Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 161

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 161

Episode 161. Training

“What is this? It’s scary.”

Etting couldn’t come to his senses because of the terrifying amount of special golem orders that were pouring in.

Because she was a veteran, she could predict how much her items would sell.

I definitely expected it to sell well.

This special golem was an excellent item that would definitely sell if you could just find a target to sell it to.

But the speed at which orders came in was fierce.

The customer who was introduced to me by the nobleman I met before introduced me to a new customer, and that customer introduced me to a new person.

And every time I met a new customer, a previous customer introduced me to another new customer.

His network of connections, spread out like a spider’s web, brought him enormous sales.

“Ethan said it. It’s not about the money.”

Ethan’s judgment was correct.

The primary trading partners were nobles. They had enormous wealth, enough to be willing to shell out millions or tens of millions of gold.

So making money was so certain that there was no need to focus on it.

I said that you have to secure money as a basic requirement and make sure you get other things.

“What’s important is the connections among nobles that can be gained through trade, and word of mouth.”

Ethan said it was entirely Etning’s job to capitalize on this word of mouth. He had given Etning a definite weapon in this deal.

“I’ll be able to put my name out there.”

Nobles who have tried using the special golems with subscription will continue to want to use them.

If that happens, word of mouth will spread further, and naturally, the name of David’s Top, which handles special golems, will spread.

But that wasn’t the case.

‘My name should be before the name above.’

Etting Hunt.

This name must be brought to the forefront to achieve one’s dreams.

Etting’s eyes burned.

The outcome Ethan had been asking for didn’t seem too far off.

At the time, I thought it was a vague request, but I can definitely do this much.

“Let’s go all the way.”

And at the same time.

The Wickers Estate also had an explosive increase in floating population.

Because of that, I was working hard to develop the surrounding land, but in addition to that, there was one more thing I was working on in earnest.

“We would like to buy some of this land.”

“This is the land that has been in my family for generations, Earl Wickers. Do you think I would sell it?”

Purchase of land.

It was a massive undertaking to purchase nearby land and expand the overall size of the Wickes estate.

It was a project that required enormous funds, as it was to the extent of greatly expanding the territory itself.

“W, how much is this… … .”

“I don’t think it will be lacking.”

The Wickes Estate was enjoying unprecedented prosperity, and money was flowing in.

“If you’re not going to sell it, I’ll go.”

“Okay, wait a minute… … !”

As Count Wickers tried to stand up, the lord opposite him hurriedly raised his hand.

“Fine, I’ll sell it!”

“Good choice. I won’t forget this.”

Count Wickers was already treated as a great lord who controlled the territory in this vicinity.

The owners of small estates wanted to take advantage of the rapidly developing Wickus Estate.

‘This is how you see the benefit of having a good son.’

Thanks to his son, Count Wickers was able to keep his shoulders straight no matter where he went or who he met, and every day was a happy day.

But there was still important work left to do.

“It’s better to just do it than to wonder whether you can do it or not.”

As Ethan said, even if you fail, you have the leeway to try a few more times.

“Your Majesty.”

“Let’s go, to the most important negotiation.”

Until recently, the Wickers Estate had been receiving assistance from the Junta Estate, which had the largest market and specialty products of any estate in the vicinity.

But it was closer to consideration from a subordinate position rather than help from an equal position.

Ethan had been able to gain independence by activating the market and ending the uneasy support relationship with the Junta domain, but independence alone was no longer enough.

“Make the Junta territory a union territory of our Wickus territory.”

And he planned to use that as a springboard to absorb other territories.

“How long have you been thinking like that?”

“Isn’t that something we can only imagine? Absorbing other territories with money, not war. Creating a great territory in that way, and having our Whicus become the owner of that great territory, that’s something we could only imagine.”

Count Wickers was determined to make this fantasy a reality.

“Ethan gave me courage. It was like he pushed me to live recklessly, even though I had never lived recklessly before. To dream impossible dreams and imagine unattainable things.”

That’s why Count Wickers moved even more boldly.

“Your Majesty. Isn’t that exciting to hear? Then you will become the right-hand man of the Great Lord and the general of the Great Territory.”

The general smiled at those words.

“Let’s go, Your Highness.”

* * *


Every time Ethan swung his sword, a cracking sound erupted.

Spreading lightning.

Falling frost.

These two powers, which are difficult to control, were unfolded in the form of the Sword Technique that embraced them.

Then he took a deep breath.

‘The rest of the apostles. And the strongmen of the continent. I must continue to think of a way to defeat them while carrying the extinction disease.’

Ethan has a huge weakness called extinction. If he can’t fix this weakness right now, he has to somehow compensate for it by utilizing other weaknesses.

‘So that your strengths can outweigh your weaknesses.’


He used the hero’s breath and at the same time imbued his hands with the power of reverse radiance.


Ethan, who had been swinging his sword, slowly stopped in his tracks.

-I learned the swordsmanship of the spine.

-Added skill: Sword Technique of the Spine (S)


With this, I have definitely mastered the swordsmanship of the spine.

‘You can use the Cheokshin Sword Technique as a base to perform the Seoricheonryeo Sword Technique.’

However, there were still many awkward points. Combining the Frost Sword Technique and the Thunder Sword Technique was manageable, but combining the two sword techniques based on this Sword Technique of the Strong God was still difficult.

‘It’s not easy to learn in many ways.’


Ethan thought for a moment.

“Should we try using the annexation right one more time?”

Ethan was currently subscribing to several gods.

Plus, since you are a premium subscriber chosen by the gods, you will be able to purchase the combined ticket at a slightly cheaper price.

‘I should ask the gods to help me train. It would be much better to receive their help than to train alone.’

Now that you know about the attractive goods called the merger ticket, it is right to actively use that goods.

