Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 115

Episode 115: The Creation of Richard de Murat (2)

It’s been almost 40 years since Siegfried von Nibelung was called the strongest man in the world.

He approached swordsmanship at an early age, and from a young age it was difficult to find suitable opponents.

There were a few who threw down the gauntlet. They eventually gave in after a few fights. The sword master was a natural genius.

However, there is no absolute peer under the supreme heavens. Even the so-called strongest swordsman has a rival.

* * *

“… … .”

The swordsman and the sergeant faced each other across an oval table. The air was boiling with excitement from the two of them.

Politicians who planted their heads on the pavement. Cold sweat flowed down their backs in the opposite direction, wetting their hair.

The sword master gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and spoke, aiming his sword sharply at the spear.

“Myra, you may have a brain of a snail, but I didn’t know you would lose your mind to this extent. Do you dare attack the country where I reside, and the official residence at that!


At the sword master’s old age, Changseong burst into laughter again. The round table shook with the thunderous laughter. The bodies of those who were bombing Wonsan also shook.

“You’re talking about ‘fear’ to the son of the Murat family. Just a little while ago, you said, ‘I’ll make you a woman now’, and now that you’re tangled with the young ones at the Academy, you’ve become a joker, Nibelung.”

“You’re so ignorant that you can’t even tell the difference between a joke and the truth.”

The sword master was shocked. At the sarcasm that came out, Changseong slammed the bottom of his weapon against the ground.

“Nibelung, you bastard!”

Blood flowed from Gaines’s ears as he stood right next to Changseong. One shout ruptured his eardrum. Gaines chewed his lower lip.

‘Are we really the same human being?’

A swordsman who has reached the pinnacle of skill. A man who can only match him in terms of brute force and strength.

Changseong is a tyrannical man who puts forward the saying, ‘Technology is for the weak.’

Is there any primate among us that can match this man in terms of sheer ‘strength’? As far as Gaines knows, there is none.

Changseong’s upper body was thrown forward. The muscles that covered his entire body twitched like life.

A fierce momentum that seemed as if it would jump out at any moment. One, Changseong sat back down on the chair. The moment he sat down, the road surface shook.

Changseong said, resting his chin on his hand.

“I didn’t come here to play with words. Just get to the point. If you tell me the truth, I’ll quietly go back.”

“… … .”

“Everyone knows that the Demon 5th Corps Commander Agor has been defeated, so let’s move on.”


Shock spread throughout the room at the words he blurted out. Only Geomje frowned silently. Changseong scratched his head.

“… What? Didn’t everyone know? It’s a rumor that’s already spread throughout the Hero Association. Maybe because Switzerland is a neutral country, news tends to arrive late.”

Hero Association. An organization that cares for heroes around the world.

In fact, they send out agents everywhere to gather information. This is a way to keep an eye on and keep an eye on famous heroes.

A group at the forefront of information power. To put it simply, its role was similar to that of the CIA during the Cold War.

Because of that darkness, most heroes were reluctant to join the association. Who would be happy to have a group that would dig up their backs?

However, there are some heroes who show pro-Association tendencies.

Their leader was none other than Changseong. He was a strong candidate to become the next president of the Heroes Association.

An earthquake occurred in Gaines’ pupil.

‘The 5th Corps Commander is dead… …?’

The advent of a legion commander-level demon is a violation of the first human-ma agreement.

In order for them to descend, they need a sacrifice that can open the passage between the demon realm and the human world, and a physical body that the legion commander can possess.

Because of these strict conditions, the balance of power between humanity and the demons is maintained.

No, that devil bastard died in the first place? With the Seven Star Hero Pool members, we were able to subdue even the 6th Corps Commander Basmon. The result was the death of three of the Seven Stars.

But who has subdued Aghor even more than that?

Changseong continued speaking without paying attention.

“Well, since it was going to come out anyway, I guess I’ll just consider it a realization now. That’s not the important part.”

Changseong raised his voice to the swordsman.

“I’ve figured out that you’re involved in Agor’s death, but there’s something I just can’t understand. As everyone knows, it’s common sense that a single hero can’t defeat a legion commander. No, it’s only natural.”

“What do you want to say?”

The inspector replied curtly. Changseong glared and said a name.

“Strong sword horse.”

“… … !”

