Pick Me Up! Chapter 268


268. Golden Inheritance (2)

late afternoon.

I got out of Isel’s room and returned to the mansion.

It’s the mark of El Cid.

This must be the golden legacy that Alpha Zero spoke of.

It was a much more helpful item than something ridiculous like a 1-server master key.

An engraving used by the ranking number one. Needless to say, its strength.

Of course, I can’t write now.

Because the interpretation of the book is not over.

But one day, it will surely come into my hands.

‘Is this supposed to be a 7 star?’

The conditions are already in place.

I was fully aware that it was not enough to finish growing at 6 stars.

The level of difficulty far surpasses that of an ordinary account, the existence of the 7-star monster Prince, and even the intervention of Siris. The environment around us is changing.

‘For those without power… … .’

no right to choose

It was only to be swept away like a buoy. Not too long ago, like I was beaten by Siris.

This is just a reprieve.

I was fed up with being dragged around by others.

I don’t want to end it like running away without knowing anything.

You could call it greed. I’ve been through a lot of things here. To the extent that everything has changed from head to toe. Even if you go back to Earth, you probably won’t be able to live the same life as before.

I didn’t want to do anything I would regret.

i choose

What remains and what goes back.

You need strength for that.

‘Shouldn’t I at least punish him?’

How much shit did Tel tell you?

You must return the favor you received.

[Master Amkenna, welcome to Pick Me Up!]

A hologram window appeared before my eyes.

It was a connection message from Amkena.

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (optional)]

In the early days, the access time was late in the evening, but now it is fixed in the afternoon.

If you simply calculate the play time, it has almost doubled. It has entered the realm of the dead.

[A business report has been received from the sub-master, ‘Han(★★★★★)’. Would you like to confirm?]

[Yes / No]

A report screen appeared on Amkena’s control panel.

It’s me and Nerissa putting our heads together every evening.

Resource figures including food, wood, and ore, policy proposals, operational directions, and the growth trend of heroes are recorded in detail. Amkena read the report by dragging the screen with her familiar hand movements.

Then the game starts.

It’s similar to how you play a simulation game.

Upgrade facilities, place heroes on each floor, and assign appropriate roles.

Perhaps thanks to her diligent study, Amkena was now fully mastered. Compared to the old days when it was operated haphazardly, it was the difference between heaven and earth.

‘I’m still indifferent to the tactical part.’

Mission strategy is close to laissez-faire.

A form of entrusting key combat positions, including me.

Depending on the battle situation, he may use tactical tools, but basically respects the will of the hero.

The reason is probably because they believe in me.

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★★★)’!]

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★★★)’!]

[‘Warhorse Statue’… … .]


With childish sound effects, statues began to pile up in the showcase.

I watched the piling up collection with indifferent eyes. They seem to think they’ll like it if I make it like it’s produced in a factory… … .

[‘Han (★★★★★)’ is delighted to receive the ‘war horse statue’.]

[Increased favorability!]

Does this guy know?

What’s going on in the game you’re playing.

The heroes in the game are actually living beings, and what a great secret is hidden in this world.

Well, you can’t even imagine.

Reading the diary, it seems that Amkena is suspicious, but it’s just a simple suspicion. It’s a day that has nothing to do with you.

[Album of Memories]

After completing her daily tasks, Amkena pressed the book icon on the right side of the screen.

An album of memories. It was updated content with a new patch. It is said that it was made for light users who like to decorate.

[Here you can take a look at the photos and videos taken in the game. Relive the valuable memories you have accumulated with the heroes!]

These days, Amkena has been concentrating on decorating an album like this after finishing her daily work.

The main character of that album was mostly me.

[Album No.032 – As long as I take a nap]

[Album No.033 – Time with the Warhorse Sculpture]

[Album No.034 – Two Ways]

The photos in the album are processed with game graphics.

isn’t it a bit harsh I want you to pay attention to me too.


Suddenly, a question arose.

What kind of person is Amkena? When he returned to Earth, it wouldn’t hurt to visit him.

Even if I revealed my identity, they wouldn’t believe it, and I don’t intend to, but I want to see my face at least.

<What are you angling about?>

I looked to the side.

A fat pigeon waddled in.

<At that time, at least practice one more time. Tskz, the confrontation with the prince is not too far away. Conceited to have gained invincible power is mere… … .>



I grabbed the pigeon by the neck and pulled it up.

<What are you doing! Put it down now!>

“Really invincible? I feel like I’ve been scammed.”

<It’s because of your lack of training! The lineage of the black dragon is absolute, unmatched anywhere in Taoni… … .>

“It’s inside Taone. You don’t know it when you go outside.”

This guy didn’t call on purpose.

If this guy sees the power of Siris, I wonder how he will react.

“Well, I was trying to move slowly.”

I got up from my chair.

The destination is the special training ground on the 5th floor.

The place Amkena prepared for the 1st party will not be destroyed no matter what kind of chaos you make.


I headed for the training ground holding the pigeon in one hand.

After bowing to the guard guarding the entrance, I opened the steel door and went inside.

Kang! Kakakang!

A fierce battle was already taking place at the training center, reminiscent of a large auditorium.

‘Jenna and Belquist.’

The two of them seemed to be unaware that I had come in, and continued to train hard.

