My sudden appearance was an event sufficient to turn the atmosphere of Epaga Sierra in the sluggish Rengi.
The carefully staged situation had a decent effect as intended, and it spread throughout the city through the mouths of everyone who witnessed it. It wasn’t even a situation where the story inside the city could escape outside anyway, so I didn’t even bother controlling the information.
However, it did not appear directly. Saint Deoni’s opinion was to leave room to encourage the atmosphere that it was just a rumor spread by the Demonic Church.
“Do you think there are insiders?”
Since Rengi’s situation was not so hopeful, I thought that there might be a possibility, but the saintess unexpectedly shook her head decisively.
“If that’s the case, I think it would have collapsed sooner or later. It’s just for one thing. The enemies are already weakening the holy power through methods we don’t know about and using the powers of the dead demons arbitrarily. We don’t know the specific method right now. , Even if you use it to spy on the inside of the city, there is no way to respond, so I thought this would be a little safer than the perfectly unified news.”
I wondered if it would be safe since there was nothing caught in my eyes, but it was an understandable reason, so I didn’t add any qualms. Still, there was no good thing if such negative opinions became mainstream, so there was also a story that a wind catcher was needed, and the problem was solved when Carl Kansi, the originator, directly stepped forward.
“So I’ll go around the bar and talk to Don. My wit works pretty well?”“It’s a claim that I have no choice but to admit. Then this request…”“No, that’s enough. Let’s solve it with this.”
As he said that, Carl Kansi lifted up and showed me the pocket I had handed over to him for his employment. When he said that he would voluntarily rob his pockets and step out, he couldn’t control his expression and expressed his doubts with his face.
“You can earn money anytime, but aren’t you able to witness the hero’s achievements at any time? It’s a bit like saying that he’s a minister, but I want to follow him around and take a look.”
I laughed out loud when I saw Carl Kansi talking about his purpose with consistent honesty. But rather, I liked that attitude, so I tossed the rest of the money bag I had tied to the saddle of my horse to him and said,
“The warriors that Epaga has foretold are not the ones who eat the backs of their colleagues. Use them for military funds.”
Responding to Saint Deoni’s word being a bitch from the side, she shrugged her shoulders, rejecting the criticism she gave her, while at the same time Carl Kansi, who opened her eyes wide for a moment, smiled cheerfully.
After that, it was a breeze. The soldiers, who considered it a waste of time standing on the wall, saying that they were on guard duty, and the paladins, who were determined to go out to support with Saint Deoni, were busy telling about the wonderful sight they had witnessed. At the forefront was Carl Kansi.
After two days like that, rumors began to circulate that he was the best guide in the Demonic Spirit, Carl Kansi, who guided the hero to safety, but it was undeniable that the goal was achieved and positive airflow began to flow. Carl Kansey was a really good colleague who was willing to do what he did.
“We’ve already talked to friendly cities and nobles. All we have to worry about is getting to those filthy villains and gate-unavailable areas as quickly as possible.”n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
That’s why it didn’t stop him from attending important meetings.
It’s not like the camaraderie soared to the max in just two weeks. It was a decision made because he thought that since he had sufficiently proven his ability on the way to this point, he might offer a new perspective or plan for reinforcing the plan.
“Excuse me, saintess. Can you tell me which cities have agreed to provide gates?”“Here are the cities marked with red flags. Six in total.”
The Demon Territory was as wide as the inland, so there were many cities. In fact, as much as it was an empire of demons, only fifteen cities that could be called large cities were passed over.
It could have been a little disappointing that there were only six cities that decided to join the Demonic Church, but considering that there are barely more than ten cities that overlap our travel route, the story is different. Rather, it is a level that can be said to be solved too easily.
“…It’s a shameful statement, but I’d like to say that it would be better not to believe in the Earl of Virere and Leitor.”
And when things go too easy, there’s always a screw missing somewhere.
Sharp eyes poured out from all sides at Carl Kansi’s remarks, but everyone refrained from speaking because the saintess and I reacted calmly.
“Can you tell me why?”“It is said that Earl Virere lives in the capital Iofen, handing over his rights to his children, but in reality he is notorious for sucking the blood of the estate and enjoying the luxury. Perhaps he is born with political skills, but there are bad rumors externally and in social circles. It’s not easy going around. It’s already a famous story for those who travel into the interior of the Earldom of Beerre.”
