Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 139

Episode 139. Kangho says power is truth

Yeonjeokha and Gucheonnodo Simtong have consistently different attitudes toward life.

In the case of Yeonjeokha, there were many cases where he got caught up in trouble because he was careless.

In contrast, Simtong often intentionally provoked trouble.

But today, for the first time, the positions of the two people were switched.

The twisted mind of Yeonjeok-ha started an affair, and the indifferent Simtong got involved.

“It’s still cold outside, but I think a fly is buzzing somewhere. Did you hear it, Old Man Shim?”

Simtong reacted immediately to Yeonjeokha’s words.

“Well then. There shouldn’t be any flies in a restaurant, but there’s one the size of a person sitting there.”

Simtong looked at the Thirteen Swordsman Imheodan with vulgar eyes.

It is an invisible effort to further inflate the controversy rather than calm it down.

Im Heo-dan, who was enraged by Yeon-jeok-ha’s twisted words, exploded at Sim-tong’s continued attack with his gaze.

“What! There’s nothing these guys can’t do! You’re mocking me so openly! Do you really want to die?”


The chair fell backwards and made a loud noise.

The eyes of the volunteers who had been filling half of the spot became cold.

However, Namgungcheon of Cheongung Sword, who was used to such things, did not care at all.

No, it was actually refreshing because I was seething at the thought of my only sister being taken away.

That’s why my appetite, which had suddenly dropped, came back.

He gestured to the owner, who was standing far away, to come over.

“What else do you need?”

“Please bring out all the new dishes on this table.”

“All of it?”

“Yes, don’t worry about money.”

“Okay, I understand.”

The owner bowed and hurriedly left the place.

The servants sitting in the same place gave him uncomfortable looks, but Namgungcheon paid no attention.

One of the people who couldn’t stand to watch let out a ‘Huh!’ cough.

Then Namgungcheon took off the sword from his waist and placed it on the table with a ‘thud’.

The servants were unable to make a sound at that strangely powerful action.

When a quarrel broke out at Yeonjeokha’s place, Seol Chasu glanced at Yu Geun-sik.

“Priest, you are still a member of the Justice Alliance… … .”

The words, ‘Shouldn’t we go through mediation?’ were on my mind.

He also found it annoying that only women were taken out from the service room.

Yoo Geun-sik shook his head, saying it was telepathy.

He wanted to curse the Dragon Ark, but he held back because he was surrounded by servants.

“Death penalty, it’s better if it happens quickly. The more anger you build up, the more it hurts.”

“I guess so?”

Seol Cha-su grumbled about his worries about Bongmu-bang.

As Yoo Geun-sik said, it is better to collide once when the emotional gap is shallow. That is how it is for the dead to live and for serious injuries to change into light injuries.

Seolchasu’s hands, which had stopped for a moment, became busy again.

Seol Cha-su and Yoo Geun-sik were absorbed in their meal as if it had nothing to do with them.

The commotion caused by Im Heo-dan was also spread to the location of Bangju Mujingeom Yongyucheon.

A smile appeared on Yong Yu-cheon’s lips as a lively atmosphere was created nearby.

“What should I do? The person who gives the wedding favors is a fiery person. Once he gets excited, he has to burn the other person to death before he calms down. What should I do? Should I step in and stop him?”

Namgung Yeon remained silent and just ate his food.

However, Jin Seol-ha answered sincerely, saying that he was a distant junior of the Justice Alliance.

“If you don’t stop him, he’ll get seriously hurt.”

At that moment, Yong Yu-cheon’s eyes narrowed.

She was speaking as if Im Heo-dan was going to get hurt.

“I can’t hurt the landlord, but if I do, I’ll end up turning into an enemy of Bongmubang.”

“Ha! Don’t do that. Those people are doing some work at the request of the leader. Are you going to go against the leader’s wishes?”

“Huh! Sorry, but I have never once given in to external pressure.”

Yong Yu-cheon, true to his feelings, rejected Jin Seol-ha’s words.

Only when it comes to women, his temperament of going back and forth between love and hate rears its head.

He didn’t want to appear to be bowing down to justice in front of the women.

Furthermore, he wanted to make the women cling to his trouser legs and beg him to ‘forgive the party’.

If you fight, there will be people who get hurt, but what’s the big deal?

‘That’s how all the martial arts world is.’

A slightly excited Yong Yu-cheon said while looking at Yong Bi-cheon, who was the son of Bu Bang-ju.

“Ah. Help the Lord Lim and subdue those rascals. We have to show what kind of spirit our Bongmubang has today.”

“Yes, brother.”

Before the Ark and the Sub-Ark, the two were cousins.

The two people, who needed a stronger bond than usual, called each other by their personal titles.

As Yongbicheon got up from his seat, two of his men followed him like shadows.

Yeonhon Daeju Im Heo-dan glared at Yeonjeok-ha and Simtong with his eyes burning with rage.

I would like to die young, but I am concerned that he is a Justice League soldier on a mission.

Simtong spoke to him as he trembled.

“Why are you standing there like a stone statue? Are you perhaps worried about the Righteousness Blindness? If that’s the case, don’t worry. Unlike other people, Confucius and I are not Righteousness Blindness.”

“You’re not a member of the Justice Alliance? Who are you?”

“Your Majesty and I are the heroes of the Green Forest. Is that enough?”

Simtong continued to liven up the atmosphere by laughing heartily.

“Huh! Now I see, they’re the Green Forest thieves! The words coming out of their mouths are not ordinary! The Green Forest thieves dare to show their faces in Bongmubang’s territory! I don’t know why you’re hanging out with the Justice Alliance brothers, but we won’t forgive you!”

“Hehehehe! I’m warning you, but if you dare to pull out your sword in front of the prince… … .”

