Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 109

Episode 109. Sometimes it feels that way.

In the end, the speaker who had stayed up all night woke up early in the morning the next day.

After she made her bed, she went outside and washed her face in cold water.

Since breakfast was still more than an hour away, she went back to her room.

And then I sat down on the chair and started to think about my schedule for the day.

First of all, finish your meal.

After changing into clean clothes, go to Pungga and Takga.

‘Can I just meet one person between Pungga and Takga?’

Ask Pungga and Takga about Yeonjeokha’s whereabouts.

Go find Yeonjeokha.


The speaker then thought about what he had to do next.

After all, an apology for the past comes first.

Because if you don’t let go of old feelings, the conversation itself will be impossible.

The speaker thought about what he would say when he met Yeonjeokha.

– It was all Mom and the General who did it. You know, I was only nine years old at the time. I was worried about you sometimes, but there was nothing I could do… … .

Wouldn’t that be enough?

-I’m sorry. But my mother was such a cruel person that she even tried to pass it on to me. Even though my brothers are grown, they still can’t disobey their mother.

It’s not a lie.

The brothers are more tamed by their mother than by themselves.

To the point where he couldn’t resist compromising with Wolha Seonja, the enemy of his family.

‘Should I ask for forgiveness? Or should I say I’m sorry?’

It doesn’t seem like a big enough sin to warrant asking for forgiveness. If I say, “I’m sorry,” would it seem like I’m taking the other person’s pain too lightly?

The speaker hesitated for a long time over the words ‘forgiveness’ and ‘sorry.’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Let’s go there and see what suits the mood.’

As I organized my thoughts to that point, my heart started pounding.

Now, here’s the main point.

I’m speaking politely and not rudely.

-I’m also a Yeon, and I’m your older sister. I want to know about the vision our ancestors left behind. Teach me.

The speaker whispered softly so that only his own ears could hear, then stood up.

And went out.

Surprisingly, it was still dark outside.

My mind is in a hurry, but time seems to pass too slowly.



Dajeong (茶精) tea house.

Poongyeoncho said in a calm tone.

“Oh, what should I do? Yeon-ah left Gaebong yesterday. I can’t tell you where she went. Yeon-ah doesn’t want to meet the Yeons.”

“You left Gaebong? Is that true?”


“Feng Daxia, I wanted to meet you to clear up the past.”

“I’m sorry, but I respect Yeon-ah’s wishes.”

“Okay. I’ll meet with the enemy and take care of that. But before that, I just have one question.”

“If I know, I will answer.”

“Did Feng Daxia learn the vision of the Yeon family from Jeokha?”

“You could say that.”

“That’s right. I saw Feng Da-hyeop and Tak Da-hyeop fight at the entrance of Jinan Night Market a few days ago. The swordsmanship and form of Waryongjang were the same, but the results were very different. I don’t think it’s because they’re both using swords. How could that be?”

“Is it by chance that you are trying to meet Yeon-ah to satisfy that curiosity?”

“Not necessarily. First of all, the purpose is to apologize and restore broken relationships.”

“Then the second is to hear about the vision?”

“Isn’t that obvious? I am Jeokha’s sister. I think I have the right to know about the visions of the Yeon clan ancestors that Jeokha obtained.”

Poongyeoncho stuck out her tongue inwardly.

I can’t tell if he’s being confident or shameless.

“I say again, I respect Yeon-ah’s will. Please also ask Yeon-ah about your curiosity about the vision. Yeon-ah is my righteous younger brother, but he is also like a teacher to me. How could a disciple go against his teacher’s will?”

“… … .”

The speaker kept his mouth shut and glared at the wind chime.

“Look. Then just tell me where Jeokha went. I really want to meet him. I couldn’t sleep all night because I was looking forward to meeting Jeokha.”

‘Yeah, I get it. I’m dying to know the vision.’

Poongyeoncho watched the anxious Yeonseonju and spoke leisurely.

“Yeon Dae-ju, if the time comes, you will be able to meet Yeon A-woo. So, please wait patiently.”

“You are blocking that connection. Tell me where it went. Please.”

“I have already stated my position. There will be no change.”

“… … .”

The speaker, who had been clenching his fists and shaking violently, finally gave up and got up from his seat. He then left the tea house without even saying goodbye.


End of December.

A bow yard southeast of Jeongju.

About twenty carpenters rushed to the old manor that had been neglected for a long time. They worked tirelessly, repairing every corner of the manor.

As the new year came, the carpenters finished their work and disappeared all at once like the ebb tide.

Although the signboard of the estate was not hung, rumors were rife in the village that a ‘muga’ was coming.


First day of the new year.

A single carriage was moving slowly along the road leading to Jeongju.

It is a carriage carrying Yeonjeokha and Gucheonnodo’s heart.

Every time the carriage shook, the upper bodies of the two people moved back and forth, left and right.

Yeonjeokha, who was looking out the window with indifferent eyes, said.

“Old Man Shim, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.”

“Hehehe, yes.”

Simtong became curious as to what grand thing he was going to say this time.

“Haven’t we already killed two dozen horsemen?”

