Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 43

Episode 43. Doesn’t this look familiar?

However, instead of the expected Hwayongdoksim Namgung Yeon, his older brother, Cheongungeom Namgung Cheon, suddenly intervened.

“Your Majesty, I think your younger brother might be curious about the name of the disciple who disappeared.”

“Oh, his name is Gohakgeom Dengcho.”

“It was a small business. They say he left home three days ago. Do you know exactly when?”

“I heard you went out after lunch.”

“I see. And also, who did you hear the rumor about the Biryongmun Gate from?”

“There is a disciple among the disciples who frequents the Phoenix Kingdom. I heard about it there.”

The face of the Ascension Gate Master, Ilgeomjincheon Magon, who had been answering questions regularly, slightly crumpled.

I came here to hear the advice of Namgung Yeon, who was famous for her wisdom and tact, but I was so annoyed when I saw her keeping her mouth shut like a clam.

Besides, what kind of situation is it to ask someone in front of you, saying, ‘I think my younger brother would be curious’? Namgung Yeon is not far away, he’s right in front of you.

However, even the King of Swords, Namgung Byeok, just quietly watches Namgung Cheon’s eccentric behavior. It seems that such bizarre conversations are natural in the Namgung family.

After that, Magon answered Namgungcheon’s questions for a long time.

After asking about all sorts of trivial things, Namgungcheon leaned his upper body against the back of the chair, seemingly satisfied.

For a long time, Magon couldn’t even hear Namgung Yeon’s voice.

Is this really it?

Namgungcheon’s voice reached Magon’s ears as he glanced at Namgungyeon with suspicious eyes.

“My brother is a bit introverted and doesn’t like talking to other people. So, I’m taking the risk of being rude and stepping in for him. I’ve asked him about most things, so you’ll get the results soon.”

“Oh, I see.”

Magon nodded reluctantly.

It’s not just that he was a little introverted, he was almost mute.

At that moment, Namgung Yeon rose from his seat, bowed to Magon and Namgung Byeok, and left the main hall. Namgung Cheon followed behind him diligently, as if he were a servant.

When the two people suddenly disappeared, Magon looked at Namgung Byeok with blank eyes.

Namgung Byeok said with an indifferent expression.

“As you can see, my daughter is a bit reserved.”

“Oh, yes… … .”

Magon sighed inwardly.

Suddenly, the thought crossed my mind, ‘I think I came to the wrong place because of the rumors.’


On the day that Magon visited Namgung Se-ga, Namgung Yeon sent Se-ga’s people here and there. She visited Deung-cho’s house the next day.

It is true that Namgung Yeon does not speak to others, but that does not mean she is mute. After asking Deungcho’s mother a few questions, she looked around Deungcho’s room.

And I walked slowly from the lantern house to the Ascension Gate.

Namgungcheon followed her around like that, but he never spoke to her for fear of disturbing her younger sister’s thoughts.

Namgung Yeon carefully looked around whenever he came to a fork in the road, and sometimes even spoke to street vendors.

Every time that happened, a smile appeared on Namgungcheon’s face. It seemed like he was quite happy to see his only younger brother communicating with the world.

Namgung Yeon’s steps gradually left the alley and headed towards Soho.

Namgung Yeon, who had been walking along the lake for a while, stopped.

Her expression was frozen, as if she had seen something she shouldn’t have seen.


Instead of answering Namgung Cheon’s question, Namgung Yeon walked carefully, looking at the floor.

She looked like she was following something.

It’s a face that looks possessed by something, but Namgungcheon, who has been watching his younger brother for a long time, knows that. That expression is because he is lost in his own world.

A thin sigh escaped Namgungcheon’s mouth.

The background of people saying that Hwayong Doksim and Mubultongji are also shamanistic. Some people believe that the younger brother is a natural fortune teller. Anyone who sees such a strange appearance would think that way.

‘Haa! Yeon-ah. Can’t you be a little more normal?’

Unlike Namgung Yeon, who was always absorbed in his reasoning, Namgung Cheon’s mind was filled with worries about his younger brother.

Namgung Yeon, who was moving forward through the forest, suddenly stopped.

Namgungcheon belatedly turned his head to where his younger brother’s finger was pointing.

