Pick Me Up! Chapter 132


132. The vast sea (1)

One evening a few days ago.

“What the hell did you do?”

Katio came to me.

I answered.

“What do you mean?”

“They said he came with a lot of airships ready. He even declared war.

“I’m done explaining that.”

“I persuaded you and you handed over the unit?”

I nodded.

“What nonsense…”

I laughed.

It would be difficult for this guy who heard Isel’s communication on the spot at the time to understand.

Even so, I can’t tell you. After holding on, Katio gnashed his teeth and left the room.

‘It’s strange.’

After that day, Sine, who had been chatting with Amkena with abusive language every single day, became quiet.

The Golden Fleet, which said that it would turn this place into a sea of ​​fire, did not even show its nose. That was natural. ‘Cause I just smashed them all

As a result of asking Yurnet about the news, Harla’s master said that he had given up.

I had actually been sent a control window of a bastard, but it was a miserable environment just to look at.

The screen cuts off once every 3 seconds and does not respond even when you press the icon. In addition, many of the gathering and crafting heroes that formed the basis of the waiting room were missing.

‘Did they say they sent a bug report?’

Even so, he couldn’t find a sharp solution, and eventually he quit the game with abusive language.

It will be a good memory.

Anyway, the annoying guy is gone.

I thought maybe his back would be annoying, but according to Yurnet’s report, there was no sign of that at all. Then it was time to head out again.

evening the next day.

[Welcome to Pick Me Up!]

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (selection)]

After accessing the game, Amkena skipped the announcement and went straight to the Hero tab.

And the party began to reorganize.

After merging the 4th and 5th parties that have lost their members, send them to the 3rd floor.

Then, after raising the prospects on the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, he gave training instructions. Upgrades leveled heroes. Send the gathering job to the daily dungeon. Now, it has become quite familiar.

‘Katio… … .’

At first it seemed that they had decided to hold off.

It only gave instructions for research and airship maintenance, but it was not sent to a specific party.

“It seems like they’ve been playing for a month. They won’t let you go soon.”


Jenna let go of the protest.

The arrow lodged right in the center of the target. The red square of the target is already loaded with arrows.

“I don’t know why you’re procrastinating so much. Do you understand, senpai?”


Every time Belquist’s sword passed, it left a deep mark on the iron doll.

“I think you’re thinking of organizing a party.”


In the corner of the training ground, Iolka, who was rolling a fireball on her palm, trembled.

Belquist let go of the sword and said.

“It means you’re thinking about who to leave out of the first party.”

“What are you talking about? This place is already perfect. It’s a stupid idea.”

“Why are you retorting so angrily?”

Belquist grinned.

“This bad…”

Iolka rolled her eyes, then opened the door to the magic hall with angry steps and entered.


“I want this.”

“Don’t make fun of me. Master skipping you. It’s impossible. You’re so important to our party. Isn’t that right, brother?”

Jenna looked at me and said.

In the meantime, he does not let go of the hand that pulls the protest.

It was also a hit.

‘Party composition.’

I looked at the control panel of Amkena.

Amkena seemed to be thinking about something with the hero box open.

“Perhaps Belquist is right.”

“What did I say?”

“Of course it’s only half correct.”

I said with a smile.

“If it were you, would you take out Iolka? If it were someone else, I wouldn’t know.”

To save Iolka’s magic, we learned fire resistance and practiced formations.

But now you come and take it out. It goes against the party concept. If Amkena gives such an order, I will reject it.

Same goes for other personnel.

I can’t leave out, and Zena is also responsible for the core of mid-range firepower. Belquist was me and the attacker, and without Nerissa, information warfare would be disrupted.

‘It’s not balanced.’

Each of the five members had a clear role.

If the efficiency dropped, the staff would have been replaced earlier.

Practically, what Amkena is thinking about is not whether to replace the 1st party, but whether or not to put Katio in the sub-party. Auxiliary wizards are ineffective if party members cannot support them.

In the end, Amkena closed the hero box without any manipulation.

and the evening after a few days.

[1 party, drop-off pressure!]

Isel’s voice resonated throughout the training center.

a long call. We immediately got ready and headed to the square on the first floor.

There is still no party change. Iolka said with a confident face.

“Heh, what did I say. Elemental magic is the best. Magicians say to touch airships. I will be active on missions.”

“Why is the rivalry burning all of a sudden? He doesn’t even care.”

“Ah, anyway! Let’s go.”

Iolka cleared her throat and ran ahead.

“Poor older sister. It’s probably stuck anyway.”

“I don’t know.”

“I think you’ll be cut faster than Miss Iolka.”

Nerissa grinned.

“It’s not going to happen.”

“Is it really so?”

“I want this cheeky woman to die…”

“Fight for love later, later.”

I pushed Belquist’s back from behind.

Belquist put on a displeased expression and entered the space-time rift.

After me, Jenna, and Nerissa entered, the door closed.

[Climb the tower, save the world!]

[Main Dungeon: Current number of floors to climb – 30]

In the gap of time and space, the mirror in the middle is shining.

The meaning is clear. Jenna gripped the bowstring tightly.

“It’s finally done. This time, I’d like it to be put in a more convenient place, not a labyrinth or a desert.”

“For example?”

“It’s like a flower garden.”

‘… … It’s the worst.’

In such fields, man-eating plants and underground monsters appear.

I didn’t bother answering. It’s not up to us to decide where it will be. You will have no choice but to react according to the situation.

[The main dungeon, the current challenge floor is the 31st floor.]

