Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 317

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 317

Episode 317. What’s going to happen will happen.

Freya Academy.

This academy, which finally solidified its place as the top academy after a close battle with Ibeka Academy, is an eco-friendly academy located in the middle of a large forest.

The most striking feature of the academy’s grounds were the large and small auditoriums constructed using a variety of building styles.

These buildings, built for classes, gave the impression that this was a palace in the forest.

While excellent teachers and students from prestigious families are each doing their best in their respective roles at Freya Academy.

There was a student who was moving in a hurry.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you doing that?”

“It’s late, it’s really late. Now is not the time to be doing this.”

Nathan Wickers, one of the most highly regarded students at Freya Academy, was completely blind.

“Didn’t you have a nice rest at Yeongji during the vacation?”

“I’ve been to Yeongji. But you wouldn’t know it, Krak. My world has completely fallen apart since that day.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s so different now than when I left the territory. It’s like the sky is falling and the earth is splitting open!”

Nathan suddenly became angry.

“Did he go crazy during the vacation? What’s going on, really?”

Nathan’s friend, Lucadia Chernkastel, looked at Nathan with a puzzled expression.

Lucadia was from the Twelve Stars family, Chernkastel, and was one of the prime minister’s promising grandsons.

Nathan, who had the skills but lacked the family background, didn’t have many friends at the academy, but one of the few friends he did have was Lucadia.

Lucadia grabbed Nathan’s shoulder as he searched frantically for something, his blonde hair fluttering.

“Stop acting so stuffy and just talk. If you can’t calm down, I’ll help you.”

As Lucadia snapped her fingers, Nathan’s body froze in place.

Lucadia also had magical skills that were as good as Nathan’s.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“No, I can’t believe it. But I feel a little calmer now. Thank you, Lucadia. But this is not the time to be thankful.”

“I lost again.”

But Nathan sat up and opened his mouth, perhaps feeling more calm than before.

“I went home this vacation. It was noisy in Freya too. About my brother and our territory.”

“Yes, you denied it strongly. The last time I saw you, you said something really bad had happened during the semester and you might have to go home.”

“That’s right, so I went there worried.”

Nathan explained in detail what had happened during the vacation, from the moment he arrived at the Wickers Estate until he met his brother.

Lucadia, who had been listening with great interest at first, gradually began to look astonished and eventually couldn’t close her mouth in shock.

Especially when I met my brother and told him that all the rumors were true, my mouth and eyes opened three times wider.

“What, what, what did you say?”

“It’s exactly as I heard. And I heard it on my way here, but it seems like our family has become one of the twelve constellations.”

“No, why are you talking about such an important topic so casually!? A new family that has become one of the Twelve Stars? That’s ridiculous. This is the first time in the history of the Twelve Stars.”

“I don’t believe it either because it sounds like someone else’s story.”

Until recently, things were not like this.

Nathan had many worries, most of which were related to his family.

Sick brother.

A father who uses all the resources of the estate to treat his brother.

The ambition that Nathan himself had.

A family that cannot support you.

Because of the lack of support, I was gradually being pushed out within the academy, and as a result, I was experiencing tremendous stress.

But all of that has been resolved.

Very simply.

My sick brother solved all my problems.

I was stressed out until just before, but out of nowhere, the very thing that was stressing me out disappeared.

What Nathan had thought was a huge concern turned out to be a very small thing when he took a step back and looked at Ethan.

“And today I got a letter. From my brother.”

Nathan smiled with a face that looked like he was going to cry.

[Thank you for your consideration so far. Now you have nothing to worry about. If there is anything you want to do, do it as much as you want. As much as you have endured so far.] – Ethan

“You sent me a lot of money. Now all my worries are gone.”

“Congratulations, congratulations, Nathan! Isn’t that all settled!?”

Lucadia was already shedding tears.

It was Lucadia who was watching Nathan’s agony and worries right next to him.

Even though he had talent, he lacked the support to make that talent shine.

But now it’s different.

“But a new problem has arisen.”

Actually, this was the main topic from now on.

“This exchange, my brother is in Ibeka.”


When I recalled the education I received from my brother in Yeongji, goosebumps ran down my spine.

“If we just sit still like this, Freya will lose by an overwhelming margin.”


“Time is running out. From now on, all of Freya must become one. The teachers must stop trying to control each other. My brother will definitely unite Iveka. And he will be at the center of it all.”

“No, but your brother, Mr. Ethan Wickers… … he’s a new teacher.”

“Do you think that a position like that can stop you, hyung?

The position of new teacher won’t be much of a problem for Ethan, his older brother.

Ethan has a firm goal of leading Ibeka Academy to victory in the exchange program.

If so, they will have already figured out the most efficient way to do it and will definitely follow that method.

To strengthen and consolidate internal power in preparation for external enemies.

Nathan could tell that his brother would plan it and he would definitely do it.

