Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 143

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 143

Episode 143. The Inquisition (1)

The popularity of dye magic grew faster than Ethan expected.

“Are there any other colors?”

“Can you make the color a little more vivid than this?”

The demand for dyeing was truly explosive.

The greatest advantage of the dyeing workshop was the variety of colors available.

There are a considerable number of colors to satisfy the different needs of consumers, so everyone who purchased the dye magic went away satisfied.

“Is this also a subscription service like the lightweight workshop?”

“If you mix colors, can you get a different color?”

In response to the explosive reaction, Scarlett busily explained about the dyeing magic.

I’ve explained dyeing magic to countless people over the years, but none of them have ever asked Scarlett about color before.

But now it was different. Many people were interested in their magic.

Ethan looked at it and admired it.

I knew it would be successful, but I didn’t think it would happen this soon.

‘I thought it would be fast since the lightweight workshop was already in place, but is it this fast?’

It was the result of Scarlett’s excellent dyeing magic added to the existing lightweight workshop’s customer base.

A few more days passed, and Scarlett, almost in tears, sold the dyeing magic scroll.

Happy, tired, and busy.

It was a face with a mixture of emotions. But the biggest emotion was joy. Ethan was also quite satisfied with Scarlett’s appearance.

‘I was thinking of making and running the top myself.’

The speed of development of the territory exceeded Ethan’s expectations. This was due to the excellent capabilities of Count Wickers and the governor.

‘Actually, I didn’t know the two people’s skills very well.’

Ethan didn’t know the extent of Count Wickers’s abilities. That was understandable, since Count Wickers was someone he had barely encountered during his time at Mephan.

‘If you’re with the General, it won’t be difficult to make a top.’

If you make a Wickus top and sell it as your main product, including a lightweight workshop, attribute-granting workshop, and even a dyeing workshop, you will quickly become large.

Ethan started building the top right away.

Starting up at the top was simple: hire merchants and hire workers to handle odd jobs.

Since it is the top of the territory, the escort knights can use the territory’s knight order.

‘And the building.’

Ethan decided to use a suitable sized building among the buildings under construction as the upper headquarters.


-You have achieved the achievement!

– [Became a top stock] You have earned likes by achieving the achievement.

-You got ‘1’ like!

Ethan, who had secured the upper rank achievement, went straight to find the count.

The Count was very busy. Since he started selling dye magic, the floating population had increased even more, and with several construction projects starting, there was a mountain of work to be done.

In particular, I heard that the general has not slept for three days.

“Father, General.”

Ethan gave them both some herbal medicine.

“Please do it while drinking.”

“Is Ethan here?”

“Your Majesty, have you arrived?”

“This is a good potion for your body. It will relieve your fatigue quickly.”

At Ethan’s words, the two gulped down the herbal medicine at the same time.

“And just relax for a moment.”

Ethan then used the False Acupuncture. The False Acupuncture, which had reached mastery, was now cast so quickly and accurately that even the tingling sensation disappeared.

Phew phew phew-!

The expressions of the two people who were hit by the needle brightened in an instant.

‘The effect is better than I thought.’

The extreme acupuncture was surprisingly effective.

‘Excellent for recovering from fatigue.’

It was just right for Ethan, whose body got tired easily.

‘It was worth mastering it.’

“Just now it felt like I had dozens of steel weights on my shoulders.”

“My body feels so light I feel like I could fly.”

The eyes of the Count and the General, whose fatigue had disappeared, became filled with gunfire.

“Father, General, I have a plan.”

If Ethan’s business partner was Yerika, then these two were the ones running the business.

“We will further expand the market and create a workshop street. We will center around a lightweight workshop, and also have a dyeing workshop and an attribute-granting workshop.”

The business revolves around these three workshops.

“And we will open branches of these three workshops in other major cities through David Top and Garnet Top. However, the branches we create in major cities are just a taster to bring in people to the main store. In the end, people will have to come to this Wickus Estate to buy real products.”

Whether it’s dyeing, weight reduction, or attribute granting.

It was planned to be available for purchase only at the Wickers Estate headquarters.

The count’s expression became tense when he heard Ethan’s plan.

“It’s going to be much bigger than it is now.”

“Haven’t you always been like that? Haven’t you ever thought that our territory could never become a metropolis, drawing a line between them?”

A great lord who holds sway over a large city.

Ambitious lords want to make the lands they rule the best.

“The goal is a large city. We will make this Wickus estate a great estate.”

The two couldn’t hide their tension at Ethan’s words.

In fact, this current situation was far beyond the capabilities of these two.

Of course, thanks to that, I was growing every day even though I was quite old, but I was worried about whether I would be able to do well when the scale grew to a level that was incomparable to what it is now.

Ethan looked at them both.

“But you don’t have to be completely successful.”

And then he smiled.

“It’s okay to fail. We’re not on the edge of a cliff right now.”

