Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 217

Episode 217: Did you eat?

I plan to stay near the gate tonight.

A place where there might be a ‘piece’ of information that I got from the elder elf. I heard it was close to Gehenna Gate, so I unexpectedly went there tomorrow.

It’s tiring to travel back and forth between Korea and Hawaii, and I heard that something will happen at the gate soon.

‘Because they said Permish would appear at the gate soon.’

The 4th Corps Commander Permish is said to have invaded the Inland Empire. And he did so by breaching the Gehenna Gate.

I asked him how he got there, but the elder elf pretended not to know. I tried pushing the sashimi in. The elder elf’s answer was always the same. I don’t know, I really don’t know!


I let out a sigh. My mind is in disarray. I don’t even know where it went wrong. While I was wiping my face, an exclamation flowed out.


This is a temporary outpost provided by the Hero Association. It is a tent for three people, but it has everything you need. A simple refrigerator, a simple table, and a simple chair. Although everything is ‘simple,’ I am satisfied with the facilities.

And in front of the refrigerator, the soul is crouching like a totem. The soft light characteristic of the refrigerator illuminates her face.

Yes. I ended up wearing a tent like a soul. Even though I wear human skin, dragons are demons. Even if I reassure people, their prejudices won’t change in an instant. It’s understandable for them to feel uneasy.

So I, the guardian(?), decided to take charge of the soul. Only then did Chief Sung nod. He said he felt reassured when Cheongeom-nim was with him. I tried hard to ignore the eyes demanding an explanation.

‘If we talk about the soul, things get too complicated.’

I turned my gaze and glanced at Hon. In fact, I even considered sending her back to Korea alone.

But I, Kang Geum-ma, have become a body that can no longer be satisfied with airplanes. The private plane given to Chil-seong is now nothing more than a lump of scrap metal.

‘Since the existence of the soul has been discovered anyway… why don’t you just ride the soul instead of the private plane?’

Then Hon pointed at the refrigerator and said.

“Look at this! There’s meat, meat, meat right here!”

As expected. The corners of his mouth are covered in saliva. It seems like he’s drawing all the moisture from his body and secreting it as saliva.

After she chooses a piece of refrigerated meat, Dodo comes running. A thick, meaty beef rib.

The soul looks up at me with an earnest expression.

“I… Your Majesty, by any chance… … .”

Those sparkling, bright eyes. For a moment, my mind and soul overlap with the image of a cat wearing boots.

“Can you bake this for me… … ?”

A makeshift stove is placed openly on the table. There is no way a soul that has been living among humans for a month would not know what it is.

So what you’re asking me for is, you want to eat the meat I cooked. I know, I know what I cook is delicious.

‘I’m a little tired… … But still, I’m glad you worked hard today.’

In battle, Hon devoted himself to the rescue of the heroes. He casted barrier magic to greatly reduce the casualties on the human side. Thanks to Hon, many lives were saved. At the same time, he also showed support for the sword mastery.

She completed her assignment with more than perfection.

If it were up to me, I would really like to buy Triple (A+++) Korean beef. The problem is that there is no Triple.

‘I’m sorry, Hon. I tricked you with a fantasy meat that didn’t exist.’

But even if I can’t give you triple beef, I’m confident I can change one-ply beef into a pop-ply.

“You worked hard today, so I’ll make you something tastier than just grilled meat.”

When I open my hands wide, Hon hands me the ribs he is holding tightly in both of his hands. His eyes are determined, as if he is handing over the remains of a comrade.

I opened the refrigerator and looked at the ingredients. Green onions, garlic, onions, soy sauce, etc. Everything was there except for the things I didn’t have. The menu came to mind.

“That will do.”

Take out the frying pan and heat it on the stove. Turn your wrist to coat the entire bottom of the pan with cooking oil.


Just drop in the ribs. Sizzle. The sound of rain was heard inside the frying pan.

Fry the outside of the meat and then take it out. The rain stopped for a moment.

The ribs, which were grilled to perfection, were stacked high. This locked the original meat juices inside the meat.

“You can’t eat it yet.”

I stopped the spirit from approaching the meat with a sidelong glance. She got angry like a thief kicking his own feet.

“Cold meat doesn’t taste good!”

“Let it cool for a bit. And since it’s only baked on the outside, the inside will be dripping with blood.”

