A Tale Of A Scribe Who Retires To The Countryside Chapter 98

Episode 98. Clear stream and white heron 2014.08.09.


The egret cried. Sonbin held the sword and stared straight ahead.

The wide riverside stretched out under the moonlight was bright enough to see the expression of Jang-gang Eo-ong, but there was no sign of anything flying in the darkness at all.

The only thing that sounds threatening is the sound of the wind cutting through it.

Hiss, hiss.

“Indeed, I believe it means that you have at least one talent.”

Jang Kang Eoong said. He stretched out one hand forward and grasped the clear stream, like a person holding a fishing rod on a river. His clear stream glows softly in the dark.

“However, it would have been better for you if you had lost your mind from that move a moment ago. “Your clumsy talent will actually cause you trouble.”

As he spoke, Jang Kang-eoong tilted back the clear stream he was holding.


At the same time as the sound of something being pulled tautly was heard in the darkness, Jang Kang Eoong swung the clear stream towards Son Bin.



Sonbin spun around, hearing the white heron’s low name that sounded like a warning, along with a sharp sound cutting through the darkness. Then he took a step toward the place where no one was and raised his sword diagonally from bottom to top.


Sparks flew in the empty space.

Something rushing from Sonbin’s blind spot disappeared into the darkness, but Sonbin did not stop his sword.


As if dancing, Sonbin turned around and the white heron that was facing the sky fell down.

A blue-shining fishing rod, a clear stream, was swinging towards Sonbin right in front of his eyes. Behind the clear stream, Jang Kang Eoong’s narrow eyes gave off a sharp light.


A sharp sound erupted as the white heron collided with the clear stream. However, it was not a head-on collision.

The clear stream, which looked like it was going to crush Sonbin at any moment, was deflected by the white egret in a different direction from what it was originally intended to be.

However, instead of returning the clear stream that had been swerved, Jang Kang Eo Ong actually increased his momentum even more.

Whoops. Quang!

With the heavy drinking, dust rose and small stones flew.

When the clear stream of the Yangtze River, which had lost its direction due to the white heron, vaguely hit the ground, the internal force contained in the clear stream collided with the ground, causing an explosion.


Jang Kang-eoong lifted himself up into the air with the force he had created.

It was hard to believe that he was a skinny old man, so he lightly turned his body and landed in the same place he was originally standing.


“It’s pretty good.”

Jang Kang-eoong said as he looked at Son Bin, the young man still standing in front of him.

“The history is pure and the sword is also extremely clean. It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen a sword this clean. In particular, the feeling of having just released my clear stream is truly worthy of praise. Judging by the fact that he never lets his guard down for even a moment, it seems clear that he is quite experienced for his age.”

Jang Kang Eo Ong, who was speaking, chuckled. He spoke to Sonbin with sharp eyes.

“But the results are stark. “How then can you be said to be a person of foreign affairs?”

Sonbin’s clothes were torn here and there, and his once neat hair was disheveled.

It looked as if he had been caught up in the previous momentum and suffered a loss, but Jang Kang-eoong did not notice that he had not actually caused any direct injury.


With a low sound cutting through the darkness, Jang Kang Eoong spoke in a cold voice.

“Regrets are always too late. Now you will have to deal with the consequences of your choices.”


Jang Kang Eoong’s hand, which was holding the clear stream, moved so slightly that it seemed almost invisible. The sound of her cutting through the wind grew stronger with him.


There was a sharp, uncomfortable sound, as if the space itself in the darkness was being torn apart.

In the meantime, Jang Kang-eoong’s voice leaked out darkly.

“I cast a clear stream over the blue waves, and the whole world is caught.”


The hem of Zhang Kang’s shabby clothes fluttered as if caught in a storm. At the same time that the fishing rod in his hand was emitting dark blue energy, something flying in the air suddenly began to gain momentum.


It cut through the darkness and rushed towards Sonbin. But the energy it contained was completely different from before.

A destructive force that seems to shatter everything that stands in its way. Containing that eerie energy, it was stabbing straight at Sonbin.

I couldn’t hit it or avoid it.

At a time when it seemed like everything would end just like that, Sonbin quietly closed his eyes.


At that moment, everything disappeared like a lie.

The threatening sound of waves ringing in Sonbin’s ears and the sharp force emitted by the clear stream of the Yangtze River disappeared.

At the same time that the haughty flow of Hyeoncheondaeganggyeol embraced Sonbin, all the phenomena that had dazzled the eyes and ears lost their color and the world revealed its true face to Sonbin.

Something small and thin, but with destructive force flying towards you. And then there is the Yangtze River approaching him and the blue energy of the clear stream in his hands.

Everything was revealing its true nature to Sonbin. And in the next moment, a flow emerged very clearly in front of Sonbin.


Son Bin placed his sword on top of a stream that looked as fragile and soft as silk thread.

Slowly, but never without hesitation.

Sonbin suddenly thought that the faint warmth of the white heron he was holding in his hand was very cozy.