It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to have shortcomings.

“That’s why I’ve been in business and made money so far. Money is opportunity. Even if you fail, there’s still an opportunity.”

“… … You’re all grown up, my son.”

“You have grown up well, my lord.”

“Of course, if I fail, I will look at my father a little differently. I might unknowingly tell him about what happened at the market earlier.”

Ethan smiled even more deeply and said, causing the Count to flinch.

“Of course, the way we look at the General may change a little, but even if we fail, the risk is only this much.”

“… … Your Majesty, your skill in handling people is extraordinary.”

“But I see it because I worked as a teacher at the academy.”

Ethan then explained the business to the two, who felt even more burdened.

* * *

“Then please take good care of the top of the Wickers.”

“I’ll spend money so boldly that you’ll be surprised.”

Leaving Count Wickers’ words behind, Ethan finished all the remaining business in the estate.

“Schüdlen, please practice for a while.”

“Yes, Master. I will practice.”

Schudlen needed more personal training time.

‘I’m sure you don’t want to fall behind Yerika.’

“I’ll give you this, Shudlen.”

That’s why Ethan gave Shudlen a special golem with 50 sword skills built into it.

The next place we headed to was the lightweight workshop.

The workshop, which is currently undergoing expansion work, was crowded with people today as well.

“Don’t push!”

“Here, please take care of it!”

Ethan quickly pushed his way through the crowd into the workshop.

There was Scarlett smiling and selling scrolls.

Ethan approached Scarlett at the right time and said to her.

“Cheer up, Scarlett.”

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I will work hard. I will do my best as much as you believed in me.”

After saying goodbye to Scarlett, Ethan went straight back to the Marquisate of Ronde.

‘It’s about time for the materials I requested to purchase through Garnet Top to arrive.’

Ethan planned to purchase S-grade materials to master the Heoryu herbal medicine.

‘After mastering Heo Jun’s techniques, I must also master the breathing of heroes.’

It is good to continuously increase your skills, but it is also important to increase your proficiency in the skills you have already learned.

‘I’ve mastered the art of false acupuncture and now I understand. I mean, how much more effective it is when you master it.’

The acupuncture that he had mastered was now so effective that it could be acknowledged as Heo Jun’s technique.

Ethan used the wind and went straight to the Marquisate of Rond.


Ethan, who arrived at his office in the Academy, was able to check the items he had purchased from Garnet.

“As expected, it’s the Garnet top.”

As expected from its reputation as a major troop, it possessed a huge variety of items.

“These are things that are not easy to obtain even if you have a lot of money.”

Ethan smelled the herbs and checked their condition. They all retained their characteristic scent, so the quality was quite good.

A total of ten herbs were purchased from the top of Garnet.

They were all S-grade herbs, and their price was a whopping 100 million gold.

It was a huge sum of money, but Ethan didn’t care.

It was the same during the donation admissions period and it is the same now, money is just a material for better growth.

‘There’s no need to save.’

Ethan quickly gathered the herbs, intending to make them into a decoction.


At that moment, I noticed a piece of parchment lying on the ground that I had not noticed before.

[I was very impressed by this departmental exchange event. If you don’t mind… … .]

“It seems like it’s urgent.”

The one who sent the letter was Jared, the swordsman of Changcheon.

* * *

“Hello, Jared. I see you’re still here.”

Coffee house in the Marquisate of Ronde.

Jared, the Heavenly Swordsman who had been sitting first, greeted Ethan with a friendly smile.

“Welcome, Mr. Ethan! Please sit here. I used to frequent this place. I knew about this delicious restaurant. The tea here is no joke.”

“I go there often, too. Teacher Cloudy said she goes there often, too.”

“As expected, this is a great restaurant. It even caters to the tastes of famous teachers.”

Ethan sat down and drank the tea Jared had ordered.

It was a black tea with a unique flavor.

“Why did you want to see me?”

“I was really impressed by the department exchange. I wonder how well he taught the students. If I had a teacher like Mr. Ethan when I was attending the academy, I would have become much stronger than I am now.”

Jared gave Ethan a long sip, then lowered his voice.

“Actually, I didn’t come to the Academy just to judge the departmental exchange exhibition.”

As Ethan expected, Jared didn’t come to the Academy just to judge.

‘Talent recruitment.’

They probably plan to hire people who are suitable for the Inquisition and have them work there temporarily.

‘It’s like a kind of affiliate internship.’

“I see you have a favorite student among my students.”

It was only natural, given his impressive performance.

“I really wanted to see Mason Yellowd’s swordsmanship. It’s a shame I couldn’t see it, but Ron and Yuna, who came out earlier, were very impressive.”

“They’re both good guys.”

“But this time, it’s not those students I want to hire.”

Jared’s expression became even more serious and he continued speaking slowly.

“Professor Ethan Wickers, would you be willing to be a short-term instructor for our Inquisition?”


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not work with dark mode