00333 Ansol’s past %26 Before the Storm —————————————— ——————————-=
“hey. You are truly amazing. “Where can a guardian do that?”
“You said you could do that.”
“When did I? “I don’t mind helping Mercenary, but you said you have to negotiate with the angels?”
“what. I don’t know about that. Anyway, if I can’t stay by your side forever, I can’t do that. “No I won’t!”
Lee Hyo-eul must have been eavesdropping on the conversation, and as soon as she heard Ansol’s plan, she rushed out the door.
And now, An Sol and Lee Hyo-eul were in the middle of an argument.
Even angels are not fools. As the guardian of the Northern Continent is one who guides and leads, he must always act from a neutral perspective. Therefore, there was no way Ansol could allow him to wield the guardian’s power for self-interest. In fact, she seemed to think it was very easy to just give it a try and if it doesn’t work out, just hit her.
“and. This is how I hit the back of my head… . I’m getting goosebumps. “You were such a naughty child, weren’t you?”
“joy. Who changed the words? “That person is truly a mean person.”
Lee Hyo-eul burst into laughter at Ansol’s retort, which did not give up on a single word. However, as if he had nothing else to say, his eyes soon rolled around and his shoulders slumped. All facts have already been revealed. It seemed like they thought ashes had been sprinkled on the finished rice. But it was the same for Ansol. What on earth was so unfair? Her cheeks were puffy and she was showing deep disappointment.
“why… .”
“Everyone stop it.”
Soon, it seemed like the second round was about to begin, so I opened my mouth in a low tone. The voice felt heavy even when I heard it myself. I had already been in a state of serious distress since the summons. However, even when I come to the clan house, which can be called my home, things that go against my mood happen, so I can’t help but feel annoyed.
As if he had read my expression, the sounds of heavy breathing gradually began to subside.
There is a proverb that says, “A tree with many branches never gets windy days.” That’s exactly what I look like now. Of course, this could not be defined as just one person’s problem. Also, Lee Hyo-eul, who gave the kid some useless bullshit. Ansoldo, without any hesitation, agrees. And even though I knew, I kept putting it off with the excuse that I was busy. If we had to be honest, it could be said that all three were at fault.
Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand what Ansol’s feelings were like this. She admitted to herself that she had been a nuisance to Mercantile all along, and she would not have been able to endure it. Also, Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong, who started from the same starting point, both received rare classes and steadily improved their skills, but they could not shake off the feeling that they were the only ones who were stagnant.
However, even though I knew how Ansol felt, I couldn’t just let things go like this. If I made a mistake, wouldn’t I have opened her eyes and taken her away?
I calmed down for a while and then spoke in a low voice.
“yes… .”
Ansol answered in a hushed voice. She suddenly thought of the past. Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jeong scolded her from her mule to her long and sharp spear, but it was me who raised her like gold and jade. What’s more, the words Lee Yu-jeong always carried around were, “My brother always only likes Ansol.”
Anyway, I didn’t want to waste my energy on useless things anymore, and I didn’t want to get caught up in a mess.
“Go into the room first. And I’m reflecting on it until I call you again.”
“Oh, brother.”
“… … .”
Ansol called me in a pitiful tone, but I looked straight at her with my eyes focused. Then she lowered her head with a frown on her face, and then she nodded once or twice helplessly.
“I’m sorry… .”
Finally, as I watched Ansol walking down the hallway, muttering in a voice as loud as a mosquito, I suddenly turned my head. I could see Lee Hyo-eul avoiding my gaze with a shocked expression on her face, as if she was aware of the crime she had committed.
“You see me now. “Follow me in.”
I blurted out a word in a cold voice and walked into the office. Soon, I heard Lee Hyoeul close the door behind me.
I went straight to the desk without even asking to sit down, and sat down on the chair. Then he took out a record and a quill and began writing a message to send to his brother.
“excuse me… . Mercenary Road. I think I’m very angry… .”
“Lee Hyo-eul.”
Lee Hyo-eul spoke carefully, but I intentionally cut her off. And then he continued to play with the quill. The message sent to her brother rejected her fellow clan members. To be honest, she thought it was quite useful until the summons. But anyway, it’s okay to have a guardian or not. Exploration? Right now, in the North Continent alone, there are more than 20 places that I know of. It was a hundred times better to give up cleanly than to cause discord by recruiting him for no reason.
“Ansol is a Mercenary Clan member, and I am the Mercenary Clan Lord. And you approached me on your own without asking for my permission. “What should I say in this situation?”