It was roughly covered with tree branches, but what was underneath was clearly a corpse.

It’s probably a lantern.

My brother found the missing person, but determining the cause of death is another matter.

Namgungcheon pushed away the branches and carefully examined Deungcho’s body.

‘Hmm! He died with his throat cut.’

There were no scratches or tears anywhere else.

Judging from the sword he’s holding in his hand, it looks like he was fighting someone.

Looking at the badge in his arms, it was indeed a lantern.

Judging from the fact that the money bag and the badge were still there, it doesn’t seem like they were robbed. After all, how could a master like Gohakgeom have been robbed by someone like that?

Namgung Yeon examined the body over her brother’s shoulder for about 15 minutes before stepping back.

Only then did Namgung Cheon stop the investigation and stand up from his seat.

“Looking at the wound on his neck, he was struck by a sword. Judging from the lack of other wounds, he probably couldn’t withstand more than a few rounds. This must have been the work of a master who could easily subdue a high-level sword.”

“Paesando Hwangyeomdong.”

Namgungcheon accepted his younger brother’s words obediently.

“Why did they kill him?”

“… … .”

Namgung Yeon did not answer.

She also couldn’t figure out why Hwang Yeom-dong killed Deung-cho.

If I ask Hwang Yeom-dong directly, will he give me an answer?

Namgungcheon, who was shaking his hands, clicked his tongue lightly.

“Tch! I wonder if this will turn into a fight between Cheondoism and Seungcheonism.”

Hwang Yeom-dong is a disciple of Cheondomun, and Deungcho is a disciple of Seungcheonmun.

There is no way that the death of a disciple could have been overlooked at the Gate of Ascension. If that was the case, then he would not have visited Namgung Se-ga in the first place.

“But how did Biryongmun know that something would happen to Seungcheonmun?”

Namgung Yeon remained silent to Namgung Cheon’s question. No matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn’t even guess the identity of the Biryongmun, so that was natural.




Eleven men and women are walking on the road. They are the Obongsipgeol group returning to Obongsan Mountain.

They say that traveling makes people mature.

The appearance of the five Bongsipgeol was old and worn, but their eyes were filled with sincerity. Their actions also showed the signs of being quite mature martial artists, unlike when they first came down the mountain.

That’s why, despite all the people who flocked to them, no trouble broke out. This is because no one, regardless of political affiliation, took the Five Factions and Ten Heroes lightly.

“Brothers, I’m going out, shouldn’t I eat something before I go?”

The fourth, Heo Im-dal, pointed to a sign that said Samhong Banjeom.

Poongyeoncho and Takgomyeong nodded almost simultaneously.

I was already feeling hungry, so when I heard the words, “Let’s eat,” I suddenly felt hungry.

Samhongbanjeom was full of customers, but the waiter diligently went around to make room for them.

The five men sitting at two tables quenched their thirst with cold tea. Unlike before, they did not look around carelessly and their silent appearance was quite ordinary.

Gumilbokgyeom Simyanggak tilted his head as he glanced at the Five Bongsipgeols who were changing every day.

‘What on earth did you learn that changed your prayers like that?’

In just three months, the prayers of the Five Bongsipgeol changed like heaven and earth. There was not even a speck of history, but now there was a light shining in their eyes.

Although it is still lacking compared to theirs, it is an unbelievable speed considering the time they have spent training. Even if it is magic, it would not be that fast.

‘These people seem to have learned some kind of absorption technique… … .’

There’s no way you could build up your stamina in such a short period of time without sucking up other people’s strength!

But since I lived with them every day, I know better than anyone how absurd that delusion is. They were changing like that because of just one Baekja Gugyeol that I learned from Yeonjeokha.

‘Should I ask someone to teach me too…?’

Sim Yang-gak glanced at Yeon Jeok-ha, who was sitting next to him.

But soon, Sim Yang-gak shook his head.

He had already mastered the art of internal energy. Furthermore, it was true that his Baekja Gugyeol was excellent, but it felt like it did not match the internal energy he had mastered.

The internal energy that he has mastered is that of a master. That is why, when he is around the Five Fengshigeol, the back of his head becomes heavy and he feels uncomfortable. That is because they are in conflict with each other.