“Look at what our brother did in the first place. That small Wickus estate became the Twelve Stars. The drive, the judgment. It’s all just like when he was young.”

Before getting sick.

Even at a very young age, his shining talent had a great impact on Nathan.

So Nathan’s goal was to shine like Ethan.

“You have to put all that nonsense aside or you’ll really be embarrassed. Everyone says the Borg Academy is much more dangerous, but I disagree.”

“I have to go to Professor Kai. And to Professor Draxler too.”

Freya’s only master teacher, Draxler’s power was needed.

* * *

After finishing training with his disciples, Ethan headed straight to the office.

It was to organize my thoughts and make plans.

At the same time, it was also to review what was lacking in this class and think about what I need to work on more in the next class.

“What is this?”

Ethan was impressed by something sitting in front of his office door.

It was like a pitch-black stone, but it was sloppy for a stone.

“Come on, it’s black.”

There is a hint of blue mixed in.

“Are you from the Rosicrucian Society?”

As Ethan put his hand up, a blue aura rose up Ethan’s hand and soon began to draw something.


It was a kind of message.


The energy spread out like a giant piece of parchment and began to draw words and pictures on it.


Ethan’s expression gradually hardened as he looked at the words and pictures drawn by Energy.

“Dawn meeting.”

It seemed like the energy was drawing from the day the incident occurred.

The energy that had been sparking for about 10 minutes suddenly disappeared.

Ethan sat down and wiped his face.

The Rosicrucian Order was attacked by the Dawn Order.

The culprits are the three apostles.

“To be exact, it wasn’t an attack or anything, but rather they were discovered.”

The Rosicrucian Order was observing the movements of the Dawn Society under Ethan’s orders. During this process, they learned that the Three Apostles were investigating Ethan, and furthermore, that he was trying to kill Ethan.

“I don’t know the full details, but if the three apostles took action themselves, it means everything has been revealed.”

From one to ten.

It was said that Ethan had been caught interfering with everything the Dawn Society was trying to do.

“They knew that I was the one who killed the apostles, and that I was the vessel that the Rosicrucians were trying to create.”

You may also have noticed that Ethan was the only one of those afflicted with extinction to survive as a vessel of the gods.

“Because the Dawn Society has already rejected the Rosicrucian way of doing things. They would rather kill me than try to use me.”

But if he had made up his mind to do so, it should have been one apostle, not three.

‘At least two apostles.’

If they were going to kill Ethan, a higher-ranking apostle would have come, but they didn’t.

No matter how much I thought about it, something felt strange.

‘You obviously figured it all out. Then it would make sense that killing me would be your top priority.’

The fact that the three apostles had come meant that he was not the top priority.


You could think of it differently.

‘I can’t allocate manpower even though I have to prioritize myself… … I can think of a high level.’

The inability to allocate manpower means that the Saebyeokhoe has a priority task to solve right now.

Even leaving Ethan’s work aside.

Ethan thought back over the ten minutes he had just watched.

“Wait a minute. The three apostles came over? Does that mean they were somewhere other than the Holy Empire?”

There is only one other place they could be.

“The Magic Empire. If you’ve been there before.”

I had a feeling that all three top apostles would be there.

‘Otherwise, I can’t understand this situation. It’s beyond my range of predictions. So, I can be more certain.’

The highest apostle is in the Magic Empire.

If they can’t come over from the Magic Empire and are trying to achieve their top priority, there’s only one thing that’s related to that.

‘You are a saint.’

A saint who does important work in the Magic Empire.

And the top apostles who cannot leave the Magic Empire.

“You didn’t send the three apostles. You had no choice but to send them.”

Ethan took a deep breath.

‘It’s come. But the timing is so ironic.’

I knew that I would have to fight the top apostle someday.

This is something that naturally happens as you go through the main scenario.

But the timing was quite tricky.

The Ibeka Academy was originally destined for collapse.

That’s why it was the place Ethan chose.

‘The beginning of downfall is field training.’

Many students and teachers lose their lives in attacks by the Moon Followers.

‘It’s a field trip. I can stop it if I want. But I don’t think I can break the will of the three apostles to that extent.’

Ibeka Academy is a land that is fundamentally faithful to defense.

In addition, there was the Marquis of Rond who was protecting this land, but it was not enough to stop the Dawn Society’s attack.

‘You could come in and destroy Iveca if you’re willing to take a big risk.’

If I could kill Ethan for sure in return, I would consider it a profitable business.

‘If you value your life that much, then maybe.’

“Because Ibeka is an academy that will eventually fall.”

Since he has the excuse of coming to punish Ethan, Ibeka will inevitably end up on the path to ruin in the process.

“Even if I could block it perfectly, I can’t help but feel uneasy. What’s going to happen will happen anyway… … .”

But there was a way.

“If what’s meant to happen is meant to happen, I’ll do what I have to do.”

Ethan smiled brightly.


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not work with dark mode