Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 101

Episode 101 Determination (4)

About 30 minutes passed… … .

“… So, my explanation ends here.”

Finally, Speed Weapon’s mouth stopped. A deep fatigue spread across the faces of those who were listening.

Weapon, who initially stuttered due to nervousness, began to talk nonstop once he started speaking in dialect.

Weapon must be the only one who has tired these three people with just his tongue.

‘I knew you’d talk a lot, but I didn’t know it would be this much… … .’

But as the content itself was heavy, a cool and solemn breeze blew through the room.

There are two main points that Weapon explained.

The first was what happened during the final exam.

Weapon described the situation vividly, as if he had been there.

No matter how much I warned you, Weapon is a natural talent for speaking.

And the second was the inconvenient truth that there was a villain lurking within the academy.

The evidence was the events of the final exam and the list of suspected individuals.

Media scanned the output handed over by Weapon while resting her chin on her hand. Her beautiful eyes soon became distorted.

She put her hand on her temple, unable to take her eyes off the paper.

“…There’s a high chance that these guys are those half-human, half-horse trash guys?”

“Yes, despite going through multiple reviews, the circumstances surrounding their employment at the Academy, their subsequent actions, and their identities remain unknown. It’s too early to tell, but they are the most suspicious people.”

“… … .”

As Weapon finished answering her questions, Media pressed one hand to her forehead.

He tries his best to appear calm in front of the cadets, but he can’t hide all of his complicated feelings.

Soon she opened her tightly shut mouth.

“I just checked with my own personal guard and these five are very likely not from the Academy.”

As soon as the media spoke like that, they crumpled up the paper.

Immediately, any remaining doubt on Media’s face was completely erased and anger was revealed.

If her unique protection has been manifested, there is no need to worry any longer.

‘The protection of the poet.’

It is a blessing that allows one to vaguely observe and discern the cause and effect of any event, and it is an ability that gave Media the title of ‘wise man’.

If you just listen to it, it sounds like a fraudulent protection that can prevent all incidents in advance.

However, there is a limitation that there must be physical evidence.

In simple terms, instead of being able to search for anything in the brain, a solid keyword should be the basis.

After all, if there were no restrictions, the narrative of this world, which the game is based on, would have ended before it could even begin.

‘… Well, even so, it is true that it is a fraudulent ability.’

One of the reasons I brought that paper to Media was to cross-check it with her unique protection.

There is a saying that goes, “Be careful before you cross a stone bridge.” So, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Media let out a sigh with mixed emotions, as if her thoughts had been somewhat sorted out.

“… But anyway… … .”

Media suddenly stares at us with gloomy eyes.

“How could you, the cadets, print out a list of faculty and staff? Could you explain?”

“… … .”

Weapon’s pupils shook violently at the unexpected question.

Weapon, who speaks so well but acts so poorly. I tried to ignore his gaze and began to weigh the issues in my head.

Should I make excuses or tell the truth?

The source of the information was vague, because Ryozo had managed to get it through the Academy network.

Even if you can’t do it, you can’t avoid severe punishment. But if you make false excuses in front of the media, they’ll notice right away.

More than anything, I was worried about Ryozo, who was hospitalized. She was not feeling well mentally or physically at the moment.

If a severe punishment like a heavy penalty is added, it will cause great damage to Ryojo. It was not a legal process, but it is not something that can be done to a sick child.

I quickly thought about it. In my previous life, my bag strap was short, but my brain was good.

‘… … .’

I quickly came to a conclusion and glanced at Weapon. When we met eyes, his eyes seemed to say, ‘I believe you, Chief.’

I nodded in response and spoke to Media.

“Me and Weapon, we hacked the Academy network.”

“… Mr., Mr. Manager?”

Weapon’s mouth fell open as soon as he finished speaking. Media also asked with a look of great bewilderment.

“You two, you broke through the world’s best security… …?”

“Yes, I, as the head of the department, gave the order, and Weapon hacked it. Hey, this guy is also second in his class. He’s smart, and he’s also amazing at using computers.”

“Okay, wait a minute, boss!”

Weapon’s urgent gaze landed on the side of my face. I tried my best to keep a straight face and continued speaking.

