Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 273

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 273

Episode 273. This is this (1)

“Your Majesty, we are ready.”

“I’ll deal with that insolent bastard right away. Just give me the order.”

The three Dragon Knights escorting Marquis Dren were openly angry.

Ethan Wickes has committed a terrible offense.

Even if he had killed her on the spot as the Marquis had said, it was such a rude act that no one would dare protest.

If the Marquis had not stopped, all three would have drawn their swords on the spot.

But they never drew their swords.

It was quite strange for them to just watch someone insult their lord.

“Calm down. It’s better. Call the general immediately. I have to go back to my territory.”


But Marquis Dren was frighteningly calm.

Clearly, until he came out of the reception room, his face was filled with anger and he had a sinister aura emanating from it.

The Marquis who came out of Yeongju Castle had a face that looked infinitely colder than before.


“Yes, Marquis!”

The Marquis gave orders to the general who had just arrived.

“I’ve seen everything there is to see and confirmed everything there is to confirm. I’m going back to the territory.”

“… … .”

The General looked at the Marquis. He could read the Marquis’s intentions with just a brief exchange of glances.


The general raised his hand.

“I’m back!”

* * *

That night.

Marquis Dren, who returned to his territory, spoke with the general.

“How was it?”

“It’s true.”

The General moved separately from the Marquis of Dren during his entire stay in the County of Wickers.

While Marquis Dren was dealing with Count Wickers and Ethan, he led the knights and magicians to investigate various parts of the territory.

The Marquis personally checked on Ethan Wickers, and the General checked on the estate.

“I will report to you. After checking, it has been confirmed that Princess Evangeline and His Holiness the Pope are indeed in contact. The size of the territory is also much larger and more stable than expected.”

The two things that the General confirmed first and foremost were the influence of the two bigwigs, the princess and the pope, and the internal situation of the Wickus estate.

I heard earlier that the finances of the Wickus Estate were very stable.

But the general was determined to reserve judgment until he saw it with his own eyes.

And today, when I checked it out for myself, the size of the Wickus estate was beyond my imagination.

“The market is especially huge. All the power of the Wickers Estate comes from the market.”


“I will report in detail.”

The general described in detail what he saw.

A huge market in the Wickers Estate.

And the countless people who seek that market.

“The development of the Wickes Estate came from the enormous floating population. All of that floating population is people who come to the market.”

“What’s in the market?”

“These are businesses that no one else can replace.”

The businesses of the Wickers Estate that the General explained were things that even Marquis Dren had never heard of.

“A dyeing workshop? A lightweight workshop? What the hell are they?”

“Not only that. They also sell special golems, which are said to be excellent teachers for educating children or nurturing talented individuals. They are also very popular among high-ranking nobles.”

“What do you mean, a golem can be your teacher?”

The Marquis was particularly struck by the description of the special golem.

If you are a high-ranking noble, you can hire any number of excellent teachers through your wealth and connections.

But why bother buying and using Ethan’s special golem?

From Marquis Dren’s point of view, it was a situation that was completely incomprehensible.

“A little more detail.”

“That special golem… … .”

The General explained in detail what abilities the special golems have.

He also explained how much profit the businesses in the Wickus Estate were generating.

The expression on Marquis Dren’s face hardened coldly when he heard about the business profits of the Wickus Estate.


“Yes, Marquis.”

The general quickly handed over information about the business of the Wickers estate.

“… … It’s become certain.”

The Marquis looked at the General as if he had made up his mind.

“Assemble the Nightwalkers right now. And contact the Crescent Moon. Today. I’ll finish it all today. I’ll finish it while that bratty brat lets his guard down. If I don’t finish it quickly, there’s a good chance that it’ll be too much for me to handle.”

“But, Marquis, if anything goes wrong, they will get what they want.”

The Wickus estate gained the power of the Third Princess and the Pope.

Not to mention the Pope. Even the Third Princess is not someone the Marquis can handle.

Even if you are a member of the Twelve Star Family, it is a huge burden.

How could the Marquis be able to handle the princess?

Even the princess is not an ordinary person.

Princess Evangeline Sacred has recently recovered from her illness and is once again solidifying her position as successor.


No one knew better than the two that the Wickus estate they were protecting could be touched.

How could those who wield power not know the power of power?

The Marquis himself knew that Ethan Wickers had anticipated all of this and was coming out strong with his weapon.

Still, I had to move.

“I have a feeling that if I take one step back, I’ll have to take two steps back. No, it won’t end with two steps. I can’t even guess how much of what I’m holding on to will be taken away.”