“That guy called Sashimi Swordsman. The Association believes that Aggor’s death is deeply connected to that young guy. What do you think?”

The mere mention of the name gave strength to the sword master’s grip on the hilt.


A green aura burned the blade. It was an aura.

The sword energy released by the sword master instantly pushed away the fighting spirit of the creator.

‘Is this Nibelung really the one who lost his arm?!’

Changseong couldn’t help but be very surprised.

Just a moment ago, I thought I had the upper hand over the armless swordsman. But the guy in front of me looked even more healthy.

For a moment, he was dumbfounded. Changseong laughed so fiercely that his gums were exposed.

‘You Nibelung. You’ve grown yet again.’

The sword master was always reluctant to accept Changseong. He felt that his life would be shortened if he got involved with Changseong, who was almost a barbarian, whenever he applied for a duel.

But on the contrary, Changseong highly regarded him. More than pride, he was awe-inspiring as a man. Uprightness that did not give in to routine.

A man among men who has truly surpassed himself and earned the title of ‘The Strongest in Humanity’.


Even though it was indoors, an artificial wind blew. The soldiers who were bombing Wonsan fell down one by one.

“Hey, Your Majesty!”

Gaines’ voice shook. The sword master radiated an aura toward Changseong, revealing clear hostility.

A fight between two of the Seven Stars. What it means is simple and clear.

War between Switzerland and France.

This scene right now is nothing more than a prologue.

On the other hand, Changseong raised his lips high. He raised his spear and struck the floor hard.

Crunch- The road cracked. The axis shook and the wind blew backwards. Changseong laughed out loud.

“Hahahahahahahaha. You’ve become a real man!”

“You have come to my home country and caused trouble, so I will cut out your tongue.”

The swordsman took a stance to shoot himself. He knew that this was excessive.

There is a high possibility that this will develop into an international problem. However, once that name came out of my mouth, it was not a situation where I could think about the consequences.

The sword master considered the existence of the strong sword horse to be the hope of humanity. If he were to become the target of the association, he would kill Changseong here and now.

I had no intention of killing him, and I couldn’t kill him. Even when I had two arms, Changseong was a match for him.

Especially since he was one-armed, tying up his feet was the best option. Even if he couldn’t hit his neck, he could still aim for his ankles if he used his aura.

Just as the swordsman was about to stomp his feet, Changseong suddenly let go of the spear.


There was a loud noise as the blade hit the floor.

… … !

The tense atmosphere suddenly calmed down at that murmur. Changseong raised both hands and opened his mouth.

“You’ve lost your cool as you’ve gotten older. It’s good that you’ve become hot-tempered, but it’s not like you.”

Changseong continued with a sly smile.

“If you’re being so sensitive, you must really care about that little brat. Well, seeing you acting this way, I don’t feel like pursuing you any further.”

As he said that, Changseong picked up his weapon and strode towards the door.

Soon, Changseong stopped next to Geomje’s shoulder. He spoke in a sullen tone.

“Honestly, I’m curious about that guy named Kang Geum-ma. There must be a reason why you’re so protective of him, and why my niece Rachel is so obsessed with him.”

“… … .”

“I wonder what kind of expression you, Nibelung, would make if Kanggeomma were my nephew-in-law.”

“What are you saying now?!”

“Hahahaha, anyway, thank you! And say hello to Media and her twin sister!”

Changseong waved his hand without even turning around.

The inspector watched his back for a long time without any help.

Gaines called him cautiously.

“Your Majesty, are you okay?”

“I made a fool of myself. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no… … If it weren’t for you, my lord, our ministers and members of the National Assembly would have developed alopecia areata long ago.”

Gaines whined. Thanks to that, the tense atmosphere eased somewhat. The inspector smiled faintly.

“Gaines, you have quite a sense of duty in your personality.”

“Haha, I guess I’ve become a bit more timid now that I’m in my 40s.”

Gaines scratched the back of his head awkwardly. The inspector stared at him intently.

Gaines is a self-interested politician. His reason for not telling Changseong the truth was probably not pure loyalty.

The reason he kept his mouth shut was not to pressure the sword master, but to avoid pressuring the sword master.

The inspector recognized it immediately.

‘… Is this the era of old people gone?’

The inspector laughed bitterly. But what can be done?

