Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 140

Episode 140. I thought they were playing in completely different waters.

Although he lives in a green forest, he is not a self-willed person like Gucheonno and Simtong. He respects the rules of the community and lives by stretching out his legs when he sees a place to lie down.

That’s why I watched when Bongmubang took Namgungyeon and Jinseolha away under the name of Jeongui Maeng family.

If the servants or women had belonged to the Sapa, they would have been overthrown long ago.

But I thought it wasn’t a place for him to fit in.

I tried to understand the situation with my head, but my heart didn’t.

Especially when a man over 50 starts talking about his older brother, I want to slap him in the ear.

To Yeon Jeok-ha, Namgung Yeon is a living Gucheonhyeonnyeo, a sister, and a mother whose face he doesn’t even know.

Other people might take it as a low-quality joke, but not him.

It was also annoying that Jin Seol-ha warned that “people might get hurt” and ordered him to “subdue the lawless ones.”

It seems like it wasn’t a big deal for him to get a few people hurt.

A series of disappointing events shattered the illusion of justice.

It was then that a great realization came to me.

It means that ‘whether they are a sect or not, the way people live is all similar.’

I thought they were great people because they were the breakwaters of the Justice Alliance, but they were just like the lecherous ones in the Green Forest. Whether it was the Green Forest or the Bongmu-bang, they were all the same.

So I decided to treat it like Nokrimdo.

“Hey, mister, if you’re going to apologize, do it properly. Kneel.”

Bongmubang Bangju Mujingeom Yongyucheon looked at the young man with bewildered eyes.

At first I thought I misheard.

Kneel before the Bongmubang Ark?

Even if he was the leader of the Justice Alliance, he wouldn’t have been able to say something like that.

But since it was a young man with a young face, it was understandable to doubt one’s own ears.

As Yong Yu-cheon blinked with a dumbfounded expression, Yeon Jeok-ha spoke again, word for word.

“Kneel down.”

Only after hearing it again did Yong Yu-cheon realize that he had not misheard.

‘Are you crazy?’

Otherwise, there would be no way that he would have made such an outrageous remark to Bongmubang Bangju in Dengju.

The people around them shouted loudly.

“What are you saying!”

“Are you delusional and trying to die!”

“What! Where the hell do you think I am!”

Regardless of the outcome of the fight, if Ark kneels, Bongmubang is finished.

In the midst of the commotion around him, Yong Yu-cheon sent a message to Seo Woo-beom.

-Gather the means immediately.

Yong Yu-cheon, who thought that it was impossible to continue like this, planned to call other disciples.

Seo Woo-beom quietly left the spot.

Yong Yu-cheon, who confirmed that he had disappeared, turned his head to the young man.

“Huh! You dare ask me to kneel down. Do you think you are worthy of that?”

Yong Yu-cheon thought that the young man with no hair was a master named Gucheon No-do and was a fool. He saw Yeon Jeok-ha as someone who traveled with a better bodyguard than himself.

Yeonjeokha smiled faintly.

“So you’re saying that you’re qualified to talk back to women? From now on, just call me Brother? Then I can call you Brother too, right? Isn’t that right, Brother?”

Then Yong Yu-cheon said with a somewhat shameless face.

“They say it’s heroism. I’m a hero, so that’s fine, but do you think of yourself as a hero?”

“Kekekeke! The way I see it, you’re not a heroic lecher, you’re just a lecher. Do you know why?”


“That’s because from now on, you’re going to get beaten up by me and cry and snot. Have you ever seen a hero get beaten up and cry?”

“That crazy guy.”

Yong Yu-cheon shook his head.

He has caused many troubles over women, but he has never been beaten or cried. There are some people who have been beaten for protesting against him.

Yeonjeokha slowly stood up from her seat.

“I know how to deal with rascals like you. It’s not hard to make people.”

Yong Yu-cheon, who still hadn’t grasped the situation, ground his teeth at the word “city thug.”

For a leader of a sect in his fifties to hear such words from a young greenhorn is something to be crazy about.

“They say a puppy doesn’t know how scary a tiger is, but you’re exactly like that. Today, I’ll personally show you how vast the world is.”

Yong Yu-cheon glanced at Gucheon No-do’s expression.

He was afraid that he might interfere and persecute him.

But judging by the way he’s smiling and crossing his arms, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen.

Yeonjeokha walked towards Yongyucheon without hesitation.

Yongyucheon also took a step out of his seat and stood firm like an iron tower.

The opponent came out in a big way, so I prepared thoroughly just in case.

And just as he was about to draw his sword, the young man suddenly disappeared from sight. The person had disappeared as if there had never been anything there in the first place.


Yong Yu-cheon hesitated, unable to draw his sword.

It was like being possessed by a ghost.

Otherwise, why would someone who was walking suddenly disappear?

At that moment, there was a ‘bang!’ sound and sparks flew from my eyes.

It was as if lightning had struck my head.

In fact, he thought he had been struck by lightning.

Then, when I suddenly came to my senses, my head was dancing wildly like a tree caught in a typhoon.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

The monotonous sound of the blows continued to ring in my ears.

I saw myself being hit as if I had an out-of-body experience.

I felt neither pain nor shame at the sight that was so unfamiliar and foreign.

I just thought, ‘I’m going to die like this.’

No, I think he may already be dead since his soul has left him.

The distracting thoughts didn’t last long.

In an instant, a huge pain surged into my head like a tidal wave.

A pain that felt like being pricked by a red-hot needle gradually spread from my face to my entire skull.

It felt like every time I was punched, a piece of flesh was ripped off my face.

A child-like scream burst out from the mouth of Yong Yu-cheon, who was over fifty years old.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch… … .”

The thought of ‘I should draw my sword and fight back’ never even crossed my mind.

