A Tale Of A Scribe Who Retires To The Countryside Chapter 99

Episode 99. Entering Gangbuk 2014.08.12.

The guest room was quiet. The guests had gone to their rooms early, so the only ones left were Jeomsoi, who was dozing off, and a few who couldn’t sleep.

Thanks to this, Sonbin and his group were able to enjoy quiet time for the first time in a long time. The delicious food and fragrant tea placed in front of them added to the atmosphere.

Jang Kang Eo Ong, who Son Bin managed to get up, came out offering to treat the group. In fact, most of the cooking was done by the guests.

“Is that child eating, or is he performing an autopsy on the carp?”

Jang Kang Eoong asked the old man. But, Dangwol, I am telling you to listen. Still, Tang Yue didn’t care and was slowly savoring the food little by little.

“Do you really think I was poisoned?”

Jang Kang Eoong says with a frown. Tang Yue’er still doesn’t answer, and Lao Jun, who is worse off, answers in her stead next to her.

“It’s like that so don’t worry about it. Some kind of sacred ritual or something… … . “Now that I think about it, is this this kid’s first time cooking carp?”

“Sniff. Well, surprisingly, there are quite a lot of people who have never tried carp dishes. “I’m also quite picky about cooking it properly.”

Jang Kang Eo Ong nods as if he somehow understands something.

“So, you’re going to a shaman now? To hand over the sword to the last disciple of Jinn?”

“Yes, it is.”

Sonbin answered while holding the teacup. Although he had already finished eating, Sonbin did not put away his food.


Jang Kang-eoong thought for a moment and spoke in a low voice.

“I visited a shaman not long ago. The atmosphere is very different from before. Moreover, Jin-in is the last disciple left behind… … .”

Even Jang Kang Eoong had never heard of Seorin. This part clearly shows how the shaman regards Jinin’s last disciple.

“It would be better if you inherited the sword of the true man, but in this situation… … . “It won’t be easy.”

Jang Kang Eo-ong sighed and shook his head.

“joy. “What if it’s not easy?”

Noh said:

“The sword must be passed down, and the meaning must be continued. If a shaman wants to go against this, he is not the one who should get out of the way.”

Although he said it in a tongue-in-cheek tone, Rohgun’s resolve was clear. And that was a very unfamiliar sight to Eoong.

“It’s a big deal. I can’t believe you, who seemed like you would never come out of Namak for the rest of your life, are like this. Since that incident… … .”

“Besides, what are you doing here?”

Noh quickly interrupted the conversation and asked.

“Weren’t you on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River?”

“It did.”

Eoong said, lifting his teacup.

“However, these days, they say a group of sectarians called Hyeolbongnyeon are wreaking havoc in Gangnam. So, I have been staying in this area for a while and watching the situation. Just in case, we don’t dare let them cross the Yangtze River.”

“Was Hyeolbongryeon a worthy opponent for you to move?”

The old man frowned. If it was something that Jang Kang Eo-ong was concerned about, it was a fairly serious matter.

“Do you know that Oecheongju of the Namgung family was defeated by a warrior of the Blood Bongryeon clan?”

Noh shrugged his shoulders. It seems like he has no interest in that.

“It is said that the warrior of Bloodbongryun who defeated Oecheongju was a young, budding expert. Was he Sura, a ghost dog? … . In my view, there must be someone from the Foreign Ministry behind him. Paegeom and Noegeom won’t stay still, but I can’t help but think about what might happen. In addition, it is said that the Gangbuk factions have also been showing suspicious behavior these days.”

The Paegeom and Noegeom that Eoong was talking about both probably meant the head of the previous generation. He spoke seriously, but the old man snorted.

“Well, you’re putting in a lot of effort to protect the peace and well-being of Gangho’s martial arts group all by yourself.”

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

Jang Kang Eoong smiled with a satisfied smile. Noh’s face distorted.

“This guy doesn’t even know how to use irony… … .”

As Nogun was shaking his head, Sonbin suddenly asked.

“May I ask what it was?”

“a moment ago? Oh, you mean my Cheongpajikchim?”

With a proud expression, Eoong took out a straight needle from his arms and placed it on the table.

A sleek object with a jade blue color appeared. Both ends were sharp like needles, but there was a transparent, thin thread-like thread hanging from the slightly thick center.

“Cheongryu is my friend who has been with me all my life. “Meeting Cheongryu and Cheongpa was the greatest luck of my life.”

