Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 137

Episode 137: The start of the second semester (1)


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

The smell that lingers in my nose. It was a bit awkward because it had been so long, but I soon started to get used to it.

I slowly opened my eyes. A narrow room came into view.

“You’re back.”

The atmosphere in the dorm room remained quiet.

It didn’t have the glamor of the hotel room I stayed in while on the Undead Dungeon tour. But to me, this shabby room was much more impressive.

I shoved my carrier bag into the corner and took off the clothes I had been wearing for nearly 18 hours.

From Switzerland to Korea, and from Incheon Airport to Joaquin Academy. It was a really long journey.

I didn’t realize it because I was so excited when the vacation started, but this flight is so exhausting.

‘It’s not called ‘aftereffect, aftereffect’ for nothing.’

Just before I washed up, I lay down on the bed. I missed that crunchy, rough feeling.

I was thrilled at the feeling of coming home. Thinking back, it was a great first vacation in many ways.

… … .

After staring at the ceiling for a while, my eyelids felt like they were going to close on their own. It wouldn’t be a big deal if I just slept like that, but I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

“Let’s wash up and go for a walk.”


I sorted out my plans and strategies while being hit by the strong water. I was very dissatisfied with the water pressure in Castle Sigurd, which was like urine, but now I feel like I’m finally getting some relief.

‘The vacation really disappeared in the blink of an eye.’

Training with the Sword Master, the Undead Dungeon, the Sword Master’s long-cherished wish. They were all major events.

Although I crossed the line between life and death several times, there were unexpected harvests.

Examples include “Immortal Magic Stone”, “Protection of Regeneration ‘Grade’ Rise”, and “【???】’s Fragment of Memory”.

So now was the time to go over this once and for all.

Moreover, the second semester begins in a few days.

On the other hand, only two and a half years remain since the war. Dark clouds are gathering.

As someone who has subjugated the two entities, Agor and Draugr, it is difficult for me to simply watch the great storm that is the Second World War. The demons were an unexpectedly strong enemy.

Especially the commanders of the Demon King’s army. In the game, one entity was described as being comparable to a country. In reality, it was no exaggeration.

Even the commander of the 5th Corps, Agor, was a crazy disaster.

Then, the 4th Corps Commander Permush (Earth), the 3rd Corps Commander Vesna (Water), and the 2nd Corps Commander Kuarn (Sky).

Given the strong nature of the legion commanders, it was clear that those demons were transcendent monsters.

And on top of that, there was the final boss, the Demon King… It was a lineup without conscience.

The silver lining is that the passage between the Demon Realm and the In-Se is blocked, and it only takes two and a half years for it to explode.

In short, it’s fucked.

It would have been nice if the hero of the poem had sealed the 1st Corps Commander Lycan . If even Lycan had been alive, at least in my eyes, there would have been no hope.

It’s impossible for Leon to shoulder all the burden of fate, at least in my opinion.

That is why we must guard against the coming dark clouds. If things continue this way, humanity will be completely wiped out from this world.

There are three main things I need to do.

First, obtain the magic stone. However, since you have already obtained one, don’t think too hastily.

There are still two left, but it is not too late to check the special ability of the ‘Immortal Stone’ and then make a decision.

‘Still, I need to gather materials from time to time to strengthen my weapons.’

Second, preparation as the next Chilseong. I was the successor to fill the vacancy of the Inspector General. That was also the reason I went to Switzerland.

Of course, I don’t know when that time will come, but I can’t just sit back and do nothing. There’s a high chance that I’ll get involved with authors who are more annoying than the demons.

You have to endure unwanted attention from the so-called superiors, nobles, associations, and the media.

Monsters can be chopped up into pieces and that’s it, but humans can’t do that… … I thought it would be convenient to show off my skills.

However, there is still some time left in this part. According to the prosecutor, there is at least half a year left.

Well, it’s strange that the new Chilseong succession is done in a month or two. Even the presidential election takes several months.


The third and final one, finding the artifact. This is a goal that came up recently, but it is perhaps the most meaningful.

Since the system explicitly tells you to find the artifact ‘Monolith’, it would be right to prioritize it.

‘I’m not embarrassed because it looks like I’m being caught up in the system… … .’

Fortunately, rumors began to circulate that the association would intervene in the academy starting in the second semester.

And most of the artifacts were under the management of the Hero Association.

If we do it right, won’t we be able to access the artifacts? It won’t be easy, of course, but has it ever been smooth sailing so far?

Compared to risking your life fighting the enemy, something like treasure hunting is… Above all, this kind of thing will be much easier if you work together with your club members.

After I finished showering, I shook the water off my body and steeled my resolve. Then, as I closed my clothes, I muttered.

“I hope the members had a good vacation.”

We were together for several months, but I didn’t hear from him for several weeks. I didn’t know that the Nibelung territory was outside the communication range. I lived as a natural person for a month, turning my back on civilization.

So there is no news about the members. Still, no news is good news, so I guess there will be no problem.

However, Ryojo was particularly on my mind. Even around the time of the graduation ceremony, his expression was very gloomy.

I zipped up my tracksuit all the way to my chin. Then I grabbed some sashimi. It was my preparation for a night walk.

* * *

Kang Geum-ma’s footsteps naturally headed towards the courtesy bench.

I tried to expand my sphere of activity, but in the end I only found the places I was always looking for.

Isn’t this the mentality of the elderly who only go to their regular restaurants? Since the academy is large, it was difficult to get familiar with the geography at first.