A small rumble spread, so I quickly scanned the meeting room, but I didn’t see anyone panicking. Most of them just react as if they were surprised by the unexpected information.
“The great city of Leitor was obviously friendly to the Demonic Cult, but because they couldn’t completely control the inside, an infighting broke out a few days ago. … It’s hard to fathom how long it will take to break through the outer walls to get inside and cooperate.”
The buzz soon died down. Instead, nutritious discussion fills the void that has been created. When we first met, the man who introduced himself as Count Timshive very actively supported Carl Kansi’s opinion, and the others analyzed his argument in their own way and came up with various opinions.
“It’s definitely a valid opinion…” ”…If that’s the case, the schedule will be greatly disrupted…” ”It’s too early to deal with it while bypassing the beastmen’s area…”
So, this time I raised my hand and put an end to their serious discussion.
“First of all, how good is the defense capability of the Earl of Virere?”“The demon spirit is ‘firm as the wall of Berere.’ However, since there are almost no military problems in the vicinity, the actual force is incomparable to other territories. Since there is a tax that is faithfully paid to the royal family, if a problem arises, the demon army directly steps in to suppress it. It went on.”
The one who answered me was Count Timshive, who had a warm impression. He kindly pointed out to the city with a baton and explained it. Thanks to this, I was able to know which route the demon army would advance in the event of a ‘problem’.
“How about the lighter?”“Leitor… It’s just a big city of common demon spirits. It’s sturdy and strong.”“Exterior?”“Outside.”
Well, it’s a place where monsters run rampant, and if there’s no way to deal with it, the territory and city couldn’t be formed. Strong walls are obviously a major issue.
But I don’t give a fuck about that.
“If only the castle gate is breached, can the allies push through?”“Yeah, but… how?”
Everyone in the room throws hooks over their heads at my question. At the same time, their eyes were filled with anticipation for ‘the brave man’s great breakthrough’.
Normally, this would have been a very burdensome situation, but fortunately I was able to continue my conversation while maintaining my confidence this time because I had a career that I could be proud of as the best foreign player on the continent.
“Have you heard of the flute driver?”“Aren’t you the human knight who broke through the outer fortress in one day and dropped the one who shoots light in the siege of Levien… Oh my God! Is he coming here too?!”“My God, it is clear that Epaga is looking after you. If the flute knight has broken through even the steadfast Levien, there is a high possibility that he will have a secret plan to break through the gates of Birre!”
It was a bit embarrassing that rumors of me had spread until this end, but it was more embarrassing that their excited reaction was maintained, so I cleared my throat slightly to draw attention and refresh the atmosphere.
Fortunately, it didn’t end with a single crap. It was because the kind-hearted Count Timshive recognized it like a ghost and spoke out.
“Oh, excuse me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time…” ”No. And you say you have to bypass the prisoner’s area. Can you tell me why?”“It is due to the long-standing pact between the Demons and the Beasts. It is a sacred land with altars to worship their ancestral gods everywhere, so it is an inviolable territory that must not be invaded for any reason.”“…Is it okay if I get permission?”“That’s true, but there’s no one who can negotiate that far in a short period of time…”
Even as he blurted out his words, Earl Timshive noticed something and said, ‘Maybe again…?’ looked at me with that gaze. In response, I took one look at the audience who were looking at him with eyes that were no different from him, and then calmly continued.
“First of all. I’m the flute knight.”“…yes?”“I’m the buffalo who shoots light… No, I’m the flute knight who captured Iraf and captured Levien’s outer castle in one day. And that method works here as well. The two cities on the route, break through as is.”
At that moment, exclamations of joy almost erupted from all sides, but this time Count Timsive quickly calmed them down.
“Uh, you mean first…?”
Indeed, he was a man who understood the language well, befitting a nobleman who had been in charge of the city. Instead of answering, I took out Krul’s fang that I had put in my pocket and handed it to Carl Kansi.
“Next is this, is it possible to negotiate?”
At first I thought ‘what is this?’ The face of Carl Kansi, who had been looking at his fangs with an expression of ”, was tinged with astonishment as it underwent a dramatic change that even I, a human, could recognize.
I guess it’s possible.