Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 213

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 213

Episode 213. The Sword Master’s Lesson (1)

-Your fame will rise!

-Warryong City’s proficiency has increased significantly!

– As the proficiency of Waryongshi reaches a certain level, Waryongshi is strengthened.

-A new technology, Waryong Yeji, has been opened.


Ethan immediately used his Dragon’s Wisdom on Legia.


For a moment, Legia’s movement was visible. However, this was not the movement Legia was taking at that moment.

It was as if the movements of the two Legias, the present Legia and the future Legia, were overlapping.

‘Is it like the skill name suggests, predicting movements?’

The ability of Waryongshi to see has been greatly enhanced, allowing him to see the target’s next movements as if he were foreseeing the future.

Ethan then tried using bullet time.

‘You’re crazy.’

Legia moves slowly.

It was completely predictable what he would do next. Even his predicted movements appeared slow due to the effects of bullet time.

It was a very short foresight, but it seemed like it would give me the upper hand in any fight.

Of course, it cannot be said that one can gain an absolute advantage over a strong opponent.

‘I could still outmaneuver them. If they’re weaker than me, I could have the upper hand.’

Ethan smiled inwardly.

‘It’s a technique that targets only one person. You can’t see multiple people at once.’

If Bullet Time was a technique that targeted everyone nearby, this Waryong Yeji was a technique that targeted only one person.

‘Come to think of it, there was a story like that, right?’

It was a legend that Zhuge Liang predicted the southeast wind.

‘Anyway, it looks like I’ve gained one more weapon.’

“But how on earth did you come up with this?”

Legia, whose doubts were completely resolved, asked Ethan a question.

As he was being trained directly by Ethan, he had a lot of curiosity, so Legia started asking questions without stopping, starting with the first question.

“It’s like this… … .”

Ethan told Legia exactly what he had learned from Mephan’s Legia.


Legia looked satisfied with Ethan’s answer, mixed with a groan and admiration.

“We both have similar approaches. We just have different methods for solving big problems. The general outline of our methods is similar. Hmm. I like you quite a bit.”

He took something out of his bosom and handed it to Ethan.

“Apart from the invitation to the palace, this is a separate gift from me.”

What Legia took out was a card made of gold.

‘This is crazy.’

Ethan looked at the pattern in surprise.

“Hey, what is this?”

Although he pretended not to know, Ethan knew very well what it was.

This card filled with red is called the Red Silver Card, and anyone who holds this card is treated as Legia’s benefactor and can freely travel around the palace.

‘You can enter the palace library and the palace treasure vault.’

But there was something more important than that.

‘It’s a sign that I’ve been recognized by Legia. It gives me authority.’

Legia’s benefactor.

One who has been recognized by Legia.

This gives you the authority that Legia, the master and the best teacher, has approved.

‘That’s a great reputation.’

As soon as Ethan accepted the challenge, a notification window popped up.

-Your reputation will rise dramatically!

‘To this extent.’

“This is something called a red circle. It’s a very special item that I give only to those I want to continue my relationship with. If you have this… … .”

Legia talked at length about what the red circle meant.

“Lord Legia.”

“Don’t even think about rejecting it. It’s better to keep it.”

“I have no intention of refusing. You gave me this because you were thinking of me. I will treasure it.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Legia smiled as if she was satisfied.

Ethan was convinced when he saw Legia like that.

‘It seems like he trusts me quite a bit since he gave me the silver medal.’

“I have a question for you.”

“Ask me anything.”

“Do you happen to know where the saint of the Holy Light Church is?”

When Ethan asked about the saint, Legia’s expression hardened.

“Why do you ask that?”

Legia’s expression, which had been looking at Ethan with trusting eyes until just now, hardened.

But we can’t back down here. Legia was a very important figure in solving Ethan’s biggest problem.


It was thanks to Legia that I learned about this terrible disease.

“Because I am sick.”

