Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 139

Episode 139 Variable (1)

As soon as it was lunchtime, I headed to the principal’s office. I even skipped eating.

The original plan was to meet with the club members one by one. But then an emergency call came from Media.

He went back on his words from yesterday when he sent a text message saying, “Geumma, from now on, just enjoy your academy life!”

It’s probably something very serious or urgent, or more likely both.

‘Are there still any villain remnants left? Or maybe some old-timers?’

I felt inside her bosom. It felt hard. Sashimi cried sadly, as if she was hungry for human blood.

“…Am I really going crazy?”

Why did you start looking for sashimi right away? Even if it was an unconscious act, you still reached for the knife first. Oh, and since when did your handwriting become so cruel?

I felt a surge of weakness and the strength left my fingertips. I felt dizzy.

“That fairy tale rate is fucking crazy.”

Tsk- I clicked my tongue. The [Sword God’s Protection] assimilation rate is steadily rising. Every time it rises, the ‘human status’ drops in real time.

When I checked yesterday, I saw that there were only one or two steps left until the next unlock condition of 35%. Perhaps it was because of the sense of crisis that was coming, but my eyelids fluttered as I looked at the status window.

I’m not even halfway through yet, but I’m like this. How will I change in the future? It seems like I’ll just be using a knife instead of doing any real questions and answers.

‘Even if the rising fairy tale rate is considered a growth factor, is there no way to prevent the decline in the status of people? … .’

I grabbed the sashimi to try to survive, but in return, my humanity was melting away like a candle.

Giving up humanity in order to survive… It was ironic in many ways.

While I was thinking about this and that, I quickly arrived at the principal’s office.

The secretary who was always waiting at the desk in front of the office door was nowhere to be seen. It seemed like she had gone out to eat lunch because it was lunchtime.

Knock, knock—I knocked on the door three times. Before I knew it, the European knocking manners(?) had become second nature.

“It’s Ganggeomma.”

“Hey, come in.”

A seductive voice flowed from beyond the door. I flinched as I held the doorknob.

Unlike the urgent text, there was a calm and relaxed tone in his voice.

An odd situation. I had a strong sense of foreboding. I had to check first before opening the door.

“Director, if you don’t dress properly like before, I’ll just go back to where I am.”

“… … .”

“I came here because it was urgent business, but I don’t think you would call a cadet and play a prank during lunch hour.”

“… … .”

“Principal of Media Academy?”

A moment of silence. A soft rustle of cloth was heard, and then a voice came out again.

“Come in… … .”


As soon as I entered the office, I looked at Media’s attire. The robe was buttoned up all the way.

Media greeted me with a big smile.

“Wow- Our Geomma, how long has it been! I know kids grow up so fast these days, but it’s really hard to recognize the difference in time. You seem to have grown taller, too.”

“You’re the same height, but you seem to have lost some weight.”

“What!? You’re saying that the already slim girl came back even thinner? Did that brat starve you?”

“I ate well. It’s just… I had a lot going on in Switzerland. And I also exercised regularly. So instead of losing weight, I gained more muscle.”

“Hmm- but at that age, it’s nice to look plump. Teenagers need to eat well and be healthy!”


After exchanging news stories for a few minutes, Media’s expression brightened. She quietly opened her mouth.

“I have two big things to tell you, Sword Maiden: good news and ambiguous news. Which one do you want to hear first?”

Media showing off her slender fingers in a V shape. The index finger is good news, while the middle finger is ambiguous news.

“Let me start by saying that it’s vague news.”

“I thought you’d be curious about that first.”

Media smiled faintly and stopped talking.

“First of all, let me say that this is still vague news, but it’s not bad news. However, if things continue this way, I think things will get a little more complicated… … .”

Media bit her lower lip lightly.

“Anyway, I’ll tell you this one thing for sure. If anything happens to you, Geomma, I will absolutely not let you off the hook.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Thank you~ It’s something that should be expected of an educator. Anyway, this ambiguous news is related to the text I sent you last night. I sent you a lot of messages, but among them, it was about the Hero Association. Do you remember?”

“They said they’re working with the Hero Association to root out the remaining traitors.”

“That’s right. As I said, the association guys are very strict because they are FMs, but everyone acknowledges that they are good at their job, in many ways. They have a short history, but they have developed their abilities. If they didn’t do a good job, would those arrogant noble guys just sit still?”

“I guess so.”

I nodded in agreement.

“These association guys who are good at this job have a really good sense of smell. Once they suspect someone, they dig really hard. The problem arises here… … .”

“What the principal said is that they are watching me?”

“… Yes. It seems like the association has vaguely noticed that you, Geomma, were involved in the subjugation of the 5th Corps Commander. I only found out about this this morning. If I had known, I wouldn’t have accepted their offer to help.”

Media sighed deeply. She pounded her chest as if she was frustrated, and moistened her throat with green tea.

“But you know what’s funny? An executive of the association came to me and told me that they are keeping a close eye on you, Geomma. That’s why I said this news is ambiguous.”

“The association said so openly? Why?”

“Isn’t that funny? Actually, this is more of a ‘creation ceremony’ than an ‘association ceremony.’ That gorilla has always said, ‘It’s unmanly to dig around in a dirty way!’ I never thought he’d do that even when he’s old… … . The only ones who really don’t grow up are the gorillas, you know.”

