Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 109

Episode 109: The End of the First Semester (2)

As soon as the midnight commotion was over, I immediately left the annex.

The inspector and the headmaster looked at each other as if they had something to say, but decided to wait until next time.

They didn’t catch me, as if they had read my mind. They added that they would take care of the cleanup themselves.

Since this is a major incident where one of the elders died, the aftermath will be important. Still, there is evidence from the villains in the annex and Auditore.

Even if there is a big incident, the remaining elders and nobles will not be able to open their mouths easily.

If you brush your teeth incorrectly, your own neck could be in danger.

When I arrived at the dormitory building, I left a text message to Weapon, who was waiting in the principal’s office. The gist of it was that it ended without any problems.

Weapon replied briefly, “Go in and get some rest.”

There must have been a lot of questions about the circumstances of the incident, but the guy didn’t ask any of them.

I could vaguely understand his hidden meaning, that he just wanted to know that I was safe. He may be weak in many ways, but he really is a deep friend.

I smiled faintly and moved my feet diligently. My whole body was tingling and uncomfortable.

‘Let’s wash as soon as we get in.’

It looked like a mess because it had been rolling around in the dust just a little while ago. In addition, various smells were mixed together and gave off an unpleasant smell.

When I arrived at my dorm room, I checked my clothes.

I wasn’t aware of it, but I noticed a yellow and red dyed top and pants that were torn here and there.


The already expensive uniform has now become a complete rag. If it had just a few stains, I could just take it to the dry cleaners, but at this point, I need to get a new one.

Unfortunately, there are no used Joaquin Academy uniforms for sale. Wearing these clothes is a sign of authority and status.

In fact, even dungeons that are difficult to enter can be simplified by just wearing the Joaquin Academy uniform.

It’s not true that it’s torn and worn out, but it was a comfortable piece of clothing, but it was so damn expensive.

I have an extra set, but it’s not enough to survive the hot summer. But the timing is good because tomorrow is the last day of school.

Moreover, all the villains who had infiltrated the school were eliminated. Professor Damien himself, who had summoned them, appeared, so it is likely that all of them are correct.

Even if that wasn’t the case, since the main axis was gone, they would have disappeared and run away.

“Phew… … .”

I took a deep breath and put the clothes I had taken off into a trash bag.

Then, before washing up, I stood in front of the mirror.

I stared blankly at my reflection in the spotless mirror. My eyes were sunken from exhaustion and my hair was even thinner than before.

The facial lines and impression have become much sharper than before.

Her appearance had changed so much. As the days went by, her face changed so rapidly that she suddenly burst into laughter.

“The problem isn’t just that your face has changed.”

What does it matter if you are precocious and handsome?

What has changed even more significantly is the country itself.

I turned my palm over. The part that touched the handle of the knife was covered with rough calluses. It wasn’t completely unfamiliar, since it had been like this in my previous life.

However, the series of events that led to this callus formation were different. I frowned.

In my previous life, I looked down at my calluses and saw my own growth as I cut fish. The rougher my hands became, the more proud and happy I felt. At the time, I considered it a kind of medal.

But what about me now? These calluses were earned by harming countless lives.

I have no regrets at all. All the guys I’ve killed deserved to die. I’m not so weak-hearted that I can’t sleep at night thinking about getting rid of those guys.

So why did I feel so uncomfortable? The reason was simple. When I was swinging my sword to harm my enemy, I didn’t have even a grain of emotion in my hand.

Just three months ago, I was trembling with fear at the sight of my peers within the subspace.

Now I just swing the sashimi. Without any hesitation or hesitation.

At first I thought it was because of the swordsman’s protection, but I changed my mind after what happened today.

Of course, the influence of the swordsman’s protection may be there, but more than that, it is probably the true nature of this body.

My thoughts turned in that direction. A sense of discomfort and foreboding came over me.

Who is the Kanggeomma, the body I possessed? My parents in this world who took care of me have disappeared as if they never existed.

Why did I, a mere commoner, end up in this world? It must be the plunder of an incomprehensible being, but what is its intention and what is it trying to convey?

The questions continue on and on, endlessly.

“… … .”

I was so lost in thought that I forgot that I had come in to wash up.

I quickly slapped my cheek and washed my face until it was dry. As I said before, it was a habit I had when I was trying to come to my senses.

