A Tale Of A Scribe Who Retires To The Countryside Chapter 97

Episode 97. Janggang Eoong2014.08.05.


Jang Kang-eoong, an old man of short stature, sat down opposite the old man. Although no one advised him to do so, he took his place and naturally waved his hand to call Jeomsoi.

“Take this and ask me to make it edible.”

Jeomsoy, perhaps accustomed to this sort of thing, took the basket he held out and disappeared into the kitchen.

The people who had collapsed were taken to their rooms, and the inside of the room became as noisy as before. People no longer paid attention to the shabby old man.

“Anyway, what are you doing here? furthermore… … .”

Zhang Kang’s gaze turned to Tang Yue’er. His narrow eyes, hidden beneath his wrinkled face, shine sharply for a moment.

“Isn’t it quite rare to be with a girl from our family?”

“Aren’t you rare?”

The old man pursed his lips and said.

“You let the children of the political faction you so cherished fall to the ground.”


Jang Kang Eoong stroked his beard with his bony hand and smiled. His thread-thin eyes become narrower and almost invisible.

“It is easy to bake correctly and difficult, so how can the children of the righteous faction not be precious? But children sometimes grow up being scolded. “There must be a reason for everything you did.”

The old man burst into laughter. And he said.

“What if there is no reason?”

“Well, I hope there is a possible reason… … .”

The eyes of the two old men crossed sharply. A tense tension settles between the two in an instant.

“You seem like a stuffy old man. Do you still think the world is so simply divided into black and white?”

“Everything except what is right is twisted. “Once you know it, the world is very simple.”

“gibberish. Dividing the world into two like that is your arrogance and illusion.”

“Divide it in two…” … . Hehehe, I would gladly split this world in two if it were to drive out Safa.”


The momentum of the two people, who were tense, began to fight in earnest. The sharp energy that was secretly directed at each other soon surrounded the two and exploded in strength.


The momentum of the two people collided and swept through the room like a storm. The noisy interior suddenly fell into chaos.



“Well, what is it?”

People instinctively lowered their heads, feeling a cold chill from the sudden tremendous force. The lights in the guesthouse flicker simultaneously as if caught in a storm.



At the sound of Son Bin’s low voice, the Namak Labor Army’s momentum suddenly disappeared as if it had been washed away. At the same time, Jang Kang-eo’s momentum also faded.


Noh turns his head. People looked bewildered at the cold and intimidating force that suddenly appeared and disappeared inside the guesthouse.

“Well, what was it? “Is it the wind?”

“wind? Where on earth does that wind come from… … .”

People who still didn’t understand the English language were muttering to each other.

Some of the martial arts people’s faces turned blue when they realized that it was the momentum created by Eo-ong and No-gun, but to the majority of ordinary merchants, it was simply something they could not understand.

The martial artists quietly got up from their seats and went up to their rooms or left the room altogether. Most of the people who were noisy also stood up, feeling a chill running down their spines.

“Go, go. “I need to rest to cross the Yangtze River early tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

One by one, people disappeared into their rooms, and thanks to this, the once noisy guesthouse became quiet again with the early wave atmosphere.

“Okay, the food is ready. here… … what? “What about the other guests?”

Jeomsoy, who was bringing food, looks puzzled. However, the other Jeomsoi in the guesthouse also did not know English.

Jeomsoy tilted his head, but put down the food he was holding in front of the group.

“Enjoy your meal.”

Jeomsoi spoke vigorously and bowed his head, but no one responded.

No one touched the food. No one opened their mouths until another Jeomsoy came out of the kitchen and put down the carp dish.


Sonbin spoke in quiet silence.

“However, I had no choice but to be rude because I felt like I might cause harm to others. “I apologize once again for interfering with the two of you.”

Sonbin bowed his head politely. Although Lu Jun still turned her head, Jang Kang Eong looked at her son Bin with a different look in her eyes.

“Hmm. This is another strange thing. “Is there anyone in the world who can stop the rampaging Namak Labor Army?”

“What’s wrong? who… … .”

“I didn’t stop.”

The Namaknogun was about to shout, but Son Bin’s low voice came out.

“Rogun refrained from doing so himself. “I’m just giving you a little advice.”

“Just a little advice… … “You have a pretty smooth tongue.”

Unlike his smiling face, Eoong’s eyes as he looked at Sonbin were harsh.

“Although his level is not high, his eyes are straight and clear. If he devotes himself to training in the future, he will be able to achieve great achievements within a few decades. I don’t see any evil energy in your eyes, so normally I would have just let you go quietly… … .”


