Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 330

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 330

Episode 330. Determination

After countless souls trapped in the abyss of souls attained Buddhahood.

Ethan let out a deep sigh as numerous notification windows popped up in front of him.

-Great achievement!

-Your reputation will increase dramatically!

-You have achieved a feat that will be widely known across the continent! Everyone will look up to you and revere you.

-Your fame has surpassed a certain level! Your influence on the continent has greatly increased.

… …

… …

-You have achieved the achievement!

– You have earned likes by completing the [Dawn Destroyer] achievement.

– Got ’40’ likes!

-You have achieved the achievement!

– [Ibeka’s Savior] Likes were earned by completing the achievement.

– Got ’20’ likes!

“It was worth the effort.”

Among the threats to the continent, the greatest threat was the followers of the moon, and among them, the three apostles at the top were defeated.

In addition, the reward for dealing with the soul of the abyss on the verge of explosion was considerable.

‘I caught the three apostles and prevented the soul of the abyss from being scorched earth. This is only natural.’

The most likes I’ve gotten so far was 30 for beating Cesare, one of the six demons.

It was a great achievement to be the savior of the continent and I got likes at the same time, and I renewed it again.

Even back then, I thought I got a ton of likes, but after catching the three apostles, I only got a whopping 40 likes.

‘In addition, I’ve also completed the Savior achievement for Ibeka. I haven’t completely saved Ibeka yet, but the three apostles are the most important figures among the followers of the moon who invaded. So you could say that dealing with the three apostles saved Ibeka.’

Perhaps it was a bonus point that he saved Ibekah from being blown away by the Abyssal Spirit.

‘I can comfortably subscribe to a few gods.’

Ethan first put the drop in and thanked Princess Baridegi.

“Bihyeongrang was also great. I should also thank the gumiho who merged with Princess Baridegi. It was really urgent.”

Then I thought that I should definitely help the gumiho a few more times later.


Ethan sighed and sat down slowly.

My body was quite tired.

“Whew. Whoosh.”

I tried to catch my breath, but it was ragged. My body was still tense and tense.

It was really close.

‘I won with just one left. I really won with just one left.’

He won with just enough power left to use the Trustful Frost once.

It’s a good thing it worked out, if I had made even the slightest mistake I would have been the one to fall.

“Still, it was an opponent I couldn’t win against without taking risks.”

I was able to win because I challenged myself.

“This might be a little difficult to teach to kids… … .”

Ethan chuckled.

The three apostles were truly strong opponents.

When you meet such a strong opponent, it’s right to teach them to run away first. The top priority is survival.


Ethan used genuine Heuryu acupuncture to insert needles all over his body.

Then he searched through his pockets, took out the herbal medicine he had prepared in advance, and drank it.

“I prepared so many defensive techniques.”

I didn’t know that everything except Moon Force’s armor would break.

“I told you, it wasn’t too much. It was actually not enough. You can’t strengthen your body until you completely cure the extinction disease. In the end, you have no choice but to rely on defensive techniques.”

So we needed to acquire more defensive technologies than we have now.

‘There are a few more things to gain. I would never have done it before. Now that things have come to this, I have no choice but to change my mindset.’

Ethan’s attitude completely changed after the fight with the Three Apostles.

Because I realized that it would be difficult to defeat a formidable opponent at the level of the Three Apostles with a safety-first approach.

‘You must acquire good abilities even if it means taking risks. Even if you die in the process of acquiring those abilities.’

In order to survive, you must ultimately be prepared to die.


Acupuncture temporarily relieved my body’s fatigue.

Thanks to the herbal medicine, the wound healed quite well, but it was not completely cured.


But Ethan immediately got up from his seat. He was able to move without any problems.

“The dawn raid isn’t over yet.”

We’ve dealt with the most dangerous opponents, the Three Apostles, but the army they brought is still trampling on Iveca.


* * *

“What the hell is going on?”

“Hey, shouldn’t you go outside and take a look?”

“What the hell is going on here!”

“It looks like something is exploding… … .”

Boom-! Boom-!

A loud noise can be heard here and there.

The ten students in the old training center were not fully aware of the situation outside.

“I have to go out.”

“No, you have to wait. You don’t know what happened!”

“Didn’t it explode while someone was doing an experiment?”

“Otherwise… … .”

“Are you, by any chance, attacking?”

“Calm down, everyone.”

Luckily, there were two fourth-year students there, named Oz and Yuri Rehard.

Oz and Yuri knew each other. They were never close, but it was important that they knew who each other were now.

The two fourth graders here exchanged opinions with just their eyes.

Let’s wait inside safely with the other eight students.

“I’m going to take a quick look outside, so everyone wait here. I’ll come back and see if it’s better to go out or wait.”

Oz looked at the glass.

“Don’t worry, everyone. You know Oz Razor? He’s the strongest here. So let’s wait quietly. When Oz comes back from outside, it won’t be too late to make a decision. Instead, let’s stay quiet. We don’t know what’s going on outside.”


