-Even before the rumor spread that there was a by-product of the dragon, the royal family of Ethiel was fiercely guarding it, but thieves blinded by greed approached to prove their skills and left as corpses. Originally, I was going to talk about making armor out of dragon scales and leather, but as I talked about it, it ended up like this.
Esmuer’s explanation continued, but my head couldn’t keep up with the amount of information.
To be honest, it was a mistake to have a rocket ship delivered to our house in the first place. It was not unexpected that all kinds of dung flies would be attracted to it. On the contrary, he was convinced that the royal family would step out directly, as Esmuer had said.
But in that certainty, Yan Ti did not exist.
Not to mention the part about the future where she calls people on her side to show off security services she didn’t even sign up for. According to Esmuier’s explanation that followed, it was at the level of five people standing guard day and night, but I wondered why she was doing this even after hearing the church’s policy directly from her.
“I’ll have to talk to Yan Tier directly about that later. Rather, there’s a place I often go to make equipment, so I thought I’d ask him.”
Taking comfort in the fact that she would be able to solve the question herself in the near future, when I asked Esmuer’s words in response, she raised a teacup beside her and quenched her throat and replied.
-You’re talking about Valkun de Marley. I have no intention of belittling him, but it won’t be to the extent of dealing with the by-products of a dragon. I’m too young.“You’re young…?”
What she knew about Mr. Valkun was no surprise to me now, so I was able to pass it over, but the expression “young” was a bit different. Dwarves are obviously long-lived, but they are by no means at the level of being young. Seeing my expression like that, Esmuye laughed a little and shook his head lightly.
-Since the materials used are materials, there are a limited number of people who can learn the skills of processing dragon by-products and making weapons, even among dwarves. Only a moderate genius, or a craftsman who has been recognized by everyone after polishing his skills for a long time can learn.
In the days when Sa-nyeom’s main body was alive and active, it was said that it was a dragon who was stung on the road, but now it’s different. Even if you include those that are relatively inferior to monsters, such as the wind king Iranorev, the number of famous dragons cannot exceed twenty.
Because they are the final king of the longevity species, they can be called a species, and if they were the weakest, they would have been treated as extinct right away.
…Now that I’ve said this, I’m worried about how the remaining Balaur will react to the fact that I took off one of them with my own hands. I hope you pass quietly with thorough individualism. Even while his body froze for a moment at the trouble that arose out of nowhere, Esmuer continued his conversation by quickly sorting out the piled up papers.
– It is also possible to go to the Dwarf Kingdom yourself, but it takes too much time to do so. What comes out of that is this proposal.
Perhaps he had prepared it in advance, Esmuer took out exactly one document from a pile of papers and waved it in front of the crystal ball.
-The content is lengthy because of food, but in the end, it’s the result of thinking about how to get a little of your spoils. To put it simply… It’s about how the Empire acts as an intermediary between you and the Dwarven Kingdom.
No matter what anyone says, the Dwarven Kingdom has the most interaction with the Empire. It included everything including diplomatic priority and trade, so he wanted to receive a fee called a by-product in return for providing it to me.
“It’s a very unconventional proposal, but the price must have been that unconventional.”-At first, start with 40% and aim for 30%, but depending on the reaction, even if you can only get 20%, it is written that it is well worth it. After that… It’s like giving you various benefits or gifts to lay the foundation for a friendly relationship with you to hide your dissatisfaction with the fee.“Surprisingly reasonable?”
It is providing the connection that a country has to individuals, but if it is rather cheap, there will be a problem. It’s not that I’m trying to raise the price more, but I can tell that they’re giving me a very positive evaluation just by cutting it.
-You also think so. Others will be able to contact you based on your reputation, so you seem to have thought that such an offer would not work, but… The person who posted this proposal is likely to be clearly aware of the value of your time based on your actions. seems to have come to a conclusion.
Still, it’s kind of creepy that someone who hasn’t seen my face predicted me this far. Apart from that, from my point of view, I have no reason to refuse, so I will take it.