“Sorry. I apologize for that. Still, if I had to make an excuse… .”
“There’s something I really hate.”
Since I didn’t write down a detailed story, but simply wrote down the business, it didn’t take much time to write down the content. Eventually, after folding the record two or three times, I pushed it to the edge of the desk. And then I opened my mouth in as business-like a tone as possible.
“Of course, the person who already said everything he had to say and committed the crime, but… . etc. I really hate saying things like this. Don’t make excuses. “Because it looks lame.”
“… … .”
“How do you think Ansol listened to you? “No, before that, do you know what kind of girl she is?”
“… no.”
“or not. You are the great guardian of the Northern Continent, and we are the Mercenary Clan, so we must follow your words? “Then I’m saying you looked down on us.”
It was then. Lee Hyo-eul, who had been listening silently until now, suddenly raised her head and looked straight at me. Although the overall facial expression seemed calm, the eyes were emitting an intense light. Perhaps what I said touched something inside her. But that was only for a moment. Lee Hyo-eul soon lowered her eyes and approached her desk, picking up her record that had been pushed to the end of her desk.
“that’s right. My thoughts were short. Even if I have ten mouths, I have nothing to say. “It’s not something I want to say after what has already happened, but I hope you can generously forgive me.”
“Machionary is a clan that has grown to this point on its own. I don’t see any need to benefit you, and I don’t think I need to. “You know what I mean, right?”
“huh. I will engrave it deep in her heart. “I am truly sorry about this incident, and I will personally apologize to that child if you wish.”
Lee Hyo-eul was definitely a person. He had been spouting out harsh words that had hurt his pride, but except for the one time before, he was showing that he was truly sorry.
I stared at Lee Hyo-eul for a moment, then pointed to the door with my chin. It was a signal to leave as soon as possible and not cause any more trouble.
“… Now go back to Hamill. And thank you brother. “If it weren’t for my brother, he wouldn’t have let me go like this.”
“okay. It’s funny to say it now, but. I am truly grateful to you for saving my life and for helping me during the call-up. Then I’ll contact you again soon. “At that time, it won’t be a private matter, but a public matter.”
“I won’t go far. “Go out.”
Lee Hyo-eul politely lowered her head and then calmly turned around and walked away. Her back, slowly heading towards her door, looked particularly intimidating.
Eventually, the moment the door closed and Lee Hyo-eul disappeared, I let out a long sigh.
Suddenly, it occurred to me that something was very complicated.
이효을이 떠난 지도 며칠의 시일이 흘렀다. 그 동안 머셔너리 클랜은 뭐랄까, 조용했다고 해야 할까?
평소와 다른 것은 없었다. 그저 다른 클랜이나 사용자들과 똑같이 자신이 할 일들을 하며 외부의 소식에 촉각은 곤두세우고 있었을 뿐.
그렇게 멍하니 옥상에서 아래를 내려다보며 깊은 상념에 잠기려는 순간이었다.
“수현. 무슨 생각을 그렇게 하세요?”
그때 뒤에서 청아한 목소리가 귓가로 흘러들었다. 고개를 돌리자 양손에 찻잔을 든 채 맑은 미소를 보내는 정하연이 보인다. 그녀는 모락모락 김을 뿜는 찻잔을 살짝 들어올렸다. 마침 뜨거운 차 생각이 간절했기에, 나는 간만에 기꺼운 마음으로 고개를 끄덕였다.
검은색 물빛에 향긋한 냄새. 라몬차가 틀림없다. 나는 코끝으로 향을 음미하며 차분한 목소리로 물었다.
“제가 여기 있는 건 어떻게 알았습니까?”
“보고를 하려고 집무실에 들렀는데, 자리에 계시질 않아서요. 그래서 혹시나 하고 옥상에 올라와봤죠.”
거짓말. 그런 사람이 차까지 타올까?
하지만 잠깐의 티타임을 가지기 위해 온 사람에게 굳이 지적할 생각은 없었다. 나는 슬며시 웃으며 정하연의 장단에 맞추어주기로 했다. 철두철미한 그녀의 성격이니 보고거리를 만들어서라도 왔을 것이다.
“예. 어떤 보고인가요?”
“부랑자들이요. 어제 회의에서 클랜 로드께서 지시한대로, 알아낸 기록과 함께 모조리 이스탄텔 로우에 넘겼어요. 곧 재판을 열거라고 하니 조만간 수현의 방문을 원한다고 하더라고요.”