Among the gods that Ethan had subscribed to, the only ones that could use the right of annexation were Xiang Yu and Hercules.

Both were aggressive and powerful gods who ascended to the ends of the heavens with one body and became gods.

“Do I really need to choose between the two? I need training anyway. I should accept all the help I can get without hesitation.”

* * *

“Hahaha-! You know what, subscriber? You’re the subscriber who reached the merge the fastest among the subscribers I’ve seen.”

Hercules’ den was a grassland.

Hercules was in the middle of a vast meadow so wide that the horizon was visible.

An overwhelming physical beauty that is not hidden even when wearing a lion skin.

Hercules, holding a club in one hand, had an impression as overwhelming as Chuck Jun-gyeong.

“This merged goods are originally very expensive. It should get at least 50 likes. But aren’t you my premium subscriber? I should give premium subscribers some definite benefits!”

“How long is the merger time?”

“You don’t have to worry about it being much better than the free annexation ticket! Besides, this official annexation can be used by the gods to create content.”

Ethan smiled inwardly with satisfaction as he watched Hercules laughing heartily.

‘It’s definitely good because it’s an official merger.’

“I would like to receive training from Hercules.”

“Training. Hmm, do you want to train directly from me? But haven’t you already learned my hero’s breathing? There’s nothing more I can teach you about this breathing.”

“I am currently on my way to completion. That is why I requested a merger, hoping that I could get some help from Hercules.”

“Huh? Finished?”

At that moment, Hercules’ eyes widened at Ethan’s words.

“Already? It’s already finished?”

Hercules was impressed.

Completion? Your breathing is not that easy.

The ability to awaken and strengthen your entire body simply by breathing. At first glance, it seems like an easy and quick way, but in reality, it is not.

You may be able to grow quickly in the early to mid game, but as time goes by, you will soon hit a huge wall.

If you try hard to break down a huge wall, an even bigger wall will be waiting behind it. It was a thorny path where you had to keep breaking down such huge walls until you reached completion.

It’s such a difficult skill to master, yet you’re already close to perfection?


As Ethan gave a curt reply, Hercules took a step closer to Ethan.

“Then tell me what the final condition is to complete the hero’s breath.”

“There are twelve trials.”


Hercules slammed his club against the ground with a bang.

I really thought that the completion of Hero’s Breath would be imminent.

“I thought you were just a subscriber with great understanding, but you’re an even greater subscriber than I thought? Hahahaha! As expected, you’re a subscriber good enough to become a premium subscriber!”

Hercules laughed heartily.

“Okay, then that’s possible. You want to become stronger, right? You want to perfect that swordsmanship you mentioned earlier.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then, as you said, you must overcome the twelve trials. If you perfect my hero’s breath, you will be able to obtain a better body than you have now, and that body will be able to play a big role in coordinating your three sword techniques.”

As he spoke, Hercules made a gesture with his hand, and a large stone tablet appeared in his hand.

“The gods can decide the content while merging. You can think of it as a kind of merger concept. I chose this as the theme of the merger with my subscribers.”

Hercules handed the stone tablets to Ethan.

-Merged content with subscribers is in progress.

-Content Name: [The Twelve Trials of Hercules]

“You will undergo twelve trials here. You will have to face twelve powerful monsters in this space. If you successfully overcome the trials, you will not only become stronger, but you will also be able to perfect the breathing of a hero.”

Hercules said so and handed the ticket to Ethan.

“You owe me a debt, right? So I’ll give you a piece of advice.”

The moment Ethan received the stone tablet, he felt as if he was falling into an abyss.

“Just follow your instincts and go with the flow. You seem so rational right now.”


Ethan’s body fell somewhere.

“You have to let go of your reason. Then you can use it more effectively.”

* * *

It was a dark and damp place.

Knock. Knock.

The sound of water dripping was heard from somewhere.

-The trials begin.

-The number of challenges is ‘1’.

-If you overcome the trial, you can move on to the next trial.

-Remaining trials ’11’

‘It’s too dark.’

Even though my eyes were clearly open, I couldn’t see anything.

Ethan first stayed still to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.

‘You’ve already cleared one trial, so there are 11.’

That meant we would have to face eleven monsters in the future.

‘It’s a simple ordeal.’

Ethan tensed his body slightly.

Before entering upon this ordeal, Hercules gave himself some cryptic advice.

‘Abandon reason and act on instinct.’

Up until now, Ethan had fought with as much rationality as possible. He had always gone into battle with the saying, ‘Keep your heart warm and your head cool’ in mind.

‘If you just give in to your instincts, it’ll be hard to fight properly.’

At least Ethan wasn’t the type to act on instinct.

So I had no choice but to worry.


As I was pondering Hercules’ words.


I heard something moving.

Ethan immediately turned his back. His keen senses sensed the monster closing in from behind.


As I pulled out the Frost Sword, cold air began to spread around me.

As the cold air spread, something intense fell on Ethan’s head.


Ethan raised his sword and blocked it, and then he realized.

‘You cannot use other skills.’

This is a trial to perfect the hero’s breath.


Ethan took a deep breath. Then the skill was cast.

-Hero’s Breath is activated!

“I see.”

Ethan aimed his sword at the monster, still hidden in the darkness.

“Do I have to clear the trial using only the Hero’s Breath?”

Ethan’s eyes began to slowly adjust to the darkness.

Thanks to that, I started to vaguely see the opponent that I had not seen before.


As soon as he saw the identity, Ethan couldn’t help but swear.

It was a giant.

The whole body is covered with sparkling jewel-like things.

“A thousand eyes… … .”

The giant with a thousand eyes.

-The first trial begins!

– Defeat Argus, the giant with a thousand eyes!

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not work with dark mode