“I clearly recognized that it was wrong.”

“… … .”

“I wanted to tell you first, but I was pressed for time before the vacation. I also believed that the principal would understand.”

Report after taking preemptive action.

If you are only bound by standards and frameworks, it means you will miss the timing.

Although the usage of the word is a bit different, I thought it was right to dilute the point.

Hiding who attempted the hacking and changing the topic to ‘why’.

Weapon felt a slight sense of guilt. But what can he do? If I, as the manager, have to criticize, I will.

I received the media’s gaze full of absurdity, trying to keep my expression as blank as possible.


Soon she shook her head, touching her temples, letting out a sigh full of complicated emotions.

“The intention is good, so let’s let it slide this time… but don’t ever do that again, guys.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Principal.”

“I believe in you because of what you’ve done so far, Geomma. If it were another kid, you’d be punished or expelled without even a single word.”

I smiled and thanked her for her kindness.

“… I, I lived.”

Only then did the weapon finally give out, making the sound of a deflating balloon.

‘… But you still didn’t tell me Ryozo’s name until the end.’

In fact, if the weapon had protested right away, the situation would have ended.

He must have felt very wronged, since he was the one who reluctantly agreed to it because I asked him to.

However, the weapon did not bring out Ryozo’s name, even though it was frozen.

Weapon must have had similar thoughts to me.

I smiled faintly at Weapon, who was wiping the cold sweat off his sleeve.

He seemed to have noticed my intention and smiled awkwardly.

I feel this once again, but he is a very considerate guy.

Although she stood out among women with narrow moral standards, there was no doubt that she was born this way.

After the brief commotion, the inspector who had been listening quietly opened his mouth.

“… But this is giving me a bit of a headache. I wonder if I’ll hit the elder guys today.”

While we were talking, the inspector noticed our presence and hung up, as if he was saying “Oh no.”

As complex emotions appeared on the sword master’s face, Al’Tair spoke with a faint smile.

“Your Majesty, since these people are the parties involved, shouldn’t they know?”

“… Ha, you’re right. I’ve gotten old, too. I couldn’t trust them just because of my age.”

“Zeke, you’re such a stubborn old man. Why are you bringing this up again?”

At Media’s joke, the inspector glared at him for a moment with his eyes slightly open.

Then he let out a small sigh and pretended to harden his expression. I don’t know for sure, but it seemed like he was about to bring up something serious.

The inspector turned his head and asked Mediah’s opinion with his eyes. She rolled her eyes for a moment, thought about it, and then nodded.

The doctor, who had confirmed the intention, paused for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“I was originally planning to go to Claude’s private villa tonight.”

“… Are you talking about Elder Claude?”

When I asked again, thinking that I might have misheard, the inspector nodded and continued speaking.

“Ganggeomma, the force that tried to harm you and your comrades was the Elders. The ringleader among them was an author named ‘Claudy.’”

“… … .”

“And I was just about to get some evidence from the Auditore family and interrogate them. Of course, I wish… … .”

The swordsman put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and spoke instead of the afterword.

The fact that the scheming force was the Elders wasn’t particularly surprising, since I had heard it from Knox before.

However, unlike before when the instigator was unclear, the name was finally revealed.

After a brief moment of such strange elation, I realized the meaning of the shadow cast over the sword master’s face.

‘… Even if you know who the instigator is, it would be difficult to strike them right away.’

Even if the evidence is sufficient, it would be a huge disaster if the deeply rooted elders of the Academy were summarily disposed of.

Even if legitimacy is secured, it is difficult.

The opposition from the nobles, led by the Elders, will also be fierce, and furthermore, the Sword Master has recently stepped down from his position as the Seven Star.

No matter how much you inspect, it cannot be denied that the authority has become weaker than before.

Even if Seven-Star Sage Media and Auditore House Al’Tair cooperate, there will inevitably be gossip.

‘Well, I’m not the type of person to think about gossip.’

However, even in such a case, he would want to refrain from taking actions that could cause trouble to those around him.

Above all, it could indirectly influence his granddaughter, Abel.

The inspector cleared his complexion and opened his mouth again.