The inspector said once that the chairman and vice chairman, Changseong, were keeping an eye on me.

Even 【HP】, which is usually not given to cadets, was being estimated separately by me.

‘It seems like the scale is getting bigger.’

Until recently, I was just a commoner, but now I am the object of attention from global giants. It’s a feeling that’s hard to explain.

“But this isn’t all bad for us. The fact that Changseong is keeping an eye on you, Geomma, is probably because he has a favorable opinion. Then, it could work to your advantage in succeeding to the Seven Star Heroes in the future.”

Media said, rubbing her temples.

“If the three of us, Ttaktak, Gorilla, and I among the Seven Stars, push you, it will be difficult to refute you. However, Kojima is a bit of a problem… … . In fact, he is the most difficult.”

While talking, Media suddenly turned her head and looked at the wall clock. There were less than ten minutes left for lunch.

“Oh, this story has become too long. Let me tell you some good news.”

Media, whose eyes sparkle with excitement.

“Now you don’t have to worry about tuition and living expenses!”

I blinked and looked at her, wondering what she meant.

While I was bewildered, a pleasant smile appeared on Media’s lips.

“I don’t know who you are, but I sent you a donation in your name. Tuition, living expenses, etc. will be deposited into your account regularly every month.”

“…Who by any chance―”

Media placed the index finger she had been holding up against the center of my lips.

“This kind of thing is originally anonymous.”

She added, winking one eye.

“Don’t worry too much about money anymore. You’re already going through so much at seventeen. Students need to be students.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, our swordsman has made it big! We even have a fan club!? Wow, that’s great, great!”

* * *

At that time, in the backyard of the main building of Joaquin Academy.

Three members of the travel club. Saki Ryozo, Speed Weapon, and Sanhana gathered together. Even though they had only met for a month, two out of the five were missing.

Weapon asked.

“What about the manager and Chloe? Did they have a separate class during lunch today?”

Ryozo gave a brief explanation for the two people’s absence.

The story was that Chloe had rushed to the principal’s office due to family circumstances, and Kang Geum-ma had rushed to Media’s summons.

“… So that’s why you can’t come.”

Weapon muttered. He furrowed his brows, lost in thought.

Weapon was the only one of these three who knew the inside story of the night of the purge.

That day, the elder Claude was purged, but Auditore’s side also suffered bloodshed. It was a catastrophe in which ten assassins died.

So it was natural that Chloe, a member of Auditore, would join late.

He must be wandering around the country now, assassinating the remnants.

The sight of her, who looked like a hamster, stabbing the enemy with a blank expression was vivid.

“… … .”

Just imagining it made his body cringe. Weapon shook his head violently, shaking off the horror movie.


Why was Ganggeomma summoned to the principal’s office on the first day of the second semester? Weapon also guessed it without much difficulty.

Kang Geum-ma was now playing in a different water. Even now, the declaration the manager had made was vivid in his mind.

‘I am the next Chilseong to succeed the Emperor.’

When he recalled that moment, his heart pounded. At those words, Weapon felt a hot romanticism as a fellow member and as a man.

At the age of seventeen, he was predicted to be the next Chilseong. There was no other boy’s comic book. Of course, among the cadets, only Weapon knew this fact.

However, weapons with too much explanation have always made my mouth itch.

I wanted to go somewhere and shout, ‘My friend, Kang Geum-ma is the next Chil-seong!’ Every day, the bamboo forest was a desperate weapon.

But Weapon held back his desire. Not only did Kanggeomma ask him to do it, but if it was revealed, it would cause a huge uproar.

To Weapon, friendship was several times more important than personal desires. If a man betrays his duty, his lower body becomes lighter.

Still, it was hard to shake off all the regrets. It was surprising that so few people knew about Kang Geum-ma’s exploits.

‘The manager isn’t getting all the recognition he deserves… … .’

Weapon scratched his head. Unlike the person in question, Kanggeomma, he was having trouble breathing. His insides were burning.


As Weapon’s expression changed in a split second, Ryozo narrowed his eyes.

Ryozo immediately questioned the weapon.

“What, you look like you’re hiding something?”

“Hey, hey, what are you hiding? What am I hiding!”

The weapon swung sharply. Ryozo’s eyes narrowed slightly and soon he snickered.

“Don’t go around lying. It’ll all show. And what would you hide anyway? At most, it would be a red magazine hidden under the bed.”

“… … .”

… How did you know?

Weapon looked at Ryojo with eyes that had grown three times larger. Sanhana, who was watching the scene, only smiled faintly.

Thud, thud.

Suddenly, footsteps began to approach the travel club. The members’ attention turned to the sound that gradually became clearer.

It was a female student. Silver hair flowing down her shoulders and a black hat with a soft bang. Her somewhat unique appearance immediately caught the attention of those around her.

As Weapon thought, ‘I’ve never seen black eyes before except for the Ganggeomma,’ she stood close to Batu.

? ? ?

A question mark floated over the heads of all the members of the travel club.

The female student looked around with silent eyes and then tilted her head.

“Where is that guy named Ganggeomma?”

Eunbal, who was looking around and checking the absence of Ganggeomma again, muttered with a heartbroken expression.

“I gave up lunch and spent an hour just to see her.”

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not work with dark mode