Pick Me Up! Chapter 234


234. After the ending (5)

I thought it made no sense.

Being able to take out the heroes you ate indefinitely and not getting any penalty.

‘The more heroes are summoned, the lower the level.’

That means… … .

‘It’s not my own power, it’s an additional ability I got when I became a 7 star.’

If you make these assumptions, the front and back fit.

I’ve seen many techniques that temporarily strain the body, but I’ve never seen a technique with a permanent penalty.

“Can’t those who fell victim to him find rest even after they die?”

Wiryeong burst into anger while holding on to the railing of the Lucette.

If it hadn’t been for my restraint, I would have been able to run away right away.

And it must have oxidized fiercely. If you didn’t know when it was a 6-star level, the current spirit is a mere level 40 level hero.

Anyway, the troops of the subjugation party continued to charge at El Cid’s flagship like pouring water into a basin.

If one party is dealt with, another master’s party will land, and if that party is blocked, a raid in dozens will come in this time. Such a war of attrition would be painful for mid-level or low-level masters, but it wouldn’t be too much of a blow to high-level masters.

They have thousands of heroes in the waiting room alone.

Among them, heroes with little use are selected and sent to the discard pile.

While hiding his true elite.

It wasn’t difficult to raise a freshly picked hero to max level as long as he reached a certain number of floors.

The same goes for upgrade work. Even if you are killed here, you can pick it up again and grow it.

The rewards you get after clearing a raid are far greater than the damage you get from losing worthless heroes.

I used to operate that way at one time too.

thorough efficiency-centredism.

In a way, they learned from me.

“In my eyes, El Cid and the Masters look similar.”

I said with a smile.

Among the reasons why the exchange rate between El Cid and the subjugation party did not match was that the morale of the subjugation party had fallen. It would be a character in the game to the other masters who were tapping the virtual keyboard in the middle of chatting, but I knew it clearly. The fact that they are not just game characters.

And now, those who landed on the Himena also knew.

The fact that he was in a position to die being used as a mere consumable.

‘Take care of the hero in the waiting room as you would a living person. They will repay you accordingly.’

It was one of the pieces of advice El Cid gave me in the early days of Pick Me Up’s opening, when it was a single server.

To treat heroes like people.

If you do that, they will respond to us, Masters.

‘If I were the ranker over there… … .’

Throwing the discard is the same, but in a slightly different way.

It doesn’t fit my style to send things out casually like throwing away trash.

Well, it would be useless for me to think about it as I was only watching from behind.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 58 Participants]

Iklios> This is a war of attrition. Look at the boss level. It’s dropping every time I call it again. If you stick with it like this, I think it will be over. I’m going to bring out one more fleet, so let’s sing some more of what everyone has been waiting for. It’s been a while since the reward is salty, but I have to eat it.

During the war of attrition between the two sides, the leader of the subjugation party also noticed the change.

The army of conquest is revived after being killed, but the power of its master, El Cid, is not infinite.


[The Conqueror of Destiny]

[Raskanda El Cid Lv.588]

The guy’s level has reached 500.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 58 Participants]

Iklios> If you catch all of them, you’ll move on to the next phase. Calmly look at the pattern.

“It’s a pattern.”

El Cid laughed bitterly.

The wolf fur coat he was wearing was soaked with red blood.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 58 Participants]

Iklios> If I revive him a little more… … .

El Cid flapped his coat.

A mist-like wind spread from his toes and swept across the airship’s deck floor. Dozens of winds gathered and dispersed in a chaotic manner, enveloping the entire deck. And greedily began to devour the corpses of heroes scattered on the floor.

The lumps of blood and flesh turned into particles of light and were sucked into El Cid’s body.

The level tag floating on top of his head jumped up steeply. From the 580s to the 590s. From the 590s to the early 600s.

‘… … synthesis.’

It sucks the souls of the dead.

like a ghost The army of conquerors who had fallen down rose all at once.

If this is the case, his power is infinite.

As long as there are casualties on the side of the punitive force, El Cid’s army of conquest will constantly revive.

The difficulty of pattern attack jumps up.

“Don’t you all know that? To the Master, you are mere expendable items. Knowing that you will die, knowing that you will be abandoned, yet running at me? Are the Master’s orders really that important?”

El Cid said to the heroes of the subjugation party fighting bloody battles on the deck.

“Noisy! You just have to die quickly! You’re so proud of yourself…!”

One female archer snarled and aimed her bow.

ping! The arrow pierced the air like lightning and grazed El Cid’s cheek.

