Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 169

Episode 169: Master! Here’s another bowl! (1)

The United States. The superpower that reigns supreme in this world as well as on Earth. Vast land, overwhelming resources, and infrastructure that has everything. The United States is the leader in all aspects.

But the path for the United States to become number one in the world was very difficult because its competitors were so powerful.

The only country that can form a two-party system with the United States. It is Korea, my roots from my previous life, and my motherland in this life.

You may wonder. Even though ‘Miracle of Protection M’ is a domestic game, how can it be on par with the US? If the gap with reality is too big, it actually harms the sense of immersion. Any setting that is too excessive is bound to be criticized.

However, this is a game world overflowing with fantasy elements. Heroes, monsters that cannot be defeated by tanks, and superhumans who fight with their bare hands. If you combine weapons and protection, you can easily create a martial arts novel. And the country that produces the most such heroes is Korea. According to the setting, it is because the soil contains profound energy.

The users didn’t ask questions that deeply. The vast majority of users are Korean, and it’s a fantasy world anyway. If it’s plausible to that extent, it’s acceptable.

In any case, the United States has a remarkably low rate of producing heroes, even compared to other great powers.

Even though there’s All Mute, there aren’t any notable American heroes other than her.

If it weren’t for All Mute, America would have long since fallen out of the hero society. That’s how much we depended on her.

Of course, it wasn’t like the heroes were fighting each other. They were having friction with each other in a situation where there was a public enemy, the Demons? It would be a disaster.

But isn’t it also said that human history is the history of war?

Even on Earth, people don’t shoot each other with nuclear weapons. It’s the same. Heroic power is a means to show the national power of a country and maintain the confrontational aspect.

In this world, it is difficult to have a place in the international community just because you have a lot of money. So the United States has a different strategy. If Korea raises heroes, the United States buys heroes with its money.

And they built their own unique system called ‘Hero’. They carried out marketing that branded the heroes while not being eliminated from the hero society.

It was a symbol of wanting to extract a lot of benefits from the large sums of money spent on importing the products. This country can truly be called the epitome of capitalism.

…and now, this moment.

I am feeling anew what kind of country America is.

“It’s a blank check.”

An American man who introduced himself as Kane hands me a check.

“Would you like to become a hero for our Lancelot Company?”

I was just out to the mart to do some groceries and they asked me to become a hero. What is this situation? I looked around, wondering if they were filming YouTube.

There was no camera or any other sign. I put the green onion I was holding down and asked in a stern voice.

“I don’t know how you found out, but wouldn’t it be against the agreement for the Hero Agency to approach a cadet?”

Kane responded with a capitalist smile.

“Originally, that would be the case. However, we at Lancelot Company cannot delay any longer. We simply wish to quickly treat you as you deserve. Agreement? The atmosphere has been tense recently, hasn’t it? With the air of war starting to circulate since the Joaquin Incident, we cannot afford to worry about such trivial matters.”

Kane continued speaking, his mouth licked with saliva.

“And if Mr. Geumma is willing to join us, our VIP from the United States can personally contact the Joaquin Academy.”

“… VIP? Who is that?”

“I don’t want to mention your real name, but can I say you’re the person who lives in the ‘White House’?”

The White House? No, is it okay to have this conversation at the grocery store?

“We at Lancelot Company promise to give you the best treatment, Mr. Geumma. Not only that, we will also issue you American citizenship without any procedures. Oh, and… … .”

Kane kept talking like that. If I tried to get away, he would tell me about even more special privileges. They were all extraordinary privileges. I was dumbfounded when I heard them. At this rate, I thought he would buy me an island if I wanted.

‘I smell a scammer.’

It was around this time that suspicions naturally arose.


Suddenly, someone appeared from behind and grabbed Kane’s shoulder. Kane flinched for a moment and turned his head.

“…Who are you?”

“I’m the manager of that guy, Geumma.”

Weapon answered with his brow furrowed. Kane also looked displeased.

“I can hear you overstepping the line. And you must have seen what happened to all the kids who tried to trick Geomma.”

Weapon spat out the words before Kane could even open his mouth.

“Why do you keep beating around the bush about selling the next Chilseong seat in exchange for a blank check?”

Description: Speed Weapon is here to help.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the principal’s office, two women are sitting across from each other at a reception table.

“…Ellie, are you talking about that right now?”

Media’s face, which had been silently listening to the story, distorted into a hideous grimace. She glared at Olmute with sharp, sharp eyes.

“You want to recruit Kenma to your agency in the United States?”

All Mute returned the blow with his back straight.

