Pick Me Up! Chapter 19


19. Mission Type, Survival (2)

“Thousands of goblins? You’re not mistaken!”

“I want to think so too!”

“Come down at once.”

After Jenna came down, I called the party members together.

I know what to do in this situation. I have the experience of observing and analyzing thousands of battles. Among them, there were also other people’s play records that were not mine.

Even if it seems impossible, the attack definitely exists.

However, in the case of this mission, the difficulty was quite high.

“Brother. Thousands of goblins. Isn’t that wrong? Five of us can’t…”

“Don’t be scared. It’s not like killing all the thousands. This mission isn’t subjugation. It’s survival. You just have to endure them for a certain amount of time.”

“Wouldn’t it be fine if we hid?”


Gide jumped up and ran to the empty house.

After a while, he returned with a bitter expression.

“I can’t go inside the building…”

“You can’t go outside the city, let alone the building. We have to compete here. It’s not about hiding, it’s about holding on.”

“A large army of goblins with five people…”

“I’ll change the location first.”

The square is not a good position to defend. Roads stretched in all directions, and there were many passages to enter, such as cracks in collapsed buildings. If you stay here, you will be surrounded and annihilated in an instant.

‘An area where the passage through which the enemy enters is determined and the path is narrow where only one enemy can be dealt with at a time.’

“How long can I last?”

“It’s 10 minutes. Encounter the enemy, and if you hold out for 10 minutes, you can go back.”

“Then it might be worth a try!”


You won’t have to tell me the exact time.

‘No luck.’

If a survival mission takes place on the lower floors, the chance of the party surviving is only 9%. It’s not a big deal in the high-rise section, but the survival mission on the lower floor was so original that it was called ‘Hero Grinder’.

‘Anyway, survive.’

It is only on the 5th floor.

If you die here, the Master of Master’s name will laugh at you.

“Move! The five of us find a place to shut up. Get into the city!”


Assuming we were summoned to the south of the city, the destruction of the city gets worse the further north we go. According to Jenna’s report, goblins are also coming from the north.

Then to the south where the buildings are relatively intact.

“It can’t be the road. Let’s go to the alley.”

The core of this mission is to find a key point for defense.

We fell into an alley on one side of the boulevard. The road became narrow enough for one person to spread their shoulders.

There was no way to die like that. Suitable space for defense was soon found.

It was an alley with three roads. There are no gaps like dog holes, and the walls are so high that it is difficult to climb.

“Let’s go here.”

There were several other candidates besides this one, but the walls were either collapsed here or there, or the walls were low so that the enemy could invade. I wanted to find a narrow area with only one passage at all, and it was blocked off on all sides, but now I don’t have much time.

kia ah.

Goblin cries were heard in the distance.

“Gather together. I’ll set a location.”


“Each passage to defend. The roads are all narrow, so you only have to deal with one at a time. Thousands or tens of thousands, one at a time. Is that possible?”

“Yes, I will!”

Gide responded loudly.

yeah, let’s try it

“First, I take the passage on the left, and Aaron takes the passage on the right.”

“Yes, brother!”

“Gide and Hanson are in charge of the lower aisle. If one of them gets tired of blocking, they take turns. Don’t forget. It’s not about fighting together, it’s about taking turns. Once you’re in, don’t go out to help and take a good rest. Okay?”


I’m in charge of the narrowest passage on the left.

The passage on the right, which is relatively wide, is Aaron. Since this guy uses a spear, he needed at least enough width to wield the spear.

said Jenna.


“You wait in the middle of the three-way intersection.”


“Don’t shoot arrows. Just wait.”

“If you’re afraid you might shoot your teammate, don’t worry. I’m confident.”

“That’s not the problem. Arrows must be saved unconditionally.”

Jenna’s location is a small open space in the middle where three passages merge into one.

If Jenna shoots an arrow here, there is a chance that her ally will be hit. The person in charge of the aisle turns their backs on Jenna. There are high walls on either side, so the angle of fire is quite limited.

But there were other reasons.

“Save it anyway. Don’t shoot until I tell you to. Okay?”


I didn’t understand, but Jenna nodded.

“I’ll give you some tips. Open your ears and listen.”


“First, move the goblin corpses as far forward as possible. Build a wall.


“If you get tired from fighting and can’t stand it, call Jenna.”

“Then can I shoot an arrow!”

“No, you take the dagger and hold on there instead. When the person in charge catches his breath for a moment, it’s time for another shift.”


“You can shoot it if you really don’t want to. Instead, make sure to retrieve the arrow. Either the person in charge of the area throws it back or you run to catch it.”

“all right.”

There are only 20 arrows in Jenna’s quiver.

Thousands of enemies to face. Arrows should be used only where necessary.

“Keep in mind. If even one of the three passages is breached, we’ll be lost here. If you’re surrounded from the front and back, you’ll never survive.”

“I’ll keep that in mind!”

“Then to the location!”

The four of them scattered with determined expressions on their faces.


The goblin’s cry began to be heard.


’30 minutes… … .’

Perhaps, the flow of time on stages other than waiting rooms coincides with Earth.

However, the timer will start immediately after engaging the goblins.

“Build a barricade before the goblins come!”

“All right!”

I stacked piles of broken stones or wood chips in front of the road.