Before long, a line of blood was drawn on El Cid’s right cheek.

“……It’s a pity.”

A drop of blood flowed from El Cid’s cheek.

“Masters are risking your lives to get a few chunks of data.”

“What are we going to do! Just keep your form dirty. Then just die!”

“I guess so.”

El Cid scanned the deck with expressionless eyes.

[Dimensional Channel (Advanced Only) – 61 Participants]

Melt> How do you catch it? Are all the families you send dying? Are you ordering correctly?

Iklios> It’s like a little variation pattern. wait a little bit

Melt> No, it was your party to have a war of attrition. I followed what you said, but it looks like everything is dead. What XX is this? Half of my fleet has already been taken out? If you die here, it will be a loss even if you eat Hwangbo. can we drop out?

Iklios> Mobi doesn’t launch raids without thinking. There must be an attack point. hold out longer

“Now don’t finish it.”

At one point during a fierce battle on the deck, El Cid stomped his foot.

thud. The entire Jimena ship shook once, and thunder and storms gathered behind El Cid.

The same effect as when calling an army of conquest. However, if there was one difference, it was the fact that magic power so powerful that it could be felt even from far away spreads out.


[The Conqueror of Destiny]

[Raskanda El Cid Lv.452]

El Cid’s level fell close to 200 at once.

Eventually, the storm lifted and the newly summoned heroes appeared.


[running thunderbolt]

[Lelthea de Gor Lv.99]


[Howling Storm]

[Kirzak Delaher Lv.99]

‘Those guys… … .’

Just as there is a party led by Siris in Niflheim,

Together with Laskanda in the center, they were the three greatest heroes representing Dorado.

Even if mission strategy was emphasized, there were many cases where PVP took place as you climbed the tower.

In the early days of Pick Me Up, those two brought countless rankers to their knees with Dorado’s sword.

It is now forgotten as a thing of the past, but if you look at the notoriety in its heyday, it will be much stronger than Master Laskanda.

A slender body with dark skin.

Reltea, her black hair tied back, spun the two daggers in her hands.

paper weave. A thunderbolt began to form in his body.

‘Did you say he’s the fastest hero?’

There was no light in her eyes, but her intentions to fight were clear.

To Leltea’s left, an old man with a white beard reached for the hilt of his greatsword.

The man nicknamed Chamryeol (斬烈) is clad in thick plate armor. As the old man drew his greatsword, intricate patterns were painted on the plate armor and it began to glow golden.

and last.

A middle-aged man wearing a hat and a shabby apparel slowly walked out.


[A person who has reached the peak of nothingness]

[Terminal Defect Lv.253]

The ghost’s mouth opened up and down.

The untrained Submaster, who was thought to be dead, reappeared.

To be precise, the mind is dead, but the body is active.

Judging from the fact that the level had dropped a lot from what I remembered, it hadn’t been long since I had synthesized it, so it seemed that the reproducibility had dropped considerably. But even so, that middle-aged man was recognized as a swordsman of the same level as or higher than Lidigion. Where did all that ability go?

“What are these guys…”

The subjugation party, which was barely holding on to the offensive on the deck, was shocked at the same time.

sometimes. There are people whose strength can be guessed just by looking at them. It’s like this even from afar, but if you’re close you’ll know right away. The fact that they are strong on a different level than you.

‘Because I’m glad I didn’t go.’

If Amkena had given the order to attack out of needless greed, I would have fled the field immediately.

After all, people need to know the subject. It’s true that I’m an incomparable talent at my level, but it’s not the time yet.


El Cid beckoned.

The three people behind them raised their heads and started moving at the same time.


Leltea swung her dagger once, and the figure disappeared leaving behind an afterimage.

Subsequently, the heads of dozens of punitive troops on the left side of the deck flew away, spraying blood all at once. With a single action, he annihilated a raid consisting of 6 stars at the highest level.


Kirzak then swung his greatsword wide and cut it.

An intangible shockwave exploded, and the subjugation party in front of it all at once turned into a mass of blood and scattered.

The shock wave that did not stop with just that alone tore dozens of heroes from above on a rope to pieces.


Dan Ja-heum jumped up as if stepping on the air with a long hat pressed down.

Actions like dancing. The corpses of heroes fell down each time the short blue-gangsword sprayed light in the air.

just a few minutes.

On the Himena, the subjugation party, which somehow maintained a antagonistic state with the army of conquest, collapsed on the deck as corpses. Eventually, the corpses turned into particles of light and were sucked back into El Cid.

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not work with dark mode