Jang Kang Eo Ong, who was always stubborn, was happy like a child.

On the table, his blue wave needle sparkles blue.

I couldn’t even guess what it was made of, but I was certain it was something out of the ordinary. The same goes for thin, transparent threads.

“They catch fish pretty well too. If clothes get torn, I sew them up. “It is quite useful in many ways for elderly people who live alone.”


Sonbin looked puzzled when told that he fished with a straight needle.

“How to fish with a straight needle… … . Oh, by any chance… … .”

Suddenly, I imagined the fishing method of the Yangtze River. Perhaps, if you put all your energy into this blue wave needle and plunge it into the river, the shocked fish will float away.

“You’re placing a bet. How can you do such a rude thing? Don’t you know the saying that a gentleman fishes but doesn’t fish? “Maybe because he’s young, he doesn’t have the basic mindset of an angler.”

Jang Kang Eoong frowns and says.

“If you attach bait as if it were covering the whole thing, the big ones will think it’s a good thing and swallow it whole. If you grab the fishing rod at that time, the spit will lie horizontally, so no matter how big the fish is, you have no choice but to get caught. This is better for catching big fish because it is easy to remove the hook after fishing and does not damage the fish. “The fish feels less pain when the hook is removed, so it can be said to be a more merciful method.”

“If you do that, you’re going to get eaten.”

Noh mutters in response to Eoong’s long-winded words. Eo-ong glares at No-gun as if he heard something absurd.

“You seem like a guy who doesn’t even know what a crucian carp is thinking. Since you like to drink, you should never go fishing. If you look at the people who die while fishing, they are all drunk. How many people have I rescued and saved over the past few days? … .”

Sonbin could understand why the owner of the inn treated Eoong so friendly. He saved the lives of many people, so how could he not be trusted?

“It looks like you don’t enjoy drinking.”

Sonbin asked. Jang Kang Eoong suddenly becomes speechless. Noh grinned and answered.

“This guy likes drinking.”

Sonbin, who unintentionally got into trouble with Eoong, says in a bit of embarrassment.

“Ah, but I don’t go fishing while drunk… … .”

Sonbin stopped talking. This is because I noticed that Eoong’s expression was becoming more and more distorted.

“Hmm. Well, that’s okay for me. I’m afraid that a beginner who doesn’t know anything about rivers will die trying to follow it carelessly… … .”

As Eoong cleared his throat and froze, he suddenly heard a strange sound next to him.

Crack, far away.

“What is he doing?”

The old man looks at Tang Yue-ah with a pitiful expression.

Tang Yue’er was holding a long carp thorn and pursing her small lips.

Because the carp is large, the thorns are also large. Sonbin quickly told her.

“Soje, that means eating…” … .”

Tang Yue’er stopped moving. She quietly put down her thorn.

“I know. Just to see how it tastes… … .”

Tang Yue’er said in a small, quiet voice. But her eyes are still focused on the thorn in front of her. Sonbin quickly removed the thorn in front of her.

* * *


The next day it rained from morning. The merchants, who were in a hurry at midnight, crossed the Yangtze River despite the rain, but Son Bin and his party had to stay in their guesthouse. This is because Sonbin had to get new clothes that were torn.

“I just need to make some adjustments, but will you do the same?”

Sonbin politely declined Jang Kang-eoong’s proposal. Instead, he decided to ask Jeomsoy to get new clothes nearby.

It would have been cheaper to buy fabric and have it sewed, but I couldn’t do that because it would take time. What was surprising was that Tang Yue’er also had to buy new clothes.

“I need it too.”

Tang Yue said. It was when Sonbin was talking with Jeomsoy about the cost of clothes.

‘Walah Sojeo too?’

Sonbin, who had been wondering, suddenly became convinced. Her attire was the same as when she departed from the petition.

“Oh, then rather than buying new clothes… … .”

Sonbin, who was about to ask Jeomsoy to wash his clothes, stopped.

She has no baggage. Of course she wouldn’t even have a change of clothes.

So what will she wear while she washes her clothes?

“Hmm. All right.”

Sonbin’s face suddenly seemed to turn red, so he cleared his throat and turned his head.

‘Oh, maybe we need some cotton thread?’

I glanced at Tang Yue’er, but she didn’t say anything.

‘And Kim lives anyway… … .’

Eo-ong’s clothes are torn, and Noh-gun’s clothes are also simple.

It doesn’t matter if it’s hot in Gangnam, but if you go to Gangbuk, there may be cases where the weather suddenly changes like now.

