Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 73

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 73

Episode 73. The Third Lesson (1)

Ron Bears was born in the forest. In the mountains, to be exact.

Of course, he was not a child of a noble family.

A rare special admission student to the Academy.

This was a case where he entered the swordsmanship department thanks to his innate strength.

The surname Bears was given to him because he lived like a bear in the mountains.

He lived like a bear until he was taken in by a clan living in the mountains, who raised him.

They were a clan that dealt with mysteries living in the mountains.

He raised Ron Bears with all his heart, like a parent, a friend, and a lover.

They are a clan that has obtained mysteries in exchange for protecting this mountain. Before they knew it, Ron had become a candidate for the clan’s great warrior.

But for Ron, mystery was the wrong thing to wear, and what did fit him was harnessing his strength.

The chieftain knew of Ron’s condition. So he put his head together with the elders of the clan and decided to join forces to send Ron to Ibeka Academy.

They thought that at the academy, they would be able to learn things they couldn’t teach and do things they wanted to do.

In order to send Ron to the Academy, the clan donated their treasure to the Academy, which gave them a special chance at admission.

After learning all this, Ron came down from the mountain with a decision.

This is the academy that the clan sent me to, even giving me treasures.

I will never waste the opportunity they gave me. I will do my best and come back with a shining diploma.

I came in with that goal in mind, but after entering the academy, I began to experience despair.

Although he had no rivals among his clans in terms of strength, no one could easily defeat him here.

Strength alone was not enough.

The students here had both strength and skill.

He wanted to prove that if you have overwhelming power, you don’t need technology, but that was just idealism.

He was angry. He wasn’t angry at anyone else. He was angry at himself.

Mr. Ethan is right.

He is in last place in swordsmanship. But he doesn’t even try to escape.

But when I actually heard those words, I was overcome with anger.

It’s not that I haven’t tried!


An enraged Ron raised his sword.

Although he was a huge man, he moved quickly. Ron approached Ethan in an instant and swung his wooden sword at him.

It’s a battle of strength and strength.

Ethan slowly raised his sword. Then he swung it at the same time Ron swung it.

Some of the students shut their eyes tightly because they thought Ethan would get seriously hurt.


A small groan was heard along with the sound of the wooden sword clashing.


And it wasn’t Ethan’s voice, it was Ron Beard’s.

“… … !”

A battle of strength versus strength.

It was a situation where Ethan should have been pushed back, but Ethan had the upper hand in the power struggle.

Ron Beards, who suffered a major blow to his wrist in the first clash, grimaced and continued his power struggle with Ethan.

But the balance was soon broken.

As Ethan took a step forward, the giant Ron Bears began to stagger and get pushed back.

All the students in the classroom watched the sparring in disbelief.

“Does that make sense?”

Mason Yellowd clicked his tongue with a frown.

When it came to fighting the mighty Ron Bears, Mason Yellowd ultimately thought that Ethan had made a bad decision.

To convince a class, you have to prove your ability.

To prove that, he picked a power struggle with Ron Bears.

Mason was determined to laugh it off.

But then something absurd happened.

Ron Bears used mana in addition to his strength.

Ethan, on the other hand, didn’t use any mana.

He overpowered Ron Bears with only physical strength.

‘This is ridiculous… this is impossible.’

If I think about it, from the first class until now, I’ve only done nonsensical things.

No, it’s not the first class. It’s been like this since the new teachers started taking classes.

Making the impossible possible.

In that moment, Ethan dropped the wooden sword and stepped aside. Ron, who had been holding on, leaned forward and knelt as Ethan stepped aside.

That was the end of the duel.

It was a struggle of power where one side was completely dominant.

“You won?”

Yuna Garnet’s thoughts were no different from Mason’s.

Clearly Ethan isn’t using mana.

On the other hand, Ron Bears summoned all his allowed mana and struck a decisive blow.

It’s true that Ron was last in swordsmanship, but that’s only because he never learned proper swordsmanship.

In addition, the understanding of the basic sword technique, Rubinade Sword Technique, has also declined.

In other words, Ron came in last not because he lacked strength, but because he lacked skills.

The natural brute force that emanated from that huge body was greater than anyone else’s swordsmanship. In fact, if we only consider physical strength, there is no one who can beat that Ron Bears.

Of course, there are bound to be differences between students and teachers. But where is this place? Isn’t it Ibeka Academy?

A place full of talented gems.

There are so many students with such great potential that teachers have to be on guard against their rapid growth.


He broke that argument with only physical strength.

The students could not help but stare at Ethan in disbelief at the results.

“Ron Bears. Just now, I didn’t use mana. I just used my physical strength to break your strength and mana.”

Ethan looked at Ron, who was on his knees with a helpless look on his face.

“Let me ask again. Isn’t the body still important? Is mana still the most important?”

The seemingly indifferent smile was directed at Ron, but in reality, it was no different from saying this to every student in the classroom.

But none of the students could open their mouths.

Eventually Ethan broke the silence again.

“A strong body is the foundation, and mana must be accumulated on top of it. Even if you swing the sword with the same sword, its power will vary depending on the training of your body. Also, with a strong body, you can fill in the details of the sword.”

