Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 134

Episode 134: The Sword Master’s Long-cherished Wish (2)

Swiss National Bank VIP Room.

“… Sir, may I ask you something?”

“Hmm? Something.”

At Caron’s question, the inspector put down his teacup. In fact, he had more than one question, but Caron summarized them briefly.

“I wonder if the Sword Demon can achieve what even the first Sword Master could not… … Even if that is the case, I think it is a bit too early.”

It was a sensitive topic, as it raised questions about the choice of the prosecutor.

There was a deep look in Caron’s eyes. He also knew of Kanggeomma’s extraordinary abilities.

A boy who gives off a tingling aura. What’s more, he also tells Shail about what happened in the Undead Dungeon.

Kanggeomma is a boy who goes beyond being a genius and is weaving legends. He has a talent that makes even himself, who achieved the warrior rank at a young age, look like a criminal.

But… the words ‘But still… …’ kept coming to my mind.

It is a long-cherished wish that even the Sword Master Aaron Nibelung could not achieve.

Even though Kanggeomma’s potential was great, he was still seventeen years old. In this world, talents would bloom at least when he was thirty. Normally, he would have to be in his forties.

Caron felt that this situation was too hasty.

Didn’t he say that no one even knew the contents of ‘The Sword Master’s Long-cherished Wish’? This was the Sword Master sitting in front of him right now.

As if cutting off Caron’s thoughts, the sword master replied briefly.

“It’s definitely early, for ordinary people like us.”

Caron opened his eyes wide. If he hadn’t been about to be examined, he would have tapped his ears, thinking he had misheard.

“… When you say ordinary human, do you mean including your Majesty the Sword Master?!”

“Huh- This guy has become deaf too. Isn’t that obvious? Of course, I’m a human, so do you think I’m some kind of god?”

“Oh, no. Don’t you know that’s not what I meant?”

The inspector just raised his chin and looked at Caron. A meaningful smile appeared on his lips, as if he was enjoying his bewildered reaction.

“We can’t impose our standards on someone like that boy. People like that are the ones who learn and grow through actual battles and trials. Even if Kanggeomma fails to fulfill his long-held wish as a swordsman, he will still learn something through him.”

“But doesn’t your Majesty the Sword Master know what the Sword Saint’s long-cherished wish is? That his memories would be completely blown away… … .”

“Oh, that’s it? I remember the content itself.”


A look of confusion spread across Charon’s face. The swordsman tapped his temple with a mischievous smile.

“It wouldn’t be fun if I told you everything. Well, it would be better for your health if you just forgot… … . It’s not something I should say, having failed in my long-cherished wish.”

“… … .”

“It’s not all a lie. I have never seen the form of the ‘Ring of the Nibelung’ myself. If you fail to fulfill your wish, the box will close on its own, and you will never be able to see the contents inside, and they will be completely erased from your memory.”

As Caron made a cold expression, the swordsman picked up his teacup again.

“Anyway, it will be an especially good experience for that guy, Geomma.”

The sword master couldn’t hide the corners of his lips slightly rising as if he was so happy about something.


There was a brief, interlocking sound of air being torn apart.

A blade flying at a strange angle passed over Kanggeomma’s cheek.

Even though it was a small scratch, the blood gushing out was exciting. There was no chance to wipe it away. Kanggeomma deflected the sashimi aimed at his temple with sashimi.

There was a loud noise and the blades tangled and swirled in the air like snakes trying to devour each other.

‘Damn, shit. That’s fucking fast.’

Kanggeomma clenched his teeth and thought, ‘I have to win the fight with myself.’

Since I heard that even Black Sword Aaron couldn’t achieve it, I thought I would have to endure S++-class demons and curses.

In fact, it was a sword fight with myself. It was a fight where it was hard to guarantee victory no matter who came. If I hit well, it would end in a draw.

‘What do you call this? A clone? A doppelganger?’

Before he could even think about what it was, a guy who looked exactly like him slashed at him.

The swordplay was merciless, even reproducing the guardian deity. The blades licked the skin in a bizarre orbit. It was a fearsome and evil sashimi.

I briefly reflected on myself for using such swordsmanship on Knox and Mao Lang. I could understand at first glance the reactions of those who would go crazy just looking at sashimi.





Loud footsteps. The clone approaches, zigzagging along the pavement, alternating between left and right.

It was so fast, it was so ferocious. I had the illusion that my clone, which had been one person, had grown into a hundred thermal images.

As far as the eye could see, there were swordsmen, swordsmen, swordsmen. Behind them, a bleak, dusty wind spread out like exhaust fumes.

It’s a clone technique used by a clone. It’s so absurd that my skin became completely dry.

‘Since the sword fight will end in a draw, are you going to decide the outcome through a speed battle?’

Kang Geum-ma wasn’t at all flustered. On the contrary, his pupils and brain were spinning busily.

There were two options. Avoid the blades here and there and wait for the clone’s speed to slow down. When the timing is right, it will immediately take your turn.

Or, they foolishly fought back and mercilessly destroyed each other’s bodies and stamina. It was a manly act.

“… … .”

Kanggeomma closed his eyes and then opened them halfway. His eyelashes fell halfway to his pupils.

He stared at his clone quietly, his pupils growing and shrinking repeatedly.

Dozens of thermal images converged into one spot. The clone’s new form gradually began to become clearer.

The fully formed clone kicked its feet as if it were making a gamble.