“그렇군요. 확실한 보고입니다. 고생하셨습니다.”
나는 일부러 찻잔을 들어올리며 대답했다.
“…흠흠. 아. 그리고 이스탄텔 로우 로드가 전해달라고 했어요. 머셔너리의 호의에 감사한다고. 그리고 너무 신경 쓰지 않으셨으면 좋겠대요.”
이윽고 찻물을 목으로 넘기며, 나는 끄덕끄덕 고개를 주억였다. 무슨 말인지는 단박에 알아들었다. 그때 형과의 오해를 풀기 위해 진땀을 뺐던 것을 생각하면 아직도 쓴웃음이 나온다.
‘그나마 한소영이 대인배라서 다행이지.’
나는 속으로 쓰게 웃으며 연신 찻물만 들이켰다.
이제 더는 보고할게 없는지 정하연은 살짝살짝 내 눈치를 살피기 시작했다. 그렇게 잠시간의 침묵이 흐른 후, 그녀는 살며시 입을 열었다.
“수현. 이런 상황에서 말하긴 조금 그렇지만, 요새 참 심심하네요. 예전 같으면 원정 준비한다고 부랴부랴 준비하느라 정신이 없을 텐데….”
“궁금한 게 있나 보군요.”
내 직구에 정하연은 잠시 눈에 이채를 띠더니, 양손으로 찻잔을 감싸 쥐며 말을 이었다.
“네. 맞아요. 어제 회의에서 별말씀이 없으셨잖아요. 다들 소집령의 결과를 궁금해했거든요. 그런데 그 부분에 대해서는 말씀이 없으셔서…. 혹시 말할 수 없는 비밀인가요?”
“예. 자세한 얘기는 아직 언급하기가 조금 그렇네요. 대외비라서요.”
“그렇군요. 그럼 어쩔 수 없죠.”
“어쨌든 당분간은 그냥 기다리시면 됩니다. 시간이 지나면, 저절로 알게 될 것들입니다.”
아마 지금쯤이면 헤일로에 대한 침공이 시작됐을 것이다. 그리고, 오늘 오전에 모든 연락이 끊겼다. 뮬, 베스, 도로시와 똑같이 말이다. 마력 파장을 방해하는 수작을 대규모로 부린 것이라 짐작하곤 있었지만, 그걸 내색하지는 않았다. 아직 다른 사용자들이 아무것도 모르는 상황인데 혼자 아는 건 이상하게 비춰질 수도 있으니까.
‘아니면 벌써 점령당했을 수도 있고.’
“밖이 굉장히 시끄러워요. 말을 들어보니까, 황금 사자에서 지원병을 파병하려는 순간 거짓말처럼 워프 게이트가 끊겼다고 하던데요. 그럼 지금쯤 헤일로는 어떻게 됐을지 모르겠네요.”
“거짓말처럼 이 아니라 거짓말입니다. 그렇게 우연찮게 끊어질 가능성은 거의 없다고 생각합니다.”
헤일로를 버리고 한 곳에 힘을 모아 재정비를 하겠다는 건 나름 탁월한 선택이었다. 하지만 애당초 도영록은 황금 사자를 이끌만한 그릇이 아니었다. 자신의 생각을 실제로 실행할만한 행동력이 없는 것이다.
이쯤 되면 동남부에 지원 요청을 보낼 법도 한데, 소집령 때까지 감감소식이라고 들었다. 과연 황금 사자가 언제까지 자존심을 지킬지 지켜보는 것도 하나의 흥미로운 구경거리였다. 아마 지원 요청을 보내는 순간이 발등의 불이 번지는 순간일 테지만 말이다.
이르면 헤일로가 함락되는 순간, 또는 아무리 늦어도 바바라가 점령당하는 순간, 동남부는 곧바로 행동에 들어갈 것이다.
어찌됐든 내 역할은 열쇠를 준 것으로 끝났다. 그 열쇠를 어떻게 활용할지는 온전히 그들의 손에 달려있다. 당분간은 괜히 앞장서서 나서기보다는, 이 흐름에서 한 발짝 물러나 가만히 지켜보는 것도 나쁘지 않다는 생각이 들었다. 자의로 끼어들만한 성질의 것도 아니었고, 완급 조절이 필요한 때였으니까.
내 대답에서 뭔가를 알아내기란 요원한 일이라는걸 깨달았는지, 정하연은 가느다란 한숨과 함께 입을 열었다.