“Okay, senior.”

The juniors nodded at Yuri’s words.

Their expressions clearly showed their anxiety, but they weren’t in a state of panic like just before.

As soon as the students regained their composure, Oz walked over to the door and carefully opened it.

Then he quickly went out and closed the door.

As soon as I closed the door, a loud noise was heard from far away.

Oz walked cautiously toward the loud noise to check the situation.



“First of all, don’t go outside the building… … .”

I opened the window closest to the noise and took a closer look outside.

I could hear a loud noise, but I couldn’t tell the details of what was happening.

“I have no choice but to go. It’s beyond my ability.”

I had to get closer even if it meant taking risks.

Oz climbed out the window and moved out of the building.

And at the same time I realized.

“… … What? The mana restriction has been lifted.”

Oz raised Mana.

Although the restrictions were not completely lifted, I was able to use much more mana than before.


Oz pushed the ground hard and advanced. Then he stopped at a suitable place and focused his hearing and sight.

Then I realized what the loud noise I kept hearing was.

“What the heck.”

There were so many outsiders out there that it was hard to count them all.

Most of them were wearing black nightgowns, and some were wearing robes. Those wearing robes were wearing square hats, which looked like the hats worn by cardinals of the Holy Rite.

“no way…….”

While fleeing the Magic Empire, Oz encountered a strange religious group.

Grandfather covered Oz’s eyes and told him not to see or hear, but he could hear and feel faintly.

“The… … followers of the moon.”

For a moment they turned around in the direction of Oz.

Oz covered his mouth and quickly turned around.

He tried to catch his breath, but he held it in and slowly exhaled, starting to slowly back away.

‘I have to hide.’

From their actions just now, it looked like they were attacking Ibeka.

Although I didn’t know why, it seemed clear that things were heading for the worst.

‘The teachers will definitely be taking care of it. It’s better to stay put than to move around recklessly.’

Oz thought of Ethan, then of Cloudy and the other teachers.

Above all, this Ibeka has a ghost sword as its principal.

They’re probably fighting the enemies by now, so if you just hide well, the teachers will come to rescue you.

Oz bowed low and quietly moved to the training grounds where the students were waiting.

Knock knock-.


“Oh, surprise.”

“Quiet, be quiet.”

Oz first explained to Yuri what was going on outside.

Yuri opened her eyes wide and shivered once after hearing Oz’s words.

Even though he was a fourth-year student like Oz, he wasn’t at a level where he could feel at ease even after hearing that the Moon Followers had attacked.

Who are the followers of the moon?

Aren’t they the ones who kill others without a care, treating them like insects, for the sake of their goals?


But Yuri suppressed her fear. If she showed off, the other students would definitely feel uneasy.

“It looks like they’ve raided the entire Ibeka Academy. But don’t worry. If we just wait here quietly, the teachers will come looking for us.”

Oz reassured Yuri and explained the situation to the younger students.

“The Academy was attacked just now. But don’t worry. I just got back from a check. It was a bit far, but the teachers were dealing with the attackers.”

It was a lie to reassure, but it was perfect for easing the anxiety of younger students.

“The principal is at the forefront and moving, so the situation will be sorted out soon. Don’t worry. In fact, it’s a good thing we’re here. We can safely endure it here.”

“Yeah, right?”

“They say good things come to those who work hard, and that’s exactly what happened.”

The younger students smiled awkwardly at Oz’s words.

Oz, who had reassured the students, slowly stood in front of the door.

And right then.

Knock knock!

The door opened as if it were a lie.

Outside, there were people standing in the black nightgowns we had seen earlier.


“Who, who… …!?”

“You were hiding here. Were you unable to evacuate?”

Oz immediately drew the sword at his waist, but the men in night clothes did not move.

The one at the front looked around, saw Oz, and took off his mask.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to discover the things that were hidden. It was the order of the Three Apostles to gather every single soul without leaving any behind. I will now carry out my mission.”

When he smiled, those behind him moved.

“For the Goddess.”

“For the Goddess.”


The followers of the moon were about to attack in one breath. Oz swung his sword to counter them. It was a sword technique aimed at intimidation rather than attack.

However, when Oz, who was called Ibeka’s greatest talent, charged forward with all his might, the followers of the moon had no choice but to take a step back.

Then Oz shouted.

“Run away! Quickly!”

“Ha, but… … .”

“If you guys run away, I can run away too! Hurry up!”

At Oz’s rebuke, the students quickly began to back away.

Oz, who met Yuri’s eyes, simply nodded.

“It’s tear-jerking. Are you trying to protect the kids behind you? You’re a kid too? Hahahahaha, right, then you should show some manners.”

The unmasked follower of the moon saw Oz.

“I tried to protect you with my life. After you kill them, chase them away. If you die, our mother will look down on you. Do not fear death.”


Oz said.

“None of you can go behind me.”


Oz drew a line in front of his feet.

“I won’t let you go.”

“Good, good! That spirit! You should come out like that.”


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not work with dark mode