Crunch- The sound of a thick bone breaking. A bloody bone point pierced the clone’s shin like an awl.

Still, the clone didn’t stop charging. Blood was bubbling from the wound on his shin. Then, the broken skeleton was put back together like Lego.

It was the first time I saw such a barbaric method. Breaking the body to increase acceleration.

It was a crazy thing that a normal person wouldn’t even dare to think about. However, the scene felt like a strong shock to Kang Geum-ma. Goosebumps appeared on his arms.

There is no pain at all thanks to [Painless Protection]. Then, the destroyed leg is restored with [Regeneration Protection].

It was a use of protection that Kanggeomma could not have imagined. Destroying himself in order to cut down the enemy. It was truly a contradiction.

‘Come to think of it, that guy… … .’

Thinking back on the workshop just a little while ago, the clone had no hesitation in accepting the sword.

If you stab him in the thigh, he’ll just give it to you and dig into his neck or temple.

He only took a half step back to avoid the attack, such as the shin or vital points. It was the minimum movement. At that moment, he swung the sashimi once more.

Because of that, the clone was clearly bleeding more, but he was the one who was pushed back. Kanggeomma was only focused on defense and evasion, so he couldn’t attack.

‘The best defense is a good offense.’

Kanggeomma faced his clone. He was clearly not in his right mind. Every movement was like a gamble on a tightrope.

But Kang Geum-ma’s heart was pounding. His face was soaked with sweat.


The clone approaches, cutting through the barren land like a ray of light.

At that moment, a voice rang low in my head. It was an inner voice.

‘Do not fear the destruction of the body.’

The conversation continued.

‘Don’t be bound by the shackles of technology.’

The clone came close. Kanggeomma looked into his face. And Kanggeomma’s lips continued to speak.

“Just think about cutting and slicing.”

Kanggeomma bent his upper body forward and held the hilt of his sword in the opposite direction. Then he opened his eyes. The veins around his eyes rose up like spider webs.

“That guy moved like that.”

The swordsman bared his teeth fiercely.

“If it were me, I would have done that.”

The clone extended two sashimi swords. Kanggeomma did not dodge. Instead, he puffed out his chest and faced the blades.


The long tip of the sword pierced Kanggeomma’s ribs and pounded his heart.

“… Ugh.”

Kanggeomma groaned softly. His brain shook left and right inside his skull. His vision suddenly became blurry and his eyes began to darken.

However, Kanggeomma did not lose consciousness. With his pupils dilating, he used all his might to manifest [Protection of Regeneration].


The newly grown flesh and muscle clenched the blade of the clone like a snout. A look of bewilderment crossed the clone’s face. It seemed that the system, or whatever, felt emotions.

The clone struggled to pull out the sword several times. The blade of the sword slashed Kanggeomma’s lungs and heart. He felt his body being torn apart in real time.

The clone gave up on drawing his sword. He tapped the end of the hilt with his other hand and pushed it in. The blade cut into his heart.

A stream of blood flowed down Kanggeomma’s chin. His body lost its balance and staggered due to the excruciating pain.

One, Kang Geum-ma snickered.

“Anyway, this place isn’t the real world, just like a subspace.”

“… … .”

“This kind of dogfighting is mastered at the academy.”

Kanggeomma swung his sashimi. Light flashed across the clone’s retina and then blinked.

Crunch! Thud.

The black hair fell to the ground.


[Sudden Quest: Achieving the Sword Saint’s Long-cherished Wish!]

[▷Congratulations! You have obtained the first piece of 【???】. Total number of acquisitions (1/7).]


[NEW! Additional rewards are also given.]

[▷The level of ‘Protection of Rebirth’ has increased.]


== ==

[Protection of Rebirth]

It rapidly proliferates and repairs damaged cells.

◈ Grade

: Guardian Spirit ▶ Spirit

◈ Additional abilities

: 《Adrenaline》

: As the manifestation of the protection continues, certain neurotransmitters are secreted. Faster cell and blood proliferation is possible. Now, feel free to splatter blood!

[※ However, the detached body parts will not regenerate.]

[※ When certain conditions are met, a 《Special Title》 is granted.]

== ==

* * *

Beep beep beep beep beep beep!

A nervous mechanical sound rang out in the VIP room. It was the call signal that the Ganggeomma was finished.

The inspector stood up from his chair with a slightly tense expression on his face. Caron was also frozen.

“egg plant.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The two arrived in front of the room where the swordsman was. The two briefly exchanged glances. Caron nodded and pushed open the door.


The two wrinkled their noses at the smell escaping through the gap. It was a terrible stench. The smell of blood was so strong that it made their heads spin.

Moreover, even though it was a closed room, a hot wind blew. The hot air seemed to be heating the iron floor and walls.

Caron pinched his nose with his index finger and thumb. He opened his eyes and stared at the back of the swordsman. Outwardly, it looked no different from a few minutes ago.

But what is this atmosphere? That fierce aura that ripples along the lines of Kanggeomma’s body. When it meets the heavy air that has settled down, convulsions pass through his body.

“Student Kang Geum-ma.”

The sword master cautiously called him. Kanggeomma slowly turned around. His eyes had darkened.

Charon flinched at the sight. In contrast, the sword master’s gaze was fixed on Kanggeomma’s hand, not his face.

The swordsman’s eyebrows and voice trembled.

“Sir, you… …!”

A small, wide-open box was held in Kanggeomma’s hand. Inside, a small gold ring was emitting light.

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not work with dark mode