I muttered as I looked into the mirror.

“I’ve just been running around like crazy until now.”

I need to take some time off. And it’s vacation time.

Originally, I had planned to diligently explore dungeons during the vacation. However, I decided to change that plan a bit.

If you keep pushing yourself, the same situation will repeat itself.

Cut, chop, and slice the enemies that appear.

I decided to take a break because I felt like I would really lose myself if I continued like that.

Anyway, the members would return to their hometown, and it would be impossible for me to go through the dungeon alone.

As I took a short breath and exhaled, the complicated pace calmed down and my thoughts cleared.

I turned on the shower. The high-pressure water stream hit my face.

I felt refreshed as I wiped away the dirt. Blood, sweat, and fatigue were all mixed together and sucked into the sewer.

* * *

The next day came.

From early morning, the class was filled with a buzz of noise.

“Where did you decide to go during the vacation?”

“Well, I guess I’ll be spending the night at home with Papa and Mama. What about you?”

“I decided to spend my vacation with my family at a villa in Hawaii. Come visit when you have time!”

“Oh, really? I want to go, I want to go!”

The class atmosphere is very excited. It’s understandable, because tomorrow is the start of vacation.

After completing a semester of intense academic courses, it was finally time for a break. It was only natural that they had such clear and bright faces.

To be honest, I felt a little dizzy. Come to think of it, I don’t remember ever taking a break for more than a few days in my past life. I started my social life at the age of seventeen.

So this long break was both strange and exciting to me. Well… even so, I guess I’ll just be stuck in my dorm room.

How can I visit my parents’ hometown when their very existence has disappeared? I guess the address has probably been erased. Or maybe another family member lives there.

Rather than causing unnecessary trouble, let’s just roll around in the cozy dorm. If we feel like it, we can work out and gather information at the library.

I turned my head to the right. Chloe was sitting there with a gloomy expression. She looked gloomy alone in the noisy classroom.

I was about to ask why, but then I realized that many of Auditore’s members were killed last night.

No matter how much Chloe hates her family, the death of her blood relative would naturally be sad.

Rather than bringing it up for no reason, it would be better to send deep comfort inwardly.

Then I heard Chloe muttering softly.

“I don’t want to be away from the Geomma Army during the vacation… … .”

“… … .”

I immediately withdrew the consolation I was about to send. A goosebump-inducing feeling welled up in me.

You hate being separated from me more than the death of your family. If that’s the case, then your brain circuitry must be seriously flawed.

As expected, the yandere girl’s way of thinking is beyond the level of understanding that a normal person like me can have.

‘Chloe is real.’

I turned my gaze to the left.

Ryozo was crossing his arms with his lips pursed. His eyebrows, which were tightly closed, stood out.

‘…Why is it like this again?’

Chloe’s face was filled with worry in a different sense. Why is it that only the two people sitting on either side of me are giving off an air that is the complete opposite of the lively atmosphere in the room?

Ryozo, this kid’s complexion was just as dark as Chloe’s. To be exact, his expression was rotten. He didn’t look like a young man on vacation.

That’s Ryozo who always takes naps. I thought he’d like it the most… … .

‘Do you hate vacation that much?’

By the way, Ryozo was discharged from the Academy Hospital yesterday. His physical condition has improved a lot, and he has decided to go back to his home country to receive additional treatment.

‘Well, with that much of an injury, being hospitalized for a few days won’t help.’

As I was watching with a slightly strange feeling, my eyes met with Ryozo’s.

Ryozo’s face turned red and he turned his head away. Then he looked into the distance and blurted out.

“You, what are you going to do during the vacation?”

“… I don’t really have any plans. I’m just going to stay at the academy.”

“What!? You’re saying you’re only going to the academy for a month?”

At those words, Ryozo suddenly looked at me. When our eyes met, she looked down as if embarrassed. She only slightly raised her eyes and looked at me.

I shrugged my shoulders at Ryozo, who was babbling.

“I have nowhere to go anyway.”

“…I see.”

There was a hint of embarrassment in her reply. It seemed like she was trying to decide what to say. She was quick-witted.

You probably guessed it because my family history was unusual. But in reality, it wasn’t ordinary.

‘I had a family, but it’s gone.’

Ryozo’s eyes rolled around. I smiled slightly as he pondered what to say.

