Pick Me Up! Chapter 12


12. If you want to live, get on the rope well (4)

opportunity was given.

When I saw it, it was really generous enough.

Even if the detailed things we experience in battle are omitted and transmitted to the Master outside the screen, it does not mean that the Master does not know the situation at all. It’s enough to know who fights first, who plays the most, and who lags behind.

[Register ‘Han (★)’ to Favorites.]

[Register ‘Jenna (★)’ to Favorites.]

It seemed that he had no intention of making the same mistake as the first time.

Isel appeared and cried out.

[Jenna, Yelsons. go into synthesis practice!]

“Synthesise, where is it?”

[See the right door? You can go in there.]

Yelsons looked at me anxiously.

What do you mean?

want help?

If at least I pretended to fight, I would have tried to help a little. I was willing to give up at least one goblin, just like Shay did to me.

I told Jenna.

“Go away. Nothing will happen to you.”

“I’ll be back.”

Jenna left for the synthesis with firm steps. The Yellows, on the other hand, couldn’t keep her pace.

“Why aren’t you going?”

“Go, what will happen if I go?”

“You will be judged for what you have done.”

“I’m the only one who was unreasonably brought here!”

“That’s your idea.”

[Am, it’s the first time we agree!]

A mischievous smile appeared on Isel’s lips.

[I’m tired of putting diapers on my babies. Come in quickly.]

“I’m not going.”


Issel threw Yelsons into the synthesis chamber.

The door is closed.

[Do you really want to synthesize?]

[Yes / No]

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Yelson’s (★)’ turns into light and disappears.]

[‘Jenna (★)’, level up! Acquiring the ‘Eye of the Hawk’ skill!]

after a while

The synthesizer’s door opened, and Jenna walked out with a bewildered expression.

“What happened? The old man turned into light and disappeared.”

“Here, the useless guy dies as a sacrifice to the useful guy. Next is my turn. Which one of you will be.”

I looked at the two and said.

The door to the synthesis was not yet closed.

[Next, Han, Toby!]

“Are you letting me go home?”

Issel was too lazy to answer, so he grabbed Toby’s wrist and threw it away. I went into the synthetic lab after that. Beneath the synthetic cellar surrounded by metal walls, a purple magic circle glowed ominously.

“Right? I’m going home. I’m going back!”

“I’d rather think of it that way.”

Toby murmured with a delighted face.

I didn’t even have the strength to respond. It would be better to go without pain like that than to die from a monster. Toby slowly disintegrated and disappeared, starting with his legs.

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Toby (★)’ becomes light and disappears.]

[‘Han (★)’, level up! Acquiring the ‘calmness’ skill!]

Coming out to the plaza, the synthesizer was closed and never reopened. The last one left, Aaron, stared blankly at me.

I smiled and patted Aaron’s shoulder.

“You’re lucky.”

“Why, why don’t you come back? Could it be that he’s dead?”

“You could have gone home. Why, do you want to try it too?”

Aaron shook his head frantically. Then she said with a reddened face.

“You bastard, you know… you didn’t tell me!”

“Would you have believed me if I told you? I thought they were kids who spoke a foreign language because they didn’t listen to me so much.”

Aaron shuddered, but did not run at me. He just let out his deep moan and he went into the quarters.

I said to Issel.

“Is this the end of today’s schedule?”

[No, wait! I haven’t disconnected yet.]

Issel did a somersault and disappeared.

After a while, a system message popped up.

[Build the facility. Please touch the type of facility you want.]

[You have selected ‘Blacksmith’, an annex of ‘Arsenal Lv.1’. Would you like to build? 500 gems are consumed for construction.]

[Yes / No]


but. Since the materials had accumulated quite a bit, it was time to synthesize the equipment.

[Master, if reality is busy, how about allowing the hero to act autonomously? You may even get a special harvest!]

[Tips/The hero’s ‘autonomous action’ is one of the core features of Pick Me Up, and it is a system in which the hero acts according to his will even without a master connecting. The result of your actions will depend on the hero’s disposition.]