“Yes. Sashimi Kensei, considering his skills, it would be inefficient for him to stay at the Academy any longer. It would be much better for him to receive professional care and treatment in the United States. Even the White House considers Kang Kensei to be a national force.”

Boom! Media’s fist smashed the armrest of the sofa like a piece of tofu. The fist trembled on the shattered piece.

“Ellie, do you know how much you are insulting me when you say that? Your skills are so outstanding that you want to manage the swordsman directly in your agency? Are you kidding me? Do you dare to deceive me?”

“… … .”

“I know that none of these words are your intentions, but they are ultimately those of the Lancelot Company and the White House.”

“… … .”

“Lancelot Company? The White House? They want the ‘next Chilseong’. They want to push All Mute as much as possible, and if they feel like their position is being pushed back, they’ll just pay for and recruit Geomma. Do you think I don’t know that? What the White House wants is for an ‘American’ to sit as the next Chilseong. Even if that’s not All Mute, or you. Right?”

The green eyes of Mediah burned brightly.

“But what really pisses me off is that you’re acting as a parrot for such trivial things. Tell me, Ellie. Is that what the Academy taught you? Where did you go from being such a straight-forward cadet to becoming a messenger of such words?”

Olmute, who had been frozen like a statue, finally ground her teeth. She raised her head fiercely.

“I… didn’t mean to say something like that! But this much, the people desperately want the next Chilseong to come from the United States!”

All Mute confessed in a loud voice.

“Didn’t the principal say that a true hero should act according to what the public wants? I have never disobeyed him. It’s just that my methods are different from when I was a cadet. Because I know now that there is no such thing as teenage romance in this world!”

“What are you misinterpreting? You’re saying that the method has just changed? Do you really want to get beaten by love for the first time in a long time?”

“How long are you going to treat me like a child!? I know it’s true, but I’m the one who is predicted to succeed the sword master. That means that my military power is on par with that of the current Chilseong heroes. And don’t you remember that time when I was beaten by the headmaster’s love and had to be treated for two months!?”

As a sense of shock filled the principal’s office, Media soon relaxed her fist. Then, she suddenly threw her words out the door.

“Let me in.”

At the same time, the door opened and the clanking of shoes resounded.

“…Mao Lang? Why are you here?”

All mutes have blank faces.

“It’s been a while~”

Mao Lang, a former academy classmate of mine, waves her hand and greets me.

Media said, putting her hand on her temple.

“Ellie, I called you when I heard you were coming to Korea.”

Mao Lang smiled and added.

“You ended up having an unexpected reunion? I didn’t mean to overhear, but Khan, you seem to have changed so much.”

All Mute’s eyebrows were twisted as if they were twisting. Mao Lang looked at her intently and muttered to himself bitterly.

“That’s why I was so jealous of you, but in the end, you got infected too. Just like me… … .”

Mao Lang quickly wiped away the bitter smile that appeared on his lips for a moment.

“Director, may I make a suggestion?”

Media nodded. Mao Lang smiled and continued.

“I think that in times like these when opinions are at odds with each other, it’s best to compromise in the most Joaquin Academy-like way. Fighting with words only hurts feelings and doesn’t lead to an answer.”

“The Academy-style?”

All Mute tilted his head diagonally. Mao Lang narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth again.

“Of course it’s subspace sparring. What else do we learn as cadets besides fighting?”

“… … .”

“You’ve even fought in subspace, so what else would the White House or your company’s higher-ups say? Then, Khan, you’ll have a reason to say, ‘I did my best.’”

After hearing Mao Lang’s proposal, Olmute was absorbed. At first glance, it seemed absurd. He came to persuade me and suddenly had to have a subspace duel.

But if you prove yourself on the spot, things will be easy. The recruitment of Kang Geum-ma was just a word from the company.

To be honest, this was also what Olmute had been prepared for. Although he is a person who knows how to acknowledge others, it is not like he has no pride at all.

Whenever I compared myself to the strong swordsman around me, my throat got stuffy… … .

‘If I win, America’s prestige will be strengthened.’

Mao Lang sneered as All Mute pondered.

“Khan, I think you misunderstood. What I meant was that after you get beaten up by Kanggeomma, you should know your place. You can’t beat him like that. Even if you hold out, you’ll only be able to hold out for 20 seconds? If you use all your abilities, you’ll be able to hold out for about 50 seconds.”

A mocking laugh. Bloodshot eyes appeared on Olmute’s temples. She immediately contacted Kane.

“Are you with Ganggeomma? An uninvited guest suddenly showed up while you were doing business? Persuade him and bring him to the training ground.”

[@#$&*… @#%$%]

“Why, why?”

All Mute said, stretching his neck from side to side.

“To make the world tremble and China tremble.”

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not work with dark mode