“Ryozo, you too have a good vacation.”

“… … !”

Then Ryozo’s face turned even redder.

…Why is he like this? Is he really suffering from PTSD like Weapon said? Is that the calm and rational Ryozo like this?

At the moment when I could not hide my shock, Lee Won-bin and Geom-je opened the classroom door and came in.

Excitement spread among the cadets at the sudden appearance of the swordsman. It was the first time he had appeared since retiring from the Seven Star Heroes.

I guess the retirement issue has been sorted out to some extent. The class went from being abuzz to bustling with excitement at his appearance.

“Quiet! Quiet!”

Lee Won-bin slammed his palm on the podium. The students, who were about to go on vacation, seemed to have lost their temper and were reluctant to listen to him.

They spent a semester together there, supporting and roasting each other. The students felt more comfortable with Wonbin Lee than at the beginning of the semester.

Only after Wonbin Lee had been shouting for about five minutes did the sound become quiet. He opened his mouth with a look of complete exhaustion.

“I know you’re excited, but you’re students of the Joaquin Academy. Please, please behave yourself outside. The Academy’s reputation is determined by your behavior.”


The cadets gathered together and answered loudly. Only then did a smile appear on Wonbin Lee’s face.

“Oh my, your answers are just like those of the students of Joaquin Academy. Anyway, I sent you the guidelines by email, so I won’t talk too much. Always be careful with your behavior and attitude, and show your parents that you have become a good person. That’s all.”

After finishing his speech, Lee Won-bin stepped back and gave his seat to the inspector. The atmosphere that had been heated until just now suddenly calmed down. They looked tense on purpose.

The appearance of the swordsman was an appearance, but there were also concerns that it might become as long as a principal’s lecture. That’s because everyone was shaking their butts because they wanted to go home quickly.

He is a famous swordsman. The moment he opens his mouth, a boring lecture will begin. Someone swallowed hard.

The inspector looked me over. His eyes stopped on me for a moment, then he opened his mouth without saying anything.

“I’ll keep it short since only old farts who don’t know the ways of the world have long tongues. I look forward to seeing you all grown up next semester, and with that I’ll end.”

The sword master cut off his words sharply. The cadets gasped at his blunt remark.

I was also surprised. He is the epitome of an old fart. He is giving such a plain lecture. I was speechless.

The cadets quickly got up from their seats, greeted each other, and then rushed out.

Lee Won-bin and Geom-je stayed in their seats, probably with the intention of making sure that everyone left.

The class suddenly became empty. After a while, Chloe spoke with a pale face.

“… Have a nice vacation, Geomma Army.”

“Chloe, you too.”


Chloe replied with a dying voice. I tried to ignore her, but decided to cheer her up since it was the holidays.

“I’ll be looking forward to seeing you grow even more. So, have a nice vacation.”

As he said that, Chloe’s eyes sparkled. She nodded vigorously.

On the other hand, Ryozo still looked uneasy. I was thinking about what to say, but stopped. Mental counseling is something a doctor should do, not my area of expertise.

Chloe walked towards the door with brisk steps.

‘I should go back and get some rest.’

The moment I was about to pack my bags and get up, the inspector suddenly approached me.

‘… Oh, right.’

Yesterday, this gentleman looked like he had a lot to say to me. So, is that why he waited for all the students to leave?

The swordsman who had come close to Batu looked at me and soon opened his mouth.

“Do you have any plans for the vacation?”

“… … ?”

I doubted my ears for a moment. It was an unexpected question.

You’re suddenly asking about my vacation plans? Are you just trying to get me started before asking a real question?

While many questions were running through my mind, the inspector stared at me intently. His eyes looked familiar.

It was the look in the eyes of an old man who often urged me to answer while working at a sushi restaurant. Hasn’t it been less than ten minutes since I made that old man remark?

I answered, suppressing my thoughts.

“I was just thinking about training at the academy.”

“… I see.”

The concise words returned and a cold wind blew between them for a moment.

An awkward silence fell, making me feel like I could die.

As I was about to take a step back, the inspector blurted out:

“Then won’t you come with me?”

“… … ?”

I was dumbfounded by the unexpected suggestion.

Before I could ask again, the inspector looked straight into my eyes and opened his mouth quietly.

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not work with dark mode