At the same time that Jang-Gang Eo-Ong’s eyes flashed, the white heron cried. And her sharp energy swept over Sonbin’s whole body.

“The problem is that you have something precious that doesn’t fit. “I don’t know why you have that sword and why Noh is still, but I must confirm this.”

Jang Kang-eoong’s eyes turned towards Son Bin as sharply as a judge’s.

“Answer. “Are you a member of the political faction, or a member of the four factions?”

His eyes fly to Sonbin like a sharp sword.

An intense force that would make even a mediocre warrior collapse on the spot was poured towards Sonbin.


Sonbin straightened his posture. And he spoke calmly in his usual voice. It was as if he could not feel Jang Kang Eoong’s force at all.

“If you ask me about justice and death, I am just a foolish person who wants to do the right thing.”

That was a sincere answer from Sonbin. But that wasn’t the case for Jang Kang-eoong. Jang Kang Eoong laughed. The smile was never friendly.

“You have a talent that is cuter than it looks. “And the tongue is as smooth as if it were coated with oil.”

Jang Kang Eo-ong partially revised his evaluation of the young man in front of him. This is because this young man, who at first glance seemed like a weak student with only a shallow background and no experience, was proudly holding on to his momentum.

“But you haven’t answered my question yet. If you are a political faction, you will have no hesitation in revealing yourself. “The fact that you are trying to cleverly divert your answer probably means that there is something wrong with you.”


The momentum of Jang Kang Eoong pouring towards Son Bin became even stronger. Sonbin’s answer seemed to have further fueled his suspicions.

“Answer. Are you a political faction or a communist faction?”

Jang Kang Eo-ong was giving off a momentum that seemed as if he was going to attack Son Bin at any moment.

Sonbin sighed softly.

“The reason I have this sword is… … .”

“Are you going to change your mind again?”

Jang Kang-eoong’s voice, filled with subtle anger, came out.

“If you are a member of a political faction, I will gladly listen to you. However, if you are a Sapa, there is no need to even listen. So answer first. Are you a political faction or a sad faction? Or is it the evil demon?”

“If you really have to choose.”


Sonbin answered while listening to the white heron’s cry.

“Not me.”

Eoong’s eyebrows twitch. Saying no means not falling into the framework of Eoong, which is the same as rejecting the question itself.

“No? until the end… … .”

Eoong, whose anger was rising, suddenly saw the expression on Namaknogun’s face. The old man was pretending not to notice, but the faint expression on his lips was clearly a smile.

“Well, is there really anything to argue about with words?”

Suddenly, the voice of the Namak Labor Army was heard. The voice was indifferent, as if it were being thrown out loud, but Jang Gang-eoong could clearly feel the faint ridicule flowing underneath it.

“There is a very easy and simple way.”

Jang Kang Eoong frowned and looked at the old man. Noh said:

“Foreign affairs are all about martial arts. “Isn’t that right?”

“External affairs?”

Eoong asked back without realizing it. For a moment, he thought that Noh was talking about the girl from the party.

However, the sparkling eyes of the old man were clearly directed at the young man in front of him.

“This guy is from a foreign company?”

Eoong looked at Sonbin with uncertain eyes.

A young man who was looking forward to the future, but who never seemed to be at the level of a civil servant, and whose attire made it much more understandable to call him a civil servant, was looking straight at him with clear eyes.

* * *

The waves of the Yangtze River, flowing in the darkness, sparkle under the moonlight.

The sun had already set, but the muggy feeling still hadn’t gone away. The blowing wind also feels somewhat lukewarm. Just like Jang Kang Eoong’s frown.

“Greed eats away at life.”

Jang Kang Eoong, standing with his back to the river, spoke in a stern voice as if warning. The hem of his shabby clothes flutters in the night wind.

“That sword originally belonged to a person who was a great leader of the political faction, so it is not something that just anyone can touch. It seems like you got the sword by chance and were captivated by its beauty, but everyone makes mistakes. “It seems that your original nature is not a malicious person, so if you regret your mistakes and hand over your sword even now, I will spare your life.”

The voice was calm, as if the anger had subsided a little. However, his determination seemed to have become even stronger.

“Of course, this is assuming that you are a member of a political faction.”

Jang Gang-eoong’s eyes looking at Son Bin are as cold as frost.

“It’s not like that.”

Sonbin shook his head. She said, Zhangjiang Eong’s eyebrows twitched.

“You until the end… … .”

Anger shines in his eyes again. But Sonbin continued speaking.

“I am just a civil servant. That’s my fault for saying it wasn’t me. And the reason I have this sword is because I was asked to do so by the Jinn.”

