Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 313

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 313

Episode 313. Second Lesson (1)

“Something terrible has happened. This is not ordinary!”

“I have to report quickly… … !”

The Rosicrucian believers who had been keeping an eye on the movements of the Dawn Society within the Holy Empire began to hastily organize the information they had obtained.

“The three apostles have returned.”

“Where are the 1st and 2nd apostles?”

“It is unclear.”

“Then why did only the three apostles show up?”

“That too is uncertain. But it seems like there is a plan.”

At that moment, someone came running in a hurry.

“We must escape quickly. The location of our secret hideout has been revealed!”


“You got caught? How? I’m sure they kept the security tight… … .”

Kwaang-! Kwagagang-!

There was a loud noise outside. Now was not the time to be wondering why.

“Here’s a supplementary report. We’ve figured out why the three apostles are here.”

The Cross official received the report and read it quickly.

-The three apostles return from the Magic Empire.

-It appears to be to understand a series of recent incidents, including the recent hunting of apostles.

And the last line.

-Ethan Wickers, targeting our god.

“Are the 1st and 2nd Apostles still in the Magic Empire? The 3rd Apostle came over to investigate this incident?”

Then there was another loud noise.



“For the Goddess.”

“For our God!”

Outside, the Crusaders were throwing their lives into the air, trying to stop the Dawn Society members.

The believers of the Cross guarding this place are also quite capable.

Judging from the overwhelming numbers they were receiving, it seemed like the core members of the Three Apostles had arrived.

“There’s no time. Run away! I have to get this across!”

The three apostles are after Ethan.

Now that they’ve made a plan, it’ll be put into action right away, and Ethan, who doesn’t know about it, will be left with no way to respond.

Ethan is strong. However, his opponent was the Third Apostle, one of the top apostles of the Dawn Society.

He didn’t come alone, he brought a large force.

It meant that no variables would be allowed.

The Rosicrucian believers who had been hastily gathering information began to flee.


But that was only for a moment. A huge spear blade flew from behind and pierced the believer at the very back.


Soon another blade flew in.

A leader of the Cross Society who was running away with the materials was almost impaled, but his subordinate next to him barely managed to change the path of the spear.

Of course, the price was dire.

“Do, run away… … and be sure to tell… … me… … .”

“Damn it… … I won’t forget that sacrifice. I’ll definitely tell you about it!”

To them, Ethan was proof that what they had been doing was not wrong.

So Ethan should never have died.

The crucifixion leader who had run away in a hurry finally took a deep breath and tapped his heart after confirming that there was quite a distance between them.

The moment when I barely managed to catch my breath, wiped the sweat, took several deep breaths, and tried to run away again.


A spear suddenly flew in and pierced his abdomen.

“I got away pretty well. But.”

A man in black robes appeared in front of him.

The man snatched the parchment from the Cross official’s hand and tore it into pieces.

“This information will never be delivered. Ethan Wickers will die as planned. The Ibeka Academy, which he was trying to establish as a foothold, will also disappear.”

“Rain, damn it… ….”

“This is something that the Three Apostles are personally moving. Even if you try to stop it, you cannot. That Ethan Wickers, whom you call a god, will be torn to pieces and killed, and the Wickers family he belongs to will no longer be a family of the Holy Empire.”

The man smashed the executive’s head in.

“For the Goddess.”

As soon as the man left the room, the body of the Cross official began to move.

The magic that had been centered around the heart just before death began to move. The pitch-black energy that emerged from the executive’s body soon found its direction and began to move.

The destination was where Ethan was.

* * *

Oz was trained separately by Ethan, Cloudy, and Duty.

Duty had some preconceived notions about Oz, given its notoriety.

There, Cloudy had a particularly big preconception about Oz.

Why didn’t Cloudy, who reached out to Mason, who was also a problem child, even reach out to Oz?

The reason is that I had a strong feeling about Oz.

A strong will to reach the top through solo training rather than growing through being taught by someone else.

I felt a sense of urgency and my self-confidence was too strong.

That’s why Cloudy didn’t reach out to Oz, which she thought was a good reason.

Of course, what was appropriate was strictly Cloudy’s standard.

“If it hadn’t changed, I would have refused to train him even if he said he would use Oz as a secret weapon.”

Cloudy smiled faintly as she came out of class.

“You’ve become more useful, Mr. Ethan. You’ve changed completely since then. Your eyes, your aura. You’re just the same on the outside.”

“I didn’t change anything drastically. I guess I just thought about a lot of things during my break. I’m basically a smart student.”

Following Cloudy, Duty also came out with a surprised expression.

“What is it? I was thinking about combining magic with swordsmanship or magic with physical strengthening, and I’m also good at applying it. If you teach me just a few of my know-hows, I think you’ll have no rivals in Iveca.”

Duty looked at Ethan with a curious expression.

“How can you be so sure?”

“It’s not that I’m special. I just came to my class and asked for help. If Oz had gone into your class and done the same thing, the results would have been the same.”

Duty couldn’t help but laugh at those words.

Although he would have been proud to brag about his talents, Ethan was thoroughly humble.

Well, it was because of that appearance that she decided to be with Ethan.

“Anyway, it looks like everyone passed.”

Ethan nodded with a smirk.

Now all that’s left is to roll it.

* * *

Ethan’s Introduction to Practical Learning class.

The second class period has arrived.

Everyone was very excited to attend the first class.

Another thing of interest was the attitude of Oz that would be shown today. Since he had been treated like that from the first day, many thought that he would be well prepared this time to resist Ethan.