“Don’t waste your stamina! Swing it short and simple!”

“All right!”

I like one answer.

He built a small barrier by stacking objects around him. Looking back, Aaron, Gide, and Hanson were doing the same thing.


Finally, the goblin caught this side.



It is not a mission to protect only my body. If either side is breached, everyone in the clearing will be at risk.

‘I have no choice but to trust Jenna.’

It is the most unnecessary role on the surface, but the reality is completely different.

Due to the nature of this mission, the limit of physical strength will always come. If Jenna doesn’t fill that gap, it will break through without help.


Goblins started to attack the alley.

I thrust my sword through the gap in the stacked trees. The black went through the goblin’s neck. The goblin fell face down, his blood dripping from his throat.

“Pile up bodies! Build a wall!”

I repeated the same story for the party to hear.


Aron and Gide’s cries were heard from afar.

Then, the sound of swords clashing continued.

one at a time.

Aim for the chest or head. I diligently thrust my sword through the gap.

“Keiy, Kiyi, Kiyi!”

The goblins also stabbed their swords through the cracks in the barricade.

Block it with a shield and return it.


one falls down

On the other side of the alley, on the main street, countless goblins were gathering. They pushed themselves into each other’s alley as if they wanted to go first.

‘doggish… … .’

Some goblins dragged the corpses out of the alley, probably noticing that the corpses on the floor were an obstacle. It was a narrow passage that could barely fit one person, but the goblin’s small size made it possible.


The goblin in the lead stabbed with a sword.

It is a circle pattern. block, stab back

Beneath them, the sullen goblins began to dismantle the barricade. I hit the goblin’s head, which was exposed through the crack, with my shield. Blood spurted from the smashed head.

I looked back.

The three of them swung their weapons through the gaps in the obstacles they had piled up, not backing down an inch.

“Tell me anytime if you’re having a hard time!”

Jenna in the clearing shouted.

‘not there yet.’

As he raised his sword and cut it, the severed goblin’s arm flew through the air. The goblin, missing one of his arms, slashed his claws at the barrier with his other hand. His sharp claws tore through his leather wrist guards.

I put my sword through his head.

The goblin right behind took the corpse.

‘Haa, bastards, really.’

If you look stupid, you pay for stupidity.

They are gradually learning. When the goblin in front died, it dragged it out of the alley as if it had been waiting for it, and crouched on the floor of the alley, gradually carrying stones or wooden boards out. There was even a guy who tried to step on his colleague’s shoulder and pass through the aisle. The road gradually opened.


I forgot to count the dead goblins from the 10th.

These guys are weak. They are kids who only come out on the first floor. His body was thin and his strength was weak.

But there are many.

There were too many.


The tip of the sword tore the goblin’s eyeball. The goblin let out a desperate scream. He drew his sword and twisted it to his side.

As soon as he kicked it, he went round with the others behind him.

The goblins gathered on the main street show no signs of diminishing.

Are these guys fearless? They come and go as if they want to die.

More than half of the barricades have been dismantled.

I slipped my right foot back.

The goblin who had been sticking out through the gap in the barricade cut the spot where my right foot had been with a dagger. I put my sword down in the back of her head.

looked back

Aaron on the right is clearing the goblins with a thrust while holding his spear short.

The difference in range is overwhelming. It was still doing well.

Downstairs, Gide was sweating and panting.

“Gide, shift!”

“Oh, I can still do more…”

“Shut up, shift if you want to shift!”

“You rest! I’ll do it!”

Hanson, who had been waiting, ran out with a sword and shield.

Gide slipped into the clearing and took a deep breath.

‘Still low on stamina.’

That’s why I put Gide and Hansson in the same group. Those guys are not only low level, they lack skills. I don’t know if it’s the excitement of the battle or the tension, but every time I attack the enemy, I give a lot of strength.

It means you get tired easily.

One sword is enough.

one at a time.

Relax your body and swing gently.

Produce maximum efficiency with minimum physical strength.



stab again

The bodies were piling up faster than the goblins were clearing them out.


“Switch again!”


“Ah Okay!”

Hanson was replaced by Gide.

The barricade at the bottom, which the two men were in charge of, was almost breached. The aisle beyond it was packed with dozens of goblins. Some of them were trampled to death, but they showed no signs of caring.

‘That’s the most dangerous!’

I tried to call Jenna.

One blocks, the other reinforces the barricade.

at that time,


A goblin’s head appeared on a high wall on one side of the clearing.

“Don’t let me fall over!”

“I’ve been waiting!”


An arrow pierced the goblin’s head. The goblin, who was trying to climb over the wall, collapsed into the clearing just as he did.

On the other side of the clearing, goblins were climbing the wall.

“Jenna, you take care of the goblins that cross into the clearing! Got it?”

“Old write!”

A goblin stuck out its head from the opposite wall.

Zena’s arrow pierced his forehead again.

“Retrieve the arrows!”

Jenna quickly ran to the corpse and drew an arrow. On the other side of the wall, another goblin was climbing the wall.

If you allow them to infiltrate the clearing, you will be surrounded back and forth.

“Tongue, brother! Didn’t you say 10 minutes?”

“Dude, it’s only been five minutes!”



Gide grabbed his hand and rolled over.

Two of his left fingers were cut off. Blood was gushing out.

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not work with dark mode