Answering no was Sonbin’s best bet. He actually does not belong to the martial arts sect. And he has no intention of belonging.

But Jang Kang-eoong laughed. She had a cold, angry smile.

“Did I seem foolish enough to believe that and let you go?”

Noh, who was listening to Son Bin from a little distance away, sighed.

“Why are you saying so much that you can just fight? Are you saying that a guy who is stuck like that needs to be beaten up first and then told? Well, even if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to understand it.”


Jang Kang Eo Ong turned his head.

“You must be the daughter of the Tang family?”

The person he was talking to was Tang Yue. Tang Yue’er didn’t answer. I just stand still like always and look at Sonbin.

“Although there is some respect for the pro-German faction, the Tang clan is also a legitimate member of the political faction. “Although you are an eccentric and unpredictable old man, why are you accompanying such a person?”


Tang Yue’s eyes turned to Eoong. A chill begins to form in her eyes, hidden beneath her cotton thread. However, Eo-ong glared at Tang Yue-er even more sharply.

“Or is this also another ploy by Tangmun? If so, this time you have gone too far. “I will never leave you alone.”


At that moment, a strong energy began to radiate from Tang Yue’er. Her thin cotton yarn flutters and her collar flutters as if caught in the wind.

Her eyes turn a soft jade color, and Nogun, who was watching, bursts into laughter.

“Heulheul.” Why do you want to deal with me first?”


At his words, Tang Yue’er’s momentum faded, as if it were a lie.


Tang Yue’s voice, small and thin, but not yet riddled with venom, came from under the cotton thread. Her voice was so delicate that only Nogun could hear it.

“Now that he’s standing in front of me, I don’t dare step forward. “Because I am a person under that person’s shadow.”

However, hidden under the cotton thread, a jade color that has not yet disappeared remains in her eyes. Seeing that, Lu shook his head.

“You too are a member of the party family. That temperamental… … .”

The old man muttered grumblingly and looked at Jang Kang Eoong. And he said as if he was throwing it away.

“You are one time.”


Jang Kang-eoong frowned and asked a question at the words of the old man that he could not understand.

However, Noh did not provide an explanation. He spoke to Sonbin instead.

“Don’t just kill someone while you’re fighting because you’re angry. “He may be unlucky in the way he talks, but he’s not inherently a bad guy.”

Jang Kang-eoong’s face distorted. This is because Noh’s words were clearly mocking himself.

But the Roh Army did not stop there.

“If you’re going to fight anyway, do it quickly. Why are you talking so long today? “Do you feel guilty about trying to capture an innocent person?”

Eoong’s eyebrows twitched. But she didn’t answer. Jiang Kang Eong looked straight at her Son Bin and said.

“The sins of the political faction are more serious than the evil deeds of the four factions. Even if you belong to a political faction, if you do not repent until the end, you will ultimately have to take responsibility for it with your life.”

The reason his warning was unusually long may have been because, as Noh said, there was a hint of hesitation.

Sonbin sighed softly. Sonbin spoke quietly and in a firm voice.

“I will answer with this sword.”

If the other person has already closed their ears, further explanation is meaningless. Now the conversation has been postponed to the next meeting.


Sonbin placed his hand on the egret. The warmth felt from the white egret gently enveloped Sonbin.


The Hyeoncheon Daeganggyeol, which I have repeated countless times, comes to mind as if by instinct, and my mind calms down.

My feeling of frustration and any hesitation disappeared. A faint smile appears on Sonbin’s face.

On the other hand, Jang Gang-eoong did not hide his unpleasant feelings.

“You brought it all on yourself. “I will return that sword to the shaman.”


As the wrinkled hands of the Long River Og emerged from hiding behind their backs, a fishing rod that appeared to be made of green bamboo was revealed.

But it was definitely not bamboo.

Because bamboo cannot emit blue light.

“My friend, Cheongryu (淸流).”

Jang Kang Eoong said. However, Sonbin could not pay attention to those words. This is because at that moment, with an eerie feeling, something rushed towards Sonbin fiercely in the darkness.



At the same time as the white heron cried, Son Bin pulled out his sword. The moment the tip of the white heron’s sword, shining under the moonlight, drew a semicircle toward the sky, a sharp sound erupted.


Sparks flew and something passed by Sonbin’s ears. To be precise, he was unable to achieve what he wanted because he was interrupted by the white heron.

But still there was nothing to see.

“I will fish you in this clear stream today. “Whether you want it or not.”


Eoong was just standing calmly, holding a blue fishing rod and a clear stream.

However, something invisible was clearly flying menacingly through the wind in the darkness.

The dancing has already begun.


martial arts,

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not work with dark mode