, okay?”

Then, the Reaper turned his gaze to Kanggeomma. His eyes were sharp and pointed. He spoke while gritting his teeth.

“You little green blob of flesh, you’ve only studied Western medicine up until now, so your shoulders are really high?”

“… … .”

The Ripper’s eyes glittered like snake scales.

“Don’t worry, we’re professionals. We’ll tear you to shreds and give you the capital. It’ll be fun, man.”

“… … .”

Kanggeomma tilted his head. Ripper, who had been speaking so arrogantly, flinched.

‘Damn, that’s seventeen?’

With those eyes that have lost all emotion, what a completely crazy kid. I’ve met all sorts of crazy people, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one this deadly and screwed up.

Moreover, Choi Seol-ah, who had been wriggling like a caterpillar just a moment ago, began to laugh like a light year as soon as Kang Geum-ma arrived. Those crazy bastards. The saying, “that vegetable, that meal,” came to mind.

The Ripper pulled the revolver from his waistband. Kanggeomma’s eyes narrowed slightly at that.


In the world of ‘Miracle Protection M’, firearms were not well-handled. This was because they were not very effective compared to weapons.

In a world where you can move faster than the speed of sound by holding a weapon and manifesting a protection, why would you wear such an iron object?

Because of the smell of gunpowder, it was easy to leave traces, and the maintenance cost was also damn expensive. One bullet cost 1 million won. Because both supply and demand were low.

The best way to control guns is to raise the price of bullets, not guns.

Kanggeomma moistened his parched lips. Then he held on tightly to Murasame and Mannyeonseori.

‘Are you using guns as a means of armament…?’

The villain couldn’t handle the weapon. The weapon was a weapon that resonated with the hero’s protection. The villain would foam at the mouth and fall down just by slightly infusing the weapon with magic power.

So some villains used firearms as their weapons. The so-called magic bullets. When fired by injecting magic power instead of gunpowder, the bullet’s speed and power could be increased dramatically.


The revolver’s cylinder spun. Ripper leisurely placed a bullet into the hole and closed the cylinder. He said with a sinister smile.

“Ganggeomma, we’ve been studying how you fight. You’re really fast, aren’t you? But even a hero can be fast.”

The Ripper shrugged and opened his mouth again.

“I’ll tell you something before you get a hole in your forehead. The speed of a bullet that has eliminated air resistance with the magic of the empty attribute is 10 times the basic bullet speed. Since the basic rifle is around Mach 3, my magic bullet is 30 times the speed of sound.”

The Ripper aimed his gun at Kang Geum-ma. He pulled the trigger with his thumb and placed his index finger on it. A smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“But if possible, you should take him alive. Try to avoid him as much as you can.”

Kanggeomma snapped his sword and swung it out of its scabbard. At the same time, bang! The sound of a revolver signaled the start of the battle.


[The protection of the Sword God is manifested.]

The blade pulled out a span and scattered light, and then the strong sword horse ran straight ahead.

As the wind licked his cheek like a tongue, entangled in a beautiful pit, Kanggeomma suddenly had a question.

I suddenly wondered whether the protection of the swordsman would be faster than the benefits of civilization.

Even in the midst of the confusion, Choi Seol-ah smiled calmly and played background music.

* * *


The villains followed the sound of footsteps and cast spells. -Water, fire, stone- and the like- were tangled together and crushed the -floor, ceiling, and walls. The already dark concrete became pitch black.

“Right! Right! Bomb!”

One gesture. The corner of the empty lot was filled with magic.

‘These kids, they’re such a good match for the subject of Billions.’

Kanggeomma intuitively realized that these were no ordinary group. The usual group of villains were haphazard and sloppy.

These guys were quick to snap their fingers to the gestures of their boss, the Ripper.

The display system was also well-organized. The talk about being a professional wasn’t just empty boasting.

‘It’s going to take longer than expected.’

Each battle was one-on-many, not a single battle. Fortunately, the place wasn’t that big. It was blocked off on all sides, so there were a lot of places to step on, so it was worth it?

Even that had to be backed up by time. I had already wasted about 20 seconds just dodging. Even considering the lead and the sword, it was a tight time.

There were 50 seconds left. I was determined to take out everything within that time. It was difficult to completely eliminate the possibility that there were hidden enemies or that they would call me.

I didn’t know why they were gathered here. It didn’t seem like they were having a reunion or a class reunion, but why? Suddenly, a very ominous thought crossed my mind.

… What if there was a one in ten thousand chance that they were in the middle of a ritual to summon one of the legion commanders? After all, during the uninhabited island survival training, the 5th legion commander Agor had descended without warning. A chill ran down my spine.

But at least it was confirmed that Choi Seol-ah wasn’t in cahoots with these villains. She was lying there like a rag, covered in blood. If she was on the same side, she wouldn’t have beaten them up like a dog on a hot day. She’ll cut them all down as quickly as possible and then take Choi Seol-ah away.

‘How to approach.’

We have to close the distance first. They are magicians, gunslingers, and ranged attackers, while I am a swordsman. If we lose in a street fight, there is no answer.

The swordsman used his brain to dodge all kinds of magic. Fire arrows, water awls, and thorny stone fragments scratched the surroundings, scattering concrete debris in all directions. Sporadic explosions that erupted later.


