Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 181

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 181

Episode 181. The Master of Mana

The place Ethan and his group arrived was a fairly old building.

On the top floor of the building, dozens of spirit masters were gathered together.

“This place was once called the Spirit Master’s Tower.”

Even though it had not been touched by human hands for quite some time, the interior was very clean.

‘I guess I was thinking that the spirits would return to Prochesht someday.’

Although there were many difficult parts, Michael Matapju did not give up.

“It’s well managed.”

“Because I never gave up hope.”

As soon as Ethan arrived, the spirits immediately started circulating the mana.

“You can stand in the center.”


The magic circle spread across the floor was glowing blue.

And the center of it was shining brilliantly with a mixture of green, red, and blue, and that was where the key ingredient, agate powder, was sprinkled.

“It’s similar to a basic spirit ritual. Ethan, you will be taken to the spirit realm for a while. There is a spirit staircase there.”

The spirit ritual was simple.

After going to the spirit world through a ritual, you climb up the spirit stairs there and make a contract with the spirit.

From the first floor to the top floor.

The higher the floor, the more likely you are to make a contract with a higher level spirit.

“According to the story, the ancient spirits are said to be on the 11th floor. It is one floor above the 10th floor, which is commonly known as the top floor. You cannot enter the 11th floor through a normal ritual, but if you enter the spirit world through the ancient spirit ritual, you can enter the 11th floor. But be careful. The ancient spirits are dangerous beings.”

That was all Michael Matapju knew.

“I’m sorry I can’t tell you more details.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Ethan smiled and waved his hand, as he had already made a pact with the ancient spirit in Mephan.

‘I already know how to do it. But knowing how doesn’t make the contract itself easy.’

The spirit that Ethan was trying to contract with this time was a special spirit among the ancient spirits.

‘Normally, there’s no reason to go to such lengths to choose this spirit, but it’s a spirit that can be of great help to me right now.’

Even if you know the method, you don’t know if you will succeed.

But whatever the outcome, you have to try it to find out.

Ethan stood in the center of the magic circle and closed his eyes.

“let’s begin.”

As the nervous Michael Matapju gestured, the spirit masters simultaneously raised their hands.

This was also their first time experiencing this ancient spirit ritual.

That’s why everyone was nervous like Michael Matapju.

Behind those spirit masters, Archmage Hansen was fidgeting with an anxious expression.

“… … .”

This is an impossible ritual.

Why are legends legends? Why do tales remain tales?

If there is even the slightest mistake in his consciousness, Ethan will go mad as soon as he reaches the 11th floor and will never be able to escape the spirit realm.

To that extent, the spirit world was an unknown space.

But since he had already heard a warning from Ethan, Hansen could only fold his arms and watch.


An intense light began to spread around.

The magic circle activated at the same time, and soon a halo of light gently enveloped Ethan’s body.

Ethan closed his eyes and felt the changing air currents around him.

And then I slowly opened my eyes.


A place where you can make contracts with spirits.

It was a spirit staircase.

Different backgrounds were displayed on each side of the long staircase.

On the left, there were green bushes growing, and on the right, there was a blue sea.

As I climbed up the stairs, the scenery continued to change.

‘Each floor has different spirits that can be contracted.’

Additionally, the spirits’ ranks were determined based on the number of floors.

‘The closer you get to the 10th floor, the more advanced spirits appear.’

Moreover, the higher you go, the more spirits with different attributes appear.

However, that doesn’t mean you can make a contract with any spirit you want.

You can climb up to the 10th floor at will, but those who are not qualified will not be chosen by the spirits no matter how high they climb.

‘It’s not a structure I would choose.’

Ethan continued to climb the stairs.

-Human! Human!

-Let’s make a contract!

The approaching elementary spirits were like children. Ethan patted them and continued climbing the stairs.

Stomping rumble-!

-You have the power of lightning? You’ll get along well with me, won’t you? Let’s make a contract, human!

A mid-level yellow lightning spirit approached Ethan. Ethan, as expected, refused and continued to climb.

As they reached the 10th floor, the highest level spirits became interested in Ethan and approached him.

But soon he stepped back and said,

-Human, there is something scary inside you.

-Little kids might not know that there’s such a thing, so they might approach you, but we don’t.

-I’m sorry, but I can’t sign the contract.

-You are a rare human being, but that’s too bad.

The highest level spirits each said a word to Ethan.

Ethan glanced at them once and continued climbing the stairs.

-You can’t go up any further.

-You’ll feel dizzy.

-You’ll be an idiot.

-I might become an idiot. I might never come back.

The spirits whispered in fear.

Ethan smiled at those spirits.


Then the spirits trembled in their place as if a bell were ringing.

Ethan took a deep breath and climbed up.


Normally, he would have gone mad from the madness of stepping foot in, but Ethan was unharmed.

As soon as he entered the 11th floor, a protective barrier appeared to protect Ethan’s spirit, as he had entered through the ritual of the ancient spirit.