Son Bin also asked Jeom Soi to wear the coats of No-gun and Eo-ong, one by one.

Jeomsoy was pleased with the increased orders, but Sonbin, who received an unexpected shock from the front, felt a little sick.

Jeomsoy didn’t even give it a discount.

* * *

“I pay homage to Jang Kang-eo. “I am Zhuge of the Zhuge family.”

The tall young man bowed his head politely.

“I show respect to Eoong. “This is Gongsongji from the Gongsun family.”

The sharp but beautiful girl also slightly bent her knees to show respect.

“Thank you for helping us. “I was familiar with the great reputation of Jang Kang Eoong.”

Zhuge Gi said with a smile. If she were a woman, she was a handsome young man who would naturally attract attention.

“hmm. They were the children of the Zhuge family and the Gongsun family. “I haven’t done anything particularly big to deserve a courtesy, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“You can’t do that.”

Gongsunji said with a smile. Her cute eyes and red lips draw a slightly curved line.

“If you hadn’t helped us, we would have suffered great harm. I would like to find the evil beast even now, but since everyone who was in the guest house at that time had all crossed the Yangtze River in the morning, it became impossible to do so. Oh, did you happen to see a little thief nearby?”

Jang Kang Eo-ong remains silent, and No-gun does something else, as if he doesn’t even want to make eye contact.

Tang Yue’er sipped tea calmly as if it had nothing to do with her, and made eye contact with Sun Binman and Gongsun Ji, who were sitting with a shy expression.

While sitting with Zhang Kang-Eong, I suddenly bump into Gongsun Ji, so I can’t avoid the seat.

“I didn’t see it. “Oh, my name is Sonbin.”

Sonbin slightly lowered his head. Gongsunzhi’s eyes momentarily pass up and down Sunbin.

“Ah yes.”

He was greeted politely with a slight bend in his knees.

This is also because there was a Long River Eoong.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have even heard it.

As she was about to turn her head, a strange feeling suddenly occurred to her and she turned her head again.

“By any chance, have we met somewhere before?”

She asks with sharp eyes.


Sonbin answered.

“I once encountered him at the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan. “There was no greeting.”

“Oh yeah.”

Gongsunji nodded grimly.

The Yellow Crane Tower is a place where Gongsunji often goes and it is always crowded with people. I probably passed by there for a while, but I don’t remember anything in particular.

Looking at his shabby behavior, it was clear why he couldn’t remember.

Moreover, it was not once or twice that she saw a man trying to get her attention by somehow getting involved with her, so Gongsunji quickly lost interest.

“What is your guest name?”

Gongsunji’s eyes turned sharp when he heard Zhuge Qi’s voice coming from behind.

It seems that he was interested in Tang Yue’s appearance with her face covered.

Gongsun Ji glared sharply at Tang Yue’er, but Tang Yue’er wasn’t even looking in this direction.

“Uh, Soger?”

Zhuge Qi asks again softly.

But Tang Yue’er doesn’t even turn his head, let alone answer.

Gongsunji felt his temper rising in a different way.

“you… … .”

“How are the movements of Gangbuk Sapa these days?”

Zhuge Gi and Gongsun Ji turned their heads when they suddenly heard Eoong’s voice.

“It’s not serious.”

Zhuge Qi quickly adjusted his posture and spoke with a serious expression.

“It seems that Gangbuk factions have also been stimulated by the fact that the Hyeolbongryeon faction appears to be gaining ground in Gangnam. “There is talk of an alliance not only among the Heuksa faction, which claims to be the leader of the Gangbuk faction, but also among other factions.”

“I really don’t know what the Namgung family or the Hyukryun family are doing. “They claimed to be the rout of Gangnam, so it’s ridiculous.”

Gongsunji snorts and says. However, Jang Kang-eoong was just silently lost in thought.

“When are you planning to cross the Yangtze River?”

“I’m planning to leave right away tomorrow morning.”

“is it… … . I get it.”

Jang Kang Eo-ong nodded.

Gongsun Ji and Zhuge Qi bowed to Zhang Kang’s father once again and left. Finally, Gongsun Ji glared at Tang Yue’er, but Tang Yue’er still wasn’t even looking at this place.

Jerk, jerk.

Gongsunji, who was going up to the room with Zhuge Qi, said with a displeased look on his face.

“But, even if you say Jang Kang Eoong, he is an old person who has become obsolete anyway. “No matter how much you helped us, aren’t you being too stiff?”