A ringing in my ears. In that slow time, Ganggeomma’s brain, which had been spinning like a top, stopped. He somehow created a guerrilla force in the camp and attacked them all at once.

As a rule, the more well-organized a system is, the more vulnerable it is to variables. This was a little wisdom I learned during my military service in my previous life.

The total number of enemies was 16. Three teams of five each. One team obscured Kanggeomma’s vision, the other team narrowed his range of action, and the last three teams focused on cutting Kanggeomma’s blind spots.

〈Team 1〉

/ Ripper \

〈Team 2〉――〈Team 3〉

Choi Seol-ah

Each team took charge of a corner, forming a triangle. All three teams were solid and not weak.

The most annoying one of all was, of course, the gunman in the center. He would stand his subordinates up as meat shields and shoot them roughly. That’s why I liked swords more than guns. Sword fighting is much more honest and romantic.

As the battle was going on chaotically, the gunman pulled the trigger.

Clink- Ta-ing!

Before the revolver’s muzzle fired, Kanggeomma moved first. It was impossible to avoid a hypersonic bullet at Mach 30. Then, when the gunman’s index finger snapped, he moved accordingly.


Kanggeomma shook his head to the side. The bullet slid past his cheek. The stray bullet lodged itself in the back wall.

“… … .”

A small amount of blood flowed out from the shallow gash. Kanggeomma swept his cheek. He frowned.

The Ripper was dumbfounded by that scene. Dodging the dizzying rain of magic while simultaneously avoiding the magic bullets? And that too in a situation where all four sides were blocked off?

Aside from being good at wielding a sword, he was just a guy with a crazy sense of combat. On top of that, he was sneaking up on me alone and watching me closely. Not only that, he moved in a zigzag pattern so it was hard to even get a clear aim.

However, I didn’t have enough bullets to shoot indiscriminately. I had used ten rounds, so now I had ten left.

‘Damn, ten million won has already melted away!’

That was when.

“Oh, shit.”

… one of the villains I was casting slipped his finger. He had been flicking it so hard that he was sweating and his fingers were swollen.

Kang Geum-ma’s pupils flashed. He picked up the Daiso sashimi that was sleeping peacefully in his arms and threw it like a javelin.

“100 million!”

The groan of the last horse. The villain who had been shot with a needle in the shin twitched and fell down.

! ! !

The eyes rolled towards what had been their comrades. The rushing blade sent them to the same place as their comrades, the Jordan River.

The corpses with their eyeballs rolled back in fell apart one by one. In the blink of an eye, a gap appeared in the formation.


A faint emotion blossomed deep in Ripper’s chest. And that emotion gave rise to impatience.

The Ripper, his teeth snapping, pulled the trigger like crazy.

Chilkung- bang-! bang bang bang bang-!

The cartridges ejected from the cylinder fell to the ground. Five bullets were fired randomly. Even if you read the trajectory, the speed of the bullets was unavoidable.

At that moment, Kang Geum-ma’s eyes became blurry. His consciousness suddenly disappeared and his body moved by instinct.

The foot of the swordsman gently stepped on the wall. Then it bounced up towards the ceiling.

BINGLE – Just before my feet touched the ceiling, I did a half somersault in the air. Soon, my feet were stuck to the ceiling.

In that state, Kanggeomma took out a dozen sashimi and threw them at them. Occasionally, the sashimi knives would clash in the air, bounce off each other, and fall at an extraordinary angle.

Silver blades poured down like a monsoon shower.

“Ugh!” “Ouch!” “Clang!” “Ugh!”

Ventetta’s encirclement began to crumble like dominoes.

… After a while, the only life left was that of a Ripper.

‘… What the hell!’

Ripper cursed inwardly. His right hand instinctively fumbled for the magazine on his waist.

“Oh, shit!”

Choi Seol-ah, who was tightly bound in chains, bit the hand. She nodded and nodded as she shouted at Kang Geum-ma.

“Choosing, choking! (It’s now!)”

“This crazy kid! I should have just killed him earlier.”

The Ripper raised his left hand and tried to push Choi Seol-ah away. But somehow a cold wind blew across his wrist. He rolled his eyes to the left.


Only a few veins of blood gushed out from the wrist where the left hand that should have been there was missing. He felt no pain. Ripper’s mind was blank.

“You, you, you, you laptop! Hey, how do you move it!”

The notebook that had been broken long ago was holding a piece of sashimi wrapped in rope. It was the sashimi knife that Kanggeomma had been holding until just now, but when did that kid get the notebook? No, how could he move while holding a knife in his throat? The notebook’s face was completely devoid of life, not like a living person.

A corpse that was once a subordinate is staggering around swinging sashimi. Is this a nightmare? The Ripper’s expression changed in real time at the insane sight.

Ripper’s right hand was tied to Choi Seol-ah, and his left hand was tied to his subordinate. With his head in a daze, Kang Geum-ma jumped down like a frog.


The sound of the air being torn apart. Ripper’s vision went black. In front of him, Kanggeomma raised his Eternal Frost high. Then, absentmindedly, he swung it vertically.



The blade fell straight down from the crown of the head to the groin without any obstruction.

The gunman’s expression became blank. His once bright eyes were now emptied. His lips were curled into a Ø shape.


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not work with dark mode