“… … Your Majesty.”

“I thought he was just a kid. I’ve seen a lot of talented kids and I’ve faced him many times. But none of them were like this kid.”

The connections Ethan Wickes has made in such a short period of time are almost unbelievable.

“It’s okay if you give me a reason. It doesn’t matter if it moves as he expects. Even so, this is something that must be done.”

The Marquis said.

“The dead have no voice.”

The Marquis smiled, showing his teeth.

“Will the princess and the pope take active action if the mastermind is not there?”

“But the risk is great.”

“It can’t be done without risk. That’s my judgment.”

The General was silent for a moment. The Marquis had already made his own judgment and decision, so there was no need to spit on him any further.

“I will do as you command.”

“The Wickers Estate is no threat without Ethan Wickers. Count Wickers is a fool who only knows how to brag behind his children.”

The Marquis smiled.

“If we just deal with Ethan Wickers, all our problems will go away. Get ready now.”


Before tonight is over.

Ethan Wickers will be assassinated.

* * *

A man in pitch-black clothing that seemed to blend in with the darkness received the parchment.

“It’s really urgent. The commission is also considerable.”

“Please give top priority to this.”

“What is the target?”

“Ethan Wickes.”

“You’re a rookie.”

The pitch-black man snapped his fingers, and a long piece of parchment appeared, reaching from the ceiling to the floor.

“Ethan Wickus… … Ethan Wickus… … He’s here.”

The man, who had been looking through the parchment, showed the client the section with Ethan Wickers’ name written on it.

“It’s a considerable amount of money, but I’m short on money.”

“… … What? Didn’t you say rookie earlier? I brought the commission fee for ten rookies.”

“You’re not usually a rookie. We know each other well, so this is going to be difficult.”

The pitch-black man recited the information written under Ethan Wickers’ name.

“Princess Evangeline, and the Pope. And various high-ranking governments. Just accepting this request means taking on a huge risk.”

“Even you, who are called a legend among the nightwalkers?”

“There are many mouths to feed and many lives to take responsibility for.”

“Are you scared?”


The man chuckled at those words.

“Hey, I’m a coward who became an assassin.”


Before he knew it, a dagger was aimed at the client’s neck.

“Aren’t you a little rude? Even the Marquis doesn’t treat you like this, so how dare a mere servant do so?”

“I’m sorry! I was in such a hurry! I received orders from the Marquis to finish everything today!”

The man shouted urgently.

“Please help me just this once.”

“Hmm, if the Marquis is sending it this urgently, there must be a clear reward for this matter, right?”

“Of course! Since this is the matter that the Marquis is most concerned about, there will be other rewards as the task is dangerous!”

The pitch-black man, who had been pondering for a moment, soon nodded.

“We’ve started. Tonight. The request is Ethan Wickers’ neck.”

“Please take care of me, Sif.”

Meanwhile, there were those who set off for the Wickus estate from the Marquis’ secret location.

These were nightwalkers raised directly by the Marquis.

“The goal is to deal with important figures in the Wickus Estate.”

They are the Marquis’s assassination squad, and are not officially affiliated with the Marquis. They operate secretly without anyone knowing, and have been quietly assassinating the Marquis’ enemies up until now.

“The Wickers Estate has grown rapidly, so its internal personnel are lacking. If we deal with the key personnel, the Estate will come to a halt.”

The Wickus Estate had few internal decision makers, so a lot of work could be done quickly, but when the decision makers disappeared, there was a lack of personnel who could immediately replace them.

The assassination squad took advantage of that point.

If you take out all the key personnel, including Ethan Wickers, there will be virtually no one to clean up the mess.

“I obey your orders.”



* * *

Ethan looked through all the information he knew about Marquis Dren.

Today he personally checked the situation at the Wickers Estate.

“And then you saw me.”

Ethan recalled his eyes.

I could tell by the look in his eyes. Despite being so humiliated, he wasn’t angry at all. Instead, his eyes were extremely cold.

“It won’t take long to check and make a decision.”

The Marquis will be working behind the scenes.

You can assassinate yourself. Or you can try to assassinate the lord.

Or it could be both.

“Because as it has developed rapidly, there are clear drawbacks.”

It was a shortcoming that Ethan was also well aware of.

In order to improve the problems piled up within the territory and to realize the business, it was important to make decisions and execute them quickly.

‘There are few steps from decision to order to execution.’

This had an immediate positive impact on the development of the territory.

The risks of this structure were also anticipated.

If there is a problem with the decision makers, all work within the territory will be paralyzed. This will clearly reveal the weakness of the Wickers territory, which is undermanned compared to other territories.

