Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 141

Episode 141 Variable (3)

Star class.

Pyon↑ Pyon→ Pyon↓

A mechanical sound was heard from the back row. Two of the other students turned their backs and looked in that direction.

The female student in the back row was busy tapping away at her cell phone. It was Yoo Se-in, who had transferred in today.

The two women, who had been looking at the world with incredulous eyes, began to gossip.

“What is he doing now?”

“I asked earlier and it said it was some kind of mobile game… … ?”

“… Game? Wow, this is so funny. Isn’t this guy a total sycophant? He thinks everyone is just pretty… And what did he say when he introduced himself earlier? Wasn’t it something like, ‘Name: Yoo Se-in. Nothing special. That’s it?’?”

“That’s right. He mumbles at the end of every sentence… … . He just looks like he’s pretending to be special, but he really is a total idiot. What on earth is the Joaquin Academy class assignment department doing? Tsk. Putting a kid like that in a saint class.”

“That’s why. If we’re in the same class as someone like that, then our level is also low. And from what I’ve heard, that guy Se-in is the third daughter of a minor noble from the border region.”

“Wow. That’s just a commoner. Why me?”

“Okay. What’s wrong with him?”

The female cadets laughed so that everyone could hear.

But Se-in completely ignored those shallow taunts. She kept her eyes focused on the screen of her phone and just waved her fingers around in a fancy way.

Pyon↗ Pyon↘ Pyon↘

One of the other students twisted his lips.

“… Is he ignoring us?”

“This is absolutely ridiculous. This can’t be happening. The bell hasn’t even rung yet, and I have to go and say something. I have to explain the difference in ‘status’.”

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll go and give you some real education.”

At that moment.

“Hey, you guys.”

A sharp monosyllable was heard from the front. The unexpected voice froze the body of the female cadet who was about to get up.

The female student twisted her head like a robot. When she looked at Abel, he was looking at her with cold eyes.

Next to Abel, Rachel watched with her chin resting on her hand, an amused expression on her face.

The woman who received the glares of the Nibelungs and the Murat family all at once. Her face turned yellow.

‘Why of all people… … .’

Although I myself was a child of a noble family known in England, I was no match for those two.

No matter how wealthy a family may be in a country, they will be infinitely humbled in front of two international families.

It’s not a metaphor, but the gap in status was as big as the difference between heaven and earth.

Moreover, those two people, Abel and Rachel, were the cadets who were the furthest from aristocratic ideas within the Holy Class.

In particular, Abel would sometimes openly frown when a situation like this one arose.

Abel shot the female student.

“It’s not even the end of class yet. What does it matter to others what you do during break time?”

“No, that’s… it’s too noisy.”

“It’s okay to badmouth others openly, but it’s not okay to talk about games?”

“… … .”

Abel vehemently dismissed the protest. Rachel, who had been watching, suddenly intervened.

“It looks to me like he’s just trying to get the transfer student to do something. Well, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. But you know.”

“… … .”

Rachel giggled as she watched the trembling female student.

“It’s fair to determine the order of things by force. It’s too tacky to bring up social status while doing it. Otherwise, how about we settle the order of things together while we’re at it?”

“… … !”

The female cadet lowered her eyebrows. Her once sallow complexion soon turned pale.

She asked her partner, who had been chattering away for a while, for help with her eyes… … .

… but the partner had already sat down in a different seat.

‘You coward!’

On the other hand, Abel and Rachel are bickering about the female student who has become a contemplative.

“Rachel! That’s putting the cart before the horse!”

“Why, Miss Abel, did I say something wrong? It’s already chilly because it’s early fall, and it’s so nice to warm up my body!”

Amidst the mixed emotions, Se-in frowned and scratched the back of his neck.

“Ah- Is it true that they give out so little experience points for a Burning Event? The event items aren’t that great either. This game is ruining my luck!”

Sein threw his phone on the desk and leaned back in his chair.

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Abel also had a look of exasperation. Sein stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

‘No matter how much I think about it, Sein, he’s so special.’

The second transfer student, following the first transfer student, Leon Van Reinhardt, is Yusei.

From the first impression, Se-in was extraordinary. He also had a somewhat unique appearance.

This morning, there was a male student who was pestering Sein.

Her silver hair and small face were enough to catch the attention of men. Se-in ended up in a similar situation to Abel at the beginning of the semester.

But the male students did not receive even a single glance from the world. She treated them even colder than Abel.

Later, Se-in covered his ears with earphones. And game- game- game-.

‘What on earth did he come to Joaquin Academy for? Did he come to play games?’

At that moment, Abel was looking at Sein from afar.

Bam- The door to the classroom opened wide. All the students looked there. Abel, who was standing like a meerkat, also turned his gaze.

An outsider entered the class. It was Kang Geum-ma. The air became chilled just by his appearance.

Kang Geum-ma stood on the podium and looked around the scene.

“Sword Demon!”

Rachel shouted happily. She jumped up on the desk.

“Oh, it’s been a while!”

Rachel spreads her arms wide and tries to hug him.

Kanggeomma dodged by lightly twisting his shoulder.


Rachel’s face collided with the blackboard, the green surface denting into the shape of a face.

Rachel’s face planted on the chalkboard. There’s a cracking noise and a new moan.

Her whole body began to twitch like a frog, and soon her limbs became limp.

As silence settled over the class, Ryozo came in, panting. He was out of breath, perhaps because he had been running too fast.

