Pick Me Up! Chapter 138


138. On the sea (2)

the next day.

The training center on the 3rd floor of the airship.


Bubbles boil in water.

Arrows were flying through the water.

but remarkably slow.

By the time it reached me, the arrow, which had almost lost its power, sank helplessly.

Jenna frowned and kicked into the water. I followed.

with a plop!


Jenna took a deep breath.

“This, it doesn’t work in the water at all?”

Jenna ran her wet bangs through her hair.

Instead of the usual one-piece with leather protection, she was wearing a simple swimsuit.

“It’s difficult to stance, it’s not easy to pull the string, and the arrow doesn’t come out. You can fight, right?”

“I guess it is now.”

Arrows, as well as weapons such as swords and spears, are almost useless.

I tried it with a doll installed in the water of the pool, but it was more balanced than when I swung the sword for the first time. His posture is just stupid. Even if the weapon touches the doll, its power does not come out.

“You can’t use that wizard? A high school student like this is not a good idea.”

Belquist was kicking the water while holding onto the pool wall.

“I know now, but I guess I’m sick of water.”

with a plop!

Next to Belquist, Nerissa, holding a kickboard, was practicing swimming along the rails.

It was a strange sight.

The swimming pool installed at the training center was a modern swimming pool that did not match the atmosphere of the waiting room.

Anyway, as long as you train properly, it doesn’t matter.

‘The speed of learning… … .’

Jenna learned breathing, kicking, and basic swimming in 30 minutes of class.

And now, several hours later, he was able to move freely in the water, shoot a bow and wield a dagger. Jenna was followed by Nerissa, who had mastered the basics to some extent, and Belquist, who was the slowest to learn, was still struggling to learn the basics of swimming.

“I wonder what it would be like to fight with the magician’s underwater walking magic.”

“That’s not enough. If he goes into the depths of the sea, there will be no answers.”

I spoke.

“You have to learn underwater combat skills.

“It might be better to hold the fire in your hand.”

Belquist spat out the water in his mouth.

“Jenna, again.”

“Yes, I’ll go.”

Jenna took a deep breath and put her head in the water.

I went into the water too. Positioning herself in her hand, Jenna pulled her strings.

An arrow that flies slowly. I grabbed the hilt of my sword.

The purpose of this exercise is to recreate the previous drill, arrow blocking, underwater.

Of course, Jenna’s arrows are absurdly slow, and my sword’s speed is no different.

Their powers and skills increased several times compared to before. However, the stronger the weapon was wielded, the stronger the resistance of the water path, and the skills that had been honed and polished were almost ineffective in the water.

‘I want this.’

Me and Zenana just kept wandering in the water.

After 30 minutes like that, without making any progress, we had a break.

During the break, Katio came to the training center to report.

By tomorrow morning, they would arrive at the first base on the north side of the map.

Katio was not actually participating in the training because he was involved in airship operation and facility management.

‘I have to learn it by then.’

First, I put the four weapons together.

Greatswords, longswords, three swords, and bows and arrows, as well as daggers, respectively.

“I’ll have to start with weapon modification.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

Jenna took the arrow.

“I think it receives a lot of resistance because the arrow feathers are wide.

“Okay. I’ll return your weapons to the portal when the Master comes today. I’m going to change the shape. I’m going to streamline the blade a bit. I’ll reduce the size of the head and feathers for the arrows.”

I checked Bifrost.

The Bifrost had a wide blade, close to a greatsword.

A heavy sword that emphasizes destructive power. It was designed that way from the beginning. In the water, this structure rather eats away at my flesh. I grabbed the hilt of my sword and whispered softly.

‘Shape transformation.’


The outer edge of the blade folded over and went inside.

The straight blade of the sword was changed to a streamlined one.

“It’s a good weapon no matter how many times you look at it.”

“I see.”

Other weapons will undergo modification to underwater type in the equipment shop in the waiting room.

He was also planning to order a small crossbow that could be used underwater as a secondary weapon.

After I figured out the modification of each piece of equipment, I ordered the training again.