Ethan continued.

“Physical training is also an element that can help you understand and develop the sword. From now on, you will be training your bodies with the irons you see in front of you.”

Ron closed his eyes. He was pushed back even in the strength battle he was most confident in.

So is there any reason to continue attending the academy?

I’m not good at anything.

It will only lead to embarrassment.

The clan that believed in him and supported him will be cursed.

Ron slowly stood up from his seat.

The shock of defeat was too great.

Just as he was about to return to his seat, Ethan called him.

“Ron Bears.”

“I’m sorry, teacher. I said something foolish. I lack the skills… … .”

The look in his eyes and his speech were so broken that it bordered on self-loathing.

Ethan smiled and consoled him.

“That’s all true. I said stupid things and I lack skills. But I did one thing well.”

Ethan approached him.

“Took my class.”


“You don’t even know how to use your strength.”

Ethan patted him on the back.

“That power. I will make it so that I can use it properly.”

* * *

‘It was worth building up the traits.’

Ethan smiled as he showed the students who had come forward without saying a word. If he had just told them to come forward and do physical training, they probably would have all done it.

But you probably didn’t really understand why you were doing it, and you probably thought that a class that corrected and revised the existing swordsmanship would be better.

‘If that happens, someone might definitely drop it.’

Ethan intended to make this swordsmanship lesson a nutritious one that he would never give up.

For that, such a clear impact was needed.

Ron was the perfect student to make that impact.

‘I did work out hard, but it wasn’t because I was lifting this lump of iron.’

It’s a training method that doesn’t suit the sickly Ethan.

‘Of course, even if I say it like that, it won’t get through to you.’

That’s why Ethan secretly used the traits he had acquired.

The curse on his body, the extinction disease, was the trait [Gourmet] that was constantly activated, and the [Strength of the Giant] that he had obtained through the ordeal.

No matter how strong Ron Bears is, he cannot help but kneel before these two characteristics.

Besides, it was Ethan who controlled this power.

Ethan immediately demonstrated to the students who came forward.

“From now on, these two escorts and I will demonstrate. We will show you how to train. Follow along.”

Ethan and his two escorts repeatedly lifted and lowered the lump of iron in the correct position. Ethan showed it three times in total.

“Once you’ve seen it, let’s get started! We’ll do it in groups like last class!”

The students’ eyes lit up.

Some students looked awkward, but others looked confident.

It was just physical training, and I was actually getting tired of it because it was boring, but this physical training was different.

This is a strength training routine from Ethan Wickers, the instructor who taught that incredible class.

They say you shouldn’t use mana there, so your body will definitely be trained more than before.

“Well, it’s no different.”

“Because the amount of mana allowed is small anyway. It’s no different from operating without mana even on a regular basis.”

Students didn’t think that not being able to use mana was that big of a penalty.

Ethan glanced at his confident students.

‘It’s just as I thought.’

Ethan smiled to himself and continued giving instructions.

“10 times. Repeat. It’s the first pose I showed you earlier.”

What Ethan showed us was the barbell squat, which allows you to explosively strengthen your lower body muscles by hanging a barbell on your trapezius muscles.



When Yeorika snapped her fingers, ten barbells rose simultaneously and landed precisely on each student’s levator scapulae.

For a moment, the students of the swordsmanship and magic department who were taking classes together saw Yeerika.

I knew that Ethan was the escort that he carried around. However, since he had entered the Academy, his mana would be limited, so I had doubts about his abilities.

But that question was neatly cleared.



Lifting that enormous weight and controlling it precisely was something that could not have been done with mana.

The students realized that their monstrous teacher’s escort was also a monster.

How much more amazing would that solemn-looking knight be then?

The training began with everyone’s anticipation.


Straighten your back and go all the way down and back up. It was a simple movement, but it wasn’t easy for those who didn’t use mana.


“Focus. Focus! Don’t focus on the numbers! Don’t think that you have to fill in all ten! Even if you do half of them, listen with the mindset that you will do them correctly!”

“Kkaaa …

“Just three more!”

“Ahhhh! It’s all filled up!”

“Two more!”

Then Schudlen moved.

He approached the student who said he couldn’t do it anymore and spoke to him with a cold look in his eyes.

“Is that all you can do? You’re worthless without mana. You’re worse than trash. I want you to lift that stinky ass right now.”

“Ugh. Wh, what… … .”

“You pathetic bastard. Instead of glaring at me, focus on your posture. How can a bastard who only eats and swings his sword be unable to even do a simple posture properly? The life of the chef who tried to feed you delicious food is pitiful.”

Ethan’s orders were clearly to just look down on him with cold eyes.

But Schudlen thought that wasn’t enough.

“Bob Burrows. Is this how your colleagues can trust you and rely on you? You can’t even do something simple.”


The angry students looked at Shudlen with bloodshot eyes. Shudlen felt refreshed for some reason. He had never thought that the words he had heard from the Knights would be so helpful.

The students who were waiting looked at each other with tired eyes.

In another sense, that article was also definitely a monster.

Only a monster could say such heartbreaking things.


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not work with dark mode