… I wandered around like that for a few minutes. Soon I reached the bench I was always looking for.

But someone had already taken that seat. It was Saki Ryozo, with elegant, sky-blue hair that glowed like jade.

“Oh, what is it? Ryozo, you’re back at the Academy already?”

“… … .”

Even though I greeted her warmly, Ryozo didn’t respond. She glared at Kanggeomma with her eyes narrowed. Then she let out a sharp snort.


Still, it was a cold reaction from a friend I hadn’t seen in a month. The chilly night air was hanging in the air.

As Kang Geum-ma stood there blankly, Ryojo blurted out a word without thinking.

“What are you doing there, stupid? Didn’t you come here to sit on the bench? If you’re here, then sit down.”

“… Oh. Okay.”

She nodded to the person next to me. Kang Geum-ma nodded his head sheepishly.

Kang Geum-ma sat down next to Ryojo and asked.

“By the way, when did you arrive at the academy? There are still five days left until school starts.”

“… … .”

Ryozo silently sipped from the tumbler in his hand. Then, furrowing his brows, he half-sticked out his tongue.

I don’t know what’s inside, but it doesn’t seem to suit my taste. Ryozo took a breath for a moment and then replied briefly.

“I didn’t go.”

“… … ?”

“He didn’t return to Japan and continued to stay at the academy.”

“It’s vacation, but you didn’t go home?”

Ryozo looked at Kang Geum-ma with a look of disbelief.

“I was supposed to go, but I didn’t. Why? It’s simple. I didn’t want to go. And even if I did go, there wouldn’t be anyone to welcome me.”

Ryozo lowered his voice as he spoke. His tone was dry, as if he was suppressing his emotions.

“Geumma, you probably noticed it too. I hate my house, the place people call Jeolgungga. No, I loathe it. It’s so creepy.”

“… … .”

“It’s not that interesting of a story, so let’s stop here. Anyway… How was America?”

Kang Geum-ma was momentarily perplexed at the word ‘America’.

‘Oh, that’s right. When the reporters asked where I was going, I said I was going to America.’

It was a lie told to obscure his whereabouts during the vacation.

“… That’s America.”

“Okay. You probably have your own circumstances, Geomma. If you don’t want to talk, then don’t.”

“Weren’t you curious?”

“I am curious. But I guess everyone has their own circumstances. You didn’t ask me why I hate houses, did you? Just because I’m curious doesn’t mean the other person has to answer.”

“… … .”

Ryozo put the tumbler to his lips with a blank expression. But this time too, he made a wheezing expression.

“Ugh. You too. Why on earth do people drink this bitter stuff? It’s just poison.”

“What have you been drinking since a while ago?”


“Coffee? Ryozo, you drink coffee?”

Kang Geum-ma was very surprised. Ryojo, who always eats sweet things like rice cakes, is drinking coffee.

“Is that really surprising? It’s just… I just bought it because all the adults drink coffee. But you too, Geumma, are you really drinking it because it’s so delicious? It’s so bitter that it makes your tongue tingle? And you even drink it as espresso concentrate.”

“… … .”

The reason Kang Geum-ma insisted on espresso was simply because he had no money.

Ryozo, who had just finished venting his frustrations, took out a piece of yokan and took a bite. Only then did she start to melt in her mouth. Her expression was similar to that of a Korean who had just finished eating a rich dish and then put kimchi in her mouth.

The chilly air had become much more relaxed. The night was deepening. In the slightly relieved heat, the insects on the grass chirped feebly.

“… … .”

“… … .”

There were still five days left in the vacation, so it was quieter than usual. As the silence continued between the two, Ryozo grumbled softly.

“… But even so, it’s like that. How come you haven’t contacted me for a month?”

Kanggeomma tried hard to pretend not to hear. He had a different sense of smell. Based on his experience answering Ryojo’s monologue, it would be best to listen with one ear and listen with the other.

“Hey! I asked you! Are you ignoring what people say!?”

“You were just talking to yourself.”

“No, what kind of person would talk to themselves so obviously? And speaking of people, it’s polite to reply to messages you receive. No matter how busy you are, you haven’t replied once in a month!”

“I was in a place where radio waves couldn’t reach.”

“There are places where radio waves don’t reach in the 21st century? Hmm… Well, the United States is a pretty big country.”

Finally, Ryozo sighed deeply. It meant that she understood. She got up from the bench and shook her butt.

“I’m going to go now. Judging from your condition, it looks like you just got back home today. Go inside and get some rest… .”

A hint of regret appeared on Ryozo’s face. However, she turned around without any regrets as if her business was over.


Kang Geum-ma, who had been watching her back, suddenly called out to Ryojo. Her shoulders shook.

“It was nice to see you after such a long time. School starts in a few days, so I’ll see you then.”

Ryozo stood still with a slightly blank expression. He only turned his head slightly to look behind him.

“… … .”

Kang Geum-ma waves his hand with a calm smile. He smiled with his teeth showing, as if he was sincere in saying he was happy to see me.

Ryozo’s cheeks swelled at that innocent reaction. It was annoying. That idiot seemed to have no idea that this meeting wasn’t a coincidence.

Why was he sitting on that bench at this hour, why was he sipping coffee that didn’t even suit his taste?

There was no sign of even a hint of great doubt.

Thinking about it, my eyebrows arched. My mouth felt bitter, more so than the coffee.

She glanced at Kang Geum-ma and said a word.

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not work with dark mode