Sparks flew across the floor, ceiling, and walls, and seemed to come together, then dispersed again. It seemed like they were practicing pure combat without using their abilities.

<Why did you come here? Your training ground is not here!>

It was.

After I obtained the Demon Dragon Soul, I used to train separately in the image world with Halgion.

Not only is there a difference in efficiency, but it’s not a level that suits you well, because the pigeons are making a fuss. It wasn’t even a real space in the first place.

‘Other members… … I can’t see it.’

Katio must be busy with various tasks, and Kishasha seemed preoccupied with the newly summoned beastman heroes.

The two people here were close eyewitnesses to the clash between me and Siris. It was only natural that he knew my identity.

“Huh? Wait a minute. Stop it, stop it!”

Belquist’s longsword stopped right in front of Jenna’s neck.

“Is it surrender?”

“It’s not surrender! My brother is here.”

“That sounds funny. Even such lies now…”

“Have I been away from you all that long?”

I walked slowly to the arena.

Belquist chuckled.


“So it’s fake?”

Jenna wiped the sweat from her forehead and folded her bow.

“Brother, I didn’t know you would come for real.”

“What a change of heart. I thought you didn’t fit in with us.”

“Not really.”

I threw down the dove I was holding.

<This child… … What an absurd thing… … !>

Siris may be watching this scene.

They say they backed off, but I don’t know if they’re hiding and watching.

It doesn’t matter though.

“Do you remember the woman who held a knife at me a few days ago?”

I opened my mouth.

Jenna nodded several times, and Belquist frowned in displeasure.

“You mean the cheeky knight.”

“That woman is called Siris Argentheim. When I was the Master, she was my number one subordinate. I guarantee you, she’s fucking strong. Even if there are dozens of me now, I’ll be torn to pieces. Plus, there are four more unreasonable kids. There are five of them. All of them are monsters.”

“Why are you giving us such an explanation?”

Belquist opened his mouth.

I chuckled.

“Use common sense. Isn’t 5 to 1 unfair?”

There is no need to fight

Their purpose is to bring me back to Earth. It aligns with my previous goals.

In that case, you only need to increase your strength enough to clear the mission. At that point, you don’t have to force yourself to become stronger. but… … .

‘At least.’

I want to finish by myself.

I don’t want to be forced to go back.

What have I been struggling with so far?

“Ahem, sure enough. Five-to-three is what it should be.”

Jenna poked Belquist in the side.

“You make the choice. I don’t force you.”

Belquist crossed his arms with his eyes closed.

Then he quietly opened his mouth.

“How strong are you?”

“More than you can imagine.”


“You’ve got to be strong.”

“How much stronger can you be?”

“There are plenty of possibilities.”

Belquist opened his eyes.

“Then there’s no reason to refuse. You’ve received something.”

“As I said beforehand, this is a fight that has nothing to do with the mission. It’s my personal business.”

“It doesn’t matter. Let me know when the plan is decided. I’ll be relaxing.”

Belquist put the sword into the scabbard and left the training ground without hesitation.

“I thought I’d just skip it, but it turned out well. That’s how my older brother is.”

“It won’t be easy.”

“It’s no fun if it’s easy.”

Jenna closed one eye at me.

The dove was staring blankly at me and at Jenna.

<What nonsense are you talking about? Right before the fight with the prince… … .>

“Hey. Give me a week. Send those two into the world of images.”

<… … ?>

Halgion stared blankly at me.

<Wait, the world of images. Is that what I’m thinking?>

“Yes. The efficiency is different.”

In that place where the flow of time is different, it can produce a training effect similar to the variation dimension where Muden resides.

It started there.

<Inom! Say something that makes sense! There is a degree of coercion!>

“I think Belquist will be enough. Jenna… You bring a method somehow.”

<Why do I have to do that to those who didn’t even sign a contract with me!>

“It’s all for the sake of Taoni. If we continue like this, I might strike?”

<Such a thunderclap… … !>

The pigeon started jumping up and down in its seat.

It looked quite happy.

“It sounds like you’re having an interesting conversation.”

“Prepare to remove your stamp. I’ll replace it with a new one.”

“Are you going to change it?”

Jenna blinked.

Zena’s seal, the blessing of wind arrows, has the advantage of being versatile and easy to handle, but has limitations in growth. It was an imprint that had to be changed someday.

‘I found the right one just in time.’

It is not only El Cid’s imprint that is in the Book of Reversal.

The imprints of Reltea and Kirzak, who were called Dorado’s twin carriages, were also recorded. In addition, countless imprints were engraved. Even the second place in the rankings that El Cid had absorbed, the imprint of Danzaheum.

I thought it was a simple book, but I got a treasure that makes no sense.

That’s enough.

conditions have been met.

‘Let’s try it sometime.’

do you win or do i win

I don’t give up easily I’ve always had a bad temper.

The more you suppress it, the more it jumps out like a tree frog.

<If three people enter at the same time, their egos may mix and go crazy! Do you know what I mean! On the subject of knowing nothing… … .>

First of all, it seems to be the first thing to appease this guy.

Because I know a very good way to persuade.

‘He likes water.’

If you put your head first in a puddle, you won’t know what to do.

An answer will come within three days at the latest.


I caught Halgion running wildly.

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not work with dark mode