The red circle is getting wider every minute. There was no time to relax.

and dinner.

As soon as Amkena logged in, a notification popped up at the bottom of the screen.

[‘Party 1’ is on a long-term mission (Floor 34).]

[Touch ‘here’ to check the status.]

When I clicked the notification, the screen split up and down.

The top is the airship, and the bottom is the waiting room.

[The leader of ‘Party 1’, ‘Han(★★★)’, suggests.]

[Suggestion – Equipment Modification]

[Tips/Equipment can be modified according to the nature of the field.]

Amkena immediately entrusted the item to the equipment workshop and ordered it to be remodeled.

And a swimming pool was also built in the training center in the waiting room. On the screen, as if the two parties had been waiting, they started training underwater.

‘There’s also Iolka.’

It seemed like she was trying to learn by following Edith, who could swim.

I removed the control panel from sight and continued training.

Underwater training continued until dawn.

… … bugle.

An arrow shot from Jenna’s practice bow.

I kept my mouth shut. In the water, simply giving strength does not make the sword go out too hard. Rather, the right balance was important. Remove strength from the body and use inertia and elasticity.


The arrow split in half clumsily.

[Skill awakening!]

[‘Han (★★★)”s ‘Divine Sword Union’ has become Lv.2!]

Where did the underwater battle go, the level of the new sword union rose.

‘It’s not that it doesn’t help… … .’

There are more things to take care of underwater than on land.

Should I say that I can contemplate my own body?

Jenna looked at me and raised her index finger.

It was the signal for the second shot. I also nodded.

… … cluck.

Jenna spun around underwater and got into position.

He took an arrow from his quiver and attached it to the string. and.

[Skill awakening!]

[‘Jenna(★★★)’ has learned the ‘Underwater Combat’ skill!]

[Tips/Heroes who have mastered certain skills greatly increase their combat power in special fields.]


Arrows were fired at an incomparable speed.


It’s not even been a day.

I managed to swing my sword, but the arrowhead grazed my shoulder.

Blood gushed out. Jenna approached me in surprise, but I shook my head. A wound like this is worth it.

‘I’d rather have this.’

The level of proficiency does not go up well on moderate difficulties.

I straightened my sword.

again the next morning.

[Skill awakening!]

[‘Han (★★★)’ has learned the ‘Underwater Combat’ skill!]

Almost stayed up all night, learning underwater combat skills.

The movement in the water has definitely improved. The water resistance has been greatly reduced to the point where you can feel it. Under water, it became possible to counteract enemy attacks to some extent.

However, since it was still level 1, the original fast movement did not come out. A little more training was needed.

“I think we’ve reached the first point.”

I stuck my head out of the water.

Katio was standing at the entrance of the training camp.

Coming out to the deck, Katio pointed to the left.

“Hey, see?”

At Katio’s fingertips, an island 30 meters in size was floating.

It was a stone island.

[‘Capitalism’ has arrived at the first base.]

[Obtain the first item!]

A small box was placed on top of the stone island.

It was empty with nothing except the box.

“What are you going to do?”

“A water dragon?”

“It’s roaming around.”

‘… … is it.’

Two days of observation.

The red circle pointing to the water dragon was patrolling the area in a certain pattern.

It would be easy if you didn’t move in the middle.

“If it’s dangerous, wait for him to get away…”

“No, I don’t have time.”

There is one base in the east, west, south, and north.

There was no time to spare to tour them all.

“I’m going.”

“Should I call the other members too?”

“Alone is enough.”

Katio started chanting.

Soon, the light was wrapped around the body. Underwater Walking Magic. I jumped over the railing and landed on the surface.

“Oh, and.”


“Put the engine on the airship. So that it can bounce at any time.”

Katio entered the cockpit.

I approached the island with my hand on the scabbard.

A ripple spread from my toes with every step I took.

‘There are no monsters.’

Sleep was calm.

I didn’t see a single fish, let alone a monster.

I climbed the rocks and approached the box.

‘Hmm… … .’

It was a blatant intention.

Do you get the item and take the risk?