As soon as I got up to the 11th floor, I felt an incredible sense of pressure. It felt like something was slowly tightening around my whole body.

At the same time, I felt like a giant being was looking down from above.

After a while, something pitch black began to creep up in front of Ethan.

-Come with us.

-Come play with us.

“go away.”

Ethan said firmly.

These pitch-black things were the byproducts of the fallen ancient spirits. They tried to devour those who climbed up here and suck their life force.


-Then there’s nothing we can do.

-This is not a recommendation.

In an instant, they gathered together and swallowed Ethan whole.

-A powerful curse engulfs you.

-Extinction cancels out the curse.

As the extinction directly counteracted the curse, the fallen ancient spirits’ byproducts retreated.


-What the hell is inside you?

-I’m scared, I’m scared!

Ethan took a deep breath.

From the 11th floor onwards, the path itself was not visible, so I had to find my way forward using only my senses.

One step.

After stepping foot, Ethan’s senses allowed him to discern the pattern of the hidden path.

‘There are five patterns in total.’

The pattern that came out now was the most vicious difficulty pattern among the patterns that could be seen here.

‘But it’s okay. I’ve cleared this vicious difficulty before.’


Suddenly, a huge wall appeared in front of Ethan, who was calmly climbing up. Then, from the wall, creepy tentacles flew towards Ethan.


Ethan almost swung his sword instinctively, but he quickly put it back.

Anyway, that was fake.

This is a place where the mind takes precedence over the body.

-The Immortal Hero’s Breath is activated!

-Keiron’s teachings make you immune to mental attacks!


But before he could feel relieved that he had solved one problem, a powerful energy began to surge around Ethan.


The wind was so strong that it swayed violently.

Ethan staggered and looked up at the ceiling.

There was a giant fist there.

A fist the size of a castle. The fist was aimed squarely at Ethan.


Wheaaa …

It was an attack that could neither be avoided nor blocked, but Ethan took no action.


‘It looks so real, but it’s fake. The goal is to get you off this invisible path. There’s an abyss down there. If you fall, that’s the end.’

Down in that abyss, there must be terrible creatures waiting for Ethan with their mouths wide open.

Ethan stepped forward, passing the giant fist.

Next was a pitch-black mass.

Ethan drew his sword without hesitation and cut the flying black mass in two.

“This time, for real.”

As soon as the black mass was split in two, a scream was heard.

It was a scream so desperate that it made me shiver for a moment.

-Keiron’s teachings make you immune to mental attacks.

Thanks to Chiron’s teachings, I was able to fend off the mental attacks, but the spirits of the abyss were persistent.

Ethan’s body stopped in place and fell to the floor.

Ethan’s body falling endlessly.

But Ethan’s expression didn’t change.

‘How could a person not feel fear?’

Ethan focused on the breath of the immortal hero that protected his sanity.

The teachings of Hercules were a great milestone for Ethan.

-Fear is natural. But not backing down from that fear is the attitude of a hero.

‘I haven’t been struggling here all this time to die.’

Ethan has been on the brink of death countless times.

Ethan has been on the brink of death countless times so far.

One day this extinction disease might kill me. But at least that’s it.

‘Not today.’


Ethan’s body, which had been falling, was suddenly in the middle of the invisible 11th floor.

Ethan’s eyes, which had been able to distinguish between so many real and fake things and overcome the fear of the abyss, began to see the path.

‘They’re all here.’

-Congratulations! This is the top floor!

Many ancient spirits greeted Ethan.

These were not the corrupted ancient spirits I had just met. These were real ancient spirits.

Ethan identified the familiar spirits he had made a contract with in Mephans in the past.

-I’m Shud. You’re an amazing person. You’re still alive with such a horrible thing inside you.

-You might be able to surpass humans.

-I want to sign a contract with you.

Ethan took a quick look at the ancient spirits.

“There isn’t any.”

-doesn’t exist?

-Nothing? What?

“I’m leaving.”

-You came all the way here?

-You’re saying you won’t sign a contract with anyone?

-Is this an opportunity that could change your life?

“You guys are always so good at lying.”

The ancient spirits were tremendous beings.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are good.

“This isn’t the top floor, is it?”

-……How do you know?

“I came and saw it.”

-Lies. Lies are done by humans.

-This is a place you can only come to once.

“I was able to do it.”

Ethan said so and walked forward across them.

It looks like a wall, but it’s not a wall.


This is the path to the real top floor.


The dark space suddenly became bright.

-We’ve reached the top step!

-You have achieved the achievement!

– [Highest Place] Likes were earned by achieving the achievement.

– Got ‘8’ likes!

There was a blue mass there. As Ethan got closer, the mass began to take shape.


It was definitely the ancient spirit that Ethan was looking for.

That blue ether is the characteristic of the ancient spirit he was looking for.


The ancient spirit, now in form, looked at Ethan.

A tiny fox filled with blue ether.


-Lucas, the master of mana, wants to make a contract with you!


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not work with dark mode