“That’s right, if we were to strike down the elders, these villains would immediately disappear from the Academy. It would be as good as having their existence exposed.”

“… Right, if that happens, there’s a high chance that I’ll never be able to find it again. But I can’t just leave these old, old bastards alone. I don’t know about the other bastards, but I’ll have to take care of that bastard Claudy with my own hands to feel better.”

Life flowed from the eyes of the media.

‘… It must be frustrating.’

Unless you suddenly storm into a scene where the villains and elders are all gathered together, one of them is bound to be missed.

So, the most important thing is to collect all that trash, but there is no good way to do that.

[Please gather here by a certain time^^] I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to fall for something like this.

‘You can also summon villains, and it would be perfect if you had a network with the elders.’

At that moment, a strand of electricity passed through my temple.

‘Why didn’t I think of him?’

Yes, the key to unraveling this tangled mess.

I quickly took out my cell phone and made a call to someone.

I know it’s rude in front of adults, but I decided to ignore the little things since this is not the time to think about the consequences.

Click! Click!

The other person answered the phone.

-Yes, Master Geomma! What’s going on?

A woman’s voice that seemed to be trying to appeal to cuteness by twisting her pronunciation. Ignoring the aegyo, I spoke softly.

“Hey, Choi Seol-ah.”

-…yes yes?

“Didn’t you say that the villains don’t even know each other’s faces or names?”

-Yes, that’s right.

I heard from Choi Seol-ah before that they only have a villain called the Professor as a contact and there is no personal meeting or interaction at all.

Of course, even if they are undercover criminals, it would be awkward for them to reveal their faces to each other.

I gathered my thoughts and continued giving instructions.

“From now on, the names I’m calling are villains, so gather everyone together. There’s probably a meeting place where you villains all gather.”

-That, that’s true… but what did you say…?

I answered briefly.

“Lucky Letter.”

A barbarian attracts another barbarian.

This was also one of the time-honored proverbs.

* * *

After finishing the short call, I immediately gave the inspector a summary of the call.

To summarize, it is like this.

Al’Tair, who has the authority to dispose of nobles, raids Claude’s annex, while the Sword Master and Mediah raid the location where the villains are.

The inspector looked puzzled and bewildered. Of course, that was to be expected, because after a few minutes on the phone, he suddenly started listing the villains’ gathering place…

‘What would you think of me if I said I was treating the villain like a dog?’

Not only Silk Sword Master, but also Media and Al’Tair stared at me with dumbfounded expressions.

But I didn’t open my mouth.

There is so much to explain, from the villain Choi Seol-ah to the way she was treated as a puppet. On the other hand, there is not much time.

“Let’s go for now, everyone. I’ll explain later.”

Everyone’s faces became blank at my words. There was a brief silence to collect their thoughts, then they nodded and left.

The sword master stroked the hilt of the sword at his waist and then asked Al’Tair.

“How many people came from Sicily?”

“Just in case, I have drafted eight of our family’s best.”

“… Eight… … ”

The inspector muttered softly.

Even for Auditore’s assassins, raiding the elder’s annex carries great risk.

Because the knights entrusted with the protection of the Elders’ Corps are always guarding the annex.

But if you ask someone for help, the point of raiding disappears.

“… … .”

The complex emotions were evident in the black monk’s eyes, which sparkled golden in the moonlight.

I stared at the sight in silence, then soon opened my mouth.

“I will go to Cladi’s annex with Auditore.”

All eyes were drawn to my words.

Without anyone’s lips moving, I spoke with a nail in my mouth.

“I, as the victim, would like to go along. Everyone knows my abilities, so don’t worry. And―”

Before I said my last line, I suddenly looked up at the night sky beyond the window.

I looked at the moon in the hospital hallway last night and rethought the resolution I had made.

‘With great power comes corresponding position and responsibility.’

I took a deep breath and spoke quietly.

“―I am the next Chilseong to succeed you, Master.”

The eyes that had been fixed on me opened wide.

Only the swordsman looked me straight in the eye. Then he smiled with his wrinkled lips.

“It looks like you’ve finally made up your mind.”

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not work with dark mode