It didn’t even make a sound. To Eoong’s eyes, the egret’s movements seemed very slow, and Sonbin, with his eyes half closed, seemed to have given up on everything.

However, everything changed the moment the tip of the white heron’s sword fell quietly like dew on Eoong’s other friend, Cheongpajikchim, which contained destructive power.



Jang Gang-eoong, who was rushing towards Son Bin, could not believe his eyes.

This is because the Cheongpajik needle, which was obviously aimed at Sonbin, was suddenly being struck towards Jang Kang-eoong himself.

‘Uh, when… … . No how… … .’

It wasn’t something that was thrown away or twisted using some clever trick.

The moment he felt that the blue wave needle touched the tip of Son Bin’s sword, the blue wave needle was already flying towards him, as if it were a lie.

It was as if Sonbin had fired it at himself from the beginning.

It was a strange experience, as if Eoong’s perception, or rather the world itself, had been distorted for a moment.


But now was not the time to worry about such things.

This is because the thin green wave needle was flying straight towards the Long River Eoong.

Its small body contains a destructive force that threatens to destroy everything.

Whilick. fault.

Jang Kang Eo-ong threw the clear stream back sharply and quickly twisted his body into the air.

The bet delivered to the Cheongpa needle through Cheonjamsa twisted the needle’s trajectory, and Jang Gang-eoong was able to dodge the Cheongpa needle by a mere scrap of paper.


The enormous energy contained in the passing blue wave needle created a sharp shock wave and tore through Zhang Kang’s coat like the claws of a wild beast.


But Jang Kang Eo Ong did not stop. Rather, he put all of his bets in a clear stream and hit Son Bin with it.



As if responding to Eoong’s will, the blue stream cried in his hand, emitting a stream of blue light.

However, the moment the clear stream containing tremendous power fell towards Sonbin, Eoong realized that Sonbin was no longer there. No, it seemed like there was no one there from the beginning.


An ear-splitting explosion of sound erupted. Like the roar of a wild beast to prove its power. But that was only the last struggle of an animal that was already dying.

It’s a disaster.

Sonbin parted the dust and appeared before Jang Kang-eoong’s eyes. And the sword egret in his hand fell down from above so naturally.


At that moment, Jang Kang Eoong saw.

The world was divided in two before his eyes.

* * *

-Are you alive?

Jang Gang-eoong came to his senses at the blunt and insincere question. And then he realized that he was in a daze.

Cheongryu was still held in his hands, but his arms were hanging down and his knees were touching the ground.

―Heulheul, it looks bad. Still, I wasn’t as good as you.

The old man was still standing far away, but his voice sounded as clear as a whisper in my ear.

Jang Kang Eo Ong raised his head.

“Are you okay?”

The young man standing in front of me quietly asks.

“You, what are you…” … .”

No words came out. I wanted to ask who you are and how you were able to unleash such a sword.

But no words came out. He was just shocked and astonished by the sword fight that unfolded before his eyes, and couldn’t even speak properly.

―It is the path of no title.

As if Noh had read his feelings, he answered on his behalf.

―What you’ve wanted to see so much your whole life, but have never seen… … .

The old soldier’s voice was trembling slightly.

―The Tao of Untitled is exactly that.

“The Tao of Untitled.”

Jang Kang Eoong repeated in a daze.

―Even so, would you say that the sword of a true man is not suitable for that guy?

There was laughter mixed in Noh’s voice. But Eoong didn’t even have the energy to get angry.

“Can you get up?”

Sonbin in front of me asks. Although she was a little flushed, Sonbin’s face was just calm.

“Dear Jinin… … “Did you say you were asked for a sword?”

My voice was choked. But Jang Kang Eo Ong had to ask.

“Yes, it is.”

“Then you…” … .”

“That’s not it.”

Sonbin said with an awkward smile. It was immediately clear what illusion Jang Kang Eoong was under.

“I have not received any teachings from the true man, nor have I followed his will. I just… … .”

Suddenly, the face of Noh Dosa, smiling gently, comes to mind. The carefree expression on the old monk’s face was something that Sajahyeok had a life-or-death struggle with, but somehow he didn’t hate him.

“I just asked him for a small favor following a humane arrangement.”

Jang Kang Eoong looked straight into Son Bin’s eyes. Her eyes didn’t have the coldness they used to have. Just look quietly.

“Does this mean that you are neither a disciple of the True Man nor a successor to the True Man? “You’re just asking me to follow a humane arrangement?”

“yes. So neither the political faction nor the four factions have anything to do with me.”

Sonbin answered quietly but clearly.

“What is your relationship with Emperor Wu of Xuantian?”

At that moment, a faint longing fell on Sonbin’s face. Sonbin answered.

“It was his guide.”

“Guilbut… … .”

Jang Kang-eoong quietly repeated those words.

In general, martial arts is sometimes referred to as martial arts, and the mindset of a martial artist is sometimes referred to as martial arts.

However, ultimately, martial arts is the absolute truth that a martial artist pursues and strives to achieve by dedicating his or her entire life. Therefore, the path of Emperor Wu means a person who walks the same path as Emperor Wu of Hyeoncheon.