[Yes / No]

[Master, do you want to close the connection?]

[Yes / No]

[Then goodbye!]

The rainbow-colored sky turned gray. Amkena ended Pick Me Up.

“Are you done?”


“Those people…”

“Dead, probably.”

“Those who think they don’t need a Master disappear from that room.”

“Why are you so depressed. Whenever you frown and say you don’t want to mess around.”

“If one day I’m no longer needed, will I be too?”

His expression was calm, but his hands were shaking.

“The higher the floor, the stronger the monsters to fight and the humans summoned. If you die, you die by the enemy or die as a sacrifice, one of the two.”

“I see. My brother knows everything.”

I asked Jenna.

“Do you want to live?”


“Then follow your father’s words.”

Dad muttered, Jenna looked at me.

“If you want to live…”

“Ride well.”

I passed Jenna and returned to the inn.

I took orange juice out of the refrigerator. Lying on the black sofa with my legs stretched out, I drank it, and it was wonderfully refreshing.

“Isel, come out if you are there.”

[What are you, come on!]

“I’m tired of that repertoire, change it.”


Issel ran up to me.

I stayed still. Isel couldn’t bear to touch my body, and he only swung his fists in front of his eyes.

“You are suffering too.”


“By the way, you send the tip to Amkena, right?”

[That’s why! Does it matter to you?]

“It doesn’t matter.”

I gulped down the juice from the plastic cup.

I threw the cup into the sink. goal.

“Can you access the Internet?”


“If you can interfere with Pick Me Up’s system, can’t you do the Internet too?”

[What do you know about that?]

“Why do you keep asking? If you answer, good things will happen.”

[I can do it. Because web surfing is my hobby.]

“Then, the tip you floated must be based on the cafe raid. After pulling out 10 equipment kits, level 1 at the training center. After that, open the blacksmith’s shop.”

This is the most popular post on the official Pick Me Up cafe. 20 million views. 5 million referrals. The strategy was published numerous times in other Internet webzines, and was translated and spread all over the world.

The author’s account name is Loki.

The strategy text outlines what facilities and how the heroes were selected and raised.

[Do you know Loki?]

“You know. I’m a Pick Me Up user too.”

[Heng, no matter what, it must be a tumbleweed rolling on the lower floors! I can’t compare myself to Loki. Master of Master, he’s the god of pick me up! If Loki had only 7 stars, he would have been number one in the world long ago!]

I grinned.

“Why do you like Loki?”

[Because I am a person who makes the impossible possible!]

“Ooh. Making the impossible possible.”

[You say you’re a Pick Me Up user, don’t you know that?]

“That’s me.”


“I’m Loki.”

[Now, now, now, are you kidding me?!]

“Account number 46631913.”

Issel’s eyes popped out.

This guy also knew my account number.

The account number of Pick Me Up can only be known by the master himself and the person in charge of the server of Pick Me Up. The master never discloses the account number because it can be hacked if disclosed to others.

[Yes, yes, no, you? Loki… … ?]

“Don’t you believe it? Can you tell me at least the Goggle account? Go to the Mutube channel.”

I also gave Goggle’s email and password.

Isel hurriedly disappeared and reappeared a moment later.

[…] … Do it.]


[Please sign me, you fool!]

Isel held out a pen and paper with a blushing face.

I took the paper, drew it out, and returned it. Issel kissed the graffiti I scribbled.

[Oh yea! With this, I am also an excellent member of Ragnaroki!]

“What is Ragnaroki?”

[Master of Masters, Loki’s Fan Cafe! Loki’s signature is required to become an excellent member!]

Was there such a thing

It’s a golden age.

what else is ragnaroki The naming sense is the worst.

[Ah, ah, anyway you! No, you are Loki… … .]

“Speak in half. It’s embarrassing.”

[Really Loki, right? really really? Really?]

“That’s because it’s so right.”