“Haa… haa… Geumma, are you sure you’re walking? Why are your feet so fast?”

The atmosphere of the class was so awkward. The expressions on their faces were like, “Why are they here when class is about to end?” Abel was the same.

Thud thud.

Kang Geum-ma took a step forward. No one could say anything to his heavy expression.

Kanggeomma passed Abel and the cadets and reached the very back.

He opened his mouth low.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”

Se-in slowly lifted her head, which had been tilted back. A small smile appeared on her lips.

Se-in asked Kang Geum-ma.

“Here? Or outside?”

“… … .”

Swish- Kanggeomma looked around. His gaze shifted back to Sein.


Se-in shrugged.


Kanggeomma and Sein escaped into the hallway. The students of the Sung class tried to head out, but the classroom door was already taken.

Three girls are observing Kanggeomma and Sein with only half of their faces sticking out. From the top vertically―

Kyo | Rachel

Real | Ryojo

Moon | Abel

-It was in order.

Rachel muttered as she set her broken nose.

“What, what is it? Did you already know the swordsman and the transfer student? Or maybe… your ex-girlfriend who just hid something?!”

Rachel sniffed and a clump of blood poured out. She sniffled, exhaling blood-scented breath.

“Oh, Rachel! If you’re stupid, just shut your mouth. If you’re going to wipe your nose, go to the temple. No matter how stupid you are, is it normal to slam your face into the blackboard?”

Ryozo’s eyebrows arched gently. She clicked her tongue and muttered.

“And it’s not what you think, so don’t get too excited.”

“Then what is it! Why is it that Geomma is the first to talk to a transfer student! Geomma is always cold to me!”

“… … .”

Abel nodded. Ryozo sighed and spoke in a small voice.

“I ran into you by chance during lunch earlier. That guy, Yoo Se-in, is a distant relative of Geum-ma.”



The two people who were in charge of Ryojo’s upper and lower parts flinched. There was a subtle current flowing between the three. Rachel’s eyes lit up.

“Relatives? Family? … Then my in-laws?!”

Heart-shaped eyes that were dilated to the max. As if they were going to pop out at any moment, Saki headbutted Rachel’s chin with her crown.


“I’m glad I transferred to your class, Rachel, at least for your sake. But… … .”

“… … .”

Ryozo glanced down. Abel stared at Kanggeomma and Sein quietly and calmly.

Those golden eyes fixed on Kang Geum-ma. Looking at Abel, Saki felt uneasy inside.

‘Abel, you’re never honest with your feelings. You always pretend not to. If you’re going to be like that, it’s better to be like that yellow-haired wild horse and act like that.’

Ryozo’s cheeks swelled and his eyes became sharp.

Finally, her unconsciousness stirred. Ryozo hit Abel’s pure white head with his forehead as hard as he could.


A puff of steam rose from Abel’s crown. Abel shook his head and turned it upside down.

“Hey, Saki! What are you doing all of a sudden?!”


Ryozo apologized, rubbing his flushed forehead.



“So who are you?”

I didn’t beat around the bush and got straight to the point. The squabbling coming from behind was annoying, though.

As my brow furrowed, the silver-haired woman smiled faintly. She turned her gaze from the classroom door beyond me to me.

“Between us, we’re distant relatives. So, let’s lighten up a bit. If someone saw us, they’d think we were enemies.”

I flinched. Why does he speak like this? Even the MZ generation wouldn’t speak like this.

“I’ve always just relayed news from afar, so it’s amazing to see it in person like this.”

“… … .”

“Name: Yoo Se-in. Affiliation: Foreign Press Agency. Position: Saintess.”

Foreign Correspondence and the Saint. Even for me, who played ‘Miracle of Protection M’, it was an unfamiliar concept. Even if I tried to recall, I had never heard of such a group name.

Saint. Literally a holy woman.

Why did such a person enter Joaquin Academy? And how did he know about the ‘status window’? There were more than a few questions.

‘The saint was a child like this in the first place?’

Se-in smiled faintly. Her left dimple went in nicely.

“Originally, my intervention is something like a ‘variable’. If we use a game metaphor… a small cheat skill? So it’s not right for me to intervene, and I can’t intervene deeply because of the penalty of divine punishment anyway. However, it can serve as a guideline or a strategy book.”

“Don’t beat around the bush, whether it’s a variable or a cheat key. That’s who you are.”

“No, I’ve given you all these clues, but you still don’t get it? That’s because you’re so clueless. Those three people in the back are always suffering.”

Se-in winked at me. I turned my head slightly. The yellow, sky blue, and blue hair that had been outside the door disappeared like moles.

“The sin is too great.”

Se-in shook her head excitedly. My gaze was directed straight at her.

Se-in quickly elaborated.

“Since I’ve come all the way to the Academy, I’d like to tell you everything, but there’s only so much I can tell you. If I tell you too much, I’ll get a game penalty, a divine punishment. And since I’m just a human, I can’t answer everything. Well, if you still don’t know… … .”

Se-in clasped his hands together on his chest and took a prayer pose.

Then, I closed my eyes and recited quietly. The pure voice tickled my ears.

“May God bless you.”

I took a deep breath. I had heard that voice so many times.

“… Was it you?”

A faint smile appeared on Se-in’s face.


As if to replace the answer that would follow, the bell for the fifth period class rang.

A woman passed me by, her pure silver hair flowing like waves in the air.

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not work with dark mode