“Confucius killed him.”

“Why are you suddenly pulling out? Are you that concerned about the famous church?”

“That’s not true. Thinking about the ten horse soldiers, it seems like too much praise to me.”

My heart gave me a slight shiver.

To be honest, I could deal with the human ten-headed horseman, but after that I was helpless.

Not only did the sword not stick to her body, but in Jin Ga-hee’s case, she even spewed hellish fire from her palm. How could she possibly defeat such a ten-headed demon?

Simtong, who was shaking his head excitedly, asked.

“But what were you thinking?”

“Wouldn’t they try to find us at the famous church? I feel like that might happen, right? Or not?”

“That’s right. In the world of martial arts, revenge is a given.”

“They must know that we are ronin from Waryongjang?”

“Aha. Are you saying this because you are worried that O Bong San Chae will be harmed by that?”

“Oh. Even if it’s not right now, you’ll find out someday, and then you won’t stay still, right?”

“So, what are you going to do, Confucius?”

Simtong stared at Yeonjeokha curiously.

I thought he was just walking around without thinking, but it seems he’s thinking about a lot of things. It’s a good thing because that’s how you gain experience in martial arts.

“I thought about that.”


Simtong nodded his head.

I guess it’s still too early to expect anything great from him, who is a rookie in the martial arts world.

“So, I’m asking. How do martial artists deal with situations like this?”

“Well, I didn’t have any worries about that because I was a wanderer without a family or a monk.”

“But you must have seen and heard something, right?”

“In conclusion, you don’t have to worry about that.”


“Even if Yu Mingjiao knew that Confucius was one of the Five Fengs and Ten Heroes, he would not touch Sanchae. That would be an act of betrayal and betrayal. If Confucius were Chaeju, wouldn’t he know? If it’s not even that, would he hold Sanchae responsible?”

“I wonder?”

“There is more to lose by destroying the O Bong San Chae than to gain by destroying the Nok Rim and Cheok. If I were the leader of a famous cult, I wouldn’t do something like that. Most people think the same way.”

“Then I was worried for nothing?”

“It’s not for nothing. What’s important is that Confucius looked far ahead. That’s what all experiences are. You did very well.”

Simtong looked at Yeonjeokha with pleased eyes.

“What’s with that vulgar look?”

“Hehehe, how vulgar. How could that be?”

“Oh my, even the laughter.”

Even as the two men were knocking on the door, the carriage continued to run towards Jeongju without stopping.




When Yu, the founder of the Xia dynasty, divided the world into nine provinces and ruled them, Henan Province was at the center of it. Since then, Henan Province has been called Zhongyuan or Zhongzhou.

Jeongju is the capital of Hanam Province and is a paradise for the Jeongsa faction martial artists. There are countless small martial arts families, military leaders, and factions with long histories.

Of course, there is Shaolin Temple, the head temple of the Chilpai sect, in Deungbong County in the southwest, but it is a day’s journey away from Jeongju, so it does not exert much influence.

Around lunchtime.

Two carriages carrying Yeonjeokha and Simtong entered the huge city.

The carriage passed through the city gate and advanced for a while before stopping at a post station.

“We have arrived, ladies and gentlemen.”

Only at the coachman’s shout did Yeonjeokha and Simtong get out of the carriage.

Yeonjeokha looked around and muttered.

“I saw it today and it’s really big.”

It was different from last time, when I didn’t pay attention and just thought of passing it by.

“Hehehe, it was big before too. It seems that you didn’t see it, Confucius? Since you still have time, let’s go eat first.”

“Let’s do that.”

Although it was a cold day, the streets were full of people, perhaps because there were so many people.

The two people walking along the busy street stopped in front of Jungwon Restaurant.

This is the place I stopped by last time and had a meal.

The two people facing each other were drawn into the spot by the familiarity.

I looked around the stain that was forming.

Since I had been here once before, I felt more welcome than unfamiliar.

The nameless store is still busy, and the owner of the cash register is still the same.

Simtong said to Yeonjeokha, who was laughing hysterically.

“I guess something good is happening?”

“No, there isn’t? Why?”

“I thought you were smiling earlier.”

“It doesn’t really mean anything. I just felt comfortable the last time I came here.”

“There are times when I feel that way for no reason. I don’t know if Jeongju is right for you, Confucius.”

“is it?”

Yeonjeokha tilted her head.

Since the old man said that, it seems like it might be true.

Just then the door opened and a middle-aged man and woman came in.

Yeonjeokha’s face, which had been absentmindedly turning her head, hardened.

For a moment, I turned my head to the opposite side of the room.

My heart was pounding on its own.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

The comfortable feeling from just a moment ago disappeared without a trace in the rough beat.

Simtong, startled by Yeonjeokha’s sudden change, looked around.

However, nothing particularly noticeable was seen.

There were no martial artists giving off an ominous vibe, and all the guests were enjoying their meal peacefully.


Simtong called Yeonjeokha in a low voice.

I have never seen him look so anxious since I met him.

What on earth makes Yeonjeokha, who plays in the realm of the heavenly and earthly, like that?


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not work with dark mode