[After 10 seconds, the door opens. Get ready!]

[The mission is being recorded. Play history will be preserved.]

A familiar system message came to mind.

The preparations are over.

10 seconds later.

The mirror’s light enveloped us.

As the light faded, I slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was the mission goal window floating in the upper right corner of my field of view.

[Floor 31.]

[Mission Type – Exploration]

[Goal – Search the designated place!]

It’s good if you can see the goal from the beginning.

I took a breath and looked around.


Jenna made a whistling noise.

shoot it



I looked up.

wide blue sky.

I lowered my gaze.

Beyond the rolling waves, the horizon stretched out all the way.

“Hey, where is this?! What’s with so much water?”

“I’ve only heard about it through rumors… is it the sea?”

Belquist groaned.

Jenna flinched and jumped.

“But our place is…!”

“Don’t run. Shake.”

I looked under my feet.

The wooden planks are crudely intertwined. Take the size generously, about 10m. In the center was a pole and a small sail. I saw oars placed haphazardly next to the pillars.

‘… … her.’

I laughed out loud.

“Let’s sort things out.”

Nerissa said in a calm voice.

“We’ve been summoned to a ship on the sea.”

“What, what is it? What? Why is it suddenly like this?”

“I don’t know either.”

Nerissa looked at me as she finished speaking.

At the same time, the gazes of the three also turned towards me.

‘I want you to organize this.’

I said with a sigh.

“Okay, okay.”

“What can I do?”

“First, take a look at the items on the ship. There must be something useful.”

I muttered and moved on.

A wooden barrel is placed on the bow. I opened the lid. It contained simple food and water.

“Brother, there is something strange.”

I accepted what Jenna gave me.

A circular object that fits in the palm of your hand. A long needle was visible through the glass.

It was a compass.

“Do you have a map or something?”

I put the compass in my pocket and said.

Belquist shook his head. Same with Nerissa. I also tried searching, but the result is the same.

Food, water, a compass, and oars were the only items on board.

Iolka said with a puzzled expression.

“It’s absurd. Dropping it in the sea and searching for it.”

“They’ll just ask you to send them to the desert.”

“Isn’t there a way to come?”

I took out my compass and looked again.

“What should I do?”

“What the heck. I have to hit it.”

I raised the oar with my toe and held it with my hand.

“Go in the direction the compass points.”

saw the mast

The sail was fluttering in the wind.

‘The wind direction is roughly right.’

One peculiarity is that food and drinking water are prepared.

It is likely to be a long-term mission.

I put my hand on my forehead.

‘It’s annoying.’

A more troublesome mission than the labyrinth came out.

“Two oars and five people. It would be good to form groups of two people to row.”

“What is this wide wooden stick?”

“I’m going to move by rowing the current.”

I’ve never really done it either.

I have no choice but to find the know-how by doing it myself.

Having an oar meant that the wind alone would make it late.

“I have a question for you.”

The member’s gaze was focused.

“Do you guys know how to swim?”

Everyone became a dumb who ate honey.

‘Damn it.’

When you return to the waiting room, you will need swimming lessons.

In any case, the mission was given.

You have to do it whether you like it or not.

I set up a group of two.

Me and Belquist, Jenna and Nerissa.


“You’re out.”

“Why? I can do it too.”

Iolka protested.

“It’s out of balance.”

If the power of two people rowing on both sides is not equal, there is a risk of breaking the direction.

It was not for nothing that the warriors and bandits were divided into groups.

“Then what do I…”

“Sit still. Then.”

This word was key.

I lowered my voice and said.

“Never use fire magic. Unless you want to become fish food.”

Iolka stiffened on the spot.

It was the expression of a hard blow to the back of the head.

“Oh, no…”

“If you think about it, the answer comes out. This is the sea. This boat is a tree. If it catches fire, everyone will die together.”

Iolka’s flames do not go out even when water is poured on them.

In addition, casting itself was dangerous because it was a method of burning the body of the caster and exhaling it.

The compatibility was the worst.

If he had used wind magic, the situation would have been 180 degrees different.

There would have been no need to row while struggling.

“……all right.”

Iolka bowed her head.

There was no way. Elementalist was the class that was most affected by the characteristics of the field.

‘If these fields continue to appear after the 31st floor… … .’

Is it out of season?

once the mission is over.

I held the oars

“You’re doing all sorts of things.”

Belquist murmured from the other side.

“Tell me if you’re having a hard time. I’ll change right away.”

“Go to sleep. It won’t be soon.”

Compared to my usual training intensity, this is nothing.

I reversed the oar and put it in the hole in the side of the boat.

Then he let go of his hand and stood up.


Foam was rising on the water surface near the boat.

A black shadow emerged from the waves.

[Man-eating Shark Lv.18] X 9

[Merman Lv.31] X 2


Suddenly, the boat rocked violently.

The ship, which was about to capsize, was barely centered.


If it’s flat, you can slice 10 or 100 of them, but this place was on the sea.

“Don’t panic. Get ready to fight.”

All at once, they began preparing for battle.

Man-eating sharks and Merman.

It was one of the most common combinations at sea.

‘If the boat capsizes, it will perish.’


The boat shook again.

A black shadow was moving dizzily on the surface of the water.

At first glance, the streamlined body was revealed.

I took off my gloves and took out my dagger.

Without hesitation, he slit his palm. Blood gushed out along with excruciating pain.

“Jenna, cover.”

I unsheathed the sword and placed it on the post.

with a plop!

I jumped into the sea.

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not work with dark mode