-If you want, I’m going to proceed after saying that I only got 20%. I just want to help, but the empire shouldn’t move lightly, so there’s no other way.“It’s good for me… but won’t there be other voices saying that I only got 20%?”-If you were an ordinary adventurer or a transcendentalist, that might be true, but your case is different. Aren’t you a warrior of the Demonic Church?
As soon as I gave my consent, Esmuer immediately signed the document and placed the paper on top of the pile of paid documents.
-If the Demon King collapses and the Demonic Church takes its place, the Demonic Spirit will be established in a similar way to the Holy Kingdom. haha Rather, when they hear the news that the agreement is over, they will applaud in admiration for the swiftness and start working.
I don’t know if it was a short break or if the conversation with me was a break from work, but Esmuer put down his quill and raises his crystal ball high into the sky. It reminded me of lying on the bed and using my cell phone, so I almost burst into laughter.
– Then, for a while, I will attach a monitor to figure out how long it will take you to reach the capital. Do you go to Levien by flying dragon?“Uh, yes.”-I’ll have to attach a wizard. I’ll ask you to show your face at least once in the middle, so don’t worry too much if you feel like something is following you.“Um… thanks.”
Esmuer responded with a wonderful smile to my gratitude because I knew very well how much time had been shortened by just one crystal ball communication.
After the conversation with Esmue, the day went by without incident.
It was a problem that would be over if only Sa-nyeom and I moved anyway, so it didn’t take much preparation, so it was a matter of seconds to finish the preparations. Although Asilie regretted the fact that she had to move again as soon as she saw her face, it seems that she and Laika decided to stay behind to help Ragnis.
Needless to say, Leica, which has become fine as if it was in bad condition at some point. After all, it seems that he was affected by the divine power he absorbed excessively when fighting the quack. Thanks to Ragnis, who had bitten the soldiers around him, just before he boarded the dragon to safely head to Levien, he asked as if he was worried.
“You really don’t need official documents?”“They said so.”
In the first place, the purpose was not to cut off the necks of the people I met, and I had to face them in the position of ‘a warrior who couldn’t stand injustice while passing by’, so the official documents are rather useless. Even after explaining the story, Ragnis’ reaction is like a restless parent who can’t take care of anything else.
After being told that there was nothing he could do about the plan Esmuer had mentioned the other day, Ragnis’s reaction was more like regret than anxiety. It somehow reminded me of Ragnis in the past, who had no muscles, so I laughed involuntarily and was met with a fierce glare.
In fact, other than her, there are not a couple of people who show similar reactions. At least Asilie is the only one who is in good condition, and everyone from Cheryl to Siegfried has a screw missing somewhere.
“No, why are you so dead? Is it really that shocking that you came back with such ambition to help me?”
If the time isn’t right, that might be the case. He cares about everything. Even though she doesn’t have eyes to see, she’s not at a level where she can raise her voice, so when she spoke quietly, Cheryl suddenly declared with her eyes tightened.
“I will study hard.”“Huh? Uh, yes.”
I don’t know what the kid who knows a lot wants to learn more about, but I couldn’t help asking because my eyes seemed to be burning. But what… After leaving Emmet and Carl Kansi behind, I thought I could learn a lot if I wanted to learn, but as I was about to climb into my car, Siegfried raised his head with a determined expression this time.
“I will study hard too.”“Uh, you didn’t catch the purpose, but you should learn hard at least.”
Siegfried made a face as if he had been hit by a blow to the immediate answer that came out without a moment’s hesitation.
“I’m going to cry your name. Cry not only your name, but also the name of the sword, dude.”
Siegfried and Nothung who couldn’t catch the dragon? It’s been a long time since I’ve gone beyond the level of not being worthy of my name. It took an instant for Siegfried’s face to crumple.
“Fuck. How come I didn’t want to make fun of you…”
Giggles. That’s better than watching a guy wrinkle. The people around us tilted their heads at what we were talking about while listening to our conversation, but in the end, they dismissed it as a joke between warriors and saw me and Sa-nyeom in their private cars.
After a long time, it was time to go get some Etisel air.
A word from the author (Author’s review)Thank you for the 2-coin sponsorship, Great Meal!