Pick Me Up! Chapter 235


235. After the ending (6)

“What is it? Are you sure you can’t catch it? You said you’d catch it just by looking at it from behind…?”

behind the field.

The onlookers who were in a similar situation to me were buzzing.

No wonder, the rankers, the main attack group of the raid, were quickly leaving.

Each of them turned their prows to the other side of El Cid.

I clicked my tongue.

‘There’s no strategy.’

The rankers hadn’t pulled out their power yet.

What is here is, at most, the heroes of the 3rd and 4th tiers.

Among the rankers, there must be a Master who has a hero that can compete with those three heroes. The problem is that the gains and losses don’t match. Although it was said that they would give special rewards, the deceased rankers had all the rare materials. Therefore, there was no need to engage in a bloody battle with El Cid, even revealing his strength.

“I have nothing to do with you guys. Go your separate ways.”

El Cid’s voice echoed low across the field.

With that alone, the heroes who lost their will to fight hesitated.

Everyone must be suggesting a retreat to their masters.

“What I’m trying to meet is…”

El Cid’s eyes turned to this place.

is looking at me

‘but. If you need interference, there’s no better place than Niflheim.’

Even if I swept everything here, it would be far short of Niflheim.

In particular, the interference power that can be obtained while absorbing the 1st party members will be enormous. Because each of them has the ability to compare with 7 stars. So, the one he has to deal with is probably me.

‘Is it time to go back?’

I didn’t even expect that El Cid would kneel in this raid anyway.

Besides, I didn’t have any income at all.

I thought it would be fortunate if I could see his bottom line through this raid, but I learned more than expected.

difficult opponent.

that’s for sure

If you look at objective power alone, it might be superior to Niflheim.

But it was also clear that he was not invincible.

Its greatest ability, Summon Troops, is accompanied by a fatal penalty. The level drops as much as the summoned. In this battle, he made up for that consumption by absorbing the subjugation party… … .

‘It won’t be easy.’

If you lead a war of attrition by forming a team with a small number of elites who won’t die easily from them, you can continue the battle from a much more advantageous point. Even if El Cid had powers I didn’t know about, it was worth doing as long as it didn’t cause death.

The 1st party was a player to hold on.

After enduring and consuming his strength, when El Cid is weakened to a certain extent, if he concentrates his power and rushes, he can surely bring victory.

I’ll show you the skills you’ve trained on the 80th floor.


When I turned my head, Wi-ryeong was biting her lip hard enough to bleed.

He must have realized the gap between him and himself.

Probably, even if there were 100 spirits in their heyday, they would not be able to defeat El Cid.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get my revenge.”

I turned the ring on my left hand five times to my right.

It was a signal to Yurnet to meet her. Speed ​​is the key to responding appropriately. If we return to Taoni from here, we will miss the timing to respond. Isel had also requested log manipulation in advance. If the punitive force failed, they asked me to decorate it as if I had returned safely.

By now, Isel must be moaning at Amkena’s game screen.

I snapped my fingers.

[Master, the hero ‘Han (★★★★)’ requests a retreat from the field!]

[Even if you leave the event area, you can re-enter at any time, and there is no difference in the rewards you can get. Are you sure you want to retreat?]

[Yes / No]

Amkenna did not hesitate.

The airships watching the battle next to me were also pulling their tails off.

The Lucette soon turned her bow and prepared to flee.

El Cid did not touch the fleeing subjugation party.

It seemed that he was concentrating on absorbing the heroes lying on the deck.

The wind that flowed from the cloak engulfed the corpse as it swept through the airspace.

I think I ate half of it.

If you absorb the rest, you will be able to get back all the interference power consumed in this battle.

‘Is it in a perfect state again?’


I clicked my tongue and turned my back.

Now there is nothing to see in the raid anymore.

“It shouldn’t be like this.”

Suddenly the sky darkened.

And a familiar voice resounded throughout the field.

‘… … .’

A girl’s soft voice.

I know the owner of this voice all too well.

“The kids prepared it by rolling it hard, but it all jumps out when it’s slightly pushed. The old masters weren’t like this. I don’t know where they all went.”

I looked up right.

A message painted in red appeared on Amkena’s control screen.

[Now Loading… … .]

[The server has been disconnected due to an error. Please wait a moment.]

This time I looked to the side.

The spirit that was about to say something stopped with its mouth open.

The Lucette, which turned its bow, and the airships, which moved far behind, were also stationary.

A world where everything stopped.

“Don’t you think so, number one?”

A wooden desk and leather chair floating in the air.

A black-haired girl dressed smartly in a black women’s suit looked at El Cid.

The girl put her legs wrapped in black stockings on the desk.

Her name tag slowly came to mind.

[SS▩SH黑⊙∈※ Lv.999]


A noise arose once.

[Mobius Inc.]

[TELL Lv.999]

“So, are you having a great adventure as you wished?”