“We got here early, but when on earth did we get there?”

“I’m worried… Are you trying to completely ruin Professor Ethan’s class?”

Oz was sitting alone in the auditorium. He was ranked first among 150 students in attendance.

The other students who arrived one after another were also surprised to see Oz sitting upright with his back straight.

“You’re sitting there feeling like a model student… … .”

“Can you change like that in a week?”

I don’t know what happened during the week, but outwardly he seemed very motivated to attend class.

“You all came early.”

Before we could exchange much small talk, Ethan arrived.

Ethan was wearing fairly comfortable clothes and carrying a wooden sword.

“I will begin the class in earnest today. As I said in the first class, I plan to conduct a lively class centered on practical applications rather than a class that focuses on theory. You are all children of noble families. Of course, some of you are not.”

As Ron’s massive body flinched, everyone recognized him.

Of course, there were quite a few people in this class, not just Ron. Some got in through special admission, while others used all their family’s money to get in.

“You have enough talent to enter the country’s key positions after graduation. However, many academy graduates who are sent to actual combat die more often than you think. They don’t even last long after being deployed. Why? Because the academy doesn’t let you experience actual combat because it’s dangerous.”

It’s really ironic.

They didn’t get any combat experience because it was dangerous, but when they were actually deployed in combat, they couldn’t last long and died.

“You graduate without any real-world experience, facing the dangers of assassination, the dangers of actual combat, and countless other dangers. Everything you learn at the academy is in fact nothing more than a superficial, empty shell. This prestigious school, Ibeka, is only teaching the superficial. How inefficient.”

Someone raised a hand at Ethan’s words.

“Ask a question.”

“We also want to have practical experience. But I heard that the Academy is against it. They can’t control all the students at the same time. I heard that they can’t teach properly in a situation where they are exposed to danger.”

“I can control it. That’s why I accepted as many people as possible.”

The students were impressed by Ethan’s confidence. They felt as if Ethan, standing on the podium far away, was growing in real time.

“There is a way to teach practical skills while protecting them from getting hurt. Of course, you can’t avoid getting hurt, but when I say not getting hurt, I mean not dying.”

Ethan said and stamped his foot.

“Indera, Jameson, Charlotte, Ander… … .”

Then Ethan called twenty names.

The students whose names were called looked momentarily bewildered.

He called out twenty names without looking at the attendance sheet. They had no idea that Ethan would memorize the students’ names.

After a while, the students whose names were called came forward and looked even more surprised.

This was because all of those who were called were students of magic.

“Why are you so surprised? I know the names of all 150 people taking this class. I have basic information, so don’t be surprised.”

Ethan said this and ordered his magic students to create a magic circle.

“The most basic fireball. Lower the power so you can hold it in your hand and hold it there.”


There were instructions to modify it a bit, but that was easy.

Everyone casted magic as instructed with their spirits high.

The moment when sparks burst from the students’ hands.

Ethan stomped his foot hard with a bang.

Then, the flames burning in their hands disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the students received a penalty for their magic being broken, even if it was just a little bit.

Ethan’s one movement broke my concentration.

When concentration was broken, the magic circle could no longer be maintained.

Ethan twisted his body sharply and swung his wooden sword into the air.


The sword was swung exactly at the height of their necks.

“If this were real combat, you would all be dead from this.”

It was a flat voice.

“The enemies you have to deal with outside won’t wait for you to perfect your magic. They’ll try to maximize efficiency and incapacitate and kill you. The easiest way to incapacitate a wizard is to break their mental concentration like this.”

Ethan gestured to them again.

“This time, let’s each prepare ourselves.”

Now that I knew Ethan had a purpose in mind to break my concentration, it was easy to prepare for it.

It was just so sudden that I lost focus just a moment ago.

The magicians and their students have created magic again.


A burning flame.

At the same time, Ethan emitted mana from his body.

Because of the restrictions within the Academy, it seemed like he couldn’t do anything with the small amount of mana, but Ethan was able to do more than expected with this amount of mana.

Ethan stretched out his wooden sword, filled its blade with mana, and cut through the air.


“This, this is… … .”

The students who were maintaining the magic were confused.

This time again, my concentration was broken.

Ethan still had a calm expression.

“You just died again. You didn’t die from some great number. You died from a lack of basic mental concentration.”

It was a huge humiliation.

At the same time, Ethan’s words that he had died again were felt on my skin.

If this was real, if Ethan was the one who came to kill him.

As Ethan said, you will die if you cannot even concentrate on basic things.

Ethan left them there and called one of his students.

“Roanna Prochesht.”


Roanna, whose name was called, flew up and landed lightly in front of the stage.

“I’ll do the same. Just do the magic as I instructed.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Roanna’s eyes lit up as she created flames at a rapid pace, the process being several times faster than that of the other students.

Ethan stomped his feet to break his concentration in the same way.

At the same time, he stretched out his sword and spurted out mana.

But Roanna’s flame did not waver one bit.

Roanna’s concentration was unbroken.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The expressions on some students’ faces distorted at the sight.

Roanna is a freshman, but she is part of the golden generation. Her talent is so outstanding that it is possible… … .

But before I could even utter that thought, Ethan continued.

“You don’t think it’s only possible because Roanna’s talent is outstanding, do you? Roanna’s talent is outstanding, but maintaining this focus is something you can do too.”

Ethan looked at each student and said.

“How to focus in any situation. How to focus in the middle of a real fight. I’ll teach you that.”


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not work with dark mode