Pick Me Up! Chapter 84


84. Mission Type, Subjugation (4)

A second squadron joined.

The object created this time is a ballista. The launch pad is already equipped with arrows the size of a human torso. It was a weapon that would give him the fatal blow I had been struggling with.


I looked across the tower.

[Human Soldier Lv.18] X 43

[Human Knight Lv.20] X 6

Soldiers come up from under the walls. They rushed to the altar like a wave.


The tip of the sword grazed Edith’s cheek. Small lines of blood splattered.

Edith’s expression crumpled. Countless dead soldiers fell under the walls, but more ships than that were constantly rushing.

“Hurry up!”

I shouted to the 3rd party running to the tower, then I held my sword firmly.

“Senior, I think it’s time for a shift.”


I stepped down from the position.

The black dragon’s jaws attacked for an instant, but the sword that Velkist had thrown into the bridge of the nose was lodged.


“That sounds to my liking.”

Belquist smiled and retrieved the sword.

Next to him stood Nerissa, her sword dangling. Venom dripped from the tip of the shining white sword.

“Does the poison seem to work?”

“To some extent.”

The black dragon’s left eye is closed.

Thick purple blood trickled down between her closed eyelids.

“He’s lost his perspective. Use it well.”



Two people jumped and evaded the swinging tail.

I moved to the main base. Some shadows encountered along the way drew their claws. slow movement. After dodging, he slit his throat. After splitting five shadows at the same time, they joined the main camp.


Jenna, who had just finished her aim, let go of the protest.

The arrow that tore through the air got stuck in the black dragon’s wings.

“How many arrows do you have left?”

“Um, about five feet.”

“Pour it all out.”


I took out the half remaining potion and drank it all up.

looked at the situation 2 parties are defending the altar on the wall on the left. On the right side of the castle wall, 3 parties were climbing up the tower where the ballistas were installed. After that, the soldiers chased after the 3rd party.

‘There is no time.’

If the altar is reoccupied and the blessing is lost, the creature becomes immune again.

The odds of winning fall below 10%. I had to put an end to the 2nd party’s defense before it was completely broken. I threw away the empty glass bottle and swept the shadows near the base one by one.

“I’m going, I’m going!”

Through the tower’s windows, I could see Sharn climbing the tower.

After that, there were 3 parties and soldiers.

“Only one ballista can be operated. The other four sit in front of the door!”

I raised my voice so Charn could hear.

The girl with short hair nodded. Eventually, she climbed to the top of the five-meter-tall tower, and Sharn began to fiddle with her ballista.

“This, this, how to shoot…”

“Should I tell you that?”

“I’ll try! You guys stop the enemy!”


Edith’s tone quickened.

The 2nd party pulled back their battle lines and retreated, but that too was reaching its limit. Iolka said after emptying the entire two bottles of magic potion.

“Shall we shoot one more time? If the situation is right…”

White flames rose from Iolka’s hand.

The color is different from the flames used before. It is under the influence of blessings. I said, splitting the shadow with my sword.

“It’s not the right time. Wait.”

“all right.”


Jenna’s last arrow pierced the creature’s body.

A total of seven arrows were embedded in the black dragon’s body. However, the black dragon did not care and continued to move his body.

‘Is that enough?’

It’s fairly sturdy.

I wrinkled my face.

“This is the last arrow!”

“You pick up the dagger from now on. Deal with the shadows and protect Iolka.”

“Okay. What about you?”

“I join the ranks.”

At the top of the tower, Sharn whimpered and moved the ballista.


The ballista’s fuselage slowly turned with the sound of metal meshing. As he grabbed the scope and aimed it at the black dragon, Sharn’s face took on a puzzled look.

“Hey, hey! He’s so fast!”

“So I’m going.”

I muttered and put my sword in front.

The black dragon was attacking Belquist and Nerissa alternately. joined after He kicked the floor-sweeping tail with his foot and cut it long with his sword. Black blood splattered. told two

“There’s a ballista behind it. Immobilize him so that the arrow hits.”


Belquist nodded.

Nerissa held out her sword to me.

I held the sword side to the sharp sword and drew it. The blade of the sword was stained with poison.


The black dragon with only its right eye roared.

The wings folded and covered the view. Belquist pushed the left wing and Nerissa pushed the right wing. I charged and drove the poisoned sword deep into his right foot.

“Now! Shoot!”


There was a sound like a shell exploding.

The giant bolt fired from the launch pad got stuck in the side of the black dragon. The length of the bolt alone is more than 2m. As blood poured out like a waterfall, the black dragon’s body tilted to the side.

‘One more step.’


If it gets stuck one more time, I can prepare Iolka’s magic and end it with a swarm. I shouted at the tower.


Then, a message popped up.

[‘Sharn(★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! Her fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

I hurriedly looked up at the tower.

Above the ballista. Sharn lies face down on the scope. Blood flowed from the arrow stuck in his temple.

‘Instant death!’

Outside the door of the tower, an arrow shot by a soldier had penetrated a vital point.

A hero busily brandishing his sword found Sharn’s corpse.


[‘Nadine (★★)’ feels fear. All stats are reduced by 30%.]

A moan escaped from the man’s mouth.

I gritted my teeth and cried out.

“Get rid of the body! Have another guy take the scope!”

The gazes of the other 3rd party members also turned to Sharn.

However, their reaction was different from my instructions.

[‘Ronnie (★★)’ panics. All stats are reduced by 50%.]

[‘Zakail (★★)’ is afraid… … .]