“Then, are you the one who wants to walk the same path that Emperor Wu of Xuantian walked?”

‘Untitled Road.’

The moment Sonbin heard those words from Jang Gang-eoong, Sonbin’s eyes widened.

‘Ah, I see.’

It was like a sudden realization for Sonbin.

Something vague that had been gradually settling in his mind since he left the snowy mountain, or rather, ever since he met Sajahyeok, finally became a clear word today.

That’s what made Sonbin pick up the sword every night, and it made him live a life he wasn’t ashamed of.

Because of that, I no longer had regrets about the past exams that I had been so obsessed with, and it made me look at something different from what the world wanted.

Although he didn’t even recognize it himself, it soon became a clear indicator like a shining star in Sonbin’s life.

It was to reach the path that Sajahyeok had shown.

“That’s right.”

Sonbin answered quietly. Suddenly, Sajahyeok’s three herbivorous and three powel meals come to mind. And his mountain-like back.

Can he really reach that same level?

Sonbin smiled bitterly.

“I don’t dare say you can do it, but what can you do with something you’ve already seen?”

Those who have seen the sea are not satisfied with the lake. What can Sonbin be satisfied with after seeing Sajahyeok?

Sonbin’s face suddenly had a calm smile instead of longing. The smile that made her look as if she was looking somewhere far away gave Jang Kang Eong a shiver.

‘iced coffee.’

The supreme way is something that cannot be dared to be said. Even if one has reached the pinnacle of nothingness, one can barely say that one has seen the end of it. This is the Tao.

But this young man in front of me says he has already seen it.

‘Is that so? Have you already seen it?’

At this moment, my defeat felt like an entirely natural result.

It was also understandable how this seemingly ordinary young man was able to pursue such a sword.

Because he had already seen it. The very path of martial arts that he cannot even grasp the end of.


Jang Kang Eo Ong raised his head and let out a low, long sigh toward the night sky.

Jang Kang-eoong, who was standing there with a dejected expression, suddenly lowered his head.


There was no time for Sonbin to stop him. Jang Kang Eoong bows her old head towards her Son Bin.

“Persecuting innocent people with hasty conclusions is a serious sin.”

Jang Kang Eong said.

“This is especially scary if it is done in the name of a political faction. “Anyone can say that violence stemming from evil and greed is wrong, but violence committed in the name of righteousness and agreement blocks even that judgment.”

Jang Kang Eo-ong, who had full gray hair, did not raise his head in front of Son Bin.

“By my foolish judgment I have sinned against you; judge me as you will.”

Sonbin couldn’t help but smile bitterly at those words.

It’s an embarrassing situation to suddenly have to judge. However, Zhang Kang’s sincerity was conveyed so earnestly that she did not dare to answer lightly.

“How can I judge you? Stop it now… … .”

“Not like that.”

Jang Kang-eong said, still with his head down. The back of his thin neck looks bony under the moonlight.

“The only people who can judge a sinner are those who have suffered damage from that sin. Therefore, no one is qualified to judge me other than you.”

Sonbin was speechless. Zhang Kang’s words are essentially about law and justice. And, academically, this was a fairly profound and complex topic.

An ordinary person would say, ‘I am not a judge,’ but Son Bin found himself at a loss for words thanks to his knowledge.

‘Hey, this isn’t even a past exam, but suddenly this difficult topic…’ … .’

However, it is not possible to have a difficult discussion with Jang Kang-eoong here.

As Sonbin was struggling, he suddenly heard Noh’s voice.

“What are you doing? “If you win, let’s finish it right away. Why are you dragging your feet?”

“Um, Eoong… … .”

When Sonbin spoke to Roh as if complaining, Roh sighed.

“It’s just, ‘No. End by saying, ‘It was a good dance.’ If I deal with his words one by one, I’ll just get upset. Since it’s so jam-packed, the only thing it can deal with is the fish of the Yangtze River. “Eh.”

Nogun told him, but Son Bin was still at a loss in front of Jang Kang Eo-ong, who had his head bowed.

Seeing that, Noh shook his head. Looking at him in such a panic, how can we guess that he is a person who possesses the Tao of Untitled?

‘That’s not all.’

What is surprising is not only the Tao of Untitled that he possesses.

The Taegeuk sword that Sun Bin first showed to the warrior of the Blood Dragon Gate seemed to be far short of the level of Hwanghakjinin. However, when dealing with Sentai Thunder Sword Nangong Cheon, he immediately drove him into a dead end.

And now, he shakes that tricky Cheongpajikchim according to his will without even making a sound. So much so that someone as strong as Jang Kang Eo-ong can’t even feel it.

“I thought this kid was the only one growing like crazy, but he’s the same way. What else do you learn while fighting with a guy like Jang Kang Eoong? “I fought cancer and there was nothing left to see.”

Although he mumbled as if grumbling, his voice contained a subtle joy.

Tang Yue’er smiled quietly. Her eyes were filled with the image of Sonbin trying to somehow raise Jang Kang Eoong, who was still bowing down to her.


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