“… Do you cool the meat on purpose? Why?”

I was going to give you a brief explanation of resting, but I stopped. I’ll explain it with taste. Wait, soul. From now on, the grilled meat that Choi Seol-ah made will look like cardboard.

‘As if I was treating the airplane like scrap metal.’

I quickly sautéed the vegetables in meat fat. I added green onions, garlic, onions, and all the spices that contain the soul of Korea.


The person who was preparing vegetables next to me twitched his nose. He realized that the smell was unusual.

The expression on his face, which had been sullen because he was not allowed to eat meat, has now relaxed.

I poured in an entire can of soy sauce. I also boldly threw in some lump sugar and corn syrup.

No need to weigh. My hands are more delicate than an electronic scale.

“Huh, don’t dragons shoot breath?”

“Oh, yes, yes. Of course!”

It’s time to show off your showmanship. To be honest, I was excited too.

“Humans can breathe too.”


He opened the lid of the sake container with his front teeth and sprayed it from head height. The stream of sake swirled and was sucked into the pan.

Alcohol burns itself and is reborn as savory flavor. The catalyst is fire. A red flame rose above the pan.


The transparent pupils of the soul captured the splendid fire show. I was amazed like a child who had seen magic for the first time in his life. I smiled faintly and concentrated on cooking again. The tent was filled with a sweet and salty smell.

Knock knock. The sound of water dripping. A flood finally burst out of Hon’s mouth. There was more spit to come out. Amazing.

‘That’s understandable.’

Sweet and salty. The violence of flavors that stimulate the peripheral nerves is the essence of Korean culinary science. The soul exposed to it defenselessly became dizzy.

“Now, now, can I eat it? I think it’s done. The rice is done too. Yes? Yes?”

The soul is stamping its feet.

“You have 5 minutes left to finish, so in the meantime, wipe up the drool on the floor.”


Final step. Stir with a wooden spatula so that the seasoning is evenly distributed. If you mix too hard, the meat or vegetables will become mushy, so be careful.

“Wow. What’s the name of this dish?”

The soul asked after finishing cleaning. I wonder now if it came to its senses while cleaning the floor.

“LA ribs. Um… no, let’s change the name and call it Hawaiian ribs.”

The soul mutters absentmindedly.

“Hawaiian ribs… Hawaiian ribs… Hawaiian ribs… Hawaiian ribs… … .”

She became a captive of Hawaiian ribs.

* * *

“I have something to tell you, do you have a minute? Huh?”

The swordsman arrived at the barracks of the Ganggeomma. At that moment, a sweet smell wafted in the air. It was a very appetizing smell, too.

The inspector opened the curtains of the barracks as if he was possessed.

“… … ?”

Was it called Hon? The dragon was lying on its back in front of the table. On the other side, Kanggeomma was looking at her with a bewildered look on his face.

The swordsman hurriedly placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“What’s going on? Hey, is it possible that the dragon couldn’t overcome its nature and went wild and killed you?!”

Did you hatch it? The dragon’s eyes, which had been closed, opened wide in a flash. Then, it jumped up and began a combative meal.

The soul poured out both admiration and sorrow.

“It’s delicious, so delicious. It’s so delicious that I’m going crazy! Ahh… …! My whole life has been in vain! I, Hontail- I swear on this spot that I will dedicate my life to you, Kenma-sama!”

As he was chewing on his words, Hon spat out fragmented sentences.

Kanggeomma gave me some meat with a slightly tired look in his eyes.

“Eat it all and then talk. All the rice grains will fly out.”


Kanggeomma’s gaze turned to Geomje.

“Ah. Your Majesty, you’re here too. Have you eaten?”

The strength left the sword master’s grip on the hilt.

“I haven’t eaten yet… … What happened just now?”

“After eating the meat dish I made for you, you screamed and fell asleep. The next thing you saw was exactly what happened.”


A taste that makes you lose your mind? Isn’t that just an exaggerated reaction that you see in the media?

But… looking at the way he eats so hurriedly, it doesn’t seem like it was all an empty boast.

First, the sword master accepted the invitation to eat. He took one side of the table while still holding onto the sword handle.

Whether the swordsman sat down or not, the soul didn’t care. To be exact, it didn’t even notice. The soul was too busy carrying Hawaiian ribs to notice.