“These bastards…”

They lack experience.

Horror like wildfire engulfed the 3rd party. Belquist’s eyes narrowed.

“This, things are going badly.”

The black dragon is staggering, but it will continue its movement sooner or later.

The bolt through his side was hardly considered a complete fatal wound. I turned the blade vertically and shouted.

“Pile up damage before it recovers. Prepare to attack.”

“Maybe that would be nice?”

“Leave it alone.”

Even if one was killed, a second shot would have been possible if he hadn’t lost his composure.

But my voice doesn’t reach. Due to the steep decline in ability, the defenses were broken through at once.

[‘Ronnie (★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

Death messages came to mind one after another.

A soldier broke through the gap between the 3 party’s defenses and slaughtered.

[‘Nadine (★★)’ returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

[‘Jakail (★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit… … .]

The long sword remained stuck in the black dragon’s right foot.

I pulled out a dagger from behind my belt. Moves to the side of the black dragon. Check where the bolts are plugged in. Red flesh was visible between the torn scales and leather. He stabbed the dagger without hesitation.


A boiling sound flowed from the black dragon’s throat.

[‘Party 3’ has been wiped out!]

The right side of the wall was completely occupied.

[‘Usher (★★)’ has fallen into a dying state. Your life is in danger!]

“I-Oh…! Han, we can’t do it either!”

puck! puck! puck!

I kept driving the dagger into my flesh.

The black dragon flinched every time it got stuck, but it didn’t show any noticeable reaction. When Belquist and Nerissa try to attack afterward,


The guy turned around with a roar.

I straightened up and stepped back. The longsword stuck in his forepaw ricocheted off and slid across the floor. He took it on his toe and placed it on his right hand.

“Oup! Usher!”

[‘Usher (★★)’ returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

2nd party,

The first fatality occurred.

‘There is no time!’

“Iolka, prepare your magic!”

“Hey, hey, I can’t afford it!”

I looked back.

The main base is surrounded by dozens of shadows. Jenna swung her dagger, and Iolka swung the white flame from her fingertips like a torch, obliterating her shadow.

“Two people are out. I stay.”


“May you be safe.”

Two people ran to the headquarters.

I set my sword aside. At first glance, the blade of the sword had cracks like a spider’s web.

“Gr, Gr, Gr, Gr, Gr…”

Foamy saliva flowed from the black dragon’s mouth.

Zena’s arrows are all over her body, and Ballista’s bolts are stuck in her side. The membranes on both wings were shattered, and the whole body was bloody with cuts and torn wounds. Blood has a purple tint to it. Addiction was getting worse.

But he didn’t die.

He was staring at me with his only remaining eye blinking.


The black dragon swung his right hand.

I twisted my upper body to avoid it.

‘Aim for the heart.’

The area where the ballista was stuck and the scales were torn off.

According to my analysis, if the sword is driven all the way there, it will reach the heart. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t reach. It is the part where the intestines are crowded. It can cause fatal injuries.

“Party 1, if I give you a signal, I’ll drive him away. Do you understand?”

“Okay. The cleanup is almost over!”

I looked towards the altar.

It’s dangerous, but it’s holding out until the last line of deterrence. Edith from the front. Behind them are Roderick and Aaron. In the back is Diran, an archer. The four of them formed a square to block the enemy.

“Edith, just one minute!”

I was ready to set foot.

At that moment, a blade rose from Diran’s chest as he aimed his bow at the end of the wall.


Diran’s body fell down the wall.

Beneath it, numerous soldiers were waiting.

[‘Diran(★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

I have no time to look at the situation.

I immediately raised my sword and charged. The target is the Dragon’s Heart. Avoid claws and wings. Then, with all his might, he grabbed the sack and stabbed it.

[The Altar Occupation has been released!]

[The Goddess’ Blessing is unlocked!]


[This monster is physically immune!]

The shattered blade of the sword flew through the air.

I threw away the sword with only the hilt left. The black dragon crouched down. throwing scales. A broken shield lay at his feet. Picked it up and quickly backed away.


He retreated while blocking the scales with only half of his shield.

retreated to the headquarters. Dozens of shadows had disappeared. I spat bloody spit and said.

“What happened.”

“It looks like a soldier has appeared from behind the altar.”

said Nerissa.

I looked at the castle wall on the left. Nearly a hundred soldiers are teeming on the altar. The white light that enveloped the area has returned to its original red color. After that, the members of the 2nd party stood there dumbfounded. Soldiers climbed up the ladder that was stretched without a break.

“It’s solved.”

Belquist raised his sword.

The white light surrounding the sword disappeared.


Edith swallowed a groan.

The soldiers did not rush at the 2nd party, but stood around the altar and pointed their weapons. In an instant, the offense was reversed.

“Should I pierce it?”

Edith said bitterly.

His body was already drenched in blood.

“Do you think it’s possible?”

[Human Soldier Lv.18] X 115

[Human Knight Lv.20] X 32

There are about 150 soldiers at the altar. It is still increasing.

On the other hand, Usher and Diran died in the 2nd party. The surviving members, including Edith, are also not normal.

“Well, it seems that something similar happened on the 5th floor.”

Jenna laughed awkwardly.

I sighed deeply.

“There is no board that goes over intact.”

“What should I do? Recapturing the altar…”


I reached out to Belquist.

Belquist narrowed his brows.


“Give me the sword.”


Belquist handed over his longsword.

I said.

“It’s not over yet.”

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not work with dark mode