Simtong glanced at Yeonjeokha’s expression.

I’m asking how far I can go with these idiots.

He was speechless with a sullen face.

Today was the worst I’ve felt since coming down the mountain.

Even if the ten horsemen had caused a commotion in the village, it wouldn’t have been this shitty.

Namgungcheon, who was picking at the remaining food with his chopsticks, said something quietly.

“Senior, since we are eating, wouldn’t it be better to end this without showing any blood?”

He applied the brakes because he knew what the heartache was like.

Simtong looked a little disappointed, but accepted Namgungcheon’s opinion.

“From now on, anyone who tries to stick a knife in my throat will have their teeth ripped out, so know that.”

Im Heo-dan spoke with a dumbfounded expression at Sim Tong’s unilateral declaration.

“You’re crazy, but you’re really crazy. I’ll have to see if your martial arts skills are as great as your words!”

Im Heo-dan drew his sword along with the words.

Then, the surrounding volunteers retreated backwards.

He kept his distance to avoid being hit by the blind sword.

The dining table that had been lively with the presence of beauties suddenly turned into a sleazy place.

Imhadan’s nickname is Thirteen Swords.

It was a nickname earned through thirteen consecutive swordsmanship moves that were so fast that your eyes would spin.


Imheodan’s sword split the space.

He tried to unleash the two swords one after the other as the old man slightly twisted his upper body.


My mouth started to burn and my head fell back.

Im Heo-dan, who was staggering as if he was about to fall, barely managed to straighten his posture.

Suddenly I felt hard grains rolling around in my mouth.


I spat it out into my palm to see what it was, and it turned out to be a broken or pulled out tooth.

That number is as many as five.

‘This is crazy!’

Im Heo-dan clenched his teeth nervously and then charged again.


His sword swept towards Simtong like a whirlwind.

However, the inaction of Simtong has reached a level that even the tip of his sword cannot reach.

Simtong, who easily dodged the sword, approached Imheodan like a ghost.


A heavy sound rang out as the fist struck the ball.


Im Heo-dan, who had been spinning around, fell down on the table where Bang-ju was sitting.

This time, the head of the household, Yongbicheon, and two escorts slowly approached Simtong.

Yongbicheon saw the old man’s great inaction and asked with a cautious face.

“I am Yongbicheon, the vice-minister of Bongmu-bang. What is your nickname?”

“It’s called the Nine Heavenly Dragons. If you take out the blade, you’ll be eating rice cakes for the rest of your life.”

The corners of Yongbicheon’s eyes trembled.

Now that he had been blatantly ignored in front of his subordinates, there was no turning back.

“Huh! The nameless old man is crazy! Guys! Hit him!”

He gave the order to his men to attack, as he was not confident that he could handle it alone.


Three swords came out of their scabbards and cut through Simtong’s body.

However, the pain disappeared from its place as if it was caused by some divine magic from Lee Hyeong-hwan.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The process was exactly the same as during Imheodan.

The heads of the three men were thrown back violently and then returned.

All of their mouths were slit open, and some even had bloody teeth dripping from their gaping mouths.

At that sight, Namgungcheon clicked his tongue and said, ‘Tsk tsk!’

Instead of subduing his opponent with one blow, Simtong cleverly broke only his teeth.

It is a vicious game played by leaving room for counterattack.

I told him not to see the blood, but if I hadn’t said anything, it would have been a big problem.

As expected, the three men who had strength left ran towards Simtong again with a shout of ‘Wow!’

The luck of Yongbicheon and the two escort warriors ended there.

Even the grumpy Simtong seemed to have noticed it and didn’t go as far as the third time.

Boom boom!

Yongbicheon and his two escorts fell limply like fallen autumn leaves.

Only then did the smile disappear from Ark Yongyucheon’s face.

My mind was blank because I saw it being treated so one-sidedly.

‘If someone is that skilled, their reputation will be well-known throughout the martial arts world, right?’

No matter how hard I racked my brain, the name Gucheonnodo did not come to mind. It was only natural that I could not know the details of Jeongju unless I was specifically involved.

The servants who had seen the overwhelming power of Simtong kept watching Bangju’s face.

Because I don’t have the confidence to deal with that old man and his group with the small number of people in the spot.

Yong Yu-cheon got up from his seat late.

Since the owner of the house was treated so badly, it was now up to him to clean up the mess, whether he liked it or not.

“Senior, you are amazing! Which mountain village are you from?”

As expected, in Kangho, strength is the truth.

In an instant, ‘thief’ became ‘senior’ and ‘old man’ became ‘deceased’.

Simtong sneered, sensing the other person’s intention to somehow explain things in words.

“Huh! Why? Are you starting to get scared now? Didn’t you say earlier that you would show the spirit of the Bongmubang? Surely you’re not worse than a dog who speaks with one mouth, are you?”

At this point, it’s almost like saying, “Shut up and just fight.”

However, Yong Yu-cheon did not fall for his opponent’s provocation.

“Of course I feel that way, but how can I continue to be at odds with the guests of the Justice Alliance? It seems that Lim Danju has made a mistake, so I, as the owner of the room, will apologize on his behalf.”

Yong Yu-cheon has been showing a rare level of humility lately.

I wanted to save face in front of the beauties, but the survival of the wave was more important.

If a mountain herb had that level of expertise, it would definitely be a hit in the green forest. I didn’t want to become an enemy of that mountain herb in the green forest.

Simtong frowned at the words of apology even though he had been hit by a bottle of alcohol.

At that moment, Yeon Jeok-ha, who had been watching with an indifferent expression, intervened.

“Hey, mister, if you’re going to apologize, do it properly. Kneel.”


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not work with dark mode