“haha. But what can you do? Since he is still obsessed with old-fashioned illusions, I have no choice but to adjust accordingly. Anyway, as time passes, Kangho Moorim will become ours. “Wouldn’t it be okay to show a little generosity?”

Zhuge Gi said with a smile. His bright appearance and words made Gongsonji feel better.

“I see. As Confucius said, the future is ours.”

The only enemy of the Five Generations is the Five Generations.

No one can deny that the five major families, who were fiercely opposed to each other, united in the name of the Murim Alliance and became the biggest force in the powerful martial arts.

And as Zhuge-gi said, as time passes, the concentration will become more severe.

Gongsunji also had no doubt that in the future, the mighty Wulin would belong to the five generations.

“Confucius, you are also great.”

Gongsun Ji clung to Zhuge Qi’s arm. Zhuge Qi spoke as if nothing had happened as he smelled her scent tickling the tip of his nose.

“I don’t have anything to do today anyway… … . How do you feel? “Would you like to go to my room and have a drink?”

“Well, no. Because I’m not good at drinking. I don’t know if Confucius will take responsibility for me until the end… … . Oh, this means you’re taking me to my room. “You know, right?”

“haha. How can I not take responsibility for Sojeo? Don’t worry. “I am Jegal.”

“Ho Ho. thank you. “But not today.”

“why not… … .”

“Women have many secrets that cannot be told.”

Gongsunji, who narrowed his eyes at Zhuge Gi, turned around and went into his room as if he had been hanging on for some time.

Left alone, Zhuge Gi had no choice but to quench his appetite and return to his room in solitude. Because, as he said, there was nothing to do here.

* * *

The next morning, Sonbin and his group went to the dock and waited for the ship.

It was a ship that went up the Yangtze River a little bit and then docked on the other side. Ultimately, it was going to go from Shanghai to Chongqing, so the ship was quite big and there were a lot of people already on it.

Dang Yue-ah, who had a small baggage on her back due to the new clothes she bought, couldn’t take her eyes off her big belly. However, perhaps it is his first time riding it himself, and he clearly shows signs of hesitation.

In the end, while Son Bin was helping her get on the boat, Nogun, who was standing on the dock, suddenly asked Jang Kang Eoong who was standing next to him.

“But you. “Didn’t you know that no one can touch the Jinn’s sword?”

Jang Kang Eo Ong frowned.

“Why don’t you know that? Since it is the sword of a true man, it goes without saying that no one can touch it. Who would dare to touch his things?”

Noh smiled bitterly. It was clear that Eoong probably did not know much about the Seongeom Egret.

Jang Kang Eo-ong was looking at No-gun like he was a strange person, but No-gun decided not to give an explanation.

“Jinin was someone who saw something completely different from us.”

Jang Kang Eo Ong, who turned his head to look at Son Bin, spoke quietly. Looking at it this way, Sonbin appears to be just an ordinary civil servant. He’s nothing special, just like an ordinary person.

But that young man is more special than anyone Eong knows.

“Who in the world can know that that child is walking the path of immortality? But the True Man saw. So, I guess he entrusted me with his sword. “If he is someone who walks the path of no title, he is worthy of being entrusted with.”

Sonbin said it was just a humane arrangement.

However, if it were you, if it were Eoong, would you be able to hand over Cheongryu and Cheongpa to someone for that reason?

That can never happen. Eoong was confident in Jinin’s arrangements.

“Hmm, I guess so?”

However, Noh answered as if muttering.

“Even if that wasn’t the case, I think I would have handed over my sword to that guy.”

Eoong looked at Noh as if asking what he was talking about. However, instead of answering, Noh walked forward and boarded the ship.


The wind blew and the sails swelled greatly. The boat Sonbin and his group were on slowly sailed away from the dock, riding the waves of the Yangtze River.

Jang Kang Eoong stood at the dock until the ship was out of sight.

“It is the Tao of Emperor Wu… … .”

The wind of the Yangtze River shakes the hem of his clothes. Eoong muttered quietly as he adjusted the collar of the new coat that Sonbin had bought him.

“There are people who want to walk his path, so the future of Kangho Wulin is not very dark. “Hehehe.”

He burst out laughing. It was a more comfortable and relaxed smile than ever before.

And that day, Sonbin and his party crossed the Yangtze River and set foot in Gangbuk.

It was just a matter of time until we reached the shaman.


martial arts,

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