At that moment, Legia grabbed Ethan’s hand. Ethan just took her hand. It didn’t matter if he got caught.

No, rather, I should have been caught.

“… … !”

Legia opened her eyes wide.

“Teacher Ethan… … !”

It was a look of astonishment.

“How, how did you become this strong with the disease of extinction!”

He shook his head vigorously.

“No, how on earth are you alive right now…?

It was unbelievable. To Legia, Ethan was now no better than a living corpse.

It’s a miracle that he’s alive with this rare disease, and that he’s gotten this strong?

“So you’re saying that you came all the way here… with this extinction syndrome?”

Ethan didn’t answer, just smiled.

“I think you now know why I seek you, Saint.”

“… … .”

Legia was silent.

After a while, Legia, who had been silent for about a minute, sighed and opened her mouth.

“Yes, you’re trying to find the saint to cure that extinction disease. I don’t know how you can look so healthy with that disease that I don’t even notice it… … It must be just appearances. That disease, called the king of curses, doesn’t go away until you die once you contract it.”

Legia said that and slowly sat down.

Perhaps no one on the entire continent knows more about extinction than Legia.

“A similar educational method to mine… … is the extinction disorder my son suffered from.”

What kind of twist of fate is this?

Legia looked at Ethan with great pity. His eyes were on Ethan, but they did not linger on him.

“I didn’t know the details. I just heard that Legia met the saint and was cured of the curse called Extinction.”

I heard from Legia in Mepan that his son was cured of extinction.

After being cured of his Extinction, Legia’s son became a great wizard. This was thanks to the release of his talents and mana hearts that had been suppressed by Extinction.

‘I don’t know the exact time. But judging by your expression, you’ve already been cured.’

“Yes, I met the saint. To cure my son’s morbidity. And it worked. My son is no longer sick. The saint performed a miracle.”

“Then where is the saint now?”

Ethan asked expectantly.

“I don’t know.”

Legia shook her head.

“It wasn’t my intention that I met the saint. The saint came to me first and cured me. The saint said she could cure extinction disease. No healer had been able to cure it until now.”

My mind was a bit confused for a moment, but I quickly shook that thought away.

‘I didn’t think we’d meet easily.’

“But I know a way to meet you. The odds are low, of course.”

“What is it?”

“This is a secret. You can’t tell anyone. Can you keep it?”

If it were original, Legia would have also kept her mouth shut.

But the events that had occurred before and the disease called extinction disease had weakened his heart.


“Silver Mountain in the Magic Empire. They say he trains there. It’s to establish a church of Holy Light in the Magic Empire. If you want to meet the saint, go to the Magic Empire. But you must have a certain reputation.”

‘I thought it was strange that there was a Holy Light Church in the Magic Empire too.’

That must have been the power of a saint.

Ethan continued to build his reputation in order to meet the Saint.

In addition, we were in the process of increasing the routes through which we could meet them while building a good relationship with the Holy Light Church.

‘There’s one more added to it. Silver Mountain.’

It was a pretty decent harvest.

This was like getting one step closer to the saint.

‘It’s time.’

Now it was time for afternoon classes.

“See you at the last class this afternoon, Legia. Thank you for your story.”

* * *

The first class in the afternoon was a class on blacksmithing.

Geomseong was a man who only wielded a sword throughout his life and knew nothing but the sword.

However, in the classroom, all the teachers who participated in this new teacher training session, regardless of whether they were from the College of Magic or the College of Knights, were sitting.

This is a class for the swordsman, also known as the Sword Star. The teachers of the Magic Department were hoping that students would be able to learn the overall strength of the swordsman rather than learning about swordsmanship.

Teachers at the academy could not teach students with theory alone.

In order to teach talented students from noble families, he had to prove his own skills based on his own theories.

They hoped that they could get a clue to its strength from the swordsman’s class.

And what was most anticipated was that this class was actually the first class that the Geomsung held for outsiders.