Tell smiled at El Cid.

It was a very refreshing smile.


El Cid did not answer.

“Why did you reject my offer? They said they would make you a member of Mobius’ management. They said they would let you live with a smile for the rest of your life, but they kicked it off. They said that if you don’t like it, you’ll be sent to Earth. They said they’ll give you as much money as you want. You can live quietly on Earth. It’s okay. But why?”

Tell smiled and tilted his head.

El Cid did not open his mouth.

‘That guy… … .’

It’s not stopping.

I was listening carefully to Tell.

“Does Dora have a crush on the kids? I tried to leave, but I couldn’t go because I was stepped on in the snow. You’re not saying such absurd things, right? Compared to you, they’re worthless scum anyway.”

El Cid’s eyebrows twitched.

Tell covered his mouth and chuckled.

“Oh my, I don’t know what I mean.”

I opened my mouth.

No, I was trying to open it.

His body did not move as if it had stiffened.

All I can do is watch the conversation between the two.

“I didn’t break the contract. I said that if you conquer the tower, I’ll give you a position in the management of Mobius and let you go back to Earth. You broke your promise first, El Cid. You know? This is a clear breach of contract.”


“I’ll give you a chance, even now. Come to Moebius. I’ll get you a good job. Your skills are enough. Originally, I was going to give it to someone else…”

Tell turned to me and smiled.

“I think he’s a little late.”

Tell looked at El Cid again and shrugged.

El Cid was still silent.

“It’s the right to remain silent. Mobius doesn’t have that right.”


“As expected, is it a defective product compared to Loki? Actually, I just played the game first, but my skills seem to be deteriorating, and my brain doesn’t work well. Should I say I can’t grasp the atmosphere? I don’t like people like that. I think it would be fun to use it as a toy. No, is it already a toy? That girl who uses a dagger, every night…”

That moment.


Tell’s face, which had been muttering casually, exploded like a firecracker.


Push shush.

Jet-black blood gushed like a waterfall from the cross section of the missing neck.

“Shut up.”

El Cid muttered in a low voice.

Subsequently, El Cid lowered his hand to the right, and Tell’s upper body, which was convulsing, was torn into pieces and scattered.

「Hehehehe… … .」

A pair of eyes popped up in the air.

「Ha ha ha ha ha! Foolish, foolish! Do you really think you can stand against me? You want to come to server 1? So you’re going to end us and bring Dorado back to life? Even elementary school students wouldn’t think like that!”

The boy’s eyes turned red.

“Look straight ahead. this is the stupid ending This is the end of the ideal man who had a strange dream. This is my warning to you, Loki! Think well, think well!”

[Recovery complete!]

[Reconnect to the server. We apologize for the inconvenience.]

A blue flickering window appeared in the center of my field of vision.

The border of the hologram window was sparkling in rainbow colors.

[Dimensional Channel (GM Only) – 3 Participants]

[GM Largo – Masters, you are struggling with El Cid’s offensive. Seeing the punitive force suffered by El Cid, who indiscriminately invades the good Masters, our Moebius members are also heartbroken. Whoops ㅠㅠ It hurts so bad!]

[GM Sendain – For those masters, our cutie GM 3 has prepared a special buff!]

[GM Ueryl – In addition, very rare! We also prepared additional rewards! Please don’t give up! Fighting everyone!]

An iridescent dimension channel exclusive to GM.

It was a chat window used by GM, the management team of Mobius, to inform the masters of announcements.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 28 Participants]

Iklios> I thought there would be too.

The conversation between those three will be clearly visible to all masters entering the field.

The airships preparing to retreat stopped.

It was the same with Amkena.

[Goddess’ blessings fall on the entire event area!]

A white light began to flash all over the sky.


[‘Death protection’ is applied to all heroes on the field!]

[During the battle with El Cid, the hero does not disappear even if he dies. However, heroes with death protection are resurrected after a certain period of time, and their levels, abilities, and skills are comprehensively reduced. Keep this in mind!]

When the corpses of the subjugation party disappeared all at once, the flow of wind that was raging on the deck of the Jimena stopped.

‘Death protection.’

If PVP takes place below the 40th floor, the hero does not disappear even if he dies.

It’s a system that disappeared immediately after Amkena leveled up.

I brought this out here.

‘This… … It’s superlative.’

I looked back at El Cid.

It’s not a matter of a hero dying and coming back to life.

Because once a hero dies, it takes at least a week to resurrect.

However, if ‘death protection’ is applied, the hero’s corpse will not remain. In other words, El Cid cannot absorb any more even if he kills the hero of the subjugation party.

[※Special reward information]

[The Master who defeats El Cid will receive a very ★special★ gift from Mobius!]

[Reward Item – Book of Reversal]


In less than 10 minutes,

The number of people in the advanced channel, which can only be accessed by masters of level 70 or higher, has changed.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 279 Participants]

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not work with dark mode