‘How to prevent work.’

Kidnapping or murder. These two were the most extreme, but most certain.

It is impossible to cause trouble. Marquis Dren has personally confirmed that Ethan has a stronger connection than the name Twelve Stars.


“We are here.”

The two escorts looked worried as they watched Ethan work late into the evening.

“It’s been a long time since you came back to the territory, but you’re still not asleep?”

“If there is anything you want me to do, please let me know. Your Majesty, you may sleep.”

“Now is not the time to sleep.”

The two escorts straightened their postures at Ethan’s serious voice.

“I see you have something urgent to do.”

Ethan sighed a few times as if he was thinking about it for a moment.

“To be honest, I don’t know.”


The two escorts’ eyes wavered at Ethan’s unfamiliar appearance. They had never seen Ethan so insecure before.

“If we can help, we will!”

Shudlen told Ethan not to worry.

Ethan stroked his chin once and opened his mouth.

“Tonight. Marquis Dren may make a move.”

“… …Tonight?”

Yeorika asked back in confusion.

Marquis Dren must have visited the estate today. He must have checked the situation at the estate today and made plans accordingly.

“Can it move this fast?”

Yeerika’s doubts were justified. Shudlen also did not expect Marquis Dren to make a move today.

“If the Marquis makes a move today, won’t it be too obvious that he is the Duke?”

“It’s obvious. But it will be obvious at some point. So the sooner the better for the Marquis. More importantly, I think the Marquis noticed.”

“… … What do you mean?”

“I am at the center of the Wickers estate.”

Ethan said.

“If I die, the growth of the Wickus Estate will stop.”

The one Marquis Dren is wary of is not the current Wickers.

This is the future Wickers that will enter orbit and soar endlessly upward.

By then, the Marquis’s territory will have effectively lost its competitiveness, pushed out by Wickers.

Ethan is the current center of Wickers and the driving force behind creating the Wickers of the future.

The Marquis saw it with his own eyes today.


“It’s a place that the Princess and His Holiness the Pope are watching, so I can’t just touch it. But that’s a story that only holds true while I’m alive. If I die, everything could become ambiguous.”

“But who could kill the prince? Unless it was a legendary group of assassins… … .”

Ethan knew of the assassin group that Marquis Dren used as errand boys.

Crescent Moon. As the name suggests, they were the ones who moved around at night.

‘And the guys raised by the Marquis will come too. There’s no way they’re just after me.’

“… … .”

The two escorts simply blinked at Ethan’s words.

If it had been someone else’s words, I would have said it was an excessive worry.

But Ethan was still hesitant, but still confident that there would be an attack.

It was a paradoxical act, but from Ethan’s perspective, it was inevitable.

‘Because there is no way to prove it right now.’

It was literally a feeling.

‘If it were me, I would have done that.’

“Then I will prepare.”

Schudlen said.

“What should we do, Your Majesty?”

* * *

The northern end of the Wickers Estate.

Nightwalkers appeared there.

“Target confirmed. Baron Dinud, who runs the northern territory.”

The assassins naturally slipped into the darkness and entered the small castle in the northern territory.

They stormed through the castle without hesitation and soon found Baron Dinud, the general in charge of the northern Wickers territory.

Then, without hesitation, he stabbed the sleeping Baron Dinud in the neck with his sword.


But the black one stabbed the bed.


Baron Dinude, who had been lying down, turned his body to avoid the sword, then immediately got up and cut down the assassin.

“Should I be happy that my prediction was right or should I admire the bold actions of the Marquis?”

“Ethan Wickes… …!”

The nightwalkers immediately tried to run away, but there was no way to escape.


Why is Ethan Wickers here?

The Nightwalkers took their stances, hiding their confusion. It was no longer time to worry about why he was here.

“… … It’s too late anyway.”

“This is where your mistake lies.”

“We will be everywhere in the Wickers Estate tonight, and from today onwards, the Wickers Estate will cease.”

Ethan just took down the Nightwalker.

“That’s right, I can’t be everywhere.”

Ethan said.

This was the gamble of the Marquis of Dren.

It doesn’t matter how great Ethan is.

This side is the majority, and Ethan is the only one shining in the Wickus territory.

“I guess that’s what you would normally think.”

Knowing all too well the weaknesses that come with being alone, Ethan took all the variables into account from the beginning.

And the power he now possesses can surpass common sense.

“There are no more weaknesses.”

Ethan used his skill.

“Storm and clouds.”

Ethan had the power to be anywhere.


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not work with dark mode