Do you give up items and avoid danger?

The answer was fixed.


I kicked the lid of the box with my foot.

[‘Han(★★★)’ has acquired ‘Mermaid Tears (lowest grade) X 5’!]

[Trigger activated!]

Inside the box was a glass bottle containing a clear liquid.

I swept the potion into the leather pouch I had prepared in advance, and immediately got out of Stone Island.

oh oh oh oh!

[‘God Dragon Ktaat’ roars.]

[‘Blessing of Destiny’ has been applied!]

‘I knew it would be like this.’

The sky turned dark blue.

It started to rain and wind.

I ran out on the surface of the waves.

Jump over the railing and enter the cockpit. The red circle of the sphere was rapidly approaching.



[‘Capitalism”s high-speed navigation device is activated!]

came out on deck

An airship that has risen halfway from the water is driving.

And from the back of the ship, something huge was approaching through the current.

‘It’s faster than last time.’

In the first run, the water dragon was easily shaken off, but this time, the distance seldom spreads.


The airship siren started to sound.

After a while, a member of the first party hurriedly came out to the deck.

“Did you show up already?”

“What about Freea?”

“I told you to stay in your room.”

<Don’t tear me apart!>


From the back of the airship, a water dragon flew up spraying a column of water.

In the air, the water dragon opened its mouth. Blue light began to gather.

[Ktaat casts ‘Water Pressure Cannon’!]

I opened the cockpit door.

“to the left!”



A water cannon shot from the water dragon’s mouth hit the airship’s right side.

What a profit! The airship tilted as if it were about to collapse, then returned to its original position.

[Welcome to Pick Me Up!]

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (optional)]

[Master, ‘Party 1’ is fighting.]

[Touch ‘here’ to check the status!]

Amkena’s control panel came to mind.

Are you logged in now?

“The distance doesn’t widen!”

I opened the leather pouch.

[Tears of Mermaids]

[Rating: B-]

[A magical potion that allows the hero to breathe underwater. However, there is a time limit.]

‘I can’t do this.’

Closed the leather pouch.

Learned underwater combat, but only level 1.

This is not even porridge or rice.

[Ktaat casts ‘Water Pressure Cannon’!]


A water cannon hit the airship in front.

Capitalism took a sharp turn.

Waves crashed and splashes of water crashed on the deck.

“…there’s nothing I can do.”

Belquist gritted his teeth in displeasure.

[Master, the party is in crisis! Weapon summoning is recommended.]

[A magician is required for summoning. Would you like to instruct?]

[Yes / No]

Issel appeared on the instrument panel.

[Magician kid! The Master ordered to summon a weapon.]

“What? I’m busy right now!”


Water cannons grazed the corners of the deck.

The iron shell was shaved off like tofu. After I got my balance, I cried out.

“It’s okay, do it!”

“When the high-speed device activates, they say that no one but me can touch it!

[Do you want to operate the airship manually?]

[Yes / No]

Amkena’s screen changed.

An airship running through the sea. A water dragon is chasing them from behind.

And two buttons and a gauge bar appeared on the screen.

[Guide to manual operation]

[If you tilt your smartphone to the right, the airship will drive to the right.]

[If you tilt your smartphone to the left, the airship will drive to the left.]

[The red button is to accelerate, and the blue button is to slow down.]

[Boosters are available when the gauge bar is full.]

The water dragon that had come closer opened its mouth.

[Ktaat casts ‘Water Pressure Cannon’!]


There was a violent wind noise, and the airship tilted sharply to the right.

A water cannon grazed the side.

[Nice Drift!]

[The acceleration gauge fills up.]

This was one of the mini-games of Pick Me Up that only activates under certain conditions.

[Ktaat casts ‘Triple Water Pressure’!]

The water dragon fired three water pressure cannons in succession.

Amkena veered left and right to avoid the water cannon.

[Nice Drift!]

[The acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Nice Drift!]

[The acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Nice Drift!]

[The acceleration gauge… … .]

‘… … .’

you are good?

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not work with dark mode