He waved his hands like a drowning man, hoping the pain would pass quickly.

Did heaven grant that wish?

The violence that had been surging forward like a storm has stopped.

Yong Yu-cheon stared blankly at the young man, his nose bleeding profusely.

Yeonjeokha frowned at the sight.

No matter how you look at it, it’s an expression that has forgotten reality.

“I told you to reflect, but you’re just standing there taking the beating without thinking? Brother, do you think you’re practicing iron drill right now? You don’t even know why you’re getting beaten right now, do you? I think you should think about it.”

Yeonjeokha tapped my head with her index finger.

Only then did Yong Yu-cheon come to his senses.

When I realized that I had been hit one-sidedly, something hot surged up into my face.

“this guy!”

Yong Yu-cheon reached out his hand to the hilt of his sword with a roar of anger.

It was just as the sword handle touched the tip of my fingers.

Again, a light flashed before my eyes.

And Yongyucheon’s head was tossed around as if caught in a typhoon.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud… … .

Yong Yu-cheon unconsciously covered his face with both palms and crouched down.

Strangely enough, he surrendered himself to Yeon-jeok-ha without any resistance, as if he was born to be with her.

Like a frog in front of a snake.

When Yong Yu-cheon bent his upper body, Yeon-jeok did not hesitate to kick him.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The Bongmubangdos were so shocked by the sight of Yongyucheon being hit without resistance that they didn’t even let out a sound.

He couldn’t even draw his sword because he was so afraid of something.

It is an unimaginable sight considering Yong Yu-cheon’s usually generous personality.

Has it been about half an hour since then?

Yong Yu-cheon, who thought he would die like this, begged without any shame.

“That, that’s enough! Forgive me! I was wrong!”

Yeonjeokha stopped kicking.

“Kneel down.”

“Ugh… … .”

Yong Yu-cheon, who had been crouching and groaning, eventually knelt down.

Yeonjeokha said, pulling up the chair next to him and sitting down.

“Brother, now give me a proper apology.”

“It’s all my fault. Please forgive me.”

“What did you do wrong, hyung?”

“Oh, lechery?”

People who commit mistakes are not unaware of their own problems.

Yong Yu-cheon also boasted about being a hero, but he knew that he was a vulgar person.

“Why did you do that when you knew?”

“Because I lack self-cultivation… … .”

“Let’s live uprightly. If you’re a justice-minded person, why do you act like a city thug? That’s why people like Simtong call you a hypocrite. Hyung-ssi is worse than Nok-rim. At least Nok-rim doesn’t listen to people calling him a hypocrite.”

“… … .”

Yong Yu-cheon lowered his eyes as if he had no face.

I never thought that one day I would hear Nokrimdo call me a hypocrite.

At that moment, the door opened roughly and about thirty unmanned personnel rushed in.

Seo Woo-beom brought the Bongmubang’s secret weapons.

Seo Woo-beom, who was looking around, made a shocked expression when he saw Bang-ju kneeling.

“Oh, my lord?”

Yong Yu-cheon turned his head at Seo Woo-beom’s call.

Seo Woo-beom, who discovered Ark’s mangled face too late, hurriedly pulled out his sword.


Yong Yu-cheon neither tried to dissuade him nor ordered him to attack.

He was practically subdued by Yeon-jeok-ha, so he just watched with his eyes open.

Seo Woo-beom pulled out his sword in a daze, but did not attack right away.

This is my first time experiencing something like this, so I don’t know how to act.

While he was hesitating, Simtong spoke coldly.

“You rascal! What did you say you would do if I pulled out a knife in front of Confucius?”


Seo Woo-beom quickly mastered the Tao.

And he asked Yong Yu-cheon.

“My lord, what on earth is going on?”

Yong Yu-cheon sighed secretly.

‘Ha! You idiot. Once you’ve drawn your sword, you should swing it around first. Why are you asking?’

It’s just pathetic that a guy with thirty men is keeping an eye on the enemy.

“Can’t you tell by looking? I have accepted the result.”

At Yong Yu-cheon’s words, Seo Woo-beom stepped back with a bashful face.

The thirty men who came with him also hesitated and took steps backward.

Yeon Jeok-ha, who was looking down at Yong Yu-cheon with indifferent eyes, spoke with a lingering aftertaste.

“Brother. Do well from now on. I’ll be watching over you.”

Yong Yu-cheon was moved by the repeated mention of ‘hyung-ssi’, but he was already discouraged and did not fight back.

Soon, Yeonjeokha turned her chair towards the table and gestured to Namgungcheon, Seolchasu, and the others.

“Brother! Brother Seol! Come this way! There are lots of empty seats here.”

Namgungcheon, Seolchasu, and Yu Geunsik, who had been leisurely watching, moved to their seats.

When the group gathered together, Yeonjeokha smiled and said.

“If I had known that Bangju and I could communicate so well, I would have made a place for them a long time ago. When I heard that you were Jeong Ui-maeng, I thought you were two completely different people.”

A bitter smile appeared on Namgungcheon’s face.

It would be disappointing if I could only show Jeongpa the good side of things to Nokrim-in Yeonjeok-ha, but I can’t do that.

As Yeonjeokha’s attention faded, Yongyucheon got up from his seat and walked cautiously to the door.

Yeonjeokha shouted at the back of his head.

“Brother! You said we’d pay for what we ate, right? I’ll eat well. Tell the owner clearly. If you say it twice, I’ll come right away. It won’t end smoothly like it did now.”

Yong Yu-cheon flinched at those words.

As expected, it’s a cruel Nokrim. He made his own face into a bowl and finished it off gently.

‘Damn it. How did I end up getting involved with that guy… … .’

Yong Yu-cheon’s shoulders slumped weakly as he left Mirim Spot.


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not work with dark mode