Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 188

Episode 188. You are already dead.

Around 3pm – 5pm.

Seven unmanned personnel walked out of the Sambobang’s door.

There are Nokdam-pyeong, the head of the Oedang clan, Wan Ja-gyeong, and five rooms belonging to the Oedang clan.

Wan Ja-gyeong, who had been walking for a while, asked with a worried face.

“Firefighter, can you meet with all ten store owners today?”

He thought the fire chief was too blinded by performance and was in too much of a hurry. It would take at least half a day to sign contracts with ten store owners.

Nokdampyeong answered nonchalantly.

“You said there was an inn there? Since we’ll be managing it anyway, let’s stay for a day.”

“Ugh. If there are seven people, the accommodation cost will not be cheap.”

Wan Ja-gyeong didn’t like unnecessary overnight stays.

It is much more comfortable for my body and mind to rest at a house in Gaebong rather than in a remote place like that.

“You don’t have to worry about accommodation costs. I plan to check in as soon as I get there. Would the owner dare charge us for accommodation costs?”

“Huh! There are seven of us, and you’re telling me we can stay here for free?”

Wan Ja-gyeong glanced at Nok Dam-pyeong.

Even the owner of the room, Nok Il-chwi, didn’t exploit people to that extent. However, Nok Dam-pyeong was still young, but his thoughts were already different from others.

“We’ll be the same family from now on, so that’s basic. By the way, why is Mr. Bang so obsessed with Hwasangchon? To take over a village where you don’t even need to pay money to live?”

“That’s because of Cheonhwabang. As the fire chief knows, Cheonhwabang and our Sambobang are competitors, right? Cheonhwabang is trying to eat Hwasangchon, so you want to get your hands on it first.”

“Can’t you just throw away that small town? You can just take a saltier place in Gaebong.”

“There is no more room to advance in Gaebong. Now, if we want to get something more, we have to take it from other factions or upper factions. That is why Cheonhwabang is targeting Hwasangchon.”

“Tch! So you’re saying that our Sambobang is weak and only goes around searching rural areas?”

“Haha! It’s true that our Sambobang is weak, but there are still many factions that envy us.”

While we were chatting, a sign for Hwasangchon appeared before our eyes.

“We’ve finally reached Hwasangchon. Should we take you straight to the guest house? Or would you like to take a look around the village?”

“What is there to see? Let’s just go to the guest house.”

“Okay, the inn is just past the village. It’s right on the banks of the Yellow River.”

Wan Ja-gyeong walked shoulder to shoulder with Nok Dam-pyeong and explained about the inn.

“The owner is an old man named Nam Cho-gyeol. He closed the inn two years ago because of poor health, but reopened it about a month ago. Five or six guests stay here every day. The daily rate is 300 won, so he makes about 45 nyang a month. He must be making at least 20 nyang for operating expenses.”

“Wow! You earn twenty nyang a month?”

Nokdampyeong’s eyes sparkled with greed.

In such a remote and small village, twenty nyang a month is a huge income.

“About three nyang would be appropriate for protection money.”

It’s called protection money, but in reality, no one would come here and cause trouble. Just think of it as three nyangs of public money coming in every month.

“Your Majesty, sir.”


“Why are people so passive? Three nyang for an old man who earns twenty nyang? At least five nyang should be received.”

“Dot nyang is the amount we receive from the store owners in Gaebong. There is nothing we can do to help Hwasangchon… … .”

“Tsk tsk! I didn’t see you like that, but you’re really soft. Even if we get five nyang, you’ll earn fifteen nyang. What’s going to happen to that old man’s family?”

“They say he only has one granddaughter.”

“See? Twenty nyang a month for two people? That’s too much income. It wouldn’t be a problem to pay five nyang as protection money. Let’s start with five nyang.”

“Do you really think you can get more than that?”

“I don’t have any family members, so I’m going to adjust the amount depending on the mood.”

“If you ask for too much protection money, you might get into trouble later. The inn owner might ask for protection somewhere else.”

“Even if we say other places, the only one interested in this place is Cheonhwabang. Would Cheonhwabang go to war with us just to eat up that one inn?”

“I don’t think that will happen, but… … .”