“You have something to say.”

Kanggeomma brought out a new plate. Geomje answered with a slightly dazed expression.

“I came here to tell you about the ‘Nephilim Temple’ you were planning to visit tomorrow, as there are some things to be careful about there.”

“I see. Then let’s talk while eating. Food doesn’t taste good when it gets cold. If it’s not enough, let me know. I made 15 servings because I’m alone.”

At those words, the inspector glanced at Hon. Despite her delicate appearance, her appetite was like that of an elephant.

The inspector quickly turned his gaze to the food that had been served. Short ribs simmered in a reddish-brown sauce. The oiliness and the smell. All of these elements stimulated the salivary glands.

‘I’ve never seen such a dish before.’

He was born into the most prestigious family, the Nibelung family, and was raised as a gourmet. He had long been familiar with cuisines from all over the world, and his taste buds were also very picky. But lately, his tongue has never been so happy.

‘That’s true.’

The sword master’s Adam’s apple gurgled. Was it the first time in decades that he had drooled?

The inspector poked a spot with his fork. He looked at the ribs carefully and then carefully put them in his mouth.

“… Uh… Uh.”

Two silent words.

The sword has fallen behind.

* * *

It was ridiculous. The inspector who had promised to give instructions was only focused on eating. He put aside his noble dignity and was busy grabbing and tearing at the ribs.

There was no need to say anything about the soul. She even mixed the rice and ate it all up. Even without being taught. She has an amazing learning ability, limited to eating.

The hectic evening is over. All those Hawaiian ribs that were there were just dry bones left.

I left the barracks and went out into the night air. I wanted to get rid of the meat smell that had stuck to my clothes and get some fresh air. At that time, the inspector also came out of the barracks.


He coughed awkwardly. He was so embarrassed that his ears were red. But he managed to open his mouth.

“It was so delicious… … . I’ve tried all sorts of dishes in my seventy years, but it was a first for me to taste anything like that.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed the food.”

There was silence again. After a few minutes of silence, the inspector suddenly asked.

“Do you know what Nephilim means?”

“I heard it briefly in class. It’s a being born between an angel and a devil.”

“Oh, but you’re still attending class diligently.”

“The second semester final exams are coming up soon.”

“Hahaha. Anyway, if you know about Nephilim, you’ll understand quickly. The ‘Nephilim Temple’ you’re planning to visit tomorrow is a sanctuary shared by humans and mines.”

The inspector brought in two folding chairs. We sat down and talked.

“Do you know that? We humans and mines worship the same god. Even though the branches are different, the roots are the same.”

“The same god? Didn’t all gods become extinct during the mythical age?”

“That kind of nonsense isn’t talking about gods.”

The swordsman shook his head. The Milky Way that decorated the night sky briefly shone dangerously.

“There is only one true God. Well, if you took the class, you would know that.”

I can’t help but know that you are the one who gave me strength.

“The Nephilim Temple is a sanctuary to honor ‘that god.’ It is a place visited not only by humans but also by demons. Nowadays, there are almost no humans visiting, and only demons.”

The inspector looks at me intently.

“I have one caveat. No matter what happens there, don’t draw your sword. If you do, it could really turn into a big problem.”

“Ah… yes, thank you.”

There was concern in his eyes, but he soon got up. Then, as if something had occurred to him, he added:

“Oh, I’m just asking, but you and that dragon aren’t related or anything, right?”

I was momentarily dumbfounded. That dragon? Could it be a spirit? I shook my head fiercely.

“Absolutely not. No, we are different races to begin with.”

“… I just said it. Humans are also born between angels and devils.”

“That and this are different!”

“Humans and mines can also reproduce. It’s just unprecedented.”


“Ahem, if that’s not the case, then I’m relieved. Anyway, dinner was good.”

The inspector left in a hurry, leaving only those words behind. Just then, a soul came out, rubbing its eyes that were full of sleep.

“Your Majesty, aren’t you sleeping?”

“… I’ll be in a bit. Go to sleep first.”

Hon nodded and went into the tent. He stared at her back.

‘A temple visited by both humans and mines… … .’

Originally, I was planning to go alone, but I think I’ll have to adjust my plans a bit.

Intuition tells me to go to the temple with my soul.

And I trust my instincts.

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not work with dark mode