“I’ve never heard of Mr. Geumseong teaching a class like this.”

“As far as I know, that’s true. I heard that only direct bloodline members or disciples can teach.”

“They say that the disciples aren’t formal disciples, but only people whom the teacher liked and taught.”

Besides, it wasn’t even a formal class.

So this class was the first class that Geomseong officially taught.

The sitting Shiron also had sparkling eyes.

Shiron had learned a lot from Geomseong, but he knew that there was still a lot he had to learn from Geomseong.

A power that knows no end.

Knowledge and senses.

Siron was confident that he would get a glimpse of it in class today.

Knock knock-.

The door opened while everyone was waiting.

Geomseong entered the classroom with his characteristic tingling aura. He was dressed quite lightly, but he had his beloved sword strapped to his waist.

“You usually carry around Gold Spirit.”

Geomseong had many swords, but among them, Gold Spirit was the sword he carried in various situations.

But what he brought today wasn’t Gold Spirit.


Nightfall was a sword mainly used by swordsmen during the early days of the Holy Empire’s founding war. At the time, it had no name, but after the war ended, the name of this sword became Nightfall.

“I guess you really paid attention to this class.”

The fact that he brought out Nightfall meant that he was serious about his actions.

Siron whispered to Ibekah’s teachers who were around.

“We are delighted to welcome new talents who will lead the continent.”

Although he spoke softly, his voice filled with mana resonated throughout the classroom. As soon as he greeted them, Geomseong got straight to the point.

“I came here to teach you a class on whatever topic you want.”

And then he smiled brightly.

“You want to become stronger, right?”

The swordsman had a very simple understanding of what they wanted.

“I don’t have the gift of eloquence. I don’t have the ability to teach in a way that is easy to understand. That’s why I respect my teachers. You all know that Ghostblade, the headmaster of Ibeka Academy, is my friend. He’s not a guy to be respected at all, but I respect the ability that got him to the position of headmaster.”

As he said this, Geomseong pulled out the sword on his waist.


A pitch-black sword appeared with a heavy sound.

“So I won’t say anything. I’ll make you stronger. Follow me.”

* * *

Normally, you couldn’t go outside the castle walls, but since it was a class led by Geomseong himself, he could change that rule at will.

“The first step to strength. Whether you’re a knight or a magician, the most important thing is stamina. If you don’t have enough stamina, you can’t do anything. On the other hand, if you have enough stamina, you can swing your sword one more time and draw one more magic circle.”

As he spoke, Black Star raised his Knightfall upward.

“But I don’t think physical strength is simply the first step to strength. I think it’s both the first step and the last step. Physical strength is everything. The reason I was able to become strong was because of the physical strength I trained endlessly.”


Someone swallowed dry saliva.

Geomseong lined up the new teachers in front of the mountain behind Yeongju Castle.

“It’s physical training. To get to the top.”

As he said that, Geomseong started running ahead.

With each step I took, the figure of the black knight moved further away. Before I knew it, only the voice of the black knight, which had become a dot, remained behind me.

“I will give the elixir of Ramsdale’s vision to the academy that reaches the top first. It is a potion that can greatly increase stamina!”

If we are talking about Ramsdale’s Vision Elixir, we must be talking about Keeper Potion.

It was a potion that was priced at tens of millions of gold, but Ramsdale reduced the quantity produced, so it was impossible to obtain it even if you wanted to.

In an instant, the academy teachers’ eyes widened and they began to hurriedly run forward.

“Teacher Ethan?”

“We have to go quickly now!”

Iris looked anxious as she looked at the teachers who had already gone far away. But Ethan just stood there.


Ethan shook his head.

“There is a trap.”

As Ethan spoke, he heard a scream from ahead.

“… … !”

“Let’s go now.”

Ethan smiled brightly.

This swordsmanship lesson was optimized for Ethan, who possessed the War Dragon City and the Eye of Horus.


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not work with dark mode