Isel, who had been running around for a while, suddenly came to his senses and said,

[for a moment. Then did I say such a cheeky thing to Loki?]

“Now it’s just one star, but where is it other than being arrogant?”

[I, I, tell Loki to be a pup… … !]

Issel started to panic.

I can’t keep track of the emotional changes.

[sorry! If I had known it was Loki, I wouldn’t have done that! Really!]

“It’s crazy, so do it in moderation. I’m not too angry.”

[Why is Loki here… … Aaaaaa!]

Issel held her head and screamed.

[I want to live for fun… … .]


Was it that shocking?

I can’t understand. This is almost at the level of a sasaeng fan.

Isel, who was frustrated with her pigtails bobbing, jumped up and said.

[Wait, wait! What will happen to Niflheim without you?]

Niflheim is the name of the waiting room in my account.

It consists of a total of 13 floors, and is called the king of infrastructure construction among ranker types, such as accommodations with a capacity of 20,000, a 22-level training center, and an 18-level arsenal.

Then what do you do?

I, the real Master, is here.

I let out a deep sigh.

“That’s right.”

[Standing, are you going to fold it?]

“It’s like this, what can I do?”

[Then what will happen to the 20,000 troops of Fallen!]

“It’ll work out somehow. Niflheim won’t disappear without me.”

[But without Master Loki… … .]

“If you regret it that much, send it back.”

[I can’t do that.]

Isel lowered her head with a grim expression.

Know. This guy is also just a middle manager who gets hit and miss with his boss and work.

“Anyway, the owner of this waiting room is a human on Earth, right?”


Alright, it’s been compliant.

I decided to take this opportunity to ask questions.

“Even the heroes that are summoned are not artificial intelligence.”

[that’s right. The world they belong to is slightly different, but they are all human.]

“If I climb the tower to the 100th floor, can I return to Earth?”

[that… … I don’t know.]

“I do not know?”

[Really! Trust me!]

“Okay. Next question. Who brought me here?”

[…] … I can’t answer.]

“Ha, great.”


“Then let’s skip this. Like you said, you’ll find out when you climb the tower. To the next question. How far can you access the master’s authority?”

[Right now, it’s just popping up help, opening and closing facilities, and assisting autonomous actions.]


This is the crux of the question.

“Is the waiting room of the other masters the same as this one?”

[The details are slightly different, but the basics are the same.]


Do 100 million of these worlds exist?

Laughter came out at the absurd scale.

I never thought that what happened in the game would be real in another world. That a decision I made carelessly could have been a death sentence for the hero in the game.

If he returned to Earth, he decided to climb the tower in a way that would save the heroes as much as possible. Except for those who can’t do their part.

Combat isn’t the only way a hero can contribute to the Master. Most of the functions of this waiting room are locked, so it is useless if you are not talented in combat.

If the rank of this waiting room was a bit higher, even those who died in vain could have a role. They’re just out of luck.

But what can I do? that the world is like that.

‘I wonder if the Niflheim kids are doing well without me.’

If the heroes there were still alive, they would have noticed my absence by now.

I couldn’t go back for a while.

It will be fine though.

Pick Me Up has a function where a designated hero operates the waiting room in place of the master when the master is absent for a long time. Therefore, Pick Me Up also had the title of an idle game.

‘Siris will take care of it.’

Niflheim’s submaster, Siris, was exceptionally smart and wise.

When I entrusted one, he did two, and he had the gift of knowing what I wanted like a ghost. Seriously, I can’t believe this is artificial intelligence.

Anyway, my nose is three.

I decided to find a way to live.



“Do you want to climb the tower?”

Isel hesitated and nodded.

“Listen to me. I’ll let you climb.”

This time, he nodded absently.

current status.

The number of floors reached is 3 floors.

Autonomy was unlocked and the forge was opened.

The scope of activity has been greatly expanded.

I’ll have to slow down a bit from tomorrow.

With Issel’s help, it would be possible.

I leaned back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

The gray sky remained.

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not work with dark mode