“후유. 뭐라도 좀 얻을 수 있을까 해서 찾아왔는데…. 아무튼 결론은 언제 끝날지 모르는 대기군요.”
“저도 입이 근질근질하군요. 미안합니다.”
“호호. 아니에요. 아, 수현. 그럼 아무튼 바쁜 일은 대부분 끝나신 거죠?”
“예? 예, 뭐. 그렇죠.”
“그럼요. 조금 갑작스런 요청이지만, 조만간 파티를 여는 건 어떨까요?”
뜬금없는 파티를 열자는 말에, 나는 바로 눈살을 찌푸렸다. 정하연은 내 얼굴을 봤는지 황급히 말을 이었다.
“요즘 다들 너무 얼굴을 비추지 않아서요. 그리고 새로 들어온 클랜원들도 있잖아요? 오랜만에 모두의 얼굴도 볼 겸, 그리고 환영회도 할 겸. 어때요? 너무 그런가요?”
‘아무리 그래도 지금 이 상황에 파티는….’
뭔가 핀트가 맞지 않는다는 생각에 나는 고개를 갸웃했다. 그리고 한 번 생각해보겠다는 말로 보류의 의사를 밝히려는 순간이었다.
그 순간, 뭔가 번뜩이는 생각 하나가 머리를 스치고 지나갔다.
“좋네요. 그럽시다.”
“어머. 정말이요?”
“예. 안 그래도 얼마 전에 얻은 부랑자들의 장비도 결산해야 하는데, 마침 잘됐어요. 그래도 클랜원들에게는 파티라기보다는, 단합을 위한 목적이라고 말해두세요.”
정하연은 어지간히 기쁜지 환한 미소를 보이며 기뻐했다. 흔쾌히 승낙해주니 자못 기분이 좋은 모양이다.
“and. thank god. “I was worried that Sol seemed to be a bit tired these days, but I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear it.”
“yes. Even when I ask why, he just shakes his head… . “I need to talk about this today.”
I laughed to myself. He then handed the finished tea cup to Jeong Ha-yeon and walked to the rooftop door.
“Please discuss with Go Yeon-ju for further details. “I have a place to visit for a while.”
“yes. Okay. “But where are you going?”
Ha-yeon Jeong asked, overlapping her tea cup with mine. And I answered, stretching wide.
“I plan to visit the temple.”
“ah… .”
‘hmm? ‘Why are you doing that?’
Although she simply announced that she was going to a temple, Ha-yeon Jeong blushed and wiggled her fingers. I shrugged her shoulders, not knowing why, and was just about to leave the door.
“excuse me. Su-hyun!”
“I… . If you’re done with all your busy work… .”
When I looked back at the sudden cry, I saw Jeong Ha-yeon’s neck flexing once. She glanced at me with her rash face and then muttered in a voice as loud as a mosquito.
“sometimes… . Can I come visit you at night? ?”
—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=
hmm. hello. Today I feel like I have to give you some bad news. I may go down this weekend on September 7th (Saturday) and September 8th (Sunday) for the grave. I haven’t decided yet whether I will participate or not, so I will make a decision by Friday at the latest and let readers know. 🙂
Half of the weekdays are over! It’s Thursday now. haha. I guess I’m Vivian. Lately, the comment section has been so heated that I’ve lost strength without realizing it, but seeing the explosion yesterday gave me strength again. I guess I’m a pervert.(?)
『Reripple (Episode 331)』
1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on first place. ha ha ha. nickname… . I want to escape solo. ㅜ.ㅠ
2. Nanglang: Modification completed. thank you!
3. Praise of Goddess Yuri: I plan to delete that while proofreading the e-book. It’s my dark history. Sobbing.
4. New Fantasy: Well, it would be nice if I didn’t die… . Based on the current plan, I think more than half will die before the end. 🙂
5. Jin Eid: The West Continent user was Simon, right? lol. Please look forward to. Memorize? Nope. Station Tour Rise! you’re right!
『Reripple (Episode 332)』
1. Oriental medicine mode: Yes! It’s been a while since I saw you in 1st place! Have fun watching!
2. MT Gom: You’re just like me. I also can’t understand what you’re saying. But I plan to do my best. Let’s cheer up together! Fighting~.
3. Natural: You will regret it if you release Ansol. lol. I made a slight change to the idea. 🙂
4. Sereson: It’s Ansol! Ansol has appeared! long time no see!
5. Mongu Hunter: That’s correct. That’s true after moving to another continent. haha. I would like to save a word about Terra. 🙂
Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.