You can’t blame politicians for judging the future and being good at calculations. They can only pretend not to know even though they know.

“Your Majesty, would you be free next week? I would really like to have the dinner we talked about earlier.”

The swordsman stared blankly at Gaines. What he wanted was to meet ‘Ganggeomma’.

The story had just ended, but I thought it was really blatant.

The inspector spoke with a look of displeasure on his face.

“I don’t think I’ll have time that day.”

“…You didn’t tell me what day it was?”

“I’m busy next week.”

“Over there, over there!”

Gaines extended his arm. The inspector didn’t turn around.

As I got older, I started to feel worse.

* * *

the next day.

20 minutes until my appointment with Abel.

I was looking through my clothes wondering what to wear and soon picked up a pair of Academy tracksuits.

Since I packed minimally, I only had a few clothes. There was no need to dress up in any particular way.

‘… By the way, where do you want to go all of a sudden?’

I nodded at the suggestion that was made out of the blue. However, its purpose was ambiguous.

I’m not on good terms with Abel. Dinner is just an excuse, and I have other intentions.

I was already feeling uneasy inside because it seemed like something had interfered with her and Leon’s relationship on Avalon Island.

I sighed inwardly and shook my head.

“Well, we’ll be living together for the next few weeks, so it’d be nice if we got along well.”

More than anything, I wanted to use this opportunity to build a good relationship with her.

There was no reason to repeat it, and it was also due to extremely personal reasons.

‘Undead Dungeon.’

A dungeon located on the edge of the Alps.

The difficulty level was the lowest, D-rank. It was even lower than the Buffalo Dungeon.

So, there were differences in the minimum entry requirements as well.

Normally, dungeons require a minimum of four people, but for D-class, three was enough.

However, the Undead Dungeon was less popular than its low difficulty. No, to be exact, there were no heroes looking for it.

The biggest problem was that the demon that appeared was a walking corpse, Lich, and the reward for clearing it was also poor.

It’s a shabby dungeon that looks completely useless. However, inside it lies an S-class demon known as a disaster.

The Lich King, Draugr.

The King of the Liches who commands the Immortal Army. In the game’s time, the draugr he wields is more famous than the draugr themselves.

‘Was the name Ripper’s Wand?’

The direct translation is ‘Grim Reaper’s Staff’. Users call it ‘Sa-Ji’ for short.

A horse riding range with a name reminiscent of the military’s cheap local turf. That’s right. That’s what they were aiming for.

By the way, S-class demons are said to use magic tools… … .

Since these are disasters that appear too late in the story, there is also insufficient information on them.

It’s just that the cheap ones are so good that they stick to the mouth and are famous.

… At this point, I start to regret not having held on to ‘Miracle Protection M’ more persistently.

If I had just closed my eyes and continued on then, my life in this world would have been a little smoother.

No, I never started that damn game in the first place.

Come to think of it, Miracle Protection M was also my first teacher. Didn’t that gentleman start it by gently suggesting it? But then the person in question quickly quit.


Anyway, in order to enter the Undead Dungeon, you need to form a team.

Of course, I intend to face the Lich King alone, but until then, I need strong allies to help me get through the ordeal.

If that ally were to be ‘chief’, it would be even better if it were Abel. As someone who was a user, I have deep trust in her abilities and talents.

As I was lost in my thoughts, the clock suddenly struck 4 o’clock.

Only then did I kick the bed. Then I selected my shoes.

I was thinking about wearing slippers, but I gave up. But I still thought this was a bit off. I wore running shoes with three stripes on them.

Tracksuits and running shoes. A perfect outfit for a leisurely walk.

So I left the room and headed towards the front door.

Even though it was five minutes before the appointment time, Abel was already there.


As I got closer, Abel’s outline became clearer. And without realizing it, I was amazed.


Wear a tennis skirt and apply a thin layer of makeup.

It is a picture perfect piece, blending in with the breathtaking scenery of Switzerland.

She was outstanding even without any decoration, but when she dressed up a little, she looked like a goddess.

While I was staring blankly, Abel turned his head this way.

Immediately her eyes widened.

“… You, did you really come out dressed like that?”

I had no answer, so I just nodded.

“Because these are the only clothes I have.”

“Oh, no. But still… … .”

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not work with dark mode