“That’s the way business is. If you don’t have a backer, you get ripped off a lot. That’s the way of the world. Why do you do that when you know that?”

Wan Ja-gyeong nodded with a trembling face.

The owner of the room, Nok Il-chwi, is not that greedy, but Nok Dam-pyeong seems a bit too greedy.

Arriving at the inn, Nokdam-pyeong took a quick look around.

“Wow! I wonder if it’s okay to be this close to the Yellow River? If the river floods, I’ll go straight to the afterlife. What on earth were you thinking when you built an inn in a place like this?”

“But it’s upstream so it’ll be okay. If the water reaches here, even Gaebong will be washed away. If there’s that much flooding, no matter where you build it, it’ll be destroyed anyway.”

“Is that so? It’s not my building anyway, so there’s no need to worry, right? Let’s go in and take a look.”

Nokdampyeong walked towards the guest house, staggering.

As new customers came in, Sangdo ran towards them.


Nokdampyeong glanced at Jeomsoi and then walked towards the restaurant.

Nokdampyeong, who was about to sit down, frowned when he saw the woman across from him.

It was Baekhwageom Ju Hwa-yeong, the chief swordsman of Cheonhwabang Morandan.

Joo Hwa-young, who happened to be drinking tea alone, also discovered Nokdam-pyeong.

She quickly turned her head away with a shit-chewing face.

In Gaepoong, Nokdampyeong was known as a loser, so he didn’t want to date her.

A strange smile appeared on Nokdam-pyeong’s face as he was about to sit down anywhere.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you were with the Heavenly Flower Swordsmen?

Joo Hwa-young, who was alone, was nothing more than a plaything.

Nokdampyeong sat down in front of Joo Hwayoung, trusting in Wanjagyeong and her five subordinates.

“Nokdampyeong. What are you doing?”

Joo Hwa-young glared at Nokdam-pyeong with life-like eyes.

Cheonhwabang and Sambobang usually pretended not to know each other even when they met in Gaebong.

Rather, the two factions are hostile and have exchanged swords on several occasions.

Naturally, she was on edge.

“It’s nice to meet you in a place like this. I guess Joo Dan-joo doesn’t like me?”

“You crazy bastard. Don’t say my name so carelessly.”

Despite the other person’s cold reaction, Nokdam-pyeong laughed heartily.

“Haha. Why is this happening? I looked around a little while ago, but I didn’t see any of the Cheonhwabangdo. I know you’re alone, so don’t show off too much.”

“Huh! You have nothing to talk to Sambobang about, so get out.”

“Look. I’m not the kind of person who comes and goes when you tell me to.”

As he grew increasingly angry, curses began to pour out of Nokdam-pyeong’s mouth.

“Really? Then I guess I should move?”

With those words, Joo Hwa-young suddenly stood up.

Then, Nokdam-pyeong, who had followed behind, stood up and blocked her path.

The two men glared at each other as if they were going to devour each other.

At that moment, Nam Soo-kyung, who was helping clean the guest room, came downstairs.

Her eyes grew as big as lanterns as she absentmindedly looked around at the new guests.

Joo Hwa-young’s gaze turned to Nam Soo-kyung.

Nokdampyeong turned his head slightly to follow Joo Hwayoung, wondering who had appeared.

“Nam Soo-kyung?”

I couldn’t find it no matter how hard I searched, so I never thought I’d find it here!

Nokdam-pyeong, who had been standing there blankly for a moment, suddenly shouted.

“You bitch!”

Then he ran towards her like a hungry tiger finding its prey.

“… … .”

Nam Soo-kyung was so scared that she couldn’t move.

I ran away in fear of his violence, and now I meet him again in a place like this?

Nok Dam-pyeong, who was standing in front of Nam Soo-kyung, suddenly hit her in the face with his fist.

Her head turned with a ‘thud’ sound.

Joo Hwa-young, startled by the sight, ran like the wind and pulled out her sword.

“You crazy bastard! What are you doing!”

Late, Wan Ziqing and the five Sam Bo Bang Do also drew their weapons and flew.

In an instant, the guest house turned into a mess.

As Joo Hwa-young’s sword stabbed him from behind, Nok Dam-pyeong hurriedly stepped aside.