‘Arthur, if you are greedy, you will only end up destroying your internal energy.’

Can we not just now overthrow the enemy who has been at war for fifty years?

After about two hours, various dishes were piled high on two tables.

The five Bongsipgeols threw away their previous dignity and clung to food like possessed people.

It was when the five great men were all engrossed in their food and munching on it.

A group of martial artists entered the spot.

Jomso-i ran quickly and guided them to the empty seats where the customers had left.

As they ordered and waited for their food, they habitually looked around.

One of them saw Simyanggak and whispered to the middle-aged man sitting next to him.

“Your Majesty, doesn’t that old man look familiar to you?”


The swordsman Go Cheok took his teacup from his lips and looked at the man.

The man, Samjeolgeom Sangmun, pointed to Simyanggak.

Gocheok tilted his head with an ambiguous expression.

The old man certainly resembled Shen Yang-gak. However, he was a little different from the Shen Yang-gak I had met about five years ago. Shen Yang-gak was a famous demon from Henan Province, and even when he was still, he was full of evil energy.

But the old man standing over there now looked quite gentle. He had the sharpness typical of a martial artist, but he didn’t have the evil that overwhelmed the crowd.

Is he really Sim Yang-gak?

Gocheok, who was worried, said to Lee Sang-moon.

“You go and find out. It seems like they have company, so don’t cause any trouble.”


Lee Sang-moon got up from his seat and walked toward Simyanggak.

Sim Yang-gak, who had been secretly listening since earlier, shifted his body here and there as if he was uncomfortable in his seat. It seemed like the Jeongui Alliance’s masters had recognized him.

The fifth son, Goksan-cheong, couldn’t stand to watch so he asked.

“Sim No-je, why are you suddenly acting like a puppy that needs to take a dump after eating so well?”

“That makes me feel a little queasy… … .”

“Then stop eating and resting. I guess my body can’t handle it after sleeping out for so long. Tsk!”

‘You idiot, you too should be chased by the Justice League. You’ll feel like the food is going down your throat.’

Sim Yang-gak sipped his tea and cried out in his heart.

At that time, Lee Sang-moon came near Simyanggak and spoke respectfully.

“Excuse me. I am Lee Sang-moon, the third member of the Jeongui Maeng Pungwoon Dae.”

At the word ‘justice’, the five Bongshipgeol all stopped moving.

The biggest enemy of the Green Forest is the Justice Alliance. Negotiations can be made with the upper class, but not with the Justice Alliance. No deal can be made with them. It’s as if they were born to kill the Green Forest.

The fourth son, Heo Im-dal, who was good at improvising, said with an indifferent expression.

“Ah! You’re from the Justice Alliance. You must be working hard. But what brings you here?”

“Five years ago, I lost a horse named Gumilbokgeom Sim Yang-gak in Hanam. However, no matter how I look at it, that old man seems to resemble Sim Yang-gak… … If the author is Sim Yang-gak, I hope you hand him over to our Pungwoon Corps.”

Heo Im-dal looked back at Simyang-gak with perplexed eyes.

Sim Yang-gak rolled his eyes with a face that looked like he had chewed on shit.

Heo Im-dal, who had been hesitating, spoke with saliva on his lips.

“Ahaha, I think there’s a misunderstanding. He’s not a madou named Sim Moo. His name is Bang Tong, and he’s a guy who does dirty work at our Biryongmun. Bang Noje, what are you doing? You haven’t even formally greeted me.”

Then, Sim Yang-gak stood up awkwardly and bowed.

“It’s called Bangtong.”

Lee Sang-moon glared at Sim Yang-gak with sharp eyes.

‘Hmm! No matter how I look at it, it’s Simyanggak… … .’

But I felt uneasy about continuing to push for Simyanggak.

First of all, it was very natural for the man to call the old man Bangtong and give him orders.

Besides, Sim Yang-gak is not such a quiet person.

A madman like Simyanggak would follow the orders of a man like that?

That’s the sound of a dog eating grass. Sim Yang-gak believes in the law of the jungle more than anyone else and doesn’t bow down to anyone inferior to him.


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not work with dark mode