“You crazy bitch! You’re so desperate to die! Why are you meddling in other people’s business when you’re just crouching in the corner!”

Nokdampyeong couldn’t understand why Joo Hwayoung suddenly rushed at him.

Why are you making a fuss like it’s my business when the experts of Sambobang are here?

Joo Hwa-young blocked Nam Soo-kyung’s path and shouted.

“As long as I live, no one can touch Lady Nam’s body!”

“Don’t meddle in other people’s business and step aside when they are talking.”

“Huh! You’re already dead. Since you laid a hand on Nam So-joo, you and Sambobang are both finished.”

Wan Ja-kyung slyly chimed in on Joo Hwa-young’s unusual words.

“Firefighter, what is going on?”

“The girl behind me is the girl I was looking for in Gaebong. But Joo Hwa-young is getting in my way.”

This time, Wan Ja-gyeong asked Joo Hwa-young.

“Ju Danju, why are you attacking our Fire Lord? Are you really going to go to war with Sambobang?”

“War? Hohoho! You’re talking about war. Lady Nam is his close friend. Since you messed with his close friend, you’re finished with Sambobang.”

Wan Ja-gyeong frowned.

Looking at Joo Hwa-young’s confident expression, it doesn’t seem like a lie.

Who on earth is this person she believes in that she is so arrogant?

“Who is he?”

Just as Joo Hwa-young was about to say Yeon Jeok-ha’s name.

The door to the guest room opened and Yeonjeokha and Sangdo came in.

Sangdo sat down on the floor of the guest house with an exhausted face, panting for breath.

Looking at the above face, it seems that he ran to the suicide rock and brought Yeonjeokha with him.

Joo Hwa-young finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yeon-jeok-ha.

“Whew! Prince Yeon, you asked who was harassing Lady Nam? It was Nokdam-pyeong of Sambobang.”

I saw Nam Soo-kyung, whose face was pale.

Looking at the swollen, once white, eyelids, you can tell what happened.

Wan Ja-gyeong, who had been observing the situation for a moment, stepped forward cautiously.

“We are the people of Sambobang. I am Wan Ziqing, the head of the outer party… … .”

Yeonjeokha waved her hand with an indifferent expression.

In that moment, Wan Ja-gyeong’s body was roughly pushed against the wall of the guest room.

Bam. Bam.

The table and chair that had been hit by Wan Ja-gyeong’s body rolled around making a loud noise.

He lost consciousness and couldn’t get up.

Yeonjeokha gestured again, and this time the five Sambobangdos flew towards the wall.

Boom, boom.

When the five Sambobangdos attacked him, Nokdampyeong quickly jumped out the window.

But nothing happened.

Yeonjeokha was using Heogongseopmul’s method to catch him.

Immediately after, Yeonjeokha turned his hand over, and Nokdampyeong’s body fell to the floor with a crash.

Nokdam-pyeong finally came to his senses and crawled towards Yeonjeok-ha and shouted.

“Great Hero! Please save me! I am Nok Dam-pyeong, the firefighter of Sambobang! If there is anything you wish, Sambobang will grant you anything!”

Yeonjeok, who had been watching quietly, took out a chair and sat down.

Nokdampyeong continued to walk on his knees.

“Great Hero! Please spare my life!”

“First of all, I am not a great swordsman.”

“Cow, cow, cow. Just survive… … .”

“It’s not even a small business.”

“… … .”

Nokdampyeong slightly raised his head, not knowing why the other person said no.

The masters of the martial arts world are either small or large swordsmen.

Even the masters of Sapa prefer to be called ‘Daehyeop’ rather than ‘Madoo’.

‘Then what should I call you?’

Yeonjeokha spoke to Nokdampyeong, who was blinking.

“You have no right to speak in front of me. Say one more word and I will tear out your tongue.”

Nokdam-pyeong, slightly surprised, nodded his head vigorously.

And then he looked at Yeonjeokha’s mouth with a pitiful face, as if asking her to look at him just once.

“Even if there is something I want, Sambobang cannot grant it. Because Sambobang does not exist in this world.”

Nokdam-pyeong, who was shocked by Yeonjeok-ha’s declaration, banged his head on the floor.

But he didn’t open his